wrestling / TV Reports
Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 1.17.25

Well everyone it’s time for another three hour episode of WWE Smackdown. Tonight Solo Sikoa shows up for the first time since Tribal Combat so he’ll probably be talking to us, God help us, but there’s a real chance that Jacob Fatu at least turns on Solo tonight and obliterates the former would be chief. WWE seems to know what they’ve got with Fatu so I can’t imagine him just falling back in line behind a guy who still gets the “what” treatment and struggles to cut a compelling promo. Roman Reigns wont be here, and frankly is probably sitting out until appearing in the Rumble at which point we’ll gain some clarity around him. Tiffany Stratton defends her women’s title against Bayley tonight, and with Bayley looking like she’s jumping to RAW it’s not too hard to see Tiffany retaining here but Bayley should give her a good match. On the tag team side of things the Motor City Machine Guns will take on Los Garza with the winner getting a presumptive title match, so that indicates a schmoz type ending but who knows for sure. On the women’s tag team side of things Naomi and Bianca Belair had a minor miscommunication last week during the fatal 4-way so we’ll see if that plays at all tonight and we’re still waiting on something approximating a development on the attack to Jade Cargill. Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens are still going to try and kill each other, but I’ve got a hunch we’ll see some kind of deterrent put in place after they fell through tables last week. Shinsuke Nakamura is still the US champion and could use a new challenger now that LA Knight is likely to be more involved with Tama Tonga and Fatu after they cost him the belt last week. The Wyatt Sicks have moved to Smackdown apparently so we’ll see what’s in store for them on the blue brand. Poochie is likely to return soon, much to my chagrin, but at this point they might as well just save her for the Rumble rather than have her pop up on TV beforehand. Anyway that’s the preamble so let’s get to the action.
We open with Joe Tessitore and Wade Barrett walking through the halls then talking and walking to the ring with mics to hype up the crowd and run down the card. They bring out Rey Mysterio because we’re in San Diego tonight so Rey can kick off the show. Rey heads to the ring then gets a mic and soaks in the adulation of the crowd for a bit then welcomes everyone to the show. He plays with the crowd for a bit then announces himself for the Royal Rumble. He reminds us that he won the Rumble from the second spot in 2006 and went on to win the title at WrestleMania. Now he’s not going to lie, the competition this year is heavy and he names some of the other participants, but reminds us he won in 2006 in memory of a friend they all know which prompts an “Eddie” chant. Kevin Owens then interrupts things because he’s a jerk, Owens has a mic and talks from the entrance stage and apologizes for interrupting Rey but he had to come out. He heard Rey talk about winning the Rumble and Owens says he respects Rey a great deal, in fact there’s no one in this industry who he respects as much as he respects Rey. Owens then runs down some of his resume, and he’s standing here holding the title belt he always wanted, the one he saw his heroes hold, and calls himself the rightful champion. As he heads into the ring he notes he wants to have a one on one match with Rey Mysterio because he hasn’t had that yet in his career. Owens hopes Rey wins the Rumble, but hopes Rey will promise that he’s the one Rey will challenge for Mania so they can have that dream match at Mania. Rey considers for a minute then says he’s all about challenges, but Owens isn’t the champion, with all due respect Cody is the champion. But if Rey wins the Rumble and Owens wins the belt he’d love to face him for the belt at Mania. Good guy Rey there. Owens of course is a jerk and yells about being the champion and asks if Cody has gotten to Rey just like everyone else. Rey asks him to chill and likens Owens to Dominik, that rightfully pisses off Owens so they brawl, Rey sets Owens for a 619 but Owens escapes and yells about not being like Dominik. Decent if slightly overwrought opening promo.
In the back Naomi and Belair meet, Naomi has no updates on Jade Cargill, then Belair apologizes for the hair spot last week. They do have a match with Nia Jax and Candice LeRae, but Naomi does ask Belair to wrap up her hair so as to minimize issues. Belair obliges.
Jax and Candice head to the ring and we head to break.
Post break Nick Aldis and Rey talk in the back, Rey got a match with Owens for later tonight. Cody Rhodes walks in and says he’d have been there but they’re running him through medical testing. Rey tells him to heal up and he’ll deal with Owens tonight. Once again, Rey is a great guy. Cody tells Nick he’s got a clean bill of health, and Nick says he’s got an addendum for Cody and Owens that he needs both of them to sign. Cody looks at it and says he’ll sign when Owens does.
Back to the ring and here come Belair and Naomi.
