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Winfree’s AEW Dark: Elevation (Ep. 1) Review 3.15.21
Alright everyone, Winfree here to check out AEW’s newest offering. I have no idea what to expect from this show, but our hosts will be Tony Schiavone and Paul Wight.
We get right into things with introductions for our first match.
Match #1: Danny Limelight vs. Jungle Boy w/ Luchasaurus and Marko Stunt
They circle a bit, tie up Jungle Boy with a shoulder block then they run the ropes a bit, Jungle Boy with a side headlock and they trade the typical indy leg sweeps to barely 1 count covers then stand off and shake hands. They tie up again, run the ropes but Jungle Boy lands a drop kick then lands a chop. Back into the ropes, Limelight with an armdrag this time and a chop of his own. Jungle Boy with a series of arm drags now. Limelight with the cheap shot in the corner and starts laying in kicks. Jungle Boy reverses and lays in chops, but runs into a kick. Limelight with a modified reverse triangle over the top rope, he breaks before the 5 count then rolls back into the ring and hits a neckbreaker for a 1 count. Back suplex from Limelight gets a 2 count. Kicks from Limelight as Jungle Boy fights back to his feet, then Limelight with a suplex. More kicks from Limelight, then tries a rolling double stomp but misjudges the distance and has to stop then just land the double stomp. Jungle Boy counters a tope cone hilo with knees to the small of the back, then hits a swinging back breaker. Strikes from Jungle Boy, culminating with a clothesline that floors Limelight. Limelight floats over on a suplex attempt but misses a kick, avoids a pump handle then rolls through and gets a single leg crab. He drags Jungle Boy away from the ropes but Jungle Boy gets there eventually to force a break. On the apron now, Limelight tries to jump onto him but nothing comes of that and they start trading kicks on the apron. Limelight gets the better of this, and hits a headscissors off of the apron and tosses Jungle Boy into the barricade. Back in the ring, Limelight with a twisting dive onto Jungle Boy. In the ring again, Limelight up top and hits a springboard front flip DDT for a near fall. Limelight with a forearm shot, then a jumping knee as Jungle Boy ran at him, he tries the springboard DDT again but this time Jungle Boy rolls through, hits a brainbuster then hits a slightly modified tiger driver, scoops the legs for his modified STF and gets the tap.
Rating: 1.5 stars
This was a bit spotty for my taste, and while most of the spots were well executed they didn’t seem to flow or build towards anything.
Apparently he calls that the Snare Trap, fair enough. I’m going to give Paul Wight a little bit of slack here, but he’s not getting across excitement. We head over to commentary where Schiavone and Wight talk about how this show is designed to give people an opportunity to showcase their talents on their way up the ladder.
Back to the ring for our next match.
Match #2 – Tag Team Match: Kip Sabian and Miro w/ Penelope Ford vs. Baron Black and Vary Morales
Black and Morales got the jobber entrance, so this probably isn’t going to go well for them. Sabian and Morales get us going. Kicks and strikes from Sabian early and he stomps Morales down in the corner. Snap suplex from Sabian, he tries another one but Morales counters with a roll up for 2. Morales with a hurricanrana then an enziguri and he tags in Black. Black with strikes, Sabian returns them and gets the better of the exchange. Black avoids a corner rush but Miro comes in to shove Black away from Sabian. Atomic drop then a back stabber from Black that gets 2. Morales tags in, hits a suplex then super kick. Sabian lands a knee, then hits a gut buster. Stomps from Sabian, he gets Morales in the corner and sets him on the top rope. Both men up top, Morales fights free, knocks him down then hits a missile drop kick. Miro tags in, he knocks Black off the apron then tosses him into the barrier. He then smacks Morales out of the air. He screams that this is a waste of his time while abusing them. Belly to belly suplex from Miro then he tags in Sabian. Time Turner from Sabian and we’re done here.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Kip Sabian and Miro won
Rating: 1 star
This should have been a squash, but Sabian gave both Morales and Black too much for me to call it such in good conscience. Miro calling this a waste of time was both in character and a bit of a meta commentary.
Miro makes Penelope stay on the apron while they celebrate the win.
