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Tremendous Tirades Throwbacks: TNA’s Slammiversary 2005

June 18, 2006 | Posted by Larry Csonka
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Tremendous Tirades Throwbacks: TNA’s Slammiversary 2005  

Jeremy Borash and “The Franchise” Shane Douglas welcome us to Slammiversary! Franchise says the people are here to celebrate the biggest PPV in TNA history. They run down the card and say the X Division 6-way will open up the PPV as well as Samoa Joe’s debut!

The Hardy party is there all painted up, freaks.

They run a video package of events that led to tonight’s matches, basically a recap to catch people up. Zbyzko took those Raven DDT’s right on his head, so props to Larry Z!

Tenay and West now welcome us to Slammiversary. Here comes Larry Z! He is in the ring and has an important announcement. He says there is no secret that TNA has had some internal turmoil. He says Dusty couldn’t keep control, “Dusty Sucks Chant!” He says that Dusty crumbled under the pressure of being DOA and the Championship Committee has decided that Dusty has no future in TNA! He says Dusty didn’t resign, but he was fired first. He asks for a moment of silent laughter in Dusty’s honor.

JJ is out now! He tears up some fan’s sign, that wasn’t polite. JJ says Larry needs to tell the truth. He says Dusty is just like Nash, Hall, Hardy, Sting, Hogan and more. He ran them all off. He says he built TNA from the ground up and tonight is the 3rd year anniversary and he will walk that isle and regain HIS title in HIS match! He says last month it took two men to beat him. He says he will beat 4 men tonight, and take back his King of the Mountain name. This is his world.

Here comes raven through the crowd! It’s ECW STYLE RAVEN BITCHES! He is astounded by their incompetence! How can they have the match with Waltman instead of him! He beat him last month! What about me, what about RAVEN? He thinks that they don’t want him in the match because Larry in cahoots with JJ. Raven says JJ held him down in the USWA, and now it happens here! JJ is a master politician! He knows Larry is behind it all. The crowd wants him in the match! JJ calls him “Scott,” that’s a shoot brother! JJ says Raven is all talk, while he does what he says. JJ says Raven doesn’t deserve to be in the match. JJ makes fun of Raven and his ECW past. JJ says hardcore was a big group of idiots and JJ thinks hardcore is all a bunch of crap. He slaps Raven! They brawl and security tries to separate them. Some Hardy Party dude keeps pushing JJ and he pulls him over the railing and bates his ass! Don Harris and Terry Taylor are out to stop JJ and here is Jerry Jarrett to yell at Jeff as Don Harris drags him out of the arena.

Borash puts over TNA as he and Douglas are shocked and are making it look real.

Simon Diamond is back! “Orlando…SIMON HAS A PROBLEM! He says he was made to sit at home and he recruited someone to make sure no one forces him out again…TRYTAN!”

PPV Pre-Match: Apollo and Sonny Siaki vs. Simon Diamond and Trytan

Simon and Siaki shake, but Simon levels him. Rights by Siaki and then chops. Arm drags to Simon and then a leg lariat gets 2. Tag to Apollo and a double arm drag for 2. Simon with rights, but a boot by Apollo. Powerslam on Simon for 2. Chops to Simon now and Trytan nails Apollo and Simon gets a knee to the back of Apollo. Trytan tags in and works over Apollo with shoulder thrusts in the corner. Big boot to Apollo. Tag to Simon and he nails Apollo with chops. Misses a clothesline, and a neck breaker by Apollo. Tag to Siaki and he levels Simon. Nails Trytan off of the apron. Siaki covers Simon for 2. Trytan in, and Apollo gets a super kick for 2! Simon dumps Siaki, super kick to Apollo. T-3 finished it.

Winners: Simon Diamond and Trytan @ 3:50 *

In the back the police are here to arrest JJ. Jerry Jarrett tries to talk them out of it, but they will take him away. Raven will now take JJ’s place in the KOTM match!

Borash and Douglas put over Raven and say he deserves it. One last hard push for people to order the show and the pre-show ends.