Match #1 – Tag Team Match: Bianca Belair and Naomi vs. Nia Jax and Candice LeRae
Non-title match it looks like. We get some wildness to start but settle into Jax and Belair. Jax does a lot of yelling at the crowd and just kind of meandering around. Candice tags in but Belair knocks her down then hits a suplex and kips up. Belair goes up for a 10 punch and hits them then flips over a charging Jax. Candice is able to boot Belair but Belair then grabs her with a military press and throws her out of the ring onto Jax and that sends us picture in picture.
Belair sends Candice back into the ring but Jax then trips her up so Candice can hit an enziguri and take over. Some corner work from Candice then Jax tags in. Belair fights back by whipping Jax with her hair a few times then hits a dropkick. Jax recovers and knocks Belair to the floor. Candice gets some cheap shots then sends Belair back into the ring and tags in. They start trading strikes then Candice lands a knee. We come back to Candice still in control. Candice jumps off the second rope but Belair catches her and rolls through but Candice squirms free and yanks Belair down by her hair which has long since come loose. Belair avoids a senton but Jax runs around to pull Naomi off the apron and prevent the tag. School Boy from Belair gets 2 then Candice tags Jax back in. Jax hits a Samoan Drop but then runs into a boot. Belair avoids a charge then yanks Candice into the ring post when she gets involved. Jax catches Belair up top and goes for an avalanche Samoan Drop but Belair fights free then hits a massive cross body to put both women down. Naomi returns to the apron and gets the tag, she lands a head kick then hits a slingshot X-Factor for 2. Jax winds up posting herself, Naomi then hits the split legged moonsault and Candice has to save the match. Naomi hits Candice with an enziguri then tags in Belair, but Jax fights back with a headbutt to Belair and Samoan Drop to Naomi. Candice with a blind tag and Belair Spears Jax. Candice then dropkicks Belair and hits a senton, Jax follows with a senton of her own but only a near fall on the cover. Candice is in disbelief about that, then gets tossed into the corner and Belair hits a spinebuster then follows with the handspring moonsault, then Belair avoids a Jax leg drop which crushes Candice. Naomi tags in to hit the Bubba Bomb into Gedo Clutch and gets the pin as Belair handles Jax.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Bianca Belair and Naomi won in 10:34
Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: Enough better than average to warrant 3 stars, though Naomi doing very little work while Belair does the heavy lifting is contributing to Naomi leaning just a little heelish.
We head to break after the match.
As we come back we get a video of an interview between Byron and Bayley, Bayley runs down some of her career highlights and talks about falling a little bit short of what she wanted to do as champion after beating Iyo. She lost that belt due to Tiffany’s interference and tonight she realizes is a big opportunity. Tonight it’s personal. Oof to that final line.
In the back Michin and B-Fab talk about Chelsea Green’s cheating ways. Piper Niven enters and makes sure it’s clear for Chelsea Green to enter. Green shows up and talks, B-Fab gets involved and winds up going face to face with Piper setting up a match for later.
Elsewhere in the back Jimmy Uso walks and talks, he’s proud of Jey getting a title shot and tonight Jimmy is starting his run for singles gold. Oh, and Melo, Big Jim is Him. Decent little promo from Jimmy.
Jimmy heads to the ring and we head to break.
Post break here comes Carmelo Hayes. He’s got a mic, oh joy, and talks on his way to the ring. He says Roman is in the Rumble, Jey’s got a world title shot, and Jimmy is still living in shadows but wants to take shots at him. So he wants Jimmy to lace his shoes up tight and prove that he doesn’t miss.
Match #2: Jimmy Uso vs. Carmelo Hayes
Jimmy yanks Hayes into the ring and then punches away at him. Hayes avoids a superkick and powders, Jimmy has put on the sunglasses of Hayes. Hayes snaps Jimmy over the top rope and starts stomping on him. Some chops from Hayes but Jimmy fights back with a hip toss into a neckbreaker. Jimmy wants the hip attack but Hayes avoids it but then gets punched onto the apron. They fight on the apron for a bit and Jimmy hits a suplex on the apron then follows up with a suicide dive that sends Hayes over the announce desk and us to commercials.
