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Sambus’ AEW Collision Review 07.01.23

Hello everybody and welcome to 411’s coverage of AEW Collision! A blockbuster Saturday for wrestling, with WWE Money in the Bank in the books, not to mention we’re all still recovering from the sheer TREMENDOUSNESS of Forbidden Door last weekend. And hey, AEW Fight Forever is out – did any of you fine folk make a Day One purchase? Looks like the gameplay is a total blast, even if the whole package isn’t as ironed out as it might have been.
Collision should be a fun one tonight – spoilers are available here if you wish to get a look ahead. Officially announced for the show, we’ll see the continuation of the Owen Hart Cup Tournament, with Starks vs Juice, Hobbs vs Dustin Rhodes, and Joe vs Strong all confirmed. With the winner of Joe/Strong facing CM Punk, all eyes will be on this one as we edge closer and closer to a Joe vs Punk rematch in 2023.
MJF and Miro are both scheduled to be in action, plus Kris Statlander defends the TBS Championship. So let’s get to it – now gimme some of that Elton John…
For those who weren’t able to follow along with our live coverage, it was a total sh*tshow thanks to FiteTV adding an hour delay, and then just point blank not working. Twitter was rather colorful to say the least! So apologies for any disappointment there. Let’s get to work and catch up!
Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Arena: FirstOntario Centre
Commentators: Kevin Kelly & Nigel McGuinness
Hobbs and Rhodes hype up their tournament match, followed by Roderick Strong, who mentions his match with Joe tonight is the first time they’ve gone one on one in 17 years. Samoa Joe says Strong will be found wanting, and he’ll be the next Owen Hart Cup Tournament champion. HIT THOSE OPENING CREDS!
We kick things off with our World Champion making his Collision debut. MJF is in the house! He’s in his wrestling attire and we are getting straight into the action.
Match One: MJF vs Kip Morst.
Morst is the hometown…uh… ‘hero’ and MJF strikes immediately, clobbering him from behind in the turnbuckle. He stomps him down, gets him to his feet and nails his signature Heatseeker middle rope piledriver, but stops the pinfall attempt at 2. Instead he locks in a LeBell Lock and Morst has to tap.
Your winner by submission: MJF
Rating: SQUASH!
MJF grabs the mic and lays into the crowd. He was supposed to have a day off but he had to come to crappy ass Hamilton, which is filled with the dumbest, most worthless pieces of trash he’s ever seen. He’ll beat anyone who walks through that curtain who’s from Hamilton, and he’ll even put his World title on the line.
Another local jobber walks out…but here comes Ethan Page, marching right past him! Page calls for a mic. MJF says this is cute, but Ethan swipes the mic right out of his hands.
Page knows MJF was about to say he’s not on MJF’s level, but Page says no one knows what he’s capable of, and Page wants to remind everyone of the cloth he’s cut from.
Page’s father had a job down the road as a general laborer, and his family told him to be happy as that’s all he can do. But he taught Page never to listen to people like that; the lazy, the spoonfed, the chosen. MJF is not like Ethan’s father, who went on to be the president of multiple companies, and he showed Page the way. Page says he isn’t like MJF – he’s not a Bare Minimum Bitch!
Ethan says MJF is not ‘his’ World champion. When this company needs something, they don’t call MJF, they call Ethan Page. He’s always here, for the fans, for the company, for those three letter AEW.
Ethan’s wife asked him when the company is going to pay him back for all the extra shit he has to do, and Ethan replied ‘in due time.’ Well that time is now! MJF, how about you be a man and put the title on the line…right here, right now, against Ethan Page. MJF accepts and the match is made official!
Match Two: AEW World Championship Match: MJF vs Ethan Page
Ethan page gets a flurry of stomps in the corner as this one begins! He goes for Ego’s Edge but Maxwell escape and takes out the legs. Leg DDT from the champ, repeatedly, as Maxwell poses on the buckles to taunt the fans.
Bringing Ethan to his feet, Page retaliates with a Chinbreaker, but here comes a cheapshot from MJF. Kick to the jaw, spinebuster, and MJF gets Page into a single leg Boston crab in the centre of the ring. Ethan claws his way to the ropes but MJF drags him back to the centre again. He is really holding on here…but Page rolls over and punches his way out, until MJF steps over back into the hold.
Page finally makes the ropes and rolls to the apron to rest the knee and assess the damage as we go to PIP. Max goes for the Heatseeker like in the earlier squash match but Page flips him to the floor and follows up with a dive! That tweaked the knee and MJF capitalises once they both get back in the ring with a low dive to the knee.
MJF squeezes Page’s head into the ropes on the apron but the referee breaks it up. Friedman rakes the back and again goes for the Heatseeker…and again Page shrugs him off!
