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UPDATED: More On Today’s WWE Corporate Layoffs

December 1, 2023 | Posted by Joseph Lee
WWE Logo Titan Tower Office Image Credit: WWE

UPDATED: Wrestlenomics has new details on the corporate layoffs that went down at WWE on Friday. The outlet confirms that the layoffs involved the finance, sales and partnerships, human relations, and production teams.

Several Senior Vice Presidents were also let go, including the following:

* Michael Weitz (SVP, Financial Planning)
* Craig Stimmel (Head of Global Sales and Partnerships)
* Karen Mullane (Controller and Chief Accounting Officer)
* Stewart Frey (SVP, Streaming Technology)
* Matt Geyer (SVP, Gaming)

As reported, WWE NXT interviewer McKenzie Mitchell also confirmed that she was released today.

ORIGINAL: Both Brandon Thurston of Wrestlenomics and PWInsider reports that WWE laid off more corporate employees today, likely a continuation of the changes that started after the TKO merger. It’s unknown who exactly has been cut at this time.

WWE previously let go over 100 employees in September, as well as several wrestlers like Dolph Ziggler and Mustafa Ali.

article topics :

WWE, Joseph Lee