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Vickie Guerrero’s Daughter Accuses Stepfather of Sexual Assault, Vickie Responds and Attacks Her

April 5, 2023 | Posted by Joseph Lee
Vickie Guerrero AEW Fight For the Fallen Image Credit: AEW

In a post on TikTok, Sherilyn Guerrero, the daughter of Vickie and Eddie Guerrero, accused her stepfather Kris Benson of sexual assault. In the ten minute video, she notes that right before COVID, her family went on a cruise and that’s where it happened. She said she wasn’t the only one but wouldn’t reveal what happened to others because it wasn’t her place. Guerrero is currently 27, so the incident would have happened when she was 24. She claimed that when she told her mother about it, Vickie said it was “a mistake” and “not who he is.” She added that Vickie has since blocked her number and wants nothing to do with her.

She wrote: “I have waited so long and tried my hardest to put it all behind me but its time I start MY healing journey. I’m done being silent, its not helping my mental health. I could never fit this into 3 minutes anyways so I feel the fact I’m allowed 10 minutes, well its the best way i can sum up everything. Please respect my family & I want nothing but love for them…. I am done being silent though while they go on not worried about me, its time I worry about myself.

Vickie has since posted a reply on Instagram in which she says she’s had a hostile relationship with her daughter since she was 12. She then accused her daughter of lying, narcissism and implied she was bipolar. She then suggested she was disowning her and threatened legal action.

She wrote: “There are two sides to a story! Over 15 years my relationship with Sherilyn has been hostile and I have tried to deal with a narcissist person. Not only myself but close friends of Sherilyn of over 10 years and family have cut ties with her because of her manic behaviors. I tried to do therapy with Sherilyn but she always said NO and that I am sick not her. Sherilyn please tell your side of your character of being drunk on the cruise and having guys in your room then crying because you think you were raped then demanded us to go to a pharmacy in Bahamas for Plan B. You want to play dirty and sling Kris and I thru the mud….I have my own pile of mud FROM YOU.
Are you enjoying the 2 cars that Kris bought you, the 3 apartments you bailed out of, and the 2 surgeries we paid for you. Your lies will catch up and I feel bad for you.

Sherilyn, not once have you spoken to Kris about the situation, but you can go on social media and tell all….but that’s how you communicate….another example of you manipulating and harassing others. I am so done with you and tired of the years of your manipulation, lies, and disrespect. I kept quiet for years because you never seeked therapy to learn how to have an adult conversation with me. It has always been your way or nothing at all
Ok Sherilyn, not only will I see you in court but you and I will no longer be related. For the fans who feel entitled to comment…FUCK YOU….you hear one side of a story and you feel entitled to comment on something you know nothing about.

Meanwhile, Chavo Guerrero has shown support for his cousin. He wrote on Twitter: “Just to let everyone know, I fully support my cousin, Sherilyn Guerrero, Eddie’s daughter & have been doing so privately in the last couple years of her struggles. She is a very strong woman for coming forward with the sexual assault she has suffered. I Love You Prima!

If you are dealing with sexual assault, please call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673. It is safe and confidential.

article topics :

Vickie Guerrero, Joseph Lee