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411’s TNA Impact Wrestling Report 7.18.13
Opening Video
The “Destination X” opening video is all hype for the Bully Ray/Chris Sabin main event for the TNA World Heavyweight Title.
After a “Destination X” image shows, we go live to the arena in Louisville, KY. The camera pans the crowd as Mike Tenay hypes the card. Tenay is joined on commentary by Jeremy Borash instead of Taz who has “gone missing”. The Aces & Eights theme plays and out comes TNA World Champion Bully Ray. He enters from backstage instead of through the crowd like normal. Ray yells for the music to shut off and the Louisville crowd lets him have it. Ray sarcastically says everyone is really happy to see him tonight then says “enough is enough”. Ray says that all he’s been hearing about all week long is “one little boy” (Chris Sabin). Ray mentions Sabin’s name and the crowd starts chanting “LET’S GO SABIN!” almost on cue. Ray says the crowd can chant his name all they want but he has no shot in hell at winning the World Title. Ray tells everyone they should be planning for a funeral for Chris Sabin then says he’s the most hated man in pro wrestling. Ray says it’s the perfect night to defeat Chris Sabin and for The Aces & Eights to destroy The Main Event Mafia. Ray then asks to talk to his “wife” and calls out Brooke Hogan.
Brooke’s theme plays and out she comes, anger on her face and mic in hand. She asks what else he could possibly want from her and she’s sick of him. Brooke tells Ray she’s moving on and he should as well. Brooke walks to the ring but stays on the ramp. Ray says he’s glad to have the opportunity to look her in the eyes and tell her that she moves on when he says she moves on.
Naturally all this drama brings out Hulk Hogan and the Louisville goes nuts. Hogan has a mic in hand as well and immediately yells for the music to shut off. Hogan says Ray has raped and pillaged the company and family and enough is enough. Hogan leads Brooke away down the ramp and Ray yells that she’s still his wife. Ray says he will never give her a divorce or lose the World Title, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. Hogan goes to charge the ring but Brooke holds him back.
Kurt Angle appears on the Impact-Tron alongside his Main Event Mafia compatriots (Rampage Jackson still not in a suit) and says there’s nothing he can do when they destroy The Aces & Eights. Sting then says it’ll be a fair fight in the main event tonight. Ray yells that he will never lose the belt to end the segment.
- THOUGHTS: This Louisville crowd is super loud and into the show tonight and their energy got me excited right from the outset. Ray’s opening promo was great and set up the main event beautifully…and the Hogan Drama wasn’t even that bad this time around. I’m all in on tonight. Don’t let me down, TNA. Pleeeeeease.
We cut to the announce table where Borash hypes Sabin’s ten year journey to the World Heavyweight Title. We see a clip from last year’s Destination X where Austin Aries became the new World Champ, and asks if Sabin can do the same this year.
The mysterious interviewer catches up with Bobby Roode backstage. Roode says that he has no points in the BFG Series but tonight that changes and announces that he will win the BFG Series and become the World Champion once again.
-Commercial Break-
Gail Kim is shown backstage tweeting on her phone. She’s tweeting the first hour of the show.
We see a shot of the BFG Series leaderboard (which you can also see above) then go to the arena where Bobby Roode makes his way out for the opening contest. His opponent, Austin Aries, makes his way second and the crowd is totally behind him. He’s also toned down the beard a bit for those that care about beard-related things.
