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Winfree’s AEW Dark Elevation (Ep. 42) Review 12.20.21

December 20, 2021 | Posted by Robert Winfree
AEW Dark: Elevation
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Winfree’s AEW Dark Elevation (Ep. 42) Review 12.20.21  

Hey there people, time for another episode of AEW Dark: Elevation. Tonight we’ve got matches featuring Dark Order, Andrade El Idolo (wonder if his trunks will survive this time), Thunder Rosa, and more. Tony Schiavone and Mark Henry start us out on commentary, Eddie Kingston will be joining shortly. Also my usual reminder, but a title on Eddie Kingston already AEW, you cowards. Ruby Soho is our third voice for the first match tonight.

Match #1 – Trios Match: The Bunny, Emi Sakura, and Nyla Rose w/ Vickie Geurrero vs. Jessica James, Gigi Rey, and Lady Bird Monroe

This is gonna hurt. Rose starts out running over Rey then cheap shotting James. Emi tags in and tosses Rey around then lays in chops in the corner. The corner crossbody from Emi lands, the double underhook position is escaped and James tags in and attacks The Bunny who also tagged in. Bunny lays in some knee lifts then Monroe makes a blind tag but Bunny tosses James into her. Emi tags back in, climbs to the second rope and hits a twisting Vader Bomb but things break down as the pin is broken up. Rose tags back in after the other jobbers are disposed of. Lariat from Rose, Beast Bomb but with a release. Rose points at Rose, and hits another Beast Bomb to end this.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Nyla Rose, The Bunny, and Emi Sakura won in 3:16

Rating: Ampullaris. . . SQUASH

Delicious squash. Post match Soho and Rose stare down across the entrance ramp.

Eddie Kingston has joined commentary now.

Match #2: Red Velvet vs. Madi Wrenkowski

Velvet goes after the arm right away and hits a few arm drags but Madi counters into a side headlock. One legged drop kick from Velvet then Madi catches a kick and tosses Velvet down to the mat. Velvet off the second rope with a cross body and looks to fire up again. Slightly out of position drop toe hold from Velvet into the ropes, a Meteora follows then a standing moonsault but Madi kicks out of the pin at 2. Velvet then hits a super kick to the body and the Final Slice ends things.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Red Velvet won in 1:47

Rating: Red Kuri. . . SQUASH

I’m glad Velvet toned down her acrobatics, she’s been a lot cleaner in the ring lately because of it. Also nice stuff from Madi, who’s been doing solid work in this role for a while now. Also Eddie Kingston explaining the naming convention of Red Velvet’s finisher and him popping when he realized it was cake related made me smile.

Match #3 – Tag Team Match: Chaos Porject (Luther and Serpentico) vs. Bear Country (Bear Bronson and Bear Boulder)

Luther and Bronson to start. They tie up then trade strikes right away. Neither man can clothesline the other but Luther runs into running clothesline that drops him and he tags out. Serpentico tags in, and gets immediately slammed by Bronson then Boulder tags in. Boulder takes a chop from Serpentico and no sells it, then grabs Serpentico and hits a military press into a couple of backbreakers. Bronson tags back in as Serpentico begs the ref for help. Serpentico slips away from a corner attack and stuns Bronson over the top rope the Luther lands a cheap shot. Luther tags in and starts slamming Serpentico into Bronson. Running knee from Luther then he tags in Serpentico. Luther with a gordbuster dropping Serpentico onto Bronson for a 2 count. Serpentico grabs the arm of Bronson and lays in body shots but Bronson stands with ease and tosses him into Boulder who lands a right hand. Both men tag out and Boulder runs wild with slams to Luther and Serpentico then tosses Serpentico into Luther in a corner for a big double avalanche. Boulder sets to powerbomb Serpentico, Luther tries a crossbody to save him but Boulder catches Luther then slams them both down. Catching a man of Luther’s size like that is impressive. Bronson tags back in, gets on the shoulders of Boulder and Boulder then drops him in a splash onto Luther which gets the pin.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Bean Country won in 4:48

Rating: 2 stars

Competitive enough to avoid the squash rating, Chaos Project continues to be an amusing little team. I’m also going to stress again, Boulder catching a Luther crossbody and holding him was bonkers in the strength department.

