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Tremendous Tirades: Before They Were Stars – CM Punk

July 30, 2008 | Posted by Larry Csonka
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Tremendous Tirades: Before They Were Stars – CM Punk  

Before They Were Stars – CM Punk
Thanks to the people at Big Vision Entertainment for sending this review copy along.

  • This is back in the dingy blond hair and baggy short Punk days. I actually dug the baggy shorts.

    From FIP Emergence Night One 9.24.04: Punk cuts a short promo before the match, bashing the crowd for polluting the world. He is in FIP to do what needs to be done. He is here to make things right, and he accepts all of the outcasts and misfits of the world. He opens his arms to them all. AJ Styles and Homicide shouldn’t be in the main event, it should be him. Tonight the new revolution starts.

    CM Punk vs. Vordell Walker

    It’s very dark, to cover up the light crowd. Lock up and to the corner they go, clean break. Lock up again, to the corner and after a slap Walker tosses down Punk. Lock up and a headlock by Walker, off the ropes and a shoulder block by Walker. Counters now, roll up by Walker gets 2. Hip toss and a Japanese arm drag, followed by a dropkick and into the arm bar goes Walker. Stomps to the arm by Walker, Punk rolls out and gets a wristlock. Walker rolls and kips out, boots to Punk and back to the arm bar. Punk escapes to the floor, scoops the legs of Walker and pulls him to the floor. They trade chops and Walker gets the advantage, until he goes back in and Punk lays the boots to him. Off the ropes and a backdrop by Walker. Punk begs off and then trips Walker into the corner. He chokes out Walker in the corner, chops by Punk and then rights. Joshua Masters is out to watch the match, Walker gets a roll up for 2. A clothesline by Punk turns him inside out, and then Punk talks shit to the crowd. Snap mare by Punk, elbows to Walker and then a chinlock. He works Walker down and keeps control. Walker to his feet, off the ropes and a knee by Punk connects for a cover for 2. A basement dropkick and a cover of 2 for Punk. Chops by Punk, to the corner and Walker hits hard and is down. Rights by Punk, Irish whip and a corner forearm by Punk. Elbows to Walker, chokes him out, Punk argues with the ref, who shoves him down. Punk goes back after Walker, and gets a sleeper. Punk works Walker down to the mat, the ref checks the arm but Walker is alive. Walker escapes, to his feet and a jawbreaker to Punk. Punk lays the boots to Walker, clubbing shots to the back and then forearms to Walker in the corner. Irish whip, counter and a SICK GERMAN by Walker! Both men working to their feet, kicks and rights by Walker. A spin kick connects and then an XPLODER connects. Northern lights suplex gets 2 for Walker. Powerbomb try countered and Punk works kicks, and then Walker gets a Uranage. Masters distracts the ref, Walker covers Punk but gets nothing. Punk then rolls up Walker for 2. Punk to the apron, suplex by Walker, but Masters trips Walker and holds the foot allowing Punk the win.

    Winner: CM Punk @ 13:00 via pin

  • A fun opening match to kick off the DVD. Punk’s heel act was great and the action was solid through out.
    RATING: ***

  • Highlights of AJ Styles vs. CM Punk are shown.

    From FIP Emergence Night Two 9.25.04:

    We get a NEW DAWN promo, with Punk and Masters. We can all look up to Punk, Masters was the first to follow and there will be more. The FIP Title will come to his waist, Masters job is to stop Homicide and hurt him so Punk can win the title.

    Homicide vs. Joshua Masters w/CM Punk

    Total squash here as Homicide runs wild, gets the gringo cutter and LARIATO for the win. Punk tries to be a sneaky bitch and attack, but Homicide fights him off.

    Winner: Homicide @ 1:25 via pin

  • Just a squash to advance Homicide in the tournament and to add to Punk’s character.

  • Credible plans to bring the title home, and he will add it to his ECW title on his mantle.