Match #1: Austin Aries Vs. Bobby Roode in a BFG Series Match
Roode grabs a side headlock to start the match. Aries whips Roode into the ropes, leapfrogs his opponent, then takes him down with an armdrag. Roode reverses into a head scissors and dodges a dropkick when Aries breaks out. Both men get to their feet and Aries applauds Roode. Both men lock up and this time Aries is the one with a side headlock. Roode tosses him into the corner and Aries floats over during a corner splash. Aries ducks a couple of clotheslines but has his tilt-a-whirl headscissors reversed into a backbreaker. Roode continues the assault and goes for a suplex, but Aries escapes with repeated knee strikes. Aries takes Roode to the floor with a back bodydrop and hits a flying strike off the top rope. Aries rolls Roode back in and heads back to the top. Aries goes for a flying crossbody but Roode catches him mid-flight with a dropkick. Aries rolls to the floor and Roode follows up with a clothesline from the apron. Both men recover on the floor as we head to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
The action is back in the ring as we come back from commercial. Roode drops Aries with a spinebuster and covers for the 1…2…kickout. Roode crotches Aries on the top turnbuckle strut. Roode climbs up for a superplex attempt but Aries fights him off with a series of head claps. After five Roode finally drops to the canvas. Aries follows up with the 450 Splash for the 1…2…kickout. Aries can’t believe it. Aries and Roode trade strikes, with Aries winning the shootout. Roode backdrops Aries to the ramp but eats a shoulderblock to the midsection. Aries misses the springboard splash as Roode rolls to the outside but rebounds and connects with a suicide dive through the ropes, both men landing on top of the stairs.
Aries rolls Roode back into the ring and heads to the top, connecting with a missile dropkick followed by the running corner dropkick. Aries goes for the Brainbuster but Roode slides out. Roode goes for a move but Aries slides out and rolls Roode up for the 1…2…Roode reverses into a Crossface. The submission turns into a pinfall attempt for each men. Aries rolls Roode up for 2 then immediately connects with a DDT for another 2-count. Aries goes for another corner dropkick but Roode gets the boots up. Roode gets a running head start and goes for a spear but Aries catches him and goes for the Brainbuster again. Roode escapes once more and drops Aries with a clothesline for the 1…2…kickout. Roode goes for the Fisherman Suplex but Aries escapes and connects with a discus forearm. Roode counters another Brainbuster attempt but Aries tries once again and on the fourth attempt Aries finally connects for the 1…2…3, giving Aries 7 more points in the BFG Series.
Winner [via Pinfall]: Austin Aries (11:56)
- MATCH THOUGHTS: A predictably excellent match to start off the show. Great back and forth with the added psychology of both men knowing each other better this time around due to their recent partnership. Surprised Aries got the win though, in all honesty. Thought it was going to be Roode’s time.
POST-MATCH: A defeated Roode stumbles to the announce table and angrily destroys one of the monitors. Roode throws the chairs into the ring and tosses other chairs in frustration. Roode punches himself in anger repeatedly as he walks away.
- THOUGHTS: Bobby Roode just pulled a Bret Hart there. Must be something in Canada’s water.
Homicide catches up with former partner Hernandez backstage. Chavo Guerrero Jr. interrupts backstage and acts pleasant towards Homicide, wishing him well in his match. Homicide exits and Chavo says that next year it’ll be him and Hernandez for the World Title next year.
- THOUGHTS: Nice callback to TNA history there. Respect. The idea of a Chavo/Hernandez main event in the future made me laugh too for obvious “yeah right” reasons.
-Commercial Break-
Mr. Anderson is backstage with The Aces & Eights. He informs everyone that D.O.C. turned in his kutte due to losing the VP vote last week. Anderson then says tonight is a big night and asks if they all know what they’re doing. They get hyped up and exit.
- THOUGHTS: Simple way to write D.O.C. out of the Aces & Eights but it doesn’t make me any less sad about it.
Homicide makes his way out for the first of three X-Division Qualifying matches. His opponents, Petey Williams and Sonjay Dutt make their way out next. All three men get mini-montages of their previous work in TNA.