Page with a cutter from the apron as we return from break, but that knee is giving him trouble. Right hands from Page and MJF tries to battle back but Page has the momentum. Hurracanrana from Page and he’s a house of fire! Iconoclasm and the big snap powerslam gets a 2.
Page went for Ego’s Edge but MJF slipped out the back. Page goes to the top rope, is he looking for the swanton?! Oh but MJF grabs the rope for the unintended (well…) low blow. They battle on the ropes now and Page gets the powerslam off the middle rope! He can’t capitalise, but eventually gets the arm over for a 2 count.
Ego’s Edge attempt again but the knee gives out and Page collapses. MJF manages to get a dragon screw in the ropes and follows up with the Heatseeker to pick up the pinfall win at 11:02.
Your winner by pinfall and STILL AEW World Champion: MJF
Rating: ***1/2 – Perhaps it’s no surprise that this was some GOOD stuff right here. This continues the Collision trend of spotlighting some of the roster we don’t see quite as much on Dynamite, and Page certainly looked like he belonged in the ring with the World champion, making the most of the opportunity. Great selling of the knee too, this was fun!
Match Three: Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Quarter-Final: Dustin Rhodes vs Powerhouse Hobbs (w/ QT Marshall)
Hobbs shoves Dustin in the corner but Rhodes slaps him back as this looks heated from the get-go. Running shoulder blocks from both men get nothing until Dustin gets a diving shoulder block.
Hobbs regains control with blows in the corner, striking until Rhodes has to take a knee. Rhodes fires back and gets to the middle rope but Hobbs gets him in an overhead press until Rhodes slips out behind. Both men battle outside now and Hobbs viciously whips Rhodes’ head off the apron. And QT sends him into the ringpost while Hobbs has Aubrey Edwards distracted! Dustin Rhodes is busted wide open as we go to PIP.
Hobbs pounds away on the cut, opening Rhodes up even more. Dustin does not look in good shape as Hobbs momentarily chokes him in the corner. Back from commercial, Hobbs mocks him and shoves his head until Rhodes has had enough and fights back. Clothesline from Rhodes, boot to the midsection and drops to the knee for the trademark throat thrust. Hobbs goes for a powerslam but Rhodes reverses into a Cross Rhodes and nails it! Piledriver from Dustin Rhodes for the pin…1, 2, no!
Hobbs manages to drive Dustin back into the corner and whips him to the opposite buckle…and again. Dustin with the Code Red out of nowhere for 2! Think they were going for a Canadian Destroyer, but they made it work!
QT Marshall with another interruption but Dustin cuts him off with a right hand. But it’s enough for Hobbs to get the spinebuster and the pin…DUSTIN KICKS OUT AT 1! Hobbs removes the straps, gets Dustin on his shoulders, but Rhodes whips off a powerslam for another 2 count.
Dustin is sent to the ropes and meets a right hand from QT, followed by another Spinebuster from Hobbs, and that gets the pinfall at 10:13.
Your winner by pinfall and advancing to the semi-finals: Powerhouse Hobbs
Rating: ***1/2 – This had some electric moments, and Dustin kicking out of the spinebuster at 1 was a huge surprise. Dominant performance from Hobbs as you’d expect, and yet Rhodes looked awesome too, putting on a valiant effort. I’d go so far as to say this over-delivered, I was not expecting that.
The trumpets are sounding, which can only mean one thing. THE REDEEMER IS HERE!
Match Four: Miro vs Anthony Henry
Miro requests a lockup, but quickly stomps Henry down in the corner. Hard whip into the buckles and an overhead suplex takes Henry to the mat. Another suplex. Miro throws him overhead now and does the Kurt Angle ‘celebration’ taunt. Clubbing blows across the chest on the apron now, gets 10 of them and then suplexes Henry back in the ring.
Henry somehow fires back and gets a double stomp off the ropes! He ducks a blow and tries to exchange strikes, even gets an enziguri…but Miro comes right back and hits a spinning slam to cut off the momentum. Miro gets the thrust kick and Henry is out but he’s not done. Game over! Henry immediately submits as Miro locks in the camel clutch at 3:11.
Your winner by submission: Miro
Rating: N/R. Another glorious Miro squash, and these are just buckets of fun, they can spoon this out for a while and I’ll gladly eat it all up.
Tony Schiavone is standing by in the ring, introducing Bullet Club Gold, including the newest members; The Gunn Club! Jay White, Juice Robinson, Austin & Colten Gunn make their way to the ring.
