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Rob Van Dam Recalls Being Unhappy During His Short WCW Run, Working Under Bill Watts

June 23, 2024 | Posted by Andrew Ravens
Rob Van Dam, Impact Wrestling RVD Image Credit: WWE

On the latest episode of 1 Of A Kind, Rob Van Dam talked about his short WCW run in 1992 and how he thinks he would’ve done under Ole Anderson if Bill Watts stayed in charge. You can check out some highlights below:

On his short WCW run: “I wasn’t happy in WCW. But what really sucked was when I came back from Japan, Bill Watts is no longer the booker. Now the man in charge is Ole Anderson, and Ole Anderson didn’t like Robbie V as much as Bill Watts. So I went from having wins over guys like that to basically either getting squashed on TV, or I was giving tryouts and dark matches for guys that were coming up from different parts of the world and stuff.

“So I was like, ‘You know what, I don’t want to stay here anymore.’ And I told Mike Graham that, who was the agent. And he said, ‘Well, let me see what I can do.’ The next week, he offered me an extra 50 bucks if I stayed. And the thing is, the whole time I had this feeling I wasn’t going to want to stay. So, I never signed the contract. I kept losing the contract, much like forgetting to bring the ECW Television Championship belt back to the shows. Same thing, you know, ‘Oh, I’ll have it next week. Sorry.’ Same kind of thing. I never did turn it in. So I was able to walk out and just quit WCW and I still have the contract.”

On how he thinks he would’ve done under Bill Watts had he stayed: “I don’t know. Like I said, because I was such a green, inexperienced young kid at the time. Like, I’m just turning 22 while I’m there, just at the same time in December of 92 when they’re hiring me. And I can’t tell you exactly what he thought of me. I do know he wasn’t into high flyers, and he banned the use of the top rope while I was there. But he let me do my split-legged moonsault because he said I was just bouncing off of it. He said ‘That’s different than climbing up and jumping off of it.’ So I was like, ‘Okay. Just like always, I’m an exception to the rules.'”

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit 1 Of A Kind an h/t to 411mania.com for the transcription.

article topics :

Rob Van Dam, Andrew Ravens