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Winfree’s AEW Dark: Elevation (Ep. 101) Review 2.06.23

Hey there people, it’s time for another episode of AEW Dark: Elevation. Last week was the 100th episode and a pretty darn good show for Elevation at that, this week we’ve got a longer episode at a little over an hour which tends to be pushing the limits for what shows like Elevation should be. That said we’ve got a decent lineup here, Juice Robinson, Yuka Sakazaki, Butcher and Blade, Dark Order, and a main event of Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta taking on Ari Daivari and Tony Nese. Paul Wight and Matt Menard are on commentary, though Menard is in our first match so I imagine he’ll join after it’s done.
Match #1 – Tag Team Match: Matt Menard and Angelo Parker vs. The Boys (Brandon and Brent Tate)
Menard and Brent start us off, Menard gives a clean break out of the corner. Brent avoids a cheap shot but Menard can hit a kick then he tags in Parker. Some minor strikes from Parker then he tags Menard back in. Menard with some strikes but he runs into a back elbow and here comes Brandon for a flying ax handle. Parker tags in and takes some tandem offense. Menard tags in and wipes out Brent with a clothesline. Brandon flies into a boot then the double Impaler DDT ends things.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Matt Menard and Angelo Parker won in 2:21
Rating: Fig leaf squash
Odd match here, the crowd was pretty dead for it. Technically it was fine, the Tate’s and former 2point0 all know what they’re doing in there but this felt really mechanical and the crowd never cared about any of it.
In the back Lexi talks with Mark Sterling and his clients about the main event, Sterling calls last week the highest rated Elevation episode ever because of his guys. I’m not sure if the view numbers bear that out, and if he’s referencing my rating I’d appreciate a citation. Tonight his guys will end the Blackpool Combat Club. Tony Nese claims Claudio’s body is from Zumba and jazzercise, while Ari Daivari wonders if the Blackpool Combat Club is even a thing anymore. Nese and Ari are a a real team not two singles guys tossed together, and you’ll have to wait for all the random laws that Sterling has read up on.
Matt Menard has indeed joined commentary.
Match #2: Juice Robinson vs. Jake Crist
Nice to see Jake Crist in AEW. Jake avoids a charge and lands some corner work before Juice eats kicks. Juice sends Jake to the apron, eats a kick for his troubles then Jake hits a crossbody for a 2 count. Jake tries a super kick but Juice counters into a series of jabs then a solid left hand. Juice yells at the ref, then tries a suplex but Jake counters into an O’Connor Roll for 2, then a follow up knee and super kick only for Juice to catch him with a flapjack. Russian leg sweep from Juice then a senton. Juice hits the Juice is Loose to end things.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Juice Robinson won in 2:20
Rating: 2 stars
I’ll give this one a rating as it was pretty back and forth despite the short run time and obvious outcome. Confession time, I’ve never cared for Juice Robinson. His work just doesn’t resonate with me. This was fine for what it was.
Match #3 – Trios Match: Dark Order (Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds, and John Silver) vs. Renny D, Matt Brannigan, and Crash Jaxson
Silver and Matt get us going, Silver grabs a side headlock then hits a shoulder block. Some rope running now before Silver lands a running uppercut. Things break down into a brawl and Dark Order throw the jobbers together. Crash takes the ping pong offense from Dark Order then Reynolds hits a suicide dive onto Renny and Matt. Uno tags in, then they wipe out Matt with the Abyss which I guess they’re now calling the Meat Hammer. OK then.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Dark Order won in 1:54
Rating: Amphora squash
Solid and generally effective squash. I’m not sure what Dark Order is up to story wise as they just seem to exist, but they’re racking up the wins and might get a trios title shot at some point.
Match #4: Yuka Sakazaki vs. Billie Starkz
They tie up, Yuka then goes for an arm wringer and she and Billie trade counters for a bit. Billie grabs a cravate but Yuka counters into a hammerlock then a side headlock takeover, Billie with a head scissors escape then they stand off. Yuka lands a boot out of the corner and grabs an inverted triangle over the ropes. Billie boots Yuka on the apron the sweeps her legs. Billie goes up top and hits a summersault senton on the apron, nice spot. Yuka kicks Billie in the head as they head back into the ring, then Yuka hits a top rope dropkick. Billie hits a suplex then some stomps in the corner. Suplex into a neckbreaker over the knee from Billie and that gets a 2 count. Yuka is pissed and fires up with elbows then a snapmare into a kick and a sliding clothesline for a 2 count. More elbows from Yuka but Billie avoids a rolling elbow and hits a bridging German suplex for a near fall. Billie up top, Swanton Bomb but again only a near fall. Yuka blocks a kick, but Billie lands a knee before running into a rolling elbow then Yuka with a Northern Lights Bomb and she follows up with the Magical Girl Splash to end things.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Yuka Sakazaki won in 5:40
Rating: 2.5 stars
Pleasantly surprised at how close this was to three stars. Billie Starkz has turned in strong performances during her couple of Elevation appearances, she’s definitely got a bright future. As for Yuka Sakazaki, her showdown with Athena seems to be looming and it might be fun to see Athena pull out the Dark Yuka persona if they extend the feud beyond just one match.