Tony asks what is next for Bullet Club Gold. Jay takes the mic and he doesn’t like the energy in this place, especially as the Bang Bang Gang is at full force now. This is the Golden Era of Bullet Club, and it continues when Juice Robinson wipes the floor with Starks. Colten and Austin share the mic now as they explain why they joined BC Gold. They’ve been tagging for 16 months, and in that time they won the AEW Tag Team Championships. Not only that, they beat all your favorites. Colten says they are the the present, the best tag team in the world. Austin says if you’re not down with that, we got two words for ya…GUNNS UP!
Schiavone informs them that members of Bullet Club Gold are barred from ringside for the upcoming Starks/Juice tournament match. Jay asks who is making these decisions?! Jay White wants to talk to CM Punk. He noticed that bag of goodies Punk returned with. If the ‘goody’ in that bag was Punk’s old heavyweight championship, he suggests Punk leaves it there.
White also says FTR has his attention, they have the attention of all of Bullet Club Gold. How about FTR put the championships on the line against Jay White and Juice Robinson, and it really will be Top Guys Out, Guns Up!
We head backstage and CM Punk is standing with FTR and Ricky Starks. Punk says Starks is getting his pump on while Punk wants to get business out of the way. Punk sees Jay White hiding behind Juice, and the new bodyguards in the Gunns. Punk doesn’t need bodyguards, he has friends. Cash says they’ve proven that this is where the big boys play. Dax is ready to fight whenever. Starks chips in and wonders what will happen when Juice is by himself in the ring? Starks promises it will be the same as their first encounter, with Ricky Starks on top.
Match Five: Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Quarter-Final: Ricky Starks vs Juice Robinson.
From the bell, they lockup, trading arm wrings. Shoulder block from Starks knocks Juice down, and he follows up with a hip toss into a headlock. Juice works his way out but gets shouldered back down again until Juice dives for the legs on a drop down, tripping Starks up. Juice takes a position over him, with clubbing blows to the face. Juice follows up by working over the leg, and they trade blows when both men get back to their feet. Starks off the ropes, caught by Juice, and Juice bodyslams him into the ropes, causing a whiplash effect. He follows up with another bodyslam, aiming the back of the legs into the ropes. Time for more PIP.
Juice continues to focus on the legs, kicking them out from under Starks. Juice fires off a suplex, followed by a biiig standing senton, which gets a 2. Juice locks in a chinlock to keep Starks grounded. Starks tries to battle back, but Juice firmly takes him back down again.
Fighting to their feet, Juice takes him into the corner with some chops and a running clothesline. CANNONBALL! 1, 2, Starks gets the shoulder up.
Boot to the face on Starks, but Starks wants more! Hard clothesline from Juice but he still won’t go down…until Juice gets a boot to the knee…but Ricky battles back with a high back body drop. Running clothesline and a satellite DDT attempt, shrugged off by Juice but Ricky gets a standard DDT anyway. Hot shot on Juice and Ricky gets the spinning DDT for 2.
Ricky has him draped over the ropes but took too long, and Juice gets a high kick for 2. Robinson applies a Texas Cloverleaf! Starks is about to grab the ropes but Juice drags him away and locks it in harder. But Starks finally makes it to the ropes to break the hold.
Juice goes for a suplex from the apron, but a go behind from Starks is reversed again into a rollup from Juice for 2. Juice remonstrates with the referee, giving Starks the opportunity for a Blue Thunder bomb!
Piledriver attempt from Ricky, but Juice drops out of it. Another attempt, but Juice semi-spears him into the corner to give them a breather. Starks is seated on the top rope and Juice follows him up…hurracanrana is shrugged off, Starks held onto the ropes. Misses a dive, and Juice gets a spear! 1, 2, no!
Another big time spear from Starks! But into a jackknife from Juice, until Ricky Starks reverses with another pinfall attempt…and he steals the three at 15:26!
Your winner by pinfall and advancing to the semi-finals: Ricky Starks
Rating: *** – Perfectly fine, and I’m enjoying seeing Juice absolutely relishing his character. Starks works as a plucky babyface, but that finish didn’t do him many favors. He’ll need a definitive win if he continues towards the finals to make him look like a proper threat.
Bullet Club Gold surround the ring, but here come CM Punk and FTR to even up the odds.
Set for the semi-final: Powerhouse Hobbs vs Ricky Starks.
Christian Cage and Luchasaurus are backstage, and Cage is asked why he holds the title and not Luchasaurus. But here comes Shawn Spears and he wants to talk to the champ. Cage steps in front and says “Then talk to the champ.” Cage doesn’t think he’s dangerous, so he should walk away. Spears says everyone is capable of being dangerous, you just need to meet the right person. Luchasaurus seethes as we go to break.
Lady Frost makes her way to the ring when we come back. And here comes the TBS champion to a nice reaction.
