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411’s Ring of Honor on HDNet Report 5.30.09: Episode XI – Steen and Generico vs. The Wolves
411’s Ring of Honor on HDNet Report 5.30.09
-Prazak and THE HOG welcome us the show.
-Rhett Titus reminds us that tonight is the night, that the thrust is a must, and that Roderick Strong has never broken a back like “THIS” before. Word.
-Roderick Strong is the opposite of Titus, showing next to no charisma.
Roderick Strong vs. Rhett Titus
Strong laughs off Titus, they lock up, wristlock by Titus, counters by Strong, but he gets caught in the head scissors. Escape by Strong, arm drags, but Titus does some thrusting, and eats a flying shoulder block and chops. Back breaker by Strong, and he covers for 2. Chops by Strong, tries to whip Titus, fails and chops away at him. Titus ducks an enziguri and slams Strong to the mat. Mounted punches by Titus, to the corner and rights follow. Strong fires back with chops, but Titus takes him down and chokes him with the boot. A slam by Titus, a kneedrop follows and a cover for 2. Chin breaker by Strong, but he gets slammed to the corner. Corner splash by Titus, and then a charging knee gets 2. Titus locks in the neck vice, Strong battles out, chops follow, sidekick and then a cross body gets 2. Titus stops a suplex, gets a neck breaker and covers for 2. To the corner, Titus misses the corner dropkick and Strong gets the forearm smash. A backdrop follows and then the chops. Uranage into the back breaker gets 2 for Strong. Titus gets a roll up for 2. Fameasser by Titus and a cover for 2. Titus sets for a powerbomb, escape by Strong, kick to the face and the gut buster follows. Kick to the face and that is all.
Winner: Roderick Strong @ 7:00 via pin
-We get a video package on Austin Aries, talking about training for the World Title match next week.
Non-Title Match: MsChif © w/ Jimmy Jacob vs. Daizee Haze vs. Sara Del Rey
Sara takes control early, tosses Haze, but MsChif takes her down and gets a standing moonsualt for 2. Off the ropes and into the octopus hold! Sara tries to escape, Haze up top and gets a missile dropkick and MsChif rolls up Sara for 2. Haze with the face plant on MsChif, Sara grabs her and slams her onto MsChif, and that allows Haze to cover for 2. MsChif to the floor, head butt by Sara to Haze. Haze dropkicks Sara to the floor, who was distracted by MsChif. They battle on the floor, Haze up top and bounces off of Sara with the cross body try. GREEN MIST BY MSCHIF TO HAZE~! Desecrator and that is all.
Winner: MsChif @ 2:00 via pin
-Kyle Durden is in the ring and Jacobs grabs the mic and says that in the Age of the Fall, they have accomplishments. The goal for women is to be the SHIMMER Champion, and she will be the missile in her army that takes out that harlot Daziee Haze,
-We get a video package on Tyler Black, talking about training for the World Title match next week.
-We get a paid video package from DA EM BAH C. Nana says that they are back with DA CROWN JEWEL JIMMY RAVE, Bison Smith and their associate, Claudio Castagnoli. He’s very European, and they are very international.
-Erick Stevens says no one stops the train.
-Sami Callahan proclaims that he has a plan and that he is the new horror.
Erick Stevens vs. Sami Callahan
Callahan on the attack to begin. He runs into a shoulder block, and then a hip toss. A slam by Stevens, elbow drop follows and then chops by Stevens. Callahan counters a suplex, runs a bit, and then trips Stevens into the corner. Rights by Callahan, they trade chops and a choke by Callahan. Callahan licks Stevens, and that leads to a GOOZLE by Stevens, Callahan escapes a German and clotheslines Stevens and covers for 2. Koji clutch by Callahan, Stevens breaks. Stevens slams Callahan to the corner, CHOO CHOO! CLOTHESLINE! Doctor Bomb and that is all.
Winner: Erick Stevens @ 3:00 via pin
-They hype an interview with Ric Flair next week.
-We get an interview with Nigel, via satellite. Nigel says his rehab is going as well as needs be. In wrestling, you have to have the edge, and he won’t let any secrets out. Regarding next week’s title match, they are all great. Clam Digger Danielson is synonymous with ROH, and is one of the best. He is a good bet. He doesn’t like that he digs up helpless animals, but a great wrestler. Tylenol Black, the supposed future of the business. But he has to stay healthy. Austin Aries, he is wrestling smarter and is acting like Nigel. And then there is old Geritol Lynn. Jerry is the one man that beat him, and no one can take that away from him. But Nigel will never forget that. For the fans, do not doubt him again, he will come back and take his place in wrestling history.
-We get a video history of Kevin Steen and El Generico vs. The American Wolves.
