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WWE NXT Taping Results For July 4 (SPOILERS)

June 28, 2023 | Posted by Joseph Lee
WWE NXT 7-4-23 Image Credit: WWE

WWE taped next week’s episode of WWE NXT last night at the Performance Center. You can find spoilers below, via PWInsider:

* Blair Davenport def. Roxanne Perez

* Mustafa Ali def. Tyler Bate

* Kelani Jordan def. Tatum Paxley. Cora Jade cut a promo on Jordan and Dana Brooke, who was with Jordan.

* Lyra Valkyria def. Jacy Jayne. Jayne attacked after the match and ripped apart Lyra’s wings.

* Javier Bernal cut a promo on Von Wagner. Von Wagner beat him up and even though Robert Stone tried to stop him, Wagner powerbombed Bernal through the announce table.

* The Dyad def. The Creed Brothers in a Loser Leaves NXT match. A masked man hit Julius with a headbutt, leading to the Dyad winning.

* Bron Breakker cut a promo before Ilja Dragunov interrupted. The two then had a pull-apart brawl.

* Eddy Thorpe def. Damon Kemp. Gable Steveson laid out several wresters with suplexes after the match.

article topics :

WWE NXT, Joseph Lee