Just got a call live from the PPV (thanks Lino) and the crowd is HYPED that JJ is out and that Raven is in the KOTM Match.


As usual, a cool intro video is shown to open the show.

Tenay and West welcome us to Slammiversary! They show what happened with JJ and the “fan” during the pre-show and JJ being arrested. Raven now takes his place in the main event.

Match #1 X-Division 6-Way: The Amazing Red vs. Elix Skipper vs. Shark Boy vs. Delirious vs. Zach Gowen vs. Jerrelle Clark

Delirious runs around and then goes to the apron. They discuss Sharky’s lawsuit and Elix and Delirious will start. Elix tosses him down a few times but Delirious nails him with a kick. Kick back by Elix. Butterfly suplex to Delirious followed by a stiff kick. Delirious tags Red. Off the ropes and a shoulder block to Red. Reversal series and now a Boston Crab to Red. Red escapes and gets a dropkick to Elix. Tag to Clark and he takes down Red. Misses a moonsault and a head scissors by Red and then a spin kick! Tag by Zach and he misses a leg drop. Sharky in now. Dropkick by Sharky and covers for 2. Rams Zach to the corner and Sharky tossed back. Reverse DDT by Zach. Up top but Elix tags in and Sharky takes him to the floor. Here we go. SPRING BOARD MOONSAULT BY SLARK! Delirious nails Zach and Red then super kicks him. Re dup top…CORKSCREW INFARED to the floor! Delirious up top…Clark and Red stop him and go up top…everyone over…TOWER OF DOOM! Moonsault by Zach and Clark kicks out. Zach to the floor…SUDDEN DEATH by Elix on Sharky. SSP by Red and Clark stops him. SICK PILEDRIVER by Clark and Delirious saves Red. Back breaker by Delirious. Running knee shot to Red. DEEP SEA DROP to Delirious and that is all!

Winner: Shark Boy @ 6:40 **¼

Abyss is shown backstage.

Shane Douglas is with Shocker who is in some overalls. He says he came to TNA because the best superstars are here and he wants to be one of them. Alex Shelley is here and puts over Shocker, but says he can do it ALL! He did his homework and says he has a counter for everything. Shocker goes off on him in Spanish. Shane Douglas says, “Me no hablo espanol Shocker.”

Match #2 Alex Shelley vs. Shocker

Lock up and some reversals. Arm bar by Alex but Shocker escapes. Wristlock now by Alex and Shocker up, and Alex takes him down with a leg trip and into a single leg crab. Back to the match and they were just going back and forth. Chops by Shocker, but Alex has reversals a plenty but Shocker rolls him up for 2. The refs are wearing the classic “blue shirts and bow ties” for tonight. Alex bows to Shocker, but then nails him with a right hand. Shoulder block by Alex but reversals and a stiff dropkick by Shocker. Corner whip and Shocker to the apron. Flips in and a head scissors to Alex sends him to the apron. Flip in and Shocker to the floor. Alex MISSES a plancha! Dropkick off of the apron by Shocker! Back in the ring now and a slam by Shocker. Up top…MOONSAULT eats knees! Alex up and a snapping back suplex for 2. Russian leg sweep by Alex into a version of the Koji Clutch! The ref breaks it and a snap suplex on Shocker for 2. Slam to Shocker and Alex up top…dropkick counter by Shocker! Alex to the floor and Shocker with a suicide dive! Back in the ring goes Shocker and now and is on the apron. Back in and a sweet roll up by Alex for 2. Off the ropes and a roll up by Shocker, no reversal and a basement dropkick by Alex! Snap suplex gets 2 on Shocker. Roll up by Shocker, reversed and Alex gets 2. Boots to Shocker and then right hands. Shocker answers back but a roll up by Alex for 2. Double knee charge by Alex. Reversals and a weird Lucha small package and Shocker wins!

Winner: Shocker @ 10:50 **¾

Greatest TNA Moments: #5: AJ Styles wins his first NWA Title pinning JJ.