In the back QT Marshall is asked about his association with the Nightmare Family. He wants to focus on his match with Marko Stunt tonight, he jokes about Stunt being short and then says there’s nothing wrong with the Nightmare Family.
Back to the ring.
Match #3: Big Swole vs. Skyler Moore
Moore got the jobber entrance, and is 0-11 in AEW. They tie up, and Swole overpowers Moore. Swole starts working the arm, and they trade arm wringers and escapes. Swole gets a hammerlock, switches to a rear waist lock and hits a mat return. Moore fights back up with elbows, hits a snapmare, then they run the ropes but Swole lands an elbow to drop her. They head out of the ring and Swole tosses Moore from apron to barrier a few times before they head back to the ring. Swole misses a corner rush, they trade dodges on the apron then Moore ties up Swole and trips her down. Moore starts stomping the leg. A bit more leg work from Moore, then she grabs a rear chin lock. Swole fights up to her feet, there’s some mistiming on a spot but eventually Swole gets caught jumping and Moore with a backbreaker then a front slam for a 2 count. Swole with a roll up, gets 2 then she lands a right. A few more strikes from Swole, Moore avoids some kicks but eats a headbutt. Dirty Dancing from Swole ends this.
Rating: 1 star
Another should have been squash bout, Moore on offense was incredibly disjointed and looked lost half the time.
A commercial for the AEW Casino app follows, it’s available apparently.
Back to the ring for our next match.
Match #4: Marko Stunt w/ Luchasaurus vs. QT Marshall
Stunt tries to work the arm, Marshall over powers Stunt easily. High mat return from Marshall. Stunt tries a single leg, Marshall easily tosses him across the ring. Stunt is frustrated, lands a slap and gets punched for his trouble. They run the ropes and Stunt with a tilt a whirl headscissors take over. Stunt up top, flies onto Marshall then a drop kick. Back up top, Stunt gets caught this time and eats a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Stomps from Marshall in the corner, then another backbreaker. Stunt tries to fight back, he lands a couple of knees to counter a suplex attempt then hits an enziguri but runs into a pop up elbow shot from Marshall. The cover is lazy though and Stunt rolls out of the cover. Marshall makes the Diamond Cutter sign, but Stunt shoves him away and goes dead weight to avoid it. Stunt with a jaw breaker then strikes but Marshall drops him with another elbow. Into the ropes again, Stunt with a springboard cross body then a running knee strike for a 2 count. Marshall gets rolled up but kicks out. Stunt runs the ropes, hits a modified Canadian Destroyer for 2. Back kick from Stunt, but Marshall pops him up when he went for a shiranui and hits him with the cutter on the way down to win.
Rating: 2 stars
I’m never sure how much I can suspend my disbelief for matches like this, but both men did competent work if nothing else. As a general note, I really hate how contemporary wrestling has turned a freaking front flip piledriver in a set up spot.
The Hollywood Hunk, Peter Avalon and someone else jump Marko while Marshall just looks on. Luchasaurus has to chase the bad guys off.
A little highlight package for Lee Johnson is up next. He runs down a bit of his history leading up to his AEW run and his association with the Nightmare Family.
Another match up next.
Match #5: Tay Conti w/ -1 vs. Ashley Vox
Vox tries to open up with leg kicks, after a few thy get to Conti. Conti fakes a leg kick and hits a wheel kick then gets backed into the ropes. Conti up top, grabs a triangle choke over the top rope but breaks before the count ends. STO from Conti then a scarf hold armbar but Vox rolls up and gets arm dragged several times. Vox avoids a kick, gets a rollup for 1. Headbutt from Vox, then a shoulder block between the ropes and a headscissors take over. Conti with a pump kick from the apron and both women wind up outside. Punt kick from Conti and they’re brawling around the ringside area. Vox with forearms, Conti responds in kind and drives Vox into the barricade. Running kick from Vox lands and both women are down. Conti with a spinning backbreaker to floor Vox. Back into the ring, Conti up top, misses the flying nothing but hits a pump kick on the rebound then a running knee strike in the corner. Conti hits a hammerlock DDT to end things.
Rating: 2.5 stars
Vox didn’t do too badly, and Conti is pretty solid as a general rule. Post match Conti and -1 celebrate.