Match Six: AEW TBS Championship Match: Kris Statlander vs Lady Frost
Lockup to begin and Kris backs Frost into the corner for a clean break. Waistlock from Frost but Statlander hip tosses her over. Takedown from the champion and rolls her around on the mat until Frost gets a knee strike to the midsection. But Statlander with a back suplex, posing as she is firmly in control.
They run the ropes, backflip from Frost doesn’t connect but Statlander cuts her off anyway. Waistlock, sends Frost into the ropes and gets a flipping backbreaker as we go to PIP.
Slight stalling suplex from Statlander gets 2. Statlander hoists Frost onto her shoulders, but Frost slips out and gets a kick to the head. Frost with a forearm but Statlander counters and whips her into the buckles. Nice cartwheel over the champion by Frost to evade a strike…and PIP is cut off a little early.
Statlander with a sweet spinning falcon arrow only gets a 2 as we are back from break. The champion hits the ropes and goes for a running kick but Frost sidesteps and gets a german suplex. Spinning kick from Lady Frost gets a 2!
Frost goes to the top, jumps off but rolls through. Kris is sent into the ropes with a hurracanrana and comes back with a spinning forearm and puts away Frost with the modified Crunchie for the win at 8:03.
Your winner by pinfall: Kris Statlander
Rating: ** – This was a little bit sketchy with a few moments of miscommunication and lacklustre offense. Good to see Frost get an opportunity like this though, I’d be more than OK seeing her again on this stage.
Andrade is backstage and he is here for his mask. The House of Black stole it, and he says they should show their faces. He needs his mask! The TV screens flicker and the House of Black are here. They helped cut out his past and they tell him to be Tranquilo! Andrade screaming for his mask was rather unintentionally hilarious.
Video package for Wheeler Yuta and Kenny Omega, facing off this coming week on Dynamite.
Back from commercial, here comes CM Punk! He is joining commentary for our main event, as he has a vested interest in the winner, who he’ll face in the semi-finals. Strong makes his way out first and it’s still awesome hearing The End of Heartache again. Joe and Punk lock eyes as Joe enters the ring.
Match Seven: Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Quarter-Final: Samoa Joe vs Roderick Strong.
Joe takes control from the off, but Strong goes behind with a wristlock until Joe gets to the ropes. Strong is backed into the corner, referee Paul Turner breaks them up and Roddy gets a quick chop in. More strikes and chops from Strong but one hard shot from Joe and Strong is down. Joe sends Strong to the outside, but Strong nips back in and hits a dropkick through the ropes. Chop on Joe, and again, but Joe retaliates. They are chopping each other right in front of Punk now.
They make their way back inside the ring and continue trading strikes. Strong with shoulders to the midsection in the corner, but the strike battle continues! Hard forearm from Joe is followed by a boot to the face from Strong. Strong locks in a chinlock, but Joe gets to his feet, sends him off and gets a back elbow to take Strong down.
Jabs in the corner from the ROH TV champion, whipped into the opposite corner and the STJoe follows for 2 as we go to Picture-in-Picture.
Throughout the break, Joe has been in control with a slow pace, keeping Roddy grounded on the mat. Back to his feet and Joe hits a big headbutt, staggering Strong. But Strong fires back with chops and a high running knee! We’re back as Strong gets a 2 count.
Clubbing blows from Joe shake Roddy off, and an atomic drop, big boot, senton combination from Joe keeps him on top. Knee drop to the face for just a 1 count as Joe twists the neck. Another senton misses! Chinbreaker from Strong gives him room, and he follows with some running clotheslines, but the bigger man just shoulders his way through them. Big dropkick from Strong finally gets Joe off his feet. Strong goes for a pendulum backbreaker and gets it! But that may have damaged the leg. Sick Kick out of the corner gets a close fall.
Strong with some flying forearms now and the Olympic Slam! He got good height on that. 1, 2, no. Jumping knee from Roddy, and Joe slips his way into the chokehold, which gets a referee stoppage.at 13:26.
Your winner by referee stoppage and advancing to the semi-finals: Samoa Joe
Rating: ***1/4 – Decent stuff here although I didn’t really buy Roddy getting the win when Joe/Punk was the obvious matchup we were aiming for. That took some of the steam out of it, but Joe and Strong are always going to be a joy to watch together.
Joe grabs a chair and walks towards Punk but security is here. They jaw-jack as the semi-finals are set. Oh but Joe gets back in the ring and sends Roderick Strong into a steel chair with an Emerald Fusion! Uncalled for! Adam Cole runs down right past Joe to check on Strong. CM Punk is still there too…and interestingly Punk and Cole don’t even acknowledge each other. Strong is loaded onto a stretcher as the broadcast comes to an end.
And with that, we’re out! Thanks for joining us, and here’s to a smooth feed next week eh?!
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