Shane Douglas is with the 3LK. BG says he has done things they may had questioned. His heart is at home, and the 3LK is his home. They are the 3LK and tonight his actions will speak louder than words. His actions will prove his loyalties. He asks them to trust him and Killings say, “Let’s do the damn thing!”

A video package showing the troubles between the 3LK is shown.

Match #3 The Outlaw vs. Ron “The Truth” Killings

Lock up and Killings is shoved back to the corner. Clean break. Lock up again and an arm bar by Killings. Escape by Outlaw and into a wristlock. Right hand to Killings. Side headlock by Outlaw and then off the ropes and a shoulder block to Killings. Flying head scissors off the ropes by Killings. Right hands by Outlaw though and then boots to Killings who is down. Ref pulls him off, Killings up top…flying forearm! LOW BLOW by the Outlaw! Killings to the corner and whipped hard to the other side. Outlaw MISSES a corner splash. Rights by Killings and Outlaw to the apron and Killings tries a sidekick, but crotches himself. Outlaw back in now and he chokes him out. Killings to the floor now and Outlaw follows. Killings rammed off of the steps. A fan holds up a chair, and Killings reverses Outlaw and he eats the chair! Back in the ring now and a snap mare on Killings into a reverse chin lock. Killings to his feet, but is knees back down. Slam on Killings and the Outlaw to the 2nd rope. He jumps and meets the feet of Killings! Rights by Killings and off the ropes…spinning forearm smash! Back flip/split into a missed ax kick! FAMEASSER on Killings! Outlaw signals for the Cobra Clutch slam…Killings reverses into a roll up for 3!

Winner: Ron Killings @ 7:40 *

Killings gets beat down now and then the Cobra Clutch slam on Killings! Outlaw has a chair and here comes the 3LK! BG has the chair! New Age Outlaw chant. He doesn’t hit him yet and Konnan is out and chases Outlaw off. Konnan and BG argue now and Killings is up and all seems cool, for now.

Greatest TNA Moments: #4: Raven Debuts and steals the NWA Title off of JJ.

Shane Douglas with Team Canada. Roode says he will destroy Hoyt tonight. Petey says the Naturals are not the real champs, Team Canada is! He says the Naturals losing streak begins tonight. D’Amore is concerned about what his team will do to their opponents. He says their adviser is a joke, and Team Canada is the best. He says he is the greatest general in wrestling history.

Video package of Team Canada and how they became #1 contenders.

Match #4 NWA Tag Title Match: Team Canada (Petey and Young) w/D’Amore and A-1 vs. The Naturals © (Douglas and Stevens)

D’Amore talks smack and says there is NO mentor that could help the Naturals!

Young and Stevens to start. Some reversals and Young with a headlock now. Arm bar now by Stevens but Young escapes. Stevens up and slams Young down. They exchange right hands and lock up. Young slaps Stevens and they exchange rights again and Young is down. Tag to Douglas. Double chops to Young. Tag to Petey. Arm drags by Douglas. Petey with an arm bar, and tries a head scissors but is pancaked. Weird variation of a sharp shooter by Douglas, Natural Disaster try but broken up by Team Canada. Young back in and Stevens with chops. Off the ropes, leap frog by Young and he grabs his knee and is down. Stevens checks on him…FAKER! He is up and tosses Stevens to the floor and D’Amore and A-1 beat him down! Tree of woe now by Young, tag to Petey. OH CANADA NUT STOMP! Vicious right hands by Petey on Stevens and finally lets him out of the tree. Double team sunset flip into a leg drop combo by Team Canada. Off the ropes and a back elbow by Young gets 2. Tag to Petey and they double-team Stevens in their corner. They work on the back of Stevens and then a back suplex by Petey. Top rope leg drop by Young for 2! Headlock on the mat by Young and Stevens fights to escape. Stevens to his feet, but Young slams him back down. Tag to Petey and he chokes out Stevens over the 2nd rope and D’Amore nails his as well. A-1 with his turn and Stevens is in big time trouble. Choke by Petey now and he finally breaks it. Sling shot leg drop by Petey on Stevens followed by a catapult for 2. Stevens rammed to the corner and a tag to Young. He covers for 2. Stevens with rights to the gut of Young. Off the ropes…but Stevens is side stepped and goes to the floor. Tenay wants to know if Jerry will post bail for JJ. SHUT UP TENAY! A-1 and D’Amore beat down Stevens on the floor and then toss him back in. Young and Petey both in and they just beat down Stevens with right hands. Stevens tries to fight back, but A-1 trips him up. Douglas over to stop them, and Stevens makes the corner and a TAG! Douglas cleans house! High knee to Young! Full nelson back breaker to Petey gets 2! Young hot shots him though and Petey locks in the SHARP SHOOTER! Stevens in and breaks it up. DDT by Petey! Douglas with a German on Petey for 2! Douglas and Young on the floor and Stevens has Petey on his shoulders…NECK BREAKER BY DOUGLAS OFF THE TOP! 1…2…NO! Young suplexed in…NATURAL DISASTER but Petey breaks it up! Russian leg sweep on Stevens. Destroyer try, countered and D’Amore nails Douglas with the flag! JIMMY HART IS OUT! Tosses the mega phone to Stevens! MEGA PHONE SHOT TO PETEY! Naturals win!