Right into the next match.
Match #6 – Tag Team Match: Matt and Mike Sydal vs. Jorel Nelson and Royce Isaacs
Nelson and Isaacs are in the ring as the Sydal’s head to the ring. Mike and Isaacs get us started. Double leg from Isaaces, Mike sits out and gets up but his mat returned. Back up and Mike with a go behind but Isaacs drives him into the corner and lands a right. Mike avoids a corner rush, does a gymnastics bit and tags out. A tandem set of kicks then Matt locks up a bow and arrow hold and then hits a double stomp to the back. Isaacs with a scoop slam then tags out. Nelson tries a slam but Matt with an armdrag counter, then another one and he starts working the arm. Mike tags in, hits an elevated double stomp to the body then another double team move as Matt hit a snapmare then Mike with a standing moonsault for 2. Mike to the top rope, avoids a charge and hits a high kick but Isaacs is in to break up the pin. Matt distracts the ref and Isaacs clubs Mike from behind to take over. Nelson tags out and they double team the leg of Mike. Quick tags from the heels, and Mike eats a suplex to powerbomb for a near fall. Mike avoids a clothesline and tags in Matt. Matt runs wild on both Nelson and Isaacs. Hog Log and a standing phoenix splash from Matt gets 2. Isaacs in, Mike in and things break down. Mike sends Isaacs out of the ring, Sydal with a hurricanrana then a kick. The Sydals with the double Lighting Spiral to win.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Matt and Mike Sydal won
Rating: 2.5 stars
Straight forward tag team match, pretty much standard all the way down the line. The Sydal brothers celebrate.
In the back Will Hobbs and Hook are getting interviewed. Hobbs says his match with Cutler is the same BS they’ve been dealing with, Cutler can only beat people who play games and he doesn’t play. He’s all about that action, they plan on handling town business.
Back to the ring.
Match #7: Dani Jordyn vs. Red Velvet
Jordyn is doing a Mean Girls gimmick in 2021, I don’t have words for that. They tie up then break a few times, neither able to get an advantage. Velvet gets a headlock takeover, Jordyn with a leg scissors and escape, they repeat that spot then Velvet with a few arm drags. They run the ropes and Velvet lands a calf kick. Jordyn gets beat up in the corner, but eventually counters and sends Velvet out of the ring. Jordyn beats Velvet around the ringside area before they head back in the ring, oh and Jordyn has to show off a page in her Burn Book for Velvet. Velvet with a rollup, that gets 2 then Jordyn slams her down. Velvet with some clotheslines then a wheelbarrow bulldog. A standing moonsault from Velvet mostly misses, then she avoids strikes and hits a spin kick while Jordyn was on her knees. Running neck breaker of some variety, commentary calls it Just Desserts, and Velvet wins.
Rating: 1.5 stars
Well, that was certainly a match.
In the back the Syals get interviewed, they say they bend but don’t break. Kenny Omega shows up, he says people would rather hear from him than them. He says Omega is here to scout for Dynamite, and if the Sydal brothers keep winning they might make it to that program. Matt says he’s the perfect guy to break through the top ranks and take on Omega. Omega mocks him, he has his own top 5 list of contenders and they’re all Michael Nakazawa and Matt says he beat Nakazawa already. Omega says if he can beat Nakazawa right now he’ll get a shot at the belt. That will happen at some point later tonight.
Max Caster with his usual bit of diss rapping at his opponent as he comes to the ring.