In the back Lexi talks with The Boys, but here come Dark Order. Lexi objects to being interrupted, and Reynolds and Silver make fun of her pants. Evil Uno feels bad for the Boys, but he feels The Boys would fit into Dark Order. Silver with a little dance, but yells at Lexi when she tries to join in. Uno offers them a Dark Order contract, then they all head out. Sheesh Silver, what did Lexi ever do to you?
Match #5 – Trios Match: Zack Clayton and Chaos Project (Luther and Serpentico) w/ Angelico vs. Best Friends (Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta, and Chuck Taylor) w/ Danhausen
Cassidy and Serpentico start things off, Serpentico doesn’t allow Cassidy to put the hands in the pockets but Cassidy blocks a drop toe hold and does get his hands into his pockets. Serpentico is annoyed, and they hit the ropes, and Cassidy hits an arm drag without hands. Taylor tags in and they set for a Hart Attack but Cassidy just pushes Serpentico for the Pretty Sweet Hart Attack. Clayton tags in and Taylor goes after him with an arm drag but Clayton pushes things into their corner. Serpentico tags back in, then he and Taylor trad arm wringers, some arm breakers from Taylor then he tags in Trent while Danhausen distracts the ref. More shenanigans to Serpentico while Danhausen messes around with the ref. Serpentico avoids some arm breakers as Cassidy winds up hitting “arm breakers” on Taylor. Taylor warns Cassidy that those didn’t hurt then tags him, only for Clayton to have had enough of this and clothesline Cassidy. Luther with some boots on the floor to Cassidy then a suplex. Our random Luther fact is that Luther will be in an upcoming Viking inspired movie. Clayton tags in and gets a bearhug on Cassidy. Luther and Serpentico take out Taylor and Trent then we get a few hugs to go along with Clayton’s bearhug. Slam from Clayton then Cassidy avoids a few punches while Clayton punches Luther and Serpentico. Now Cassidy strolls over and tags in Trent, then Trent unloads on Clayton with strikes. Rope running from Trent then he lands a clothesline. Taylor tags in, Trent hits a DDT onto Clayton. Luther takes some knees, then Serpentico flies into a Sole Food into a half neslon suplex. Cassidy tags in, the Best Friends set to hug but Clayton lays out Cassidy and Taylor, only for Cassidy to hit the Orange Punch leading to a double chokeslam from Trent and Taylor which seals the deal for Best Friends.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Best Friends won in 6:30
Rating: Atlantic Giant squash
Decent squash, but the match felt a little overlong. Some good comedy spots but on the whole this kind fell just a little flat.
Post match Angelico gets in the ring, Danhausen then curses him and punches him in the dick.
Match #6: Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Corey Calhoun
Hobbs hoists Corey up and unloads in the corner on him. Corey with the Bret Hart corner bump, then another one. Hobbs with a gutbuster, then he tosses Corey onto the ropes and follows up with a boot. Torture Rack from Hobbs, turns into kind of a reverse Death Valley Driver which Wight claims is a Burning Hammer. I have seen a few Burning Hammers in my day sir, this was not one of them. I know Hobbs has a slight variation of the Emerald Flowsion he’s used, but his Town Business is a lot closer to that than this was to a Burning Hammer. Either way it’s enough for the pin.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Powerhouse Hobbs won in 1:47
Rating: Australian Butter squash
Delicious squash.
As Top Flight is making their entrance Butcher and Blade jump them in the ring, setting a tossing Go To Sleep followed by a Butcher clothesline on Dante.
