wrestling / TV Reports
411’s TNA Impact Wrestling Report 08.01.13
Taz is outside the arena talking to Atlas Security. They inform Taz that Hulk Hogan has banned him from the building this week. Taz freaks out and says they’re going to be working at a pizzeria in Brooklyn because he’s going to make a call. Taz yells “YOU’RE DONE!” and walk off as Atlas Security tries to apologize.
PREVIOUSLY ON IMPACT WRESTLING…: Bully Ray tries to get his World Title back through litigious means but Hulk Hogan instead signs Sabin/Ray in a Cage for “HardCORE Justice”.
Mike Tenay welcomes the home audience and hypes the show as we pan the Wichita Falls crowd. The camera cuts to the announce table where Tenay is joined by Jeremy Borash since Taz has been banned from the arena. Borash hypes the Styles/Aries main event then Tenay switches gears to the ominous August 1st Warning videos that have been flooding the YouTube channel for the past week. Borash segues into the final tape from earlier this afternoon. The mystery man says his arrival will shock everyone and they have been warned.
Austin Aries makes his way out to the arena to open the show proper. Aries soaks in the positive crowd response before grabbing a mic. Aries asks if they can hear him now and an “Austin Aries!” chant breaks out. Aries says there are a lot of things going on in IMPACT Wrestling and they’re all focused on the World Heavyweight Championship and the Bound For Glory Series. Aries publicly congratulates new World Champ Chris Sabin, but he also warns him that he’s now the hunted. Aries tells Sabin he’s looking at the man who will win the BFG Series and become the next champion. Aries says everyone is in for a big treat as he takes on AJ Styles in the main event. Aries says this is a match everyone has been dreaming about since he returned to TNA; not just the people at home and in the arena but everyone who works for TNA. Aries phrases the match as so: AJ Styles, the man who put TNA on his back for a decade Vs. Austin Aries, the man who will put TNA on his back for the next decade. Aries says if there is anyone who has any doubts about that he will erase them tonight.
Aries’ rant is interrupted by his former tag team partner Bobby Roode. Tenay and Borash recap Roode’s mental breakdown from a few weeks back as he makes his way to the ring. Roode grabs a mic and says he’s been living a nightmare since Aries beat him for the World Title last year at Destination X and since then everyone has forgotten what he’s capable of doing inside of the ring. Roode says he was the longest-reigning and most dominant World Champion in TNA history and became the leader of the “selfish generation”. Roode then follows up by saying he is the “IT Factor of Professional Wrestling” and starting tonight the game is going to change because he’s going back to what brought him to the dance the first time. Roode says he’s going to do the things that made him champ the first time around; from here on out all he cares about is regaining the World Championship and tonight he will prove once again that it “pays to be Roode”.
Aries responds by saying he hopes Roode makes it to the finals of the BFG Series so he can beat him once again. Aries wishes him luck and walks off. The music of Roode’s opponent tonight, Hernandez, kicks up and out comes “Super Mex”. Hernandez gives his bandana to someone at ringside and Roode attacks him on the ramp. Roode continues the attack as Tenay announces that the match will happen next.
- THOUGHTS: So instead of more Aces & Eights/MEM nonsense or Hulk Hogan, the show begins with Austin Aries hyping a main event I can’t wait to watch and Bobby Roode finally getting a chance to get serious again. All that plus Taz is banned from commentating this week? I couldn’t ask for a better beginning to the show.
-Commercial Break-
Match #1: Hernandez Vs. Bobby Roode in a BFG Series Match
We join the match in progress, Roode in control and delivering a series of chops. Roode slams Hernandez into the corner then whips him into the ropes, delivering a punishing back elbow to the jaw. Roode covers but only gets 1. Hernandez reverses an Irish whip and knocks Roode to the mat with a bodyblock. Hernandez goes for a corner splash but eats another elbow. Roode tries a second-rope move but Hernandez gets a right hand to the midsection on his way down. Hernandez attempts the over the shoulder backbreaker but Roode escapes and drills him with the spinebuster for the 1…2…kickout. Roode tosses Hernandez out to the floor and stalks his prey. Roode throws Hernandez shoulder-first into the ring steps and rolls him back in. Roode rolls back in himself and covers for the 1…2…kickout.
