wrestling / Video Reviews
WWF Wrestling Challenge (11.22.1986) Review

-Originally aired November 22, 1986.
-Your hosts are Gorilla Monsoon & Bobby Heenan. Bobby promises a big surprise for later in the hour.
-Very odd combination here. Harts attack before the bell, but Rex uses his bone as a weapon and scares the hell out of the Harts with it. Rex tries a slam, but Anvil trips him from the floor. Rex is caught in the Harts’ corner while Gorilla complains that Heenan still owes him for the bet they made about Captain Lou’s final match.
-Anvil with a big slam on Rex, and at Rex’s size it’s a good visual. Corner charge is blocked by an elbow, and for the only time that I’ll ever type this, hot tag to Moondog Spot and the crowd pops for it. Spot takes on the Foundation singlehandedly, but the referee gets confused while trying to clear the ring, and Rex falls victim to a Hart Attack for three. Moondogs actually got over as faces here, and after Hillbilly Jim’s cousins bombed so hard the previous year, I think they could have made something out of aligning the Moondogs with Hillbilly Jim for a “Larry, Darryl, and Darryl” dynamic.
-The Rougeaus warn the Hart Foundation that they’re standing in the way of whatever claim the Harts make that they’re the number-one team.
-First appearance for the Can-Ams, and the fans have already noticed that they’re quite handsome. Gorilla suspects that the two of them will “get it on in the ring” and that he gets excited looking at them.
-Both jobbers take their shots while we get a promo in French from Martel and a promo in English from Zenk. Gladiator gets rolled up, but Barry O breaks the pin. Jobbers get whipped into each other and try to counter with do-si-do, but they both run into dropkicks. Atomic drop by Martel and a bodypress by Zenk. Powerslam by Zenk, and a slingshot splash by Martel gets the three-count.
-Ken Resnick welcomes Junkyard Dog has Christmas gifts for his fans, including the new WWF Superstars magazine.
-And now, Bobby Heenan’s big surprise: “A special tribute to Captain Lou Albano.” It’s last week’s Machines. vs. Studd & Bundy match from Superstars, in which the Machines lost in their last appearance ever, and Captain Lou ends his managing career with a big L.
SIKA (with The Wizard) vs. PAUL ROMA
-Oh for god’s sake, we’re going to get an inset promo from the Wizard here, I just know it. Series of punches by Roma, but referee Danny Davis steps in and makes him stop. Hey, what else is he supposed to do? Roma dropkicks Sika to the floor, but Sika comes right back, and the Samoan drop finishes. I’m assuming he got the win so fast that we didn’t have time for the Wizard promo, so I consider this match a public service by Sika.
-Ken Resnick meets the British Bulldogs and Matilda. Bulldogs explain that they’re tired of managers like Slick and Bobby Heenan, so they have the one thing worse than a manager in their corner now: a dog that that shoots bees out of its mouth.
-Gorilla acts like this is a debut and we’ve never seen Dino before, after we saw him on TV last year as “The WWF Canadian Heavyweight Champion.” We get an inset promo where Dino teaches Johnny V to speak French, but we cut off before the part where Johnny V teaches Dino to mimic Tony Clifton for ten damn years. Back suplex by Dino gets the three-count.
-Hulk Hogan shows up and they have a war of words where Hulk basically dares him to attack from behind, and Jake just stands there and makes mad faces helplessly as Hulk turns his back and walks off without incident.
-Slater is now coming to the ring with his Confederate flag cape, and now sporting a Union hat. You know, that’s really what Slater was missing. He really needed some “Both sides are cool!” essence to connect with the fans.
-Slater chases Iron Mike around the ring and headbutts him, and Iron Mike is working his growling obnoxious magic to get Slater over with the fans. Chops and boots by the Iron one, but he misses a corner charge and elbows him down while Heenan mocks Slater for building his whole persona around a 125-year-old defeat.
-Iron Mike chokes Slater and ducks an attempted dropkick. He loads up the sinister forearm band, but Slater blocks the shot and knocks Sharpe loopy with “Why are you hitting yourself.” Elbow to the noggin from the top rope finishes Sharpe.
-Outback Jack goes for a drive.
-Heels come to the ring to Roddy Piper’s theme and wearing kilts. Danny Davis is the referee, so plan on chicanery.
-Blair and Muraco start. Bees get an early advantage with double-teaming, and Davis takes his sweet-ass time getting into position for the slow two-count. Blatant knee from the apron by Orton, and Davis totally ignores it, and the heels take over. Blair takes on both opponents, and the referee pretty much lets Orton and Muraco hang out in the ring as long as they need to. Brunzell tags back in and Davis totally ignores an attempted pinfall. Brunzell goes for a sleeper, and Orton comes off the top with an axehandle. Blair has just had enough shit and shoves Davis away to come to his partner’s rescue, and Davis calls for the DQ. Davis is laying it on REALLY thick now.
-Slick and Butch Reed are here. This Reed fellow prides himself on being natural.
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