wrestling / TV Reports
#SmackdownTaped: Greg DeMarco’s Accelerated Smackdown Review for 2.5.19

Greg DeMarco presents a very special review of WWE Smackdown, on DVR! What will Greg watch, what will he FAST FORWARD, and how long will it take to watch a 2-hour Smackdown?
Daddy’s back with a special look at WWE Smackdown! As many of you know, I live on the west coast, and my version of YouTube TV gives me Smackdown on the west coast feed, so I watch it later. I also record it, so this is the DVR version. Enjoy the bullet points! I am keeping time on a stopwatch (on my phone), so you will get timestamps throughout the show, and I will try to throw in a real time comparison as well so you can see how much time I am saving when I FAST FORWARD!
The experiment continues, I hope you like it!
Timestamp: 0:00
• That WrestleMania sign is HUGE.
Charlotte Flair Opens The Show
• Charlotte with that Roman Reigns/John Cena reaction: pop for the music, boos for the person
• FAST FORWARD the highlights!
• Charlotte looking like Dana Brooke tonight
• But she cuts a way better promo than Dana Brooke
• Goddamm Charlotte Flair is really Ric’s daughter. WOW.
• “Make sure this fan has a ticket!”
• “It’s one thing to take my Dad’s catchphrase, it’s another to STEAL ROMAN REIGNS’ ENTRANCE!”
• Sorry Becky, Charlotte wasn’t boring anyone to death.
• Oooooh Trips coming out on fire.
• I absolutely LOVE Charlotte immediately leaving when Triple H says to. She’s corporate.
• I can’t wait for Triple H & Stephanie to give Becky a deadline, and she misses it.
• Triple H showing you all how it’s done! Putting on a damn clinic.
• HHH’s nose is as big as Becky’s head!
• Becky, don’t jump on your injured knee.
• Brilliant performance by everyone—Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch, Triple H, and ADAM PEARCE.
Timestamp: 13:01
FAST FORWARD the commercials and entrances!
Timestamp: 13:41 (Realtime: 20:57)
Rusev & Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson
• For the record, I coined the “Unholy Alliance” phrase for RuNak.
• How are we supposed to know Gallows & Anderson are a team if they don’t have matching tights?
• No FAST FORWARD, the action continues during the break!
• Lana dressed to match Bad Cosplay Kane. Nakamura.
• Rusev and Nakamura win to make Patrick O’Dowd happy!
• #SaveTagTeamWrestling
Timestamp: 20:41
FAST FORWARD the talking and commercials
Timestamp: 20:52
The Usos cut a promo
• Damn that’s a good promo.
Randy Orton vs. Mustafa Ali
• FAST FORWARD Randy’s entrance
• Sucks for Mustafa, already not getting an entrance.
• Byron Saxton is right, Orton is basically an active Hall Of Famer at this point.
• Mustafa Ali is a champ for working this match hurt and taking such a beating. That’s brass ring level shit right there.
• Homage to the Ace!
• FAST FORWARD the commercials! (No picture in picture this time.)
• Don’t think Ali is injured? He’s wearing a visible tailbone pad. Should have gone with the darker colored gear this week.
• Tricking Orton into the non-RKO was brilliant.
• Sucks Mustafa had to lose after the beating he took.
• Here’s Joe!
• Joe with the Jeff Cobb hair.
Timestamp: 33:40
Timestamp: 34:40 (Realtime: 58:01)
Daniel Bryan promo
• FAST FORWARD most of the talking as it’s nothing new.
• Erick Rowan sounds just like Braun Strowman.
Jeff Hardy & AJ Styles Promo
• One does not FAST FORWARD Kayla Braxton
Carmella & Naomi vs. The IIConics vs. Mandy Rose The Goddess & Sonya Deville
• You don’t FAST FORWARD Carmella either, Patrick O’Dowd!
• FAST FORWARD the commercials.
• But I will watch The IIConics walk to the ring, yes I will.
• FAST FORWARD the promo
• Kayla Braxton AND Mandy Rose on TV at the same time? Be still my heart.
• I hope Mandy and Naomi feud forever.
• Mandy Rose puts my marriage in jeopardy.
• FAST FORWARD whenever Mandy Rose isn’t on screen
• Hell of a superkick from Carmella—so underrated.
• ATTENTION ALL WRESTLERS: You’ve been doing the Abdominal Stretch wrong for 100 years. Mandy Rose did it right. You’ve all had it backwards. That is all.
• MANDY ROSE WINS! (Sonya did, too.)
• “Your kids’ kids will be talking about tonight, Saxton!”
• God bless Corey Graves.
Andrade & Zelina Promo
• Cannot FAST FORWARD Zelina Vega.
FAST FORWARD the commercials, talking, highlights, Asuka video, entrances, more commercials
Timestamp: 47:38
WWE Champion Daniel Bryan vs. Jeff Hardy
• Jeff Hardy’s face paint is on point tonight.
• That was the worst splash ever. Seriously, Ultimate Warrior thinks that was bad.
• Those corner dropkicks look BRUTAL.
• Daniel Bryan heels in an era where its nearly impossible to heel.
• FAST FORWARD the commercials.
• This is a really good match.
• Rowan The Recycler strikes again!
• Samoa Joe doesn’t care who you are!
• Dammit Mustafa, save yourself!
• AJ Styles gets a full entrance, and an easy night. He deserves it.
• FAST FORWARD the highlights, but not the Kayla Braxton!
• Hell of a promo from Bryan, too.
Timestamp: 1:00:25 (Real time: 2:00:00)
Time saved = 59:35
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