Match #2: Sonjay Dutt Vs. Homicide Vs. Petey Williams in an X-Division Qualifying Match
Homicide takes Dutt down with a shoulderblock and after a brief pinning exchange sends both men out to the floor. Homicide follows up with a slingshot out to the floor and rolls Williams back in. Williams gets the advantage and dropkicks Homicide from behind. Dutt runs back in and takes Williams out with a hurricanrana. Homicide rushes Dutt and also eats a hurricanrana. Dutt goes for a slingshot but Williams hits him with a shoulderblock to the midsection. Williams follows up with a slingshot DDT for a 2-count. Homicide runs in and gets hip-tossed as Williams locks on an Indian Deathlock on Dutt. Homicide heads to the top and breaks the hold with a flying headbutt.
All three men get up at the same time and take it to each other with a series of strikes. Homicide gets the advantage, hitting corner forearms to both men. Homicide takes Williams down with a belly to belly suplex and drops Dutt for a 2-count. Homicide works Dutt over in the corner and seats him on the top turnbuckle. Homicide goes to the second rope but gets shoved off. Dutt sets up for the moonsault double stomp but Williams crotches him. Williams escapes an attempted Gringo Killer, and Homicide escapes a Canadian Destroyer. Homicide hits the GRINGO KILLER on the second attempt and covers for the 1…2…Dutt breaks the count. Dutt drops Homicide with Sliced Bread #2 then hits the MOONSAULT DOUBLE STOMP for the 1…2…3!
Winner [via Pinfall]: Sonjay Dutt (4:03)
- MATCH THOUGHTS: An entertaining car crash of a match. Homicide looked a bit slower but Williams and Dutt haven’t lost a step. I may have also gone nuts for Dutt’s moonsault double stomp; it’s one of my favorite finishers and it’s been awhile so I did a fist pump. I’m not proud of it. I’m also pre-depressed for next week when Dutt again fails to win the X-Division Title.
We see a graphic that shows that Sonjay Dutt has qualified for next week’s Ultimate X match which will crown a new X-Division Champion.
- THOUGHTS: Hell of a hook for next week’s show but I’m disappointed it won’t happen on this show. Have to compensate for the commercials and one less hour I guess.
-Commercial Break-
Kenny King and Chavo Guerrero Jr. are already in the ring. Their opponent, Manik gets the television intro.
Match #3: Kenny King Vs. Manik Vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. in an X-Division Qualifier Match
The initial assault ends with Guerrero being sent out to the floor. King turns his attention to Manik, dropping him with an enziguri to the back to the head then drills Guerrero with a baseball slide. King connects with a suplex then immediately goes into the full mount, raining down rights. King poses for a second then whips Manik into the ropes. Manik reverses a tilt-a-whirl move into a standing Octopus. King escapes and Manik immediately applies a deathlock. Guerrero runs in and goes for a suplex but Manik reverses into a suplex, bridging for a 2-count while King is still caught in the hold. Guerrero whips Manik into the ropes and dropkicks him out. Guerrero takes King down with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors then a second-rope missile dropkick for a 2-count.
Manik heads to the top as Guerrero picks King up. They stand there and wait, allowing Manik to take both of them down with a flying crossbody. Manik sends Guerrero into King then uses Guerrero to elevate himself, dropkicking King afterwards. Manik covers Guerrero for 2 then applies a hammerlock. Guerrero elbows out and hits one amigo…two amigos…King runs in. Guerrero catches King for one amigo…two amigos…THREE AMIGOS. Guerrero revs the crowd up and heads to the top. Manik climbs to the second rope but Guerrero knocks him off. King hits the running knees, sending Manik into Guerrero. King hits an enziguri to Guerrero, sending him out to the floor. Manik catches King mid-celebration and hits a double underhook gutbuster for the 1…2…3!
Winner [via Pinfall]: Manik (4:35)
- MATCH THOUGHTS: Oof that was a noticeable drop in quality from the first qualifying match. The action was decent but there were moments where everyone stood around waiting for the next spot to happen (Guerrero especially).