    From FIP Emergence Night Two 9.25.04: CM Punk vs. Justin Credible

    Punk stalls a lot to begin. After a while Punk is back in and doesn’t want to lock up. They finally lock up and a go behind by Punk, takedown and into the front facelock. Credible reverses and gets a hammerlock, reversal but a drop toehold by Credible. Side headlock now, off the ropes and a side headlock takedown by Credible gets 2. Off the ropes and a shoulder block by Credible, a hp toss follows and another headlock takedown. To the corner, shoulder blocks by Punk, a whip and Credible with a clothesline takes Punk down. Headlock takedown again by Credible, keep using what works buddy. Punk elbows out, off the ropes and a shoulder block by Credible. Punk fakes a knee injury off of a leapfrog, and then promptly chop blocks the knee of Credible. He works the kicks to the leg as Credible tries to work the Hennig flip sells as he walks the ropes. Punk continues the assault, elbow drops to the knees and into a knee crank. Punk looks for a figure four but Credible gets a roll up for 2. Punk then argues with the ref, a roll up by Credible gets another 2. Punk back to the figure four and gets it now. Credible fights, fires up and turns the hold! Punk gets the ropes to break the hold, and then dropkicks the knee of Credible. Elbows to the knee again as he mocks the crowd. Credible fires back with rights, off the ropes and after a missed clothesline Credible gets a powerslam, but can’t follow up due to the knee. Rights by Credible, off the ropes and a boot and DDT connect. Superkick by Credible, but he is down and favoring the knee. He crawls and manages a cover for 2. Credible goes for “That’s Incredible,” but Punk counters, gets a roll up and grabs the ropes for the victory. HEEL!

    Winner: CM Punk @ 10:50 via pin

  • Another solid match right here. Punk’s heel character in FIP is being established and Credible was there to work. This was fine stuff.
    RATING: ***

    From FIP Emergence Night Two 9.25.04: CM Punk vs. Rainman

    Punk wants to shake, but Rainman wants no part of this. Punk is hesitant to begin, they lock up and to the corner they go, and Punk into the ropes for the break. Punk goes to the floor to jaw with some fans, complains his hair was pulled and then finally comes back in. Rainman with a roll up or 2. Punk rolls back to the floor as he obviously went to the Larry Z school of stalling. He’s arguing with kids, this is great. Punk is back in and then right back out. Baseball slide by Rainman, they now brawl at ringside for a bit, back into the ring and Punk gets some knees to Rainman in the corner. Rainman back with chops, Punk to the corner and does a partial Flair flip and to the floor again. Rainman follows, chops to Punk and tosses him back in. Punk catches Rainman on the way in with boots, off the ropes but a flapjack and dropkick by Rainman, arm drags and Rainman works the arm. Punk tries to counter but fails. Leg drop on the arm by Rainman, and a cover for 2. To the corner they go, forearms by Punk a whip, but a counter and arm drag by Rainman. Rainman with another leg drop to the arm, back to the arm bar and as Punk says a kid is coming into the ring, the ref check and Punk rakes the eyes. Rainman battles back though and slams Punk to the corner, mounted punches but Punk with an atomic drop and neck breaker to turn the tide. Knees to the back of the head by Punk followed by elbows. He rakes the back, which makes no sense since Rainman is wearing a shirt. He chokes him out in the ropes a bit, mocks the crowd and slams Rainman down. Catapult by Punk and then chokes out Rainman. Rainman tries to battle back, backslide for 2. Lariat by Punk, he does pushups and then goes back to the choke. Rakes the face of Rainman and then slams him to the corner. A whip, counter and a charging forearm by Rainman. Misses a yakuza kick and crotches himself on the ropes. Punk poses as he stands on the head of Rainman. Some one in the crowd calls Punk Y2GAY, tremendous. Bow and arrow by Punk, Rainman slips out and gets a cover for 2. Sit out powerbomb out of nowhere by Rainman and both men are down. A back drop by Rainman, rights and a lariat levels Punk. Suplex by Rainman, Punk hides behind the ref, LOW BLOW to Rainman and a roll up with the ropes finishes it.

