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Shawn Stasiak Was Hurt By Not Being Invited to Father’s WWE Hall of Fame Induction

February 3, 2021 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas

Shawn Stasiak wasn’t a part of his father Stan Stasiak’s WWE Hall of Fame induction, and he said that decision by WWE really upset him. Stan Stasiak was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2018 as part of the Legacy Wing, and Shawn told Sportskeeda that the company didn’t call him to let him know or invite him to attend. You can check out highlights from Stasiak’s comments below:

On not being informed of the induction or invited to the Hall of Fame ceremony: “Honestly, just the way that they put my dad in the Hall of Fame was very hurtful to me. Because, I anticipated that for years that they would call upon me, his only son, at least that I know of. That’s where I first learned that they will put my dad into the Hall of Fame through Twitter. I was like, ‘No!’. I could have had a phone call. I wasn’t invited to even the arena to pay my respects. I was expecting a phone call, like, ‘Hey, we want to put your dad in, we want you to induct him.’ I anticipated this for years, so when they went about it the way they did, it was very very disheartening. Of course you know, I connected with Vince through a text, I tried to call. I asked him not to do that. If you’re going to do it, you know, do it right, man. I’d say, by the way, that he’s only the WWE, or back then WWWF Champion, you know same promotion, the only WWE Champion that got put in the Hall of Fame that never got a personal induction and just got thrown in some wing.”

On being texted by Vince McMahon about it: “Yeah, I was so p***ed man. I was really p***ed off and hurt at the same time. That was like the icing on the cake. I said this company doesn’t give a s**t about me or my family. That’s how I took it. Of course Vince texted me, ‘It’s nothing personal, it’s just a company decision.’ Okay, whatever, it just made me feel like, man, we were just very disregarded for whatever reason. I don’t know what I did or said or what had happened to not be treated nicer. When they were here in Dallas for the big WrestleMania, I forget which year that was, I think it was 2016 maybe, I don’t know. They were here and not a phone call, nothing like that.”