Winners: The Naturals @ 15:35 ***

Greatest TNA Moments: #3: Trinity’s Moonsault off of the Cage at Lockdown.

Shane Douglas with Sean Waltman. He asks how Waltman got the wildcard spot. Waltman says he is one hell of a backstage politician. He says he deserved it and he may have ran with the Kilq, but they’re in no unity tonight and he has his shot to with the gold tonight.

Match #5 Sonjay Dutt vs. Samoa Joe

Tenay puts over Joe big to start and bring sup the ROH Title run and puts over ROH.

Kicks by Joe and Dutt is down. Shove by Joe and knees to Dutt. He is kicking Dutt’s ass! Dropkick by Dutt shaken off and a spring board no sold! SICK URANAGE BY JOE! DUTT IS DEAD! Chops by Joe and a HUGE knee drop! JOE CHANTS! Cover for 2 by Joe. Corner whip and a running knee by Joe. Boot wipe…OLAY, OLAY, OLAY, OLAY KICK! OLAY CHANTS! Tenay is all over him putting him over HUGE! Rights by Dutt, but Joe back with a stiff shot and Dutt is down. Kicks by Dutt, rolling leg sweep by Joe and a running senton for 2! Chops by Joe now and off the ropes goes Dutt, Joe misses a charge and goes to the floor. PLANCHA by DUTT! Joe back in the ring and Dutt springs in and Joe catches him…reversal and kicks by Dutt. Springboard dropkick by Dutt for 2. Back elbow by Dutt then an Enziguri. Dutt up top…450 splash gets 2 for Dutt. Dutt up again…misses, rolls through, power slam by Joe for 2. Chops by Joe, Dutt set on top, sick forearms by Joe, SPINNING MUSCLE BUSTER! Rear naked choke and Dutt taps!

Winner: Samoa Joe @ 6:20 **½

They continue to put over Joe as a huge deal. Great debut and job by Tenay to get him over as super special.

Raven promo. He says he will not be stopped. Fate has opened her chest for him and pulled him in to her loving embrace. He will ride his chariot of vengeance and grind the bones of his opponents. He is not concerned with their families. If by chance they do an autopsy, it would say that they died by hatred, anger and sheer force of his will. He is a human cancer. The only way to stop him is to kill him. No one is twisted enough to take that step, but he is. He becomes the man he was supposed to be, the NWA champion. Tonight he finally fulfills his destiny…quote the Raven…NWA Champion…nevermore!