    Winner: CM Punk @ 13:30 via pin

  • A tediously boring match wrestling wise, but Punk’s heel act is fun. The finish was weak, but played into the act of Punk cheating to win all of the matches in the tournament.
    RATING: **

  • After the match Punk calls out Homicide for the title match right now. Homicide hits the ring and Masters is here, they beat down Homicide and Rainman makes the save.

    From FIP Emergence Night Two 9.25.04: TO CROWN THE FIP CHAMPION: CM Punk vs. Homicide

    Masters attacks Homicide before the match, but punk wipes out Masters with a plancha by accident. TOPE CON HILO by Homicide wipes both men out and they brawl around the ring. They brawl into the bleachers now, Punk gets a chair and nails Homicide. Homicide then tosses Punk into a wall and then hits him with a trashcan. Elbows by Homicide, Homicide chokes out Punk as they brawl into the concession area. They now go outside and fight into the grass. Suplex by Homicide, rights but Punk slams Homicide into a light pole. They brawl back into the building, chops by Homicide and sets Punk in a chair and then clotheslines him off of the chair. More brawling and Punk crotches Homicide on the chair. More brawling and they head back towards the arena, but make a stop at the men’s room. Homicide puts Punk’s face in the urinal, TATSE THE CAKE. Punk tosses Homicide back outside for more brawling. Back into the building, rights by Homicide and a back rake follows. Finally back ringside and Homicide whips Punk with a rope. Punk manages to crotch Homicide on the steel post and now chokes out Homicide. More brawling at ringside and choking by Punk. Homicide with chops, gets a chair and has a fan hold it and slams Punk into it. Into the ring now and Punk sneaks a roll up for 2. Punk up top and Homicide up with him, they fight, Homicide tossed off and a top rope leg drop by Punk gets 2. Welcome to Chicago blocked, piledriver by Homicide gets 2. Off the ropes and an overhead belly to belly by Homicide gets 2. Punk with a boot, mule kick and then a backslide by Homicide for 2. Welcome to Chicago by Punk gets 2! Punk to the 2nd rope, Homicide over and nails him…2nd rope Gringo Cuter! LARIATO~! 1…2…N Masters pulls the ref from the ring! Homicide tosses Punk to the floor and he wipes out Masters. Homicide suplexes Punk in, Masters grabs a leg but only 2 for Punk. LARIATO by Homicide and that gets it.

    Winner and FIP CHAMPION Homicide @ 13:30 via pin

  • The action inside the ring was great but the brawl was too long and was garden variety in my opinion. Homicide survives all the tricks and becomes the first ever FIP Champion. It was fine, yet disappointing.
    RATING: **¾