ROH World Tag Team Title Tables are Legal Match: Kevin Steen and El Generico © vs. The American Wolves (Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards)
They start by brawling on the floor during the announcements. Steen and Generico control early, Generico slams Edwards into the timekeeper’s table as Steen slams Richards into the barricade. The champs double team Richards and beat him down. Edwards in, and the champs work him over as well as Richards rolls to the floor. Steen grabs a table, everyone to the floor now. Richards slammed into a table and then Edwards as well. The Wolves are down, Generico grabs the table as Edwards is rolled into the ring. Table set in the corner, Steen beats down Edwards with rights. Edwards avoids the table, but eats an EXPLODER into the corner. Richards tosses Generico to the floor, Richards in and dropkicks the knee o Steen. Generico back in, ALARM CLOCK! German suplex, SUPERKICK INTO THE TABLE and it doesn’t break! Generico is dead. The Wolves beat down Steen, and drive him KNEE FIRST through the table! The Wolves continue to beat down Steen, and back to the knee goes Richards. Edwards rolls in another table, Richards works the knee of Steen. Table set up in the corner, Steen struggles to get to his feet, does and the Wolves are just too much right now. Generico back in, up top and gets a double cross body! Forearms to both men, MICHINOKU DRIVER on Edwards for a close 2! Richards looks for the DR DRIVER, but Generico counters and gets a tornado DDT. SENTON ONTO EDWARDS ON THE FLOOR! Steen then POWERBOMS Richards onto a table! Champs up top…SENTON/SPLASH COMBO! Edwards makes the save! To the floor they go, another table comes into play, and set it up on the floor. The champs get another table, and they stack them on the floor. Generico beats down Edwards, Steen looks for a powerbomb, but Richards takes out his knee. Richards with corner attacks, kicks by Edwards as well. They bring a table into the ring, Richards MISSES a shooting star press on Steen! Generico wipes out Edwards, lays him on a table on the floor, Generico up top…SPLASH THROUGH THE TABLE! Steen has Richards in the sharp shooter! Shane Hagadorn runs out, Steen grabs him, PASKAGE PILEDRIVER TO HAGADORN! Superkick to Richards! Steen sets up a table, lays Richards on the table, goes up top…but Richards up and TOSSES STEEN THROUGH THE STACKED TABLES ON THE FLOOR! Generico is in, YAKUZA! Looks for the brainbuster through the table, LOW BLOW by Edwards! DOOMSDAY CUTTER THROUGH THE TABLE! 1…2…3!
Winner and NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS The American Wolves @ 15:00 via pin
* Claudio Castagnoli (3-0)
* Chris Hero (3-0)
* Erick Stevens (3-0)
* Jerry Lynn (2-0)
* Nigel McGuinness (2-0)
* Kevin Steen (1-0)
* Bobby Dempsey (1-0)
* MsChif (1-0)
* Bryan Danielson (1-0-2)
* Tyler Black (1-0-2)
* Austin Aries (2-1)
* Sara Del Rey (1-1)
* Roderick Strong (1-1)
* Eddie Kingston (1-1)
* Kenny King (1-1)
* Delirious (1-1)
* The Necro Butcher (1-1)
* Jay Briscoe (1-2)
* Kenny Omega (1-2)
* Brent Albright (1-2)
* “Dirty” Ernie Osiris (0-1)
* Sterling James Keenan (0-1)
* Eddie Edwards (0-1)
* Orange Cassidy (0-1)
* Sal Rinauro (0-1)
* Rhett Titus (0-2)
* Daizee Haze (0-2)
* Brodie Lee (0-2)
* Jimmy Jacobs (0-2)
* “Sugarfoot” Alex Payne (0-2)
* Sami Callahan (0-4)
* The Dark City Fight Club (Kory Chavis and Jon Davis) (4-0)
* The American Wolves (Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards) (2-0)
* The Necro Butcher and Delirious (1-0)
* Daizee Haze and Delirious (1-0)
* Daizee Haze and Nevaeh (1-0)
* Jay Briscoe and Kevin Steen (1-0)
* Kevin Steen and El Generico (1-1)
* Rhett Titus and Kenny King (1-1)
* Irish Airborne (Jake and Dave Criss) (0-1)
* Leslie Butterscotch and Orange Cassidy (0-1)
* Jimmy Jacobs and Brodie Lee (0-1)
* MsChif and Jimmy Jacobs (0-1)
* Chris Hero and Eddie Edwards (0-1)
* Sara Del Ray and Sassy Stephie (0-1)
* Grizzly Redwood and Andy “Right Leg” Ridge (0-1)
* Grizzly Redwood and Alex Payne (0-1)
* Cheech and Cloudy (0-2)
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