Match #6 Bobby Roode w/Coach D’Amore vs. Lance Hoyt

Lock up and Hoyt shoves Roode down. Lock up again and Hoyt breaks clean in the corner. Slap by Roode and now a shove. Roode shoved down and a slam by Hoyt. Off the ropes and a clothesline takes Roode to the floor! Roode pulls him out to the floor and they brawl. Back in but D’Amore distracts Hoyt and Roode knees him off of the apron to the steel railing! The Coach beats down Hoyt and as Roode distracts the ref. Back in and Roode in control. Roode chokes out Hoyt now and then elbows him on the apron. Back in now and they exchange right hands. Knee by Roode and then another. Back suplex by Roode and he covers for 2. Roode slams him down and stalks him. Suplex to Hoyt and Roode goes up top…Hoyt over and stops him. Hoyt press slams him off! Clotheslines by Hoyt! Flapjack to Roode! Corner mount punches by Hoyt. Atomic drop by Roode, but Hoyt GOOZLES HIM! CHOKESLAM! Hoyt up top…The Coach tries to stop him, Roode over…RUNNING LIGER BOMB to Hoyt for 2! Roode has the Hockey Stick flag! The ref takes it, Uranage by Hoyt! He sets for the big boot…Coach stops him, Hoyt has him! NORTHERN LARIAT BY ROODE! That’s all!

Winner: Bobby Roode @ 7:26 **

Coach D’Amore says he told Hoyt that he was going to school and Roode beats him down. He chokes him out and D’Amore slaps him now. Hoyt up! GOOZLE on D’Amore! Roode takes him down again and continues the beat down. D’Amore takes off his glasses, watch and shirt! NOOOO! D’Amore up top…MISSES THE MOONSALUT! Big Boot by Hoyt to Roode! He goes after the Coach and pulls on his pants! NO! CHOKESLAM ON D’AMORE! Hoyt up top…MOONSAULT TO D’AMORE!

Team Canada comes out and Hoyt escapes. They bring out the stretcher for D’Amore as Tenay calls him “Canadian Bacon!” The crowd sings, “Hey Hey Goodbye” for the poor Coach.

Greatest TNA Moments: #2: Jeff Hardy Debuts.

BAH! Cable breaks up a bit! Shane Douglas is with AJ Styles now in the back and I presume they discuss the KOTM match.

Video package for the 3LK vs. AMW feud runs.

Cable is back folks.

Match #7 The 3LK (BG James and Konnan) vs. America’s Most Wanted (Harris and Storm)

Konnan looks for his dog again, he must have a dog like mine that keeps breaking his chain. BG with his normal type intro.

Konnan and Harris to start. Lock up and an arm bar by Harris. Reversal, off the ropes and a boot and rolling thunder by Konnan. Flat liner by Konnan and he throws his shoe. Who throws a shoe, really? Kick by Storm and he boots away at Konnan. Harris and Storm double team Konnan and start to choke him out. Off the ropes and an elbow by Storm. Tag to Harris and a snap mare by Harris followed by a knee drop. Harris up top…double smash to Konnan for 2. Tag to Storm up top…misses and hits the boot of Konnan! Face jam by Konnan and a tag to BG. Boot to Storm. Backdrop to Harris. He whips Harris to the corner, but eats a super kick by Storm who covers for 2. Rights by Storm and a tag to Harris. Corner whip and a bulldog by Harris who covers for 2. Tag to Storm and BG fights back with rights but eats a boot to the face. Inverted tornado DDT to BG for 2 as Konnan saves him. Tag to Harris and left hands by Harris. Harris continues to pummel him and then goes to the 2nd rope. Leaps and BG with a right to the gut. BG tries to tag, juke and jive punches to Harris. Harris whipped and hits Storm off of the apron and BG covers Harris for 2. The Outlaw is out and Konnan attacks him! HART ATTACK to BG finishes the match.

Winner: AMW @ 7:00

Konnan says he’s sorry and wants to pound the rock but BG refuses. BG leaves the building and won’t leave with Outlaw or Konnan.

Greatest TNA Moments: #1: Elix Skipper’s Cage Walk RANA!

Video package highlighting the feud between Shane, Sabin and Daniels.