Match #8: Dante Martin vs. Max Caster
They tie up, Caster over powers Martin. Another tie up, this time Martin tosses Caster away. Martin goes for an arm wringer, Caster counters and they just wind up trading arm wringers and escapes. Caster does a handstand in the corner then mule kicks the charging Martin. They run the ropes then Martin hits a headlock takeover. Martin bounces off the ropes to avoid a top wrist lock, Caster blocks an arm drag but gets tossed out of the ring. Martin fakes a dive, misses a running kick then clips the knee charging at Caster. Back into the ring, Martin up top and is caught by Caster. Caster drops Martin face first onto the top rope and starts stomping on him. Caster starts working the arm of Martin. Caster puts Martin on the top rope, follows him up but Martin shoves him off, tries the stand but Caster crotches him. Tower of London from Caster, but that just gets a few 2 counts as he keeps going for covers. Caster after an armbar but Martin is keeping the arm from being extended then rolls up Caster to force him to break the hold. Snapmare from Caster but he misses a jumping knee. Martin lands a kick then a clothesline and a drop kick. Caster moves to the apron, grabs the arm of Martin and snaps it over the ropes. Martin kicks him to the floor then hits a dive onto Caster. Springboard splash from Martin gets 2. Martin grabs the boombox, but as the ref takes it away Caster with a low blow behind the refs back. Caster up top, Mic Drop elbow and he wins.
Rating: 2.5 stars
Not spectacular but rock solid work from both men, kudos to them.
Match #9: Ray Lyn vs. Abadon
Lyn does not get an entrance. Lyn plays scared, Abadon intimidates her and lands a clothesline. Knuckle lock from Abadon and she tosses Lyn around with it. Lyn with a kick to the body, Abadon catches a second one and hits a backbreaker. Choke bomb from Abadon, Lyn with some kicks to the body but Abadon catches one and hits a modified fisherman suplex. Lyn out of the ring, and lands a kick to the head of Abadon. Abadon with an STO on the floor and starts laying in blows. Back into the ring, Abadon no sells a chop then backhands Lyn down. Cemetery Drive from Abadon and we’re done.
Rating: Gem. . . SQUASH
Delicious squash.
Match #10: Will Hobbs w/ Hook vs. Brandon Cutler
Hobbs backs Cutler into a corner and mocks his inability to escape. Cutler slips free but runs into a shoulder block and is out of the ring. Hobbs chases Cutler around the ring but gets jumped back in the ring. Cutler with strikes but Hobbs keeps shoving him off then eventually catches him and slams him into the corner. Hobbs with body shots then works a bearhug. Cutler fights free and drop kicks the knee to take Hobbs down. Cutler springs off the ropes and hits a drop kick for a 2 count. A lot of hit and move from Cutler, he’s on the second rope but is caught by Hobbs and eats Town Business (Emerald Flowsion) to win.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Powerhouse Hobbs won
Rating: 2 stars
I appreciated Cutler working the size difference, doing the hit and run thing before ultimately falling to the power of Hobbs.
Hobbs and Hook celebrate post match over the fallen Cutler.
Match #11: Diamante vs. Layla Grey
Diamante starts going for the arm right away, trips Grey down and moves into a front face lock. Grey fights to her feet but Diamante smacks her. Side headlock from Grey, then she shoulder blocks Diamante down. They run the ropes, Grey with an arm drag, and another one. Running cross body from Grey gets a 2 count. Diamante with some elbows and a clothesline. Some mounted strikes from Diamante then cross face blows. Suplexes from Diamante, she hits the third one into the corner. Running drop kick to the seated Grey from Diamante, that gets 2. Diamante back to the arm, sends Grey into the corner but Grey springs out and lands an elbow. They start trading rights then Diamante with a kick to the body and a Code Red to win.
Rating: Giromontina. . . SQUASH
Less delicious squash this time, but ultimately a squash. I tend to think this one did a better job of letting Grey get in bits and pieces of her stuff but never tried to be a competitive match than some other stuff on this episode.
8 man tag team action up next.
Match #12: The Butcher and The Blade and Private Party (Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy) w/ The Bunny and Matt Hardy vs. Dean Alexander, Carlie Bravo, Brick Aldridge, and David Ali
I’m sure this wont be a clown fiesta. Blade and Butcher jump the others quickly, kick assisted gutwrench. Kassidy in, as is Ali. Ali slips out of a back suplex but runs into a kick. Quen tags in, the hit a couple of double team moves. Suplex attempt from Quen, Ali slips free and tags in Alexander. Drop kick from Quen, Kassidy tags back in and they double team Alexander. Kassidy lets Alexander tag out, Aldridge in and lays rights into Kassidy then sends Quen out of the ring. Butcher runs in and floors Aldridge, then sends him out of the ring. On the outside Hardy and Bunny abuse Aldridge before Butcher sends him back into the ring. Blade tags in and starts stomping Aldridge. Chops and punches in the corner from Blade. Aldridge fights out of the corner and tags Ali back in. Kicks from Ali but he runs into a snap powerslam and now everything turns into a brawl. The relevant guys win out, Ali takes tandem kicks then the Butcher and Blade tandem finisher and we’re done.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Private Party, The Butcher, and The Blade won
Rating: Pattypan. . . SQUASH
I question the necessity of that, but at least they didn’t try to have a back and forth match. Just let a squash be a squash sometimes.