The Main Event Mafia are meeting backstage. Kurt Angle asks everyone if they’re ready for the first part of their mission tonight and Rampage Jackson says he’s ready to knock somebody out. Magnus parrots the comment and they exit their meeting room as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
The video that opened the show plays once again to hype Chris Sabin en route to the main event.
Chris Sabin is backstage with Hulk Hogan. Hogan tells Sabin that this is his time but has one piece of advice: at the end of the night just make sure they remember him…and bring the title home to TNA. Sabin thanks Hogan and they shake hands.
The Main Event Mafia make their way out to the ring. Sting says when he looks at the “family” that’s been assembled he realizes they are custom made for tonight. Kurt Angle says this fight is going to be more brutal and vicious then anyone could imagine. He says The Aces & Eights have turned this company upside down and for that the Mafia is coming after them. Angle calls the MEM the greatest array of champions and fighters ever to be assembled and says they are going to prove it right now. Magnus is next up and says everyone is ready and asks Louisville if they’re ready. They cheer and chant for the Mafia.
Mr. Anderson and The Aces & Eights appear on the ImpactTron. Anderson says they do things on their own time and have to conserve their energy for the post-show celebration. Anderson invites the MEM to come backstage and meet them. Samoa Joe responds and says the Mafia is thirsty. Joe asks Rampage Jackson if he’s thirsty and he responds that he is (while grabbing his crotch for some reason). Joe says they are going to drink The Aces & Eights’ drinks and kick their ass. The MEM exit and walk backstage.
The MEM see Mr. Anderson, who leads them into a room. The fight breaks out as Bully Ray and Devon emerge. Ray attacks Angle as Devon locks the door of the room. Ray throws Angle into the back of a truck which drives off.
- THOUGHTS: That was okay I guess but you all know my thoughts on the MEM/Aces & Eights thing by now so I won’t reiterate them but I will say that this didn’t do anything to get me invested quite yet. Rampage grabbing his junk out of nowhere was awkward but hey when there’s an itch you gotta scratch, you know?
-Commercial Break-
We see Austin Aries backstage tweeting as he’s taken over as the “social media ambassador” for the second hour. We then cut to moments ago where Kurt Angle was kidnapped by The Aces & Eights.
Rubix makes his way out for the final X-Division qualifying match. His opponents, Rockstar Spud and Greg Marasciulo (Trent Barreta), make their way out next.
Match #4: Rubix Vs. Rockstar Spud Vs. Greg Marasciulo in an X-Division Qualifying Match
Spud is sent out to the floor first and Rubix/Marasciulo go at it for a bit. Spud climbs the apron but bails, and Marasciulo takes Rubix down with a clothesline. He hits the ropes but Spud grabs the legs so Marasciulo hits him with a baseball slide. Rubix applies a waistlock then hits a suicide dive on Spud when sent into the ropes. Marasciulo rolls outside and connects with a right hand, knocking Rubix down. Marasciulo rolls Spud in and covers for 1. Spud gains the advantage and plays heel to the crowd but runs right into a chop. Marasciulo picks Spud up but Spud rakes the eyes and rolls him up for 2. Rubix rolls in and Spud immediately goes on the attack. Spud runs into Rubix, who catches him and plants him face-first. Rubix follows up with a running knee for 2. Rubix sends Spud face-first into the turnbuckle and Marasciulo hits him with an elbow to send him out to the floor. Rubix kicks Marasciulo in the side of the head then hits a top-rope hurricanrana. Spud runs in and Rubix hits a bridging German suplex for the 1…2…kickout.
Spud fights back and drops Rubix. Spud stomps Rubix’s hand then hits a kick to the side of the head for the 1…2…kickout. Spud connects with a series of rights as Rubix gets to his feet. Spud grabs a waistlock and Marasciulo hits a top-rope missile dropkick as Rubix ducks. Spud rolls to the outside and Marasciulo hits him with an over the top rope dive. He rolls Spud back in then gets crotched on the top turnbuckle. Rubix hits an enziguri, sending Marasciulo to the mat. Rubix heads to the top and hits a coast to coast dropkick. He goes for the cover but Spud pulls him out to the floor and covers Marasciulo for the 1…2…kickout. Rubix rolls back in but Spud kicks him back out. Spud connects with a headbutt on Marasciulo but Marasciulo fights back and hits a Jig’n Tonic for the 1…2…3!