  • Highlights of Azreil w/CM Punk vs. Rainman are shown

    From FIP Fallout Night One – NO COUNTOUT/NO DQ: CM Punk vs. Dan Maff

    Commentary discusses the SCS’s vs. Prophecy feud from ROH, which has now spilled into FIP with this match. Punk wants to shake, Maff doesn’t buy it. Punk keeps asking, Maff does and shakes tightly and drags Punk around the ring. He then stomps on the hand and Punk bails to the floor. Maff wants to shake now, Punk refuses and backs off. Lock up and rights by Punk. That hurts the hand that Maff stomped on. Maff works the arm now, elbow drops the hand/wrist of Punk and then wraps it in the ropes and cranks on it. Kicks to the hand by Maff, who is using Finlay-Like offense here. Chops by Maff, bites the hand now and Punk screams. Maff now stands on the hand and he mocks Punk as well. Three Stooges nose grab and slap by Maff, off the ropes and a back elbow connects and a cover for 2. Hip toss and cover by Maff for 2. Maff bites the hand again, drops the elbow and covers for 2. Azreil runs in and helps Punk. They beat down Punk and choke him out. Punk then punches the ref, NO DQ, HEEL! Punk has powder, Maff kicks it into his face, and Punk accidentally piledrives Azreil. Maff counts the pin and fools Punk. Maff raises his hand, and now Punk realizes who it is. RELEASE GERMAN and Maff covers for a close 2. Maff gets a cannon ball onto Punk in the corner and a cover for 2. A side slam by Maff gets 2. To the corner and chops by Maff, then rights and more chops. Maff goes for the cannon ball again, Punk pulls the ref in the way and then nails Maff. Russian leg sweep by Punk and a cover for 2. Side back breaker by Punk gets 2. Rights by Punk and he tosses Maff to the floor. They brawl on the floor, and Punk hits Maff with a bowl of condoms. To the parking lot they go and Maff slams Punk onto a truck and then slams an orange construction cone into his balls. Back inside we go Maff hits Punk with a trashcan. Back into the ring we go and Punk begs off but then eats a lariat. Chops by Maff, a slam and Maff up top…MISSES a head butt. Mule kick by Punk, inverted DDT and a cover for 2 by Punk. Mounted punches by Punk, but Maff gets an atomic drop and clothesline, cover for 2. Rights by Maff, mounted punches in the corner but Punk LOW BLOWS him. Roll up with the ropes and that gets it for Punk.

    Winner: CM Punk @ 13:50 via pin

  • Again the heel work by Punk is great here. Good match that slows down a bit towards the end, but also the finish makes perfect sense as it is what Punk had been doing to this point. And that is cheating like a bitch.
    RATING: ***

    From FIP Fallout Night Two – FIP TITLE FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH: Homicide © vs. CM Punk

    They brawl to begin, shocker, and Azreil comes out to help Punk. They double team Punk, but Rainman now is out and takes out Azreil to make the match a one on one affair. Homicide and Punk brawl into the crowd and Homicide blinds Punk with a drink, he then chokes him out with Punk’s own straight edge jacket! Take that Punk! They brawl on a stage, Homicide tosses Punk off and his ribs take the worst of that as he hits the ring apron. Pin attempt on a pool table, that’s nice. RUBBERMAIN TRASHCAN OF DOOM by Homicide! We go outside as they brawl in the parking lot. Orange construction cones are used, and then they climb onto a RYDER truck. They brawl on top of it, we really can’t see it, but kudos to the ref for being up there to count a pin attempt. They slowly brawl off of the truck and battle around the outside of the building. We get an impromptu cage match for a moment as they use the chain link fence. They are now outside “LIL TOOTSIE’S,” a strip club and battle on a park bench. Seriously. The fans followed them out as we see Homicide backdropped onto the concrete and Punk covers for 2. They now fight INTO the strip club, as there is some clipping going on. Do the fans have to pay a cover charge to follow the action? They fight beside a stripper, and punk uses the stripper pole for an Enziguri and covers for 2. Homicide fights back with a Russian leg sweep for 2 as a stripper looks on. Nice ass. Another chick is out and slaps the ass of the other chick as Homicide and Punk battle into the BOOM BOOM ROOM! Tremendous. More clipping, Punk use a low blow as we see some HLA from the strippers. Punk yells at the stripper, “YOU ARE A WHORE!” Clip to outside, piledriver by Homicide and that is all.