All four men celebrate together.
Match #13: Michael Nakazawa vs. Matt Sydal
Nakazawa jumps Sydal in the ring and starts in with the strikes. Kick from Nakazawa from the apron, then a camel clutch assisted by his lanyard. Nakazawa takes off his belt and chokes Sydal with it. Sydal fights back with kicks, they trade chops in the corner, Sydal with a spinning kick. More kicks from Sydal mostly targeting the leg. Nakazawa hits a Samoan drop for a 2 count. Sydal slips off the shoulders and proceeds to pants Nakazawa, hits a high kick and pins Nakazawa.
Rating: DUD
A comedy angle more than a match.
Post match Kenny Omega is here, he jumps Mike Sydal and his match with Matt starts right now. If Matt wins he’ll get a title shot.
Match #14: Kenny Omega vs. Matt Sydal
V Trigger, One Winged Angel, and we’re done.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Kenny Omega won
Rating: Pyriformis. . . SQUASH
Could easily have gone DUD here, but again this is more angle than anything else and seemed like a cheap excuse to get Omega on the show.
Post match Kenny says you can thank him for the rating. Tony Khan shows up and says this is BS, he makes the matches not Kenny and in nine days on Dynamite Sydal will get a non-title match and if Sydal wins he’ll get a real title shot. Kenny says they’ll just edit this out in post so it never happened.
Main event time.
Match #15: Riho vs. Maki Itoh
They circle then tie up, they trade arm wringers and escapes, Riho gets a side headlock at the end of it all. They run the ropes, Itoh hits a shoulder block to take her down. Itoh tries a falling headbutt but Riho avoids it. Itoh gets mad and headbutts the corner, Riho tries to bridge to avoid a headbutt but Itoh with a falling headbutt to her ribs. In the corner Itoh lands punches, then tosses Riho into the corner and hits a running bulldog for a 2 count. Itoh starts working the small of the back next. Riho scoots to the ropes to force a break. Riho tries to fight back with forearms but Itoh just wants her to keep going, then lands one of her own. They hit the ropes again and Riho hits a drop kick and Itoh heads out of the ring. Riho with a flying cross body from the apron to the floor. Back into the ring, Riho gets a near fall. Off the ropes again, Itoh gets hung up on the second rope and Riho hits a 619. Riho up top, another crossbody lands but she just gets 2. Itoh avoids a northern lights suplex and counters with a DDT. Boston crab now from Itoh, Riho moving towards the ropes, can’t get them but she slips out and rolls up Itoh for 2. Into the ropes and Riho with a running knee then a northern lights suplex for another near fall. Riho up top, misses a double stomp, and Itoh with a tornado DDT so they’re both down. Itoh crawls to Riho and they start trading forearms. Eventually Itoh gets the best of that but Riho counters a running move with a roll through then hits a double stomp. Top rope double stomp from Riho connects, but she only gets 2 on the pin attempt. Itoh grabs the legs of Riho to stop her running, Riho gets free but runs into a headbutt to the body. Riho with a running knee, tries a shining wizard but Itoh counters into a half crab. Itoh cranks on the hold, then drags Riho to the middle of the ring and hits the falling headbutt to the small of the back. Another Boston crab from Itoh, this one more Lion Tamer looking. Riho crawls to the ropes and forces a break. Itoh pulls Riho back into the middle of the ring, she lays in blows to the abdomen then heads up to the top rope. Riho avoids a diving headbutt then hits the Somato running double knee strike to get the win.
Rating: 3 stars
Best match of the night, solid story telling from both women as well as good physicality all the way around. Riho poses to celebrate as the episode ends.