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ROH on HDNet Taping Results (Spoilers)
Results from last night’s ROH on HDNet tapings in Philadelphia. Report courtesy Joshua Higham and PWInsider:
*Adam Cole def Brutal Bob Evans with a small package.
*Bobby Dempsey, Lance Bravado, and Bobby Beverly def Bruno Marciano, Ernesto Osiris, and a third guy. Sounded like Sid Green, but that could be wrong. Dempsey pinned the unnamed guy. Shiima Xion def Andy Ridge with a weird tilt-a-whirl facebreaker. Xion’s ring gear is ridiculously bright and neon.
The main show started with the wrestlers surrounding the ring for the 10 bell salute to the late lighting director Brad Mackie.
*Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels def. Mike Sydal with the BME. When Tyler Durden attempted an interview, Daniels simply said that he’s the best in the world, and he’ll go through the roster to prove it.
*Austin Aries comes out and cuts a promo saying that he will beat Jim Cornette at his own game and become the greatest manager ever and that his All Night Express will be future champs. The All Night Express then defeated Delirious and Jerry Lynn. Aries smoked a pipe the entire time, but without the smoke.
*Contract signing that will air the Monday prior to Death Before Dishonor. No shenanigans. Davey Richards and Tyler Black both sign, and Richards says it will be 1 on 1, that Hagadorn and Edwards will not be ringside. The Fallen Angel comes out and challenges both men after DBD to prove he’s best.
*Skullcrusher Rasche Brown defeated Ricky Reyes with a burning hammer. Reyes controlled most of the match, working on Brown’s knee. Erick Stevens attacked Brown after the match.
*Eddie Edwards’ 10 Minute Hunt against Nick Westgate. Edwards wins in about 2 minutes with his Achilles Lock while stomping on Westgate’s head.
*Sara Del Rey won a match with a piledriver. I heard Reggie as the name of the opponent. That could be wrong.
*Steve Corino defeated Colt Cabana by DQ when Cabana threw the ref down. Cabana set up two tables and then shuffleboarded a chair into the chair that was horse-collared on Corino. Colby Corino came down to distract Colt long enough to let Steen attack. Generico made the save.
*Josh Raymond and Christian Able (not called the House of Truth) defeated Up in Smoke (Cheech and Cloudy). Fun double team work.
*Kevin Steen def Bobby Shields with the crossface. Steen and Corino did commentary for the match. Corino says, “slap the porcupine,” which made me laugh. As he left, Steen sang along with his theme music.
*Necro Butcher vs. Erick Stevens never happened when Necro said that his time in the hospital in Dayton has basically bankrupted him and that he couldn’t afford to get hurt again. Necro said he had a replacement lined up. Grizzly Redwood defeated Erick Stevens with a schoolboy. After the match, Stevens destroys Grizzly until Rasche Brown makes the save. Brown gets ties to the ringpost and Nana said he had a new Crown Jewel and out came Necro in a suit and Jimmy Rave’s old robe. Necro hits Skullcrusher with a board that knocks him out.
*ROH Tag Team champions Kings of Wrestling defeated Dark City Fight Club by DQ when the Briscoes attack KoW.
*Daizee Haze defeated Jamilia Craft.
*Austin Aries and the All Night Express versus Tyler Black, Jerry Lynn, and Delirious was thrown out when Paul Turner lost control. In the midst of the brawling, Kevin Steen attacked Tyler Black with a package piledriver.
*The Americans Wolves defeated the Fallen Angel and Roderick Strong. Very good 20 minute match. Roddy had words with Daniels after the match.
Notes and Thoughts: The only indication of episode order was that the contract signing would air June 14. The Arena got pretty warm tonight. All the wrestlers and referees, even, were dripping with sweat. It was pretty full and loud, but running later than usual, the place thinned out and quieted down for the last two matches. The House of Truth is a fun tag team with some cool double team moves, but if you don’t like Jimmy Jacobs’ look, Josh Raymond is even less impressive looking. Necro Butcher in the Embassy is a bizarre twist, which will, no doubt, be explained economically. But overall a good show, and I’m sure the TV shows will be satisfying.
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