Match #8 TNA X-Division Title Match: Elimination Rules: Michael Shane w/Traci vs. Chris Sabin w/Trinity vs. “The Fallen Angel and Mr. TNA” Christopher Daniels ©

They all shove each other and brawl with punches to begin. Double hip toss of Daniels. Daniels up, and chops by all 3 to all 3! Head butt to Sabin by Daniels. RANA to Daniels by Sabin! Shane and Sabin in as Daniels went to the floor. Dropkick to Shane by Sabin and Daniels is back in. SWANK leg lariat by Daniels! Head butts to Sabin, off the ropes and a flatliner into the KOJI CLUTCH on Sabin! Shane up top…ELBOW DROP TO Daniels! Shane covers Daniels for 2, then Sabin for 2. Daniels nails Shane and then follows up with rights. Shane with a power slam to Daniels for 2. Jawbreaker by Daniels, and then Shane back dropped Daniels into a powerbomb by Sabin! Shane and Sabin work each other over. High cross body to Daniels as Shane ducked for 2. Daniels trips up Sabin and boots him to the apron. Daniels back drops Shane over the top and he nails a hanging Sabin! Daniels gets a split legged moonsault to the floor on Sabin. Back in the ring and Shane dropkicks Sabin. Daniels and Shane seem to want to work together now! Dropkick by Daniels on Sabin. Shane tosses Daniels to the floor. Belly to belly by Shane to Sabin gets 2. Rights to Sabin, off the ropes and Daniels nails Sabin but Shane with a baseball slide to Daniels. Shane rolls up Sabin for a 2 count. Sabin rammed to the corner by Shane. Shane whipped and Daniels back drops him to the floor! Daniels grabs him and slams him down. Sabin flies with a plancha but Daniels catches him with a gut buster! Daniels and Shane back in the ring and off the ropes…boot by Shane, misses a super kick, Sabin in and the Enziguri tornado DDT combo by Sabin! Sabin with a dual dropkick. Stalling suplex to Shane, tries the shock, reversed and Sabin leaps over the top with a swank plancha to Daniels! Sabin in with a missile dropkick to Shane for 2. Traci trips up Sabin and Trinity then trips up Shane. In the ring…CAT FIIIGHT! They chop the shit out of each other Traci is tossed to the floor. Shane grabs Trinity and Sabin in…CRADEL SHOCK TO SHANE and he is gone @ 10:50.

ANGELS WINGS TO TRINITY! One on one now. Sabin with chops to Daniels, reversals and a powerslam by Sabin for 2! Power bomb try by Sabin, into a gut buster for 2! Forearms by Sabin, off the ropes, Daniels gets him…EMERALD FROSION to Sabin for 2! Half nelson by Daniels now and Sabin tries to escape. To his feet, elbows to Daniels. Off the ropes, tilt a whirl into a roll up by Sabin for 2. Bulldog by Sabin and both men are down! Bridging X-Plex by Sabin for 2. Rights to Daniels now, off the ropes and a slam by Daniels. Head butts to Sabin and then the running STO for 2! BEST MOONSAULT EVER! 1…2…NO! Daniels is pissed! Sabin misses an Enziguri but gets the second try! Springboard DDT 1…2..NO! So close for Sabin! Sabin to his feet and wants the Cradle Shock. Daniels up…escape. Sabin tries to spring in, but Daniels kicks the ropes! ANGELS WINGS and that’s all!

Winner: Christopher Daniels @ 17:11 ****

We go to the back as Shane Douglas is with Monty Brown. Monty says JJ being gone has NO effect on him. He will destroy everyone in his path. JJ is in the pokey and he doesn’t care. The KOTM is on HIS Serengeti. He makes fun of Raven, AJ, Waltman and Abyss. He will win the match and the title and they will feel….the…POOOOOOOOOUUUUUNCE…PERIOD!

King of the Mountain video package.

Borash is out for the super special ring announcing. Larry Z. will hold the belt and when you try to hang it you have to get it from him. Anyone think JJ will run in? I hope AJ does the sweet dive over the penalty box again.

Excuse me as I mark out for RAVEN! No stupid ass kilts!