Roode whips Hernandez into the corner and follows up with a corner clothesline. Hernandez gets a boot up during a corner splash attempt and heads to the top. Roode connects with a right to the skull and attempts a superplex but Hernandez knocks him to the mat. Hernandez goes for a splash, but hits nothing but canvas and Roode immediately locks in the CROSSFACE. Hernandez struggles and fights, getting to his feet and breaking out with a back suplex. Both men are down. Roode runs at Hernandez but eats a clothesline and double chop. Roode prevents a backdrop with a kick but gets bodyblocked afterwards. Hernandez heads up the ramp and revs up the crowd. Hernandez gets a running head start and connects with AIR MEXICO. Hernandez sets up for the BORDER TOSS, but Roode escapes and accidentally hits the ref. This momentarily distracts him and Roode connects with a low-blow on Hernandez followed by a roll-up (with a handful of tights) for the 1…2…kickout.
Roode freaks out and grabs a chair from ringside. He throws two into the ring then hits another on the ring steps before rolling it in. The ref tries to toss the chairs out, distracting the ref long enough for Roode to crack Hernandez int he head with a beer bottle. Roode covers as the ref gets back into the game for the 1…2…3!
Winner [via Pinfall]: Bobby Roode (5:49 shown)
- MATCH THOUGHTS: A good match and a result I’m happy with, but oh man was that finish ridiculous. Finding a beer bottle under the ring makes sense, James Storm does work for them after all, but cracking Hernandez with it and getting the pin while shards of glass cover the mat plainly in the ref’s view? Come on. Wrestling refs are stupid but they aren’t that stupid.
The Main Event Mafia are shown backstage. Kurt Angle tells the interviewer that he’s going to make The Aces & Eights offer they can’t refuse. Rampage Jackson pipes in with an “aw yeah!” because of reasons.
- THOUGHTS: Someone hand these guys Taz masks so they also get banned from the building, please.
-Commercial Break-
Frankie Kazarian is shown tweeting backstage. He’s the ambassador for the first hour.
We see an updated BFG Series standings, as Bobby Roode has moved up some spots.
ODB is backstage talking with Eric Young. She talks about returning to the ring tonight and Young tells her he can’t be at ringside tonight because he has a lot on his plate. She understands and leaves him to deal with Joseph Park. Young says he’s got the answer to Park’s freakouts and hands him a bag. Park asks what it is and Young tells him not to worry.
- THOUGHTS: I hope it’s not an umpire mask. That joke is played out.
Chris Sabin catches up backstage with Manik. Sabin congratulates him on winning the X-Division Title. Manik says he accomplished nothing in his 15 years as TJ Perkins so Manik is his rebirth, bringing him the X-Division title. Sabin says they’re not the biggest or strongest, but they have the most heart and that’s why Sabin wanted to face him first tonight. Sabin tells Manik to bring his best tonight because he will be doing the same. Manik says he’ll see him out there and Sabin walks off.
- THOUGHTS: I’m digging Manik and I don’t feel bad about it whatsoever. I like that it’s not his whole identity but just another part of TJ Perkins. The exchange between the two was decent enough but it seems weird that Sabin’s first televised match as World Champ isn’t the main event of the show. Screams “short-term champion” to me.
A stretch hummer rolls up outside of the arena as Tenay infers that it might be the August 1 Warning guy.
-Commercial Break-
Jay Bradley makes his way out for the next match. We cut to comments made by Bradley earlier in the night where he says a few more Boomsticks will lead to wins adding up. We go back live where his opponent, Joseph Park, makes his way out along with Eric Young. Young gives him wrestling headgear to prevent any future Abyss-ing.
Match #2: Joseph Park [w/ Eric Young] Vs. Jay Bradley in a BFG Series Match
Bradley attacks Park from behind and sends him repeatedly into the corner. Park feels nothing since he’s wearing headgear. Bradley clubs him down instead and tries to rip the headgear off of Park. Park fights him off and takes him down with a hip toss but runs right into a back elbow. Bradley drops the knee on Park’s face and covers for 2. Young twirls a white towel ringside to cheer Park on. Bradley works Park over in the corner but misses a running boot. Bradley gets caught in the top rope and Park rolls him up for the 1…2…kickout. Bradley quickly regains the advantage and connects with back to back elbowdrops for 2. Bradley kicks at Park then tries once again to rip off the headgear. Park fights him off and Bradley drops an elbow across the back of Park’s head. Bradley clubs Park once more and hits a flying kneedrop for the 1…2…kickout.
