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RVD Discusses His Interest in Comics & Greek Mythology, His Chemistry With Jerry Lynn, More

January 6, 2017 | Posted by Larry Csonka

– Rob Van Dam recently spoke with The Huffington Post, here are the highlights….

On Keeping a Busy Schedule:“I’m always busy with projects. I keep myself spread out over a million different things to a flaw. For me, I’m always trying to learn how to focus more on one project until it’s finished. A lot of my projects that are on the table are over fifteen years old…and I’m still optimistic about them. My pace, my laid back, low-key vibration that I have also affects the productivity because what works for me is what works for me,” Van Dam told me in a recent interview. RVD explained that he is the type of guy that goes big or goes home. He said, “The projects that I am working on right now are very, very big projects. Over the years, I have been trying to figure out how to work less and make more—like many Americans. I feel like at this point in my life, I’ve really got that down to a science. People don’t see me out a whole lot. I haven’t had many matches this year and that’s fine for me because it gives me time to work on my other projects.” Van Dam grinned, “Real soon, there will be a new chapter that is going to open up for me and I’m just riding the wave.”

On His Interest in Comics & Greek Mythology: “I grew up really being a comic book geek and that was a really big part of my childhood. I thought originally that I was a creator and that was maybe something I was always going to do—and it has been. I remember, when I was really young, I remember drawing my own little comic strips on the bottom pages on the comic books before I knew you weren’t supposed to write on them,” he laughed. RVD continued, “I was a very intelligent kid. I used my intelligence to support my passions. When it came to comic books, I became enthralled in the whole universe. I had to know all the facts and timelines. The whole fictional universe was real to me. When I was In high school, I became interested in Greek mythology. I had to know all about the exact dates of all the history.”

On His Ability to Think Outside The Box: “My biggest attribute is that I think outside of the box. I really believe we are all individuals although I think a lot of people are so comfortable with following others. I always feel like I need to go down my own path—I always have.” Van Dam explained how that mentality translated to his wrestling style. “When I was still training to wrestle, I was always trying to come up with moves I haven’t seen before. I wanted to offer something that nobody else was offering. I never wanted to be somebody else and take that person’s spot. I wanted to create my own spot and that’s the way I was trained,” he said. He continued to explain, “A lot of my moves are original. The Rolling Thunder. The Van Daminator. The Van Terminator. The Split-Legged Moonsault. Even my Five Star Frogsplash. The top rope splash is a move people have been doing for years but I found a way to do it differently. I go higher, I go farther, I can hit anybody anywhere in the ring from any corner. I can spin in the air 180 degrees either way to hit my target.”

On His Chemistry With Jerry Lynn: “The chemistry that Jerry Lynn and I had was just something that naturally came out. Neither one of us knew until we got into the ring with each other what would be produced. The first time I wrestled Jerry Lynn at the ECW arena, the office looked at the match as being an easy win for me and expected the match to be really short to make me look good,” RVD sighed. “I really thought I could bring something out of Jerry. By the end of the match, we went for about twenty minutes. My hair was all over the place, my outfit was ripped, I had blood coming out of my nose and I was pulling splinters out of my ass,” RVD laughed. He continued, “When I finally beat him, the crowd went nuts. That’s the way I like to win. I really like to earn the wins and earn the fans’ love and make them feel like they are happy that they purchased a ticket to see me. Jerry and I had such an amazing chemistry together. Every match that we had seemed to outdo the match before it. Out of my whole career, what Jerry and I produced was a freak thing that we couldn’t duplicate with anybody else.”

article topics :

Rob Van Dam, Larry Csonka