    Winner: Homicide @ 12:00 via pin

  • Oh yes, the infamous strip club brawl! It was inventive, I will give them that. They did some good work, the brawl was pretty good, but there was a ton of walking around and the clipping hurt the match in my opinion. Although I am thankful for that because I may have shot myself if it wasn’t.
    RATING: **

  • Highlights from the Florida Rumble are shown. Punk cuts a promo and says the idiots screwed up things, just like the election. He and Azreil drew numbers at the same time, and promises to defeat Gibson. He should be the champion, and Azreil will help make that happen. Punk pulls a Bushwacker in the Rumble as Gibson eliminates him. They then brawl a bit, which leads us too…

    From FIP Florida Rumble 12.17.04 – CM Punk vs. James Gibson

    James Gibson is better known to most wrestling fans as Jamie Noble, and he gets jumped at the bell by that dastardly Punk. Gibson is sporting his “01” Dukes of Hazzard trunks, much respect. Punk goes straight edge by choking Gibson with the XXX jacket. Will his evil never end? Gibson fights back with boots and then a hammerlock. He’ll toss Punk to the corner and then go to work on the shoulder with another hammerlock. To the corner they go, Gibson wraps the arm in the ropes and then rolls into a variation of a kimura. Punk gets to his feet, slams Gibson to the corner and gets some separation. Belly to back suplex by Punk, a leg drop and then a side back breaker and cover for 2. Punk chokes out Gibson in the ropes, a snap mare and kick to the back follow and a cover for 2. Rights by Punk, but Gibson back with knees. Off the ropes and Punk stops him with a neck breaker, which gets 2. Snap mare, teases a kick, tells the crowd to fuck off and applies a dreaded CHINLOCK! Gibson to his feet, escapes, off the ropes and a cross body gets 2. Punk works the figure four head scissors on Gibson, slowing him back down. Gibson slips out and into a roll up for 2. To the corner, an Irish whip and Gibson hits hard and drops to the mat. Another whip and Gibson drops to the mat again. Elbows to the back by Punk, back to a chinlock and he keeps Gibson grounded. Gibson gets to his feet, elbows out and then gets a cradle for 2. A neck breaker follows and BOTH men are down! They get to their feet, they trade knees and then a forearm by Gibson. Another and a running knee gets a cover for 2. Elbows by Gibson, off the ropes and Punk back with an elbow, Welcome to Chicago by Punk gets 2. Suplex try by Punk gets countered but he rebounds with a clothesline and covers for 2. Cross arm breaker by Punk now, Gibson escapes and gets the Texas Cloverleaf! SHADES OF DEAN-O MACHINE-O~! Punk gets the ropes, has to break and now Punk crawls to the apron. Gibson after him, stunned off the ropes and as Punk flies in Gibson gets an arm bar out of nowhere! He escapes, counters and Gibson with a cradle gets the pin!

    Winner: James Gibson @ 11:27 via pin

  • A fun finish to the match for sure. This has solid action and good wrestling, but it never seemed to get out of 2nd gear. Now bad by any means, but it could have been better.
    RATING: ***

