wrestling / TV Reports
The TNA Impact Report 01.04.10
TNA Impact Report by J.D. Dunn Twitter.com/jddunn411 Brightkite.com/jddunn411 Facebook.com/jddunn411 Yeah, I know I haven’t done TV for a while, but dammit, it was the biggest night in pro-wrestling for quite some time. First mistake: what the fuck’s going on? There’s not enough space between the bars to see from the hard camera position (or in the arena). The fans seem to have sided with Alex Shelley, and why not. Sabin gets the first real pop, rolling through a sunset flip and soccer kicking Lethal’s head off. Everybody just starts hitting stuff. Sabin stands there watching while Red comes off on him with the huracanrana. Kiyoshi holds Red while Homicide nails him with baton. Homicide goes nuts on everyone with it for the… DQ? Really? Really?! (3:04) The crowd chants, “This is bullshit!” That’s not change we can believe in. 3/4* 1) Jeff Hardy signed with TNA? I guess that means the new slogan is “TNA: Cross the Line. Now close your eyes, lift your left leg 12 inches in the air, touch your nose with your right hand and recite the alphabet backwards.” Or… 2) I just want to say, I think it is great that TNA will give Jeff the opportunity to do something that he loves – drugs. Tara brings a pet tarantula to the ring. ODB brings a flask of whiskey. Advantage: ODB. ODB attacks while Tara’s taking her shirt off. Tara kicks her way back and puts her in the TARAntula. Nyuk, nyuk. Slingshot legdrop gets two. Tenay hypes Dixie Carter’s Twitter account. How awesome would a Vince McMahon Twitter account be?!!! ODB rolls through the Widow’s Peak and grabs a handful of tights to become the new champ at 2:22. They even cut away from Tara’s butt cleavage because that might… CROSS THE LINE! Nothing really separated these ladies from the WWE divas for the extra half million or so people tuning in. 1/2* Sarita is SMOKIN’. Taylor looks like a tiny version of Mary Carey. How did these four know the match was still on if the format sheet was torn up? In the back, the Motor City Machine Guns are found unconscious on the floor. Meanwhile, Kong is killing some bitches. The champs team up to double dropkick Kong to the floor. If it was Randy Mulkey, it’d be over right now, but it’s not because WE WRESTLE! We take a break and come back to Sarita backdropping Taylor onto Kong. Hamada takes over on Taylor. Sarita gets the hot tag and does a crappy armdrag on Hamada. She tries a huracanrana on Kong but gets squashed. Hamada tosses Wilde into the post. That sets up an awkward Doomsday Dropkick on Sarita for the win and the titles at about 10:00ish. ** If they have any sense, either Morgan or Hernandez get a huge push. Morgan finishes Steview with the Carbon Footprint at 0:28. 1/4* Wolfe, not surprisingly, goes after the arm. Taz lets us know that it was Orlando Jordan who interrupted in the last segment because no one knows who he is (Do you see the problem with that?). Desmond misses the running uppercut and gets hit with the pump-elbow. Desmond snaps his arm down and goes for the Tower of London. Pope reverses to a small package at 2:40. I know some people were pissed at this, but Dinero is… well, money. 1/2* It was supposed to be Abyss vs. Rhino, but Rhino was attacked. Thankfully, Bischoff has provided a new format sheet. Joe avoids a charge and hits an enzuigiri. That sets up the Facewash, but Joe runs into a big boot. He takes over again on the outside. Back in, a senton gets two. We cut to Sting caressing his bat. A missile dropkick gets two. Joe comes off the second rope right into a chokeslam. The ref gets tossed aside, and Joe WALLOPS Abyss with a chairshot. The Coquina Clutch finishes at 4:48. *3/4 AJ dazzles Kurt with speed early and hits a tope con hilo. AJ’s Masked Assailant (who has since been revealed as the most sensible of foes – not, surprisingly Brutus Beefcake) runs down and attacks him, but Kurt makes the save because sportsmanship wreaks of awesomeness. Back in, Kurt bucklebombs AJ. AJ goes for the springboard forearm but drops right into the belly-to-belly suplex. AJ comes back with the discus clothesline. The Pélé is countered to the Anklelock, but AJ reverses that to a rollup and hits the Pélé on a second try to get two. Angleslam only gets two. Apparently, the TNA title gives you superpowers. AJ gets backdropped to the apron but comes back in with a springboard clothesline. He goes up, but Angle catches him with the super belly-to-belly. Styles Clash by AJ for two. This match seriously lacks transitions. Angle goes for another Angleslam, but it’s countered to the DDT for two. Fans chant, “Who needs Bret?” Who needs Orlando Jordan, but, well, there he is. Angle counters a sunset flip to an Anklelock, but AJ kicks him away. The Quebrada DDT gets two. AJ goes up, but Kurt cuts him off again. SUPER ANGLE SLAM! ONE, TWO, THRE-NO! See, superpowers. Anklelock, but AJ rolls Kurt into the turnbuckle. STYLES CLASH! ONE, TWO, THR-no. He goes for another, but Kurt reverses to the Anklelock. Ric Flair comes out to watch. But he’s not supposed to be here! No, literally. He’s gone senile and is just wandering around to various promotions. AJ escapes the Anklelock and hits the 450-splash for two. We come back to Flair looking on. He looks like he’s wondering what Bret’s doing. AJ hits the Clash as Flair hobbles away without saying a word or doing anything. The springboard 450-splash finishes at 14:55. Way too spotty and without any transitions. They just went from move to move and repetitious reversals without much meaning. Not that it wasn’t entertaining, but it’s not the promotion-defining match the fanboys seem to be touting this as. ***1/4 |
The 411: I know that it’s cliché to compare the new TNA to the old WCW (even after only three days), but damned if there isn’t a lot of repetition. Bubba is the new Mancow. Foley can’t get into the arena, just like Randy Savage when he went mental. Sting is up in the rafters again. The nWo is back together. Jarrett, I guess, is playing the part of Ric Flair. Ric Flair is… I don’t know, AJ’s Ralphus.
The “we’re tearing up the format sheet” and “the young guys are going to get their shot” stuff reeks of Russo (and wasn’t that what the Main Event Mafia just last year was all about?). Oh, and, btw, AJ is the World Champ and just main evented against Christopher Daniels. It’s not like this was WCW 1999 where guys refused to get out of the way. If anything, the introduction of Morely, the Nasties, and Hall & Waltman is introducing “old” talent just so they can have a “young vs. old” storyline where none is needed. I’d be a lot more impressed with their chances at becoming the #1 sports entertainment company if this didn’t feel exactly like the Nitro restart in 2000. All that being said, I think I did enjoy this show a lot more than most of the critics did. There really was a sense of “anything can happen” with Hardy and Flair showing up. Plus, the bizarre mash-up of the nWo with Angle/AJ and the X-Division felt like a weird blending of genres. Kind of like “what would happen if Muhammad Ali fought Abe Lincoln?” Even if things sucked/made no sense, at least things were happening. If history is any indicator, though, in a month storylines will blur into an incomprehensible mess, and the guys who are supposed be getting “the push” will find that push being of the off-to-the-side variety. |
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