Winner [via Pinfall]: Greg Marasciulo (6:26)
- MATCH THOUGHTS: A solid match and Marasciulo looked great but oh man the crowd totally died during the contest. It’s going to be an interesting Ultimate X match next week and I wouldn’t mind either of the three men involved get the win (especially Dutt).
Bully Ray is backstage on the phone gloating about kidnapping Kurt Angle and mocking Rampage Jackson. He tells the truck driver to take Angle to the spot they talked about earlier. Ray tells the driver to make him an offer he won’t refuse. Ray hangs up the phone as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
TNA Knockouts Champion Mickie James makes her way to the ring…and we go to another commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Kurt Angle is shown backstage making his way back to the arena before we return to James in the ring. James puts over what happened last week then motions to the ImpactTron for footage. Instead of the ladder match it’s a video highlighting James’ country music showcase that also occurred on Thursday. We go back live as James talks excitedly about the showcase until Gail Kim interrupts. Kim says the only thing people were actually talking about last week was her victory in the ladder match. Kim says the only thing that’ll make her package more perfect is the Knockouts Title. James responds by saying Kim is invading her contractually obligated right to more space and tells her to back off. James says Kim’s match last week was a solid 2 but her music performance was 5 stars. James counts them on her fingers then attempts a slap, but Kim ducks and slaps her instead. A fight breaks out in the middle of the ring until two refs come out to separate the two. It doesn’t work and the fight continues both inside and out of the ring.
- THOUGHTS: Very good segment, with James doing more excellent work under her heel persona. Loving it. The brawl was excellent as well and it was a good way to build next week’s match. Hopefully the match itself will be just as good.
Austin Aries catches up with Chris Sabin backstage. Aries says he doesn’t want to diminish what Sabin has accomplished but the only reason he’s getting the World Title shot is because of him. Aries says he helped raise Sabin’s game to a level he didn’t even know he could perform on. Aries says he’s pulling for Sabin to get the job done tonight.
- THOUGHTS: Aries’ Pep Talk > Hogan’s Pep Talk
-Commercial Break-
AJ Styles is backstage sitting on a staircase. He puts over the fact that he put the X-Division on the map then turns his attention to his BFG Series match next week against Jeff Hardy. He calls Hardy a hero, then says this is no place for heroes and he’s taking his points next week.
After some hype for next week’s show, Chris Sabin makes his way out for the main event. His opponent, TNA World Champ Bully Ray makes his way out second from backstage. Jeremy Borash heads to the ring and handles the in-ring introductions. When Ray gets his introduction, he backs Sabin in the corner and commences with the trash talking. Ray tells Sabin he’s taking his knees out. Ray backs away, then Sabin backs him into the corner for some trash talking. Ray pushes him down and the bell rings.