    From ROH “The Future is Now” 6.12.05 – CM Punk vs. Roderick Strong

    Punk is wearing the short trunks here. For reference this is 6-days before he won the ROH Title and right after he signed his developmental deal with WWE. They stall a bit to begin, lock up and to the corner they go, Strong misses a chop and Punk mocks him. Knuckle lock, Punk into am arm lock and then transitions to the top wristlock. To the corner they go, monkey flip by Strong, but Punk holds onto the arm. To the feet as Punk works the arm still, to the corner, cartwheel by Strong, counters and Punk avoids the gut buster and gets a side headlock takedown, but Strong has the ropes. They circle, Punk back to the arm, takes Strong down and gets the head scissors. Strong gets the ropes and they break, only for Punk to go back to the arm. Strong counters, side headlock applied; Punk with shots to the ribs and then they collide as Strong tries a shoulder block. They talk shit, Strong off the ropes and they collide. Strong charges for nothing again, arm drag by Punk, another and a 3rd into the crucifix for 2. Punk continues to assault the arm, keeping Strong down. Snap mare by Punk, basement dropkick and another. He gets another, and then lays the boots to Strong. Irish whip and then a kick to the body by Punk. Hammerlock suplex by Punk and a cover for 2. Punk sends Strong to the floor, and then suplexes him back in and covers for 2. Punk is back to the arm, chops by Punk and then a head butt. A whip, counter and Strong finally connects with some chops. He lights up Punk, to the corner and more chops by Strong. Punk answers back, they trade and Punk finally drops Strong. To the floor they go and more chops are thrown, Strong misses a chop and hits the steel post; that’s going to suck! They brawl around ringside, back in they go and a hip toss by Punk, another and drops the leg on the arm and then goes back to work on the arm as he has it figure foured. Strong rolls Punk and tries some pinning combos, and then powers Punk up and drives him to the mat, mini-powerbomb style. Chops by Strong, to the corner and a whip by Strong, side kick by Punk and goes up top but Strong dropkicks the ropes out from under him and Punk falls to the mat, this allows Strong to cover for 2. A belly to back suplex by Strong, the basement dropkick follows and then a side back breaker by Strong connects. He bends Punk over his knee, but he escapes and walks into a suplex for 2. Chops by Punk, to the apron and Strong tries to suplex him in, fails and then a knee by Strong drops Punk. Butterfly suplex by Strong and a cover for 2. Strong works the full nelson with the legs, and then rolls it into a camel clutch. Strong releases the hold, gets an Irish whip and Punk now drops to the mat. Another whip and the same result, as Strong now has the control. They trade chops, Strong in control and sends Punk to the apron. Enziguri and then a springboard dropkick by Punk, which gets 2. Both men are down and the ref counts, they get to the feet and they again trade chops…slowly. They pick it up and go rapid fire for about a minute, off the ropes and Punk escapes the half nelson, gets some clotheslines and finishes with a back heel kick. BOTH men are down once again, but Punk rolls into a cover for 2. Punk works the kicks on Strong, but can only cover for 2. They work some nice counters, double knee gut buster by Strong and then the big boot gets 2. Release suplex by Strong, goes for the Boston crab but Punk counters and rolls him up for 2. BACK BREAKER by Strong, and the Boston Crab with the knee in the back follows. Punk tries for the ropes, and gets them. Both guys are exhausted, Strong stalks Punk and then delivers chops in the corner. To the top they go, Strong looks for a superplex, Punk fights and dumps Strong to the mat. Big Leg Drop by Punk gets 2! Anaconda Vice applied by Punk but Strong gets the ropes. Punk calls for the plunge, Strong counters and gets a pump handle, counter, standing switch and the SHINING WIZARD by Punk gets 2! Back to the Anaconda Vice and Strong finally taps.

    Winner: CM Punk @ 24:20 via Submission

  • Easily the best match on the DVD so far. It dragged a bit at the end though. I get that they were trying to make Strong a star with the performance by having him survive so long against Punk, but it felt long for the sake of being long when they were done.
    RATING: ***½