We come back to Hayes landing some stomps in the corner. They head up top and Hayes wants an avalanche back suplex but Jimmy elbows him down but then misses a Whisper in the Wind, Hayes then hits a fade away DDT for a 2 count. They fight over a suplex spot then wind up on a double clothesline spot putting both men down. Jimmy with a few punches then enziguri, Hayes comes off the ropes for a La Mistica facebuster and another 2 count. Chop from Hayes but Jimmy hits a big pop up Samoan Drop for a near fall, Hayes got some serious elevation on that one. Jimmy heads up top but Hayes intercepts a flying Jimmy with the First 48 to get a near fall. Hayes goes up top again but Jimmy avoids Nothing But Net and blasts Hayes with a superkick for another near fall. Hip attack from Jimmy then Hayes avoids a Samoan Drop then lands his own superkick but runs into a Spear. Jimmy goes up top again but here’s Jacob Fatu on the apron to stare him down and Tama shoves Jimmy down to earn the DQ.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Jimmy Uso won via disqualification in 11:53
Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: Might have gone higher before the ending, Jimmy playing the bigger man is an interesting wrinkle for him.
Fatu crushes Jimmy with a hip attack then Tama follows with his guard pull DDT. Hayes wants to celebrate with Fatu and Tama but Fatu just obliterates him with a lariat. Fatu with another hip attack to Jimmy, he looks like a monster right now. Solo Sikoa’s music then hits and out comes Solo. Solo will talk, unfortunately, after this break.
Solo has a mic in the ring as we come back. He ultimately just drops the mic and walks out of the ring and heads off through the crowd. Best Solo promo ever. Fatu and Tama remain in the ring though and Fatu is staring daggers after Solo. Fatu and Tama share a few looks, then Fatu picks up the mic and begins to chew out the crowd. He’s tired of the disrespect, tired of the hate, and even on his worst day you can’t touch him. You thought he was crazy or losing it, well the crazy thing about this situation is that he’s just getting started. LA Knight then shows up from behind and attacks Fatu and Tama. He does well but the numbers do eventually catch up with him and Fatu runs him over. Braun’s music then hits and he’s back. Tama jumps at him but Braun just catches him the tosses him aside. Braun and Fatu stare down but Tama pulls Fatu out of the ring and tries to talk sense into him. Fatu and Tama head out while Knight and Braun pose in the ring.
In the back Santos Escobar and Elektra Lopez hype up Angel and Berto for their match tonight. They were never handed anything, they’ve had to take it and tonight they have to do that again.
Back to the ring and here come the Guns. Their entrance sends us to break.
Los Garza head to the ring as we come back, I’m still on the fence about their new music but lean negative.
Match #3 – Tag Team Match: Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin) vs. Los Garza (Angel and Berto) w/ Elektra Lopez
Shelley and Angel start, Shelley works a headlock then hits the ropes for a bit and he and Angel do some of the usual indy drop downs into a stand off. Angel offers a handshake then slaps Shelley and lays in a chop. Berto tags in and they hit some tandem moves on Shelley. Shelley fights back with a series of chops then tags in Sabin and they hit a double back drop then Angel gets involved to take their usual rapid fire offense. Sabin grabs a chin lock, Angel blind tags and lands a knee as Sabin was going for a satellite head scissors. The pants are off for Angel and they sandwich Sabin in the ropes with a knee and kick to send us to break.
Sabin is getting worked over by Angel as we come back, Berto tags in and they hit the Gory Special into a facebuster but only a 2 count. Sabin avoids a corner attack then hits Angel with an enziguri. Shelley wants the hot tag and gets it then starts unloading on Berto. Shelley gets to run wild for a bit, Sabin tags in to hit a Dragon Screw through the ropes then both of his knees get kicked by the Guns. Quick tag to Shelley and he trips down Berto and locks in a Figure 4. Sabin with one for Angel as well to keep him occupied. Berto is in pain but gets to the ropes to break the hold. Some more leg work from Shelley but Berto kicks him off and hits a one armed powerbomb for a 2 count. Angel tags in, Berto then takes out Sabin and sets him on Angel so they can hit a slightly convoluted powerbomb and falling slam to both Shelley and Sabin but only a 2 count.
Angel kicks Shelley then tags Berto, they want MTY but Sabin blocks and hits the enziguri and tornado DDT combination. Sabin then hits both men with a suicide dive and sends Berto back into the ring. Berto takes a corner clothesline but here’s Pretty Deadly to break up Skull and Bones but behind the refs back. That doesn’t work too well and the Skull and Bones connects to win as Sabin blocks a dive from Angel.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Motor City Machine Guns won in 11:57
Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: Awkward ending aside this was good stuff from both teams. That isn’t surprising in the least but should be noted.
Nick Aldis finds Owens in the back and wants him to sign, Owens wont sign until Cody does and wants to read the addendum closer at a later date. Nick is more than a little annoyed by both of them.
Piper Niven heads to the ring with Green at her side and we head to break.
Post break here comes B-Fab.