Match #9 NWA Title Match: KOTM: AJ Styles © vs. Sean Waltman vs. Abyss vs. Monty Brown vs. Raven

(King of the Mountain Match: If you pin a man, that man has to go into the “Penalty Box” for 2-minutes. The man that made the pin is eligible to climb the ladder and hang the NWA Title, if he does, he wins the match and is the NEW NWA Champion. He is eligible to do this the entire match. Only after you pin someone can you hang the NWA Title. Multiple refs, Larry Z. holds the belt and after a pin, you may get it from him and Falls count anywhere, NO DQ.)

Waltman is perched on top of the penalty box for the announcements as AJ sit a top a ladder.


Waltman dives onto Raven as we begin! RANA OFF THE LADDER to Abyss! Monty with the POOOOOOOOUNCE TO RAVEN pins him @ :30. Monty can climb the ladder to put up the title. Raven in the box as AJ plancha’s onto Waltman and Abyss! Waltman and Monty in the ring and a knee by Monty. ARE YOU NOT…ENTERTAINED? Waltman with chops now and Abyss with a corner splash on Monty! Boot to Abyss by Waltman. Spin kick by Waltman. Broncobuster to Abyss is broken up by Monty. Raven back in and a T BONE by Monty to Raven. ALPHA BOMB to Waltman and he is pinned and in the box @ 3:20. Only Monty can climb.

AJ on top of the penalty box…DROPKICK to Abyss! Shots to Abyss and Monty! POOOOOOOOUNCE TO AJ! Raven pulls AJ to the floor and pins AJ @ 4:20, Raven can get the belt now. SHOCK TREATMENT broken up and Raven in with trash can shots to Monty and Abyss. Abyss off the ropes, reversal and a boot to Raven. AJ and Waltman in the box seem to have made a deal to work together. Fall away slam to Raven by Monty. Waltman is back in and gets a trashcan. Nails Monty and Abyss. Boot by Abyss into the can and Waltman is down. AJ is back in the ring now.

BLACK HOLE SLAM TO MONTY and he is pinned by Abyss @ 6:44 and goes to the box. Waltman and AJ cannot climb, everyone else can. Raven plants AJ and covers for 2. Rights by Raven and a reversal…STYLES CLASH to Raven and Abyss breaks it up! ENZIGURI to Abyss! Chair shot by Waltman on Abyss as they battle on the floor. Abyss laid on the table. AJ up top…SPIRAL TAP TO ABYSS THROUGH THE TABLE ON THE FLOOR!!!!! HOLY SHIT! AJ pins Abyss and can climb to put the title up, only Waltman isn’t eligible.

Raven has a ladder in the ring now and a table. Monty is back in and sets the table in the corner. He and Raven battle to the floor. Raven rams Monty into the steel railing. AJ climbs with the belt…and drops it. Waltman hands it to him and climbs up…X FACTRO TO AJ OFF THE LADDER! AJ is pinned @ 10:40. EVERYONE CAN HANG THE BELT! AJ to the box.

Raven back in now and STAPLE GUN TO WALTMAN! Abyss is out of the box now. Waltman has the staple gun…STAPLE TO THE NUTS! OUCH! Staple gun to Abyss! Waltman sets the table back up in the corner. Raven and Monty battle now and AJ is back in now. Waltman has the belt and climbs…AJ climbs as well…Abyss topples the ladder and the fall to the floor and AJ through A TABLE! Abyss climbs now…POOOOOOOOUNCE TO ABYSS ON THE LADDER! DDT by Raven! Raven climbs now! Abyss is up…knocks him off…RAVEN WINS!!!!!

Winner: and NEW NWA CHAMPION RAVEN @ 14:35 ****¼

Huge pop for Raven as the crowd chants his name.

The 411: This show continued that great streak of PPV’s for TNA. The under card was a bit weaker, although there was the well done debut of Samoa Joe, the X Title match was great and the KOTM match was not only great, but the moment of Raven finally winning was tremendous.
Final Score:  7.5   [ Good ]  legend

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Larry Csonka

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