    From ROH (No Date or Show Given) – CM Punk vs. Bryan Danielson

    Ricky Steamboat is the official for the match, so I believe that this is 2004 because of that and the fact that Punk is back in the baggy shorts. The crowd hates Punk and loves Danielson here. They stall to begin, and finally lock up and to the corner they go and rights by Punk. Steamboat warns him and Punk then runs from Danielson. Lock up, Punk gets the arm and gets a hammerlock takedown. Danielson back to the corner, and then uppercuts by Danielson. Danielson then choke shim out and Punk bails to the floor. Back in, Punk gets a drop toehold, but Danielson transitions to the arm bar. He works to a wristlock, and Punk gets the ropes. Punk chest bumps Steamboat and complains, Steamboat reminds him that he is the ref and lays down the law. Knuckle lock now, into the test of strength and to the corner they go. They fight out, but Punk now takes him down and works the arm. Danielson escapes and they stand off, circle and then Punk bitches that Danielson pulled the hair. Steamboat asks the crowd, and they chant bullshit. Steamboat then grabs Punk’s hair and shows him what a real hair pull is. Test of strength, boots by Punk and he has control. Danielson reverses it and works Punk down to the mat. A toss by Danielson, works the arm and then slams it down to the mat. Arm bar by Danielson, facelock as well and then an arm drag. Punk counters the arm bar, gets a chinlock and Danielson escapes, gets knees and kicks to the back. A knee drop and a cover for 2 by Danielson. He goes back to the arm and facelock combo, and then Danielson tries to rip off Punk’s nose. Punk escapes, lays in the kicks to Danielson and then gets the CRAVTAE~! Snap mare and into the front facelock. Cravte again by Punk, and then works the Finlay roll. Split legged moonsault by Punk eats the knees of Danielson, who then goes to work with shoulder blocks to the gut. To the floor they go, they battle a bit and then are back in. Single leg trip by Danielson, and now into the bow and arrow. He then gets a dragon sleeper and is bending Punk in half. Punk escapes that, kicks to Danielson and then chops. Danielson tries an abdominal stretch but Punk suplexes Danielson to the floor! Punk to the floor and beats on Danielson Punk scoops up Danielson and slams him into the barrier. Into the ring they go, Punk with boots to the back and then into the chinlock. More knees to the back by Punk as he continues to work the chinlock. Danielson with elbows, escapes but Punk gets a side back breaker and covers for 2. Chops by Danielson, but Punk pokes Danielson in the eye and then delivers a basement dropkick. Punk chokes out Danielson and gets a warning from Steamboat. Danielson gets a roll up for 2. Steamboat counted quick and then told Punk so. BEHAVE BOY! Danielson dumps Punk onto the top rope, uppercuts and then as he charges gets stun gunned by Punk. Missile dropkick by Punk and a cover for 2. Punk works a camel clutch variation, Danielson works to his knees and as Punk goes to drop down he takes a knee to the groin. Chops by Danielson now, uppercuts and then off the ropes, and then gets a northern lights suplex for 2. Both men are tired, Danielson with a boot and 2nd rope uppercut! AIRPLANE SPIN BY DANIELSON into the Finlay roll. Danielson up top…MISSES the head butt! Danielson is able to get the Cattle Mutilation…Punk rolls and gets up to his feet and then gets an unprettier as a counter. SHINING WIZARD by Punk~! 1…2…NO. Punk slams Danielson to the corner, goes up and looks for the plunge…Danielson fights and delivers forearms to Punk. They trade rights and Danielson is down. Back up with uppercuts and then all the way up top…SUPERPLEX~! BOTH men are down now, Steamboat counts, they struggle to their feet and Danielson with chops. Forearms by Punk, suplex countered and misses a shining wizard, roll up and a bridge by Danielson gets 2. Crucifix is stopped by Punk, DEVIL LOCK tried, loses a leg but he has a single leg crab. Danielson works for and gets the ropes. Punk up top now, leaps and Danielson gets a DROPKICK. DRAGON SUPLEX and that gets a CLOSE 2! Abdominal stretch by Danielson, he sits down and Punk has to tap.

    Winner: Bryan Danielson @ 26:15 via Submission

  • And we close with the best match in the DVD here. A really fun match that worked all the way to the finish with a purpose. Seeing an abdominal stretch as the finish is ODD I will say, but the seated variation as well as the work Danielson did on the ribs and such made it believable. It is long for some, but unlike the Strong match, just when you thin it is getting slow they pull you right back in. Steamboat as the ref was fun at times, but more importantly never overshadowed the performers.
    RATING: ***¾

  • A look at CM Punk in IWA Mid-South
  • Five Victims, Four Graves Music Video
  • Big Vision DVD Trailers
  • The 411: Overall this is a “fine” DVD. Nothing you need to rush out and get, but nothing bad either. I think if you haven’t seen any of Punk’s work as a heel, then this is a cheap way to check some of that out. The extras help this DVD out a lot as those are the best two matches on the DVD and the other matches are good. It is a solid look at Punk, but not a must buy.
    Final Score:  7.0   [ Good ]  legend

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    Larry Csonka

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