Match #4: Piper Niven w/ Chelsea Green vs. B-Fab
B-Fab with some early corner work then a hook kick and spinning X-Factor for a 2 count. Piper hits an ST-Joe but misses a follow up senton. Float over DDT from B-Fab gets a 2 count. A pump kick sends Piper to the apron, then another one sends her all the way to the floor. B-Fab sends Piper back into the ring but then decides to lay out Green with a clothesline but that allows Piper to hit a senton as B-Fab got back into the ring. Landslide from Piper connects to win.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Piper Niven won in 2:18
Rating: 1.5 stars
Thoughts: B-Fab is still a work in progress but Piper is enough of a talent and veteran to help her along a bit.
Post match Green and Piper attack B-Fab only for Michin to make the save with a kendo stick, Piper still tries to fight her off but Michin floors her with a thrust kick.
Rey Mysterio walks in the back and we then get a tribute to WWE Hall of Famer Bob Uecker who passed away this week that sends us to break.
Post break commentary puts over RAW this coming Monday, apparently tickets are still available.
Next we get a recap of Tiffany Stratton cashing in the briefcase and winning the belt, same one they played last week.
In the back Byron talks with Tiffany, Tiffany knows Bayley has had a career of big moments but Tiffany has as well. She doesn’t need to try and recreate moments like Bayley does, she is the moment and it’s Tiffy time.
Rey Mysterio heads to the ring for our next match. He’s followed by Kevin Owens.
Match #5: Rey Mysterio vs. Kevin Owens
They tie up and Owens overpowers Rey but does give a clean break. Mat return from Owens but Rey fights back with an arm drag. Owens with some strikes now then an arm wringer, Rey counters and lands a leg kick. Some rope running and Owens knocks Rey out of the ring. Rey takes his time getting back into the ring then they go to a double knuckle lock but Rey moves into a Sunset Flip for 2 then hits the ropes for a satellite head scissors. Owens blocks a second one though and slams Rey down then squashes him with a senton. The crowd is really letting Owens have it. Rey fights out of a corner then winds up hung up on the ropes and Owens knees him to send him to the floor. Some elbows from Owens on the floor but Rey fights back with punches then a hurricanrana off the apron sends Owens into the barrier. Rey into the ring then hits his baseball slide splash to the floor to send us to break.
We come back to Owens working a headlock then slamming Rey down. Rey gets sent into the corner but he flips out of a back suplex and posts a charging Owens. Rey up top and hits a seated senton then follows with a wheelbarrow bulldog for a 2 count. Owens gets set up for the 619 but intercepts Rey with a superkick then follows trying a pop up powerbomb but Rey slips free and hits an around the world DDT for a near fall. Rey sets Owens up top and climbs with him, Owens headbutts him down though and follows with a Frog Splash for a 2 count. Some elbows from Owens as Rey is sagging on the ropes, he then sets Rey on the top rope and climbs up with him looking for a superplex but Rey fights that off and hits a Sunset Powerbomb then a Code Red all for only a near fall. Rey misses a crossbody and Owens hits a Stunner but only a near fall. I kinda though that was it. Owens heads up top again, this time he wants a Swanton Bomb but Rey gets the knees up then follows with a 619. Rey up top, but Owens bundles into the ref to drop Rey off the ropes then he hits the pop up powerbomb to win.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Kevin Owens won in 15:34
Rating: 3.5 stars
Thoughts: Not surprising to see these two do some really good work together. For a TV match this was really good.
Post match Owens shakes hands with Rey then kicks him and goes for the Package Piledriver but here’s Cody to break that up. Cody stomps away at Owens as officials show up to try and pull them apart. Eventually they do but Cody gets free and begins punching away at Owens on the floor. Owens gets free and heads out through the crowd. Cody gets in the ring and stares him down as we head to break.
Post break we get a recap of what just happened. In the back Nick talks with Cody, Nick has tried to be patient with Cody and Owens but he’s had enough. Next week at Saturday Night’s Main Event both Cody and Owens will hand over their belts and sign his new contract. He’s got the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels to moderate that signing since Cody and Owens are being difficult. Well that tracks.
Commentary runs down Saturday Night’s Main Event, Braun vs. Fatu should be wild and Fatu’s win will be pretty great. Next week LA Knight will take on Tama Tonga, plus we’ll get the Guns and Pretty Deadly.
In the back Pretty Deadly walk and DIY ask what they were doing out there earlier. They bicker for a bit and Ciampa hates people like them, they’re jokes and if they want a title shot they need to become men. Johnny Gargano says it’s just tough love. Apollo Crews wanders over after DIY leave and Apollo says they’re being strung along and are getting no where. Johnny then jumps Apollo and tells him to stay out of their business.