Match #7 – Tag Team Match: Top Flight (Dante and Darius Martin) vs. The Butcher and The Blade w/ The Bunny
Dante and Blade start things once the ref calls for the bell, Blade unloads with running chops in the corner then he tags in Butcher. Butcher with some strikes of his own before Dante fights back with a jawbreaker and head kick but Butcher cuts him off with a scoop slam and a knee drop. Blade tags back in and unloads with punches then Bunny gets in some cheap shots. Butcher back in, but Dante flips out of a back suplex, jumps over Butcher and Blade then tags in Darius. Darius runs wild for a bit and Butcher has to break up a pin off of a running Spanish Fly. Dante kicks Butcher then Blade gets double teamed for a near fall off of an assisted tornado DDT. Top Flight want the Nose Dive assisted powerbomb after Dante tags in but Butcher cuts Dante off and tosses him into the ring steps then Darius runs into a knee from Blade. Drag the Lake follows to Darius but Dante is the legal man so no pin for Blade. Butcher ejects Darius, they try Drag the Lake on Dante but Dante takes Butcher out of the ring with a hurricanrana then a Nose Dive to Blade and Dante picks up the win.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Top Flight won in 4:00
Rating: 3 stars
Fun little match, Butcher and Blade looked strong in defeat while Top Flight continue to build momentum. It might be time for Top Flight to get a shot at some gold, considering how suddenly anemic the top of the tag team division looks for AEW Top Flight would be a needed breath of fresh air.
Match #8 – 8-Woman Tag Team Match: Emi Sakura, Diamante, Marina Shafir, and Nyla Rose w/ Vickie Guerrero vs. Madison Rayne, Skye Blue, Queen Aminata, and Hyena Hera
Rose and Blue start us off, Rose with an elbow then Blue hits the ropes to super kick the leg. Running crossbody from Rose cuts off Blue. Blue with a jawbreaker and both women tag out. Shafir unloads on Aminata but Aminata hits a snap suplex then Blue tags back in. Blue with some strikes to Shafir but Shafir shoves her away then hits a pumphandle back suplex, that looked ugly. Emi tags in and unloads with a chop then the corner crossbody. Diamante tags in for some soft clotheslines then a German suplex. Aminata breaks up a pin. Blue lands a knee then a super kick and looks to tag out. Shafir and Rayne tag in and Rayne with some strikes and a Cutter but Emi breaks up the pin. Shafir hits a back suplex, everything breaks down and it’s time for Everyone to Get Their Stuff In. Aminata low bridges Rose but Rose pulls her out of the ring. Blue dives onto a pile of bodies, then Rayne follows with a top rope dive onto the pile of bodies as well. Back in the ring Rayne goes for a pin but only gets 2. Shafir kicks Rayne away, Hera tags in and runs into a head kick. Rose tags in, Beast Bomb and we’re done.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Diamante, Emi Sakura, Marina Shafir, and Nyla Rose won in 5:03
Rating: 2 stars
A couple of awkwardly timed spots, Shafir still doesn’t look as coordinated and smooth as you’d like, but the energy in general was pretty good for a short match with this many wrestlers.
Mark Sterling talks as his team heads to the ring, our random Ohio law is that you cannot fish for whales on Sundays. That’s unfortunate for all the bachelors in the state as it’s one less day to pick up Ohio women. If that’s the line that made air I’d hate to hear what they left on the cutting room floor. Also the crowd did not care one bit about this, darn near silence for everything before Claudio’s music hit.
Match #9 – Tag Team Match: Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta) vs. Tony Nese and Ari Daivari w/ Mark Sterling
Wheeler and Nese get us going. They tie up, hit the ropes for a bit then Nese pauses things to pose. Claudio tags in and mocks the size of Nese’s biceps. Now Claudio stops Nese, then shoulder blocks him and poses. Ari tags in, Claudio takes him down then no sells a chop from Ari and wipes him out with an uppercut. Ari tries to tag in Wheeler, Wheeler punches him then Claudio tags Wheeler in. Double boot to Ari. Arm wringer from Wheeler, Ari goes to the hair and Nese lays in a cheap shot to let the heels take over. Nese tags in and lands a back elbow. Ari back in and they work to keep Wheeler isolated. Wheeler avoids a corner splash, then ducks a clothesline and Nese takes out Ari. Claudio tags in as does Nese and Claudio gets to run wild with the running uppercuts. More uppercuts from Claudio then a drop kick and Ari breaks up the pin. Wheeler and Ari fight, then Claudio knocks out Ari with an uppercut. Nese tries a backslide but Claudio counters into a Giant Swing attempt but Sterling gets on the apron, leading to Claudio booting him down. Nese with a spin kick to Claudio then he goes up top and hits a 450 Splash for a near fall. Ari tags in, but Wheeler pulls him out of the ring to set up an assisted DDT to Nese. Claudio catches a jumping Ari and hits a backbreaker then tags in Wheeler. Giant Swing from Claudio, he gets to about 15 rotations then Wheeler crushes the swinging Ari with a drop kick to pick up the pin.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Blackpool Combat Club won in 6:09
Rating: 2.5 stars
Competent but boy this crowd just was not invested in anything the heels did. They loved Wheeler and Claudio though, so there’s that. I still don’t know why Ari Daivari is in AEW.