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Ezekiel Jackson Injured At WWE’s Glasgow House Show

April 11, 2010 | Posted by Chris Lansdell

– Billy Kidman has been at shows on the European tour this week, sitting at ringside. He was spotted again at the Glasgow show.

– According to a report from the show, Ezekiel Jackson suffered a knee injury after taking a bad bump on the apron in the opening match against Kane. A trainer stayed with Jackson in the ring after the match for about 10 minutes, looking at the knee. He was helped to the back.

– Here are the results from the show:

Kane beat Ezekiel Jackson quickly after Jackson hurt his knee.

Beth Phoenix beat Layla with the Glam Slam.

The Hart Dynasty, with Natalya, beat The Dudebusters.

R-Truth beat Dolph Ziggler.

John Morrison beat Luke Gallows, with Serena. They did the same bit that they have been doing where CM Punk jumped in and Rey Mysterio made the save. This set up a tag match between the four later on.

Drew McIntyre beat Matt Hardy. Drew was over huge in Scotland. He did a heal promo but it didn’t really work on the crowd.

Mysterio and Morrison beat Punk and Gallows. After the match, the faces saluted the Scottish flag.

Edge beat Jack Swagger by DQ in the World Title match. Good match and a solid show.

Credit: PWInsider


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Chris Lansdell

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