Main event time and Bayley heads to the ring. We see Roxanne Perez in the crowd and she and Bayley trade some words before we head to break.
Post break we get a video package hyping up Poochie’s return. I cannot express how much I don’t want to watch Charlotte Flair wrestle again. Especially with Tiffany doing everything she does but much better.
Tiffany heads to the ring to a pretty big pop.
Match #6 – WWE Women’s Title Match: (c) Tiffany Stratton vs. Bayley
Tiffany letting her blonde go visibly darker, one guess as to who made that request backstage ahead of her return. They tie up, Bayley gets Tiffany in the corner but gives a clean break. Another tie up, Tiffany gets the better this time but she also gives a clean break. They tie up and Tiffany with a headlock, Bayley escapes and they trade go behinds then trade lateral presses and they wind up with a stalemate. Snapmare from Bayley then an elbow to the back but Tiffany kips up and drops Bayley with a shoulder block. Some gymnastics from Tiffany then she avoids a Bayley to Belly, Bayley then hits an arm drag and sliding clothesline for a 1 count. Slap from Tiffany to change the mood and Bayley clotheslines her out of the ring to send us to break.
Bayley hits a jawbreaker as we come back then sends Tiffany to the apron and snaps her through the ropes. On the floor Bayley dropkicks Tiffany then misses the second attempt and Tiffany yanks her shoulder first into the ring post. Tiffany gets to focus on the arm now and slams the shoulder of Bayley into the barricade before they head back into the ring. Double stomp to the arm of Bayley. Bayley gets sent to the apron and Tiffany whacks her but Bayley avoids a baseball slide only for Tiffany slam her down onto the apron a couple of times. Back into the ring now and that gets a 2 count. Bayley rolls to the apron and Tiffany kicks her to the floor. Tiffany heads out of the ring and runs at Bayley but Bayley intercepts her with an elbow. Bayley drops Tiffany onto the apron then they head into the ring. They start trading elbows then Bayley lands a knee but Tiffany comes off the ropes with a clothesline. Bayley avoids a hip attack in the ropes and knocks Tiffany to the floor but Tiffany the lands an elbow as Bayley tries to dive. Tiffany ties Bayley up in the apron skirt then hits a hip attack against the side of the ring, that can’t have felt good for either of them. Bayley staggers back to the apron but Tiffany hip attacks her to the floor then tries a plancha but Bayley catches her and hits a Bayley to Belly on the floor and we go picture in picture.
They’re both down and barely get back into the ring before the 10 count. Both women slowly pull themselves up and start trading strikes but Bayley gets the better of things and lands a clothesline then a back suplex. Running knee from Bayley connects for a 2 count. Some corner work from Bayley now but Tiffany catches her and hits a Finlay Roll then running low double stomp for a 2 count. Tiffany goes up top but takes too long and Bayley meets her up there as we come back to broadcast. Bayley wants a superplex and hits it resulting in a 2 count. Now it’s Bayley who goes up top but Tiffany catches her up there and drops her arm across the top rope. Tiffany goes up top and hits a lovely looking Swanton bomb then a falling powerbomb into a prawn hold but only 2. Fujiwara Armbar from Tiffany, she yanks on it but Bayley rolls into a cradle for a 2 count. Bayley sends Tiffany out of the ring but Tiffany pulls her out as well and tries the cartwheel Alabama Slam but Bayley avoids it and counters. Back in the ring Bayley hits the elbow drop for 2 then grabs the Bank Statement only for Tiffany break free rather easily. Tiffany counters a Bayley to Belly then hits a spinebuster for another 2 count. Bayley hits the Bayley to Belly but again she can only find a near fall as Tiffany just wont stay down. Slam from Tiffany but Bayley interrupts the Prettiest Moonsault Evet the hits the Sunset toss into the corner but Tiffany just wont stay down and kicks out again. Spinning side slam from Bayley gets another 2 count. Tiffany kicks Bayley in the face then grabs a backslide for 2, they fight up and Bayley tries a Rose Plant but Tiffany counters into the cartwheel Alabama Slam then the Prettiest Moonsault Ever connects to win.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Tiffany Stratton retained the title in 20:08
Rating: 3.5 stars
Thoughts: This didn’t quite need the full 20 minutes but they worked well through the majority of that run time. While the outcome was never really in doubt Bayley put up a pretty spirited fight and Tiffany got to have a really solid TV match for her first title defense.
Tiffany heads out with the belt as the episode ends.