Main Event: Bully Ray (c) Vs. Chris Sabin for the TNA World Heavyweight Title
Sabin rushes at Ray who hides between the ropes. The ref pushes him away and Ray takes advantage of the distraction, sweeping the legs and grabbing the left one. Sabin kicks Ray off and catches him with kicks to the ribs. Ray responds with a chop but Sabin feels no pain and goes at it again. Ray once again chops Sabin, Sabin responds with a kick, and Ray responds with another chop. Sabin gets amped up as Ray asks Sabin to kick him again. Sabin kicks him hard and Ray responds with a running chop across the chest. Sabin yells at Ray to bring it on, his chest red and bleeding. Ray rushes at Sabin and Sabin ducks and commences with a series of rapid-fire strikes. Sabin goes into the corner mount and connects with a series of rights, followed by six count-a-long rights. Sabin hits the ropes and goes for a kick but Ray catches it and slams all his weight down on the left knee. Sabin rolls to the ramp as The Aces & Eights make their way out. The Main Event Mafia then make their way out to even the odds at ringside as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Ray continues working over Sabin’s right knee on the ramp as we return from the break. Ray throws Sabin back into the ring. Ray mouths off at Rampage Jackson then refocuses back on the match. Ray kicks Sabin’s knee out from under him and The Aces & Eights cheer. Ray does it once again when Sabin tries to get back up. Ray slams Sabin’s knee on the canvas then applies a leglock. Ray pulls Sabin’s kneepad down and unlaces his boot to expose the injured leg. Sabin gets to his feet and fights back but Ray levels him with a clothesline. Ray takes the other protective knee brace off and throws it out of the ring then rams the surgically-repaired leg to continue the hurt.
Ray trash talks Sabin as he lifts himself up then takes him back down with an uppercut to the knee. Ray grabs the leg and slams it to the canvas, wrenching it even more. Ray trash talks Jackson some more then goes back to the match. Sabin gets back to his feet and hits a series of forearms but Ray kicks out Sabin’s other leg to bring him back to the mat. A “BULLY SUCKS!” chant breaks out as Ray stalks his prey. Sabin kicks at Ray but Ray easily dodges it and slams the exposed knee against the canvas once more. Ray stands over Sabin and slaps his chest. Ray asks The Aces & Eights if he should rip off the other knee brace and they cheer in approval. Ray puts Sabin in the corner and levels him with forearms. Sabin tries a kick but Ray blocks it. Ray whips Sabin to the other corner but he doesn’t make it due to the pain. Sabin, however fights back and heads to the top. Ray slaps the rope, crotching Sabin on the strut. Ray tells Jackson “this is for you” then connects with a second-rope superplex. Ray covers Sabin for the 1…2…kickout. Ray is disappointed.
Ray goes for the BULLY BOMB but Sabin blocks it and connects with an enziguri to the side of the head. Sabin rolls out and heads back to the top. Sabin connects with a top-rope missile dropkick, knocking Ray into the ref and sending both men down. The Aces & Eights tried to interfere but The Main Event Mafia fight them off both inside the ring and out. The fight continues up the ramp. Back in the ring Ray grabs a hammer which has been left in the ring. Sabin catches him with a boot to the midsection and grabs the hammer. Ray picks Sabin up and Sabin hits him with a hammer. Sabin lands on top and the ref counts. 1…2…3! NEW CHAMP!
Winner and NEW World Champion [via Pinfall]: Chris Sabin (18:43)
- MATCH THOUGHTS: Pardon my french but holy sh*t I did not see that coming. At all. Like, at all. As someone who watched a lot of TNA back in the Fox Sports Net days I’ve got a lot of love for Sabin but I didn’t see him ever winning the belt. And now he’s World Champ. Much respect. The match itself was alright, slow but the psychology was great (Ray working over the knee and being the overly confident champion), and Sabin winning with the hammer was a nice touch. While part of me is disappointed they didn’t wait until BFG to dethrone Ray, that was a great moment to end the show and provides the potential for a unique future for the company.
POST-MATCH: Sabin celebrates with the belt as we fade out.
OVERALL SHOW THOUGHTS: While not the PPV-quality that TNA was constantly stressing, it’s a one match show, this was still a very good edition of Impact from start to finish with a shocker of an ending. Couple that with what was already announced for next week’s show and I think newer viewers will be hooked to see what happens next. I am too, as a matter of fact. Nothing to really complain about here and honestly I’m in shock that Sabin is World Champion so I’ll need time to process this.
When not covering Impact on Thursdays for 411, Jon can be found running the site Pro Wrestling Update as well as spouting off nonsense in 140 characters or less on Twitter.
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