Match #4: Kaun vs. Andrade El Idolo w/ Jose

Kaun has a good look about him, he’s pretty shredded and that standing out when he’s in there with a well built guy like Andrade says something. They tie up, Andrade quickly hits a go behind but Kaun uses an arm wringer to escape. Andrade uses the hair to get into the corner and force a break. Kaun doesn’t like the cheating and slaps Andrade. Andrade isn’t amused, and hits a palm strike to the face that staggers Kaun. Andrade to the apron and hits an armbar over the top rope but lets to before the 5 count. Knee from Andrade and he goes back to working the arm of Kaun. More arm work from Andrade, he hits a few arm breakers over the shoulder then runs into a back elbow. Kaun gets Andrade on his shoulders then hits a double knee gutbuster but that only gets 1 on the cover. Kaun tries a senton but Andrade gets the knees up to cut him off. Andrade hits Divorce Court then locks up a modified Rings of Saturn to get the tap.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Andrade El Idolo won in 3:30

Rating: Caserta. . . SQUASH

For a squash Andrade was pretty giving here in spots, and Kaun has a good look physically plus he didn’t look bad in terms of the action. He might be worth a more legitimate look in the future. Also Andrade’s tights did survive the match this time.

Match #5: Thunder Rosa vs. Amber Rodriguez

They tie up a few times but neither woman gets an advantage there. Another tie up and Rosa hits an arm toss then starts going for the arm. Oklahoma Roll from Rosa but that only gets 2. Amber moves Rosa to a corner and lays in a chop. More strikes from Amber before Rosa fires up and lays in a series of her own chops. Amber kicks the knee of Rosa then hits a seated enziguri for a 1 count. Rosa avoids a corner slam and then lays in strikes in the corner. Eddie Kingston pops me on commentary saying that was almost a Violence Party, shouting out Super Dragon. A series of running knees from Rosa, then drop kicks as Amber is in the ropes. Fire Thunder Driver connects and we’re done.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Thunder Rosa won in 3:00

Rating: Casertaosa. . . SQUASH

I mentioned a while back that Rosa has a formula for these matches, it allows the enhancement talent to get their stuff in but once she’s had enough she flips a switch and they can’t keep up. It’s a good set up, and Amber didn’t look bad here outside of a slight botch on a rather technical pin attempt early.

Match #6 – Trios Match: Hardy Family Office (Matt Hard, The blade, and Isiah Kassidy) vs. Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, and 10)

Uno and Blade star off and they trade arm wringers and associated escapes for a bit before Blade just goes to strikes then tags Kassidy. Uno with some stomps to Kassidy and tags Grayson. Grayson gets sent to the apron but Hardy pulls him down and hits a Twist of Fate on the floor as Kassidy distracts the ref. Kassidy then hits a dive onto the pile of Dark Order members as Uno and 10 checked on Grayson. Back in the ring and Kassidy gets a 2 count. Hardy tags in and hits an elbow off the second rope as Kassidy was holding a front headlock. Blade tags in, he and Kassidy cheap shot 10 and Uno but that allows Grayson to fight back and hit German suplexes to Blade and Kassidy. Double Pele kick from Grayson to drop Kassidy and Blade then he tags in 10. 10 runs wild with pump kicks to everyone then hits a Blue Thunder Bomb on Hardy. Spinebuster to Blade, Uno tags in and heads up top and hits a Swanton Bomb for a 2 count as Kassidy breaks up the pin. Kassidy is sent out of the ring, Hardy drags out 10 and tosses him into the barricade. Blade sets up Uno to take an enziguri, then a right from Blade and Hardy hits a Side Effect for a 2 count. 10 then tosses Hardy into the barricade and runs over Kassidy. Uno kicks Blade and tags in Grayson then he and Uno hit the Fatality. 10 tags in and locks up the Full Nelson to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Dark Order won in 4:47

Rating: 2.5 stars

Solid trios match, nothing spectacular apart from the Fatality which is always a cool looking move. Seeing Dark Order win a bit more consistently is nice. Also, 10 is continuing to get over and I’m curious when they’ll have him try to take a step up in what he’s doing.

The final score: review Average
The 411
Another solid episode, Kaun steals the show in terms of enhancement talent I'd like to see again and we got a decent little main event so I'm not complaining. Elevation is never really going to blow you away, but it's a good little show if you're looking for this kind of product.