Bradley applies a side headlock and gets sent into the ropes, running into a shoulderblock by Park followed by a bodyslam. Park heads to the second rope for the finish but Bradley grabs him by the headgear strap and pulls him off. Park sweeps the legs and applies a Boston Crab out of nowhere. Bradley gets to the ropes to force a break. Park argues with the ref allowing Bradley to take advantage with a phantom kick and a struggling backbreaker. Bradley rips the headgear off finally and throws it at Young. Bradley tells Park to get up and readies the Boomstick. Bradley instead runs into a Samoan drop and Park covers for the 1…2…3!
Winner [via Pinfall]: Joseph Park (4:23)
- MATCH THOUGHTS: …Well at least it’s over. Love the Joseph Park character, can’t stand to see him wrestle 9 times out of ten. Bradley continues to be the BFG Series jobber we all expected him to be.
-Commercial Break-
The Main Event Mafia are shown meeting backstage. Kurt Angle asks if anyone has any knowledge about the August 1st guy. No one does. Sting repeats their mission statement in case you forgot it over the past week. Sting asks everyone if they’re ready to “take the risk”. Everyone is in. Angle says now they’re going to make Aces & Eights an offer they can’t refuse. Rampage Jackson says no matter what they say he came here to FIGHT. Sting says that’s why they like him.
- THOUGHTS: Oof that was pretty passionless and wooden.
Manik makes his way out for the next match, X-Division Title wrapped around his body. He makes his way to the ring as Tenay talks about MEM’s offer. His opponent, World Champ Chris Sabin, makes his way out second also wearing the belt around his torso/shoulder like a bandolier.
Match #3: *TNA World Champion* Chris Sabin Vs. *TNA X-Division Champion* Manik in a Non-Title Champion Vs. Champion Match
Sabin grabs a wristlock and brings Manik to one knee. Manik rolls through but gets taken back to the mat. Manik kips up, cartwheels, and reverses into a wristlock of his own. Sabin does the same, reapplies the wristlock, and transitions into a hammerlock. Manik tries to escape but Sabin brings him to the mat and puts his shoulders down for a 2-count. Manik gets to his feet and takes Sabin down with a monkey flip. Sabin then hits a monkey flip of his own, knuckles still locked, and covers for 2. Manik tries for a roll-up but Sabin rolls through. Manik and Sabin dodge one another’s kicks and Sabin cartwheels out of a headscissors takedown. Both men retreat to their corners in a good ol’ fashioned standoff as we head to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Manik hits a tilt-a-whirl armbreaker/armbar as we come back from the break. Sabin sends Manik into the corner, who does a headstand on the top turnbuckle. Sabin pushes him to the apron then kicks him off to the floor. Sabin heads outside and drops Manik face-first on the apron then poses for the crowd. Sabin rolls Manik back in and covers for 2. Sabin puts Manik in the corner and chokes him with his boot then follows up with a snap suplex for another 2-count. Sabin quickly goes into a chinlock. Sabin transitions into pulling Manik’s arms behind his back then kicks him. Sabin climbs over the fallen Manik and applies an armbar before rolling him over and goes back to the sort-of surfboard. Manik kicks his way out, dodges a corner splash, ducks a clothesline, and hits a standing hurricanrana. Sabin falls onto the second rope and Manik hits a springboard legdrop followed by a springboard dropkick for the 1…2…kickout.
Manik grabs Sabin’s arms but Sabin reverses out and rolls him up for 2. Manik catches a kick and turns it into a powerbomb for the 1…2…kickout. Manik heads to the top but Sabin connects with a right hand, crotching him on the strut. Sabin connects with a series of forearms as he climbs to the second rope. Sabin gets Manik into position and connects with a delayed vertical superplex. Sabin rolls over and drapes the arm over Manik for the 1…2…kickout. Sabin and Manik trade forearms and chops. Manik ducks a chop and hits some open hand slaps followed by a back kick but runs into a kick by Sabin. Sabin goes for the finish but Manik rolls out and grabs a double arm chicken wing. Sabin rolls through and rolls Manik up for the 1…2…kickout. Sabin connects with a running Ace Crusher followed by a loud superkick to the skull and finishes him off with HAIL SABIN for the 1…2…3!
Winner [via Pinfall]: Chris Sabin (11:55)
- MATCH THOUGHTS: A really fun match that would have been killer if it was in the main event slot (and had more time). Weirdly enough though Manik looked more like the star than Sabin did. At least to me.
POST-MATCH: Bully Ray attacks Sabin during the replay. Ray connects with a series of rights and takes the chain off of his neck. Ray jaws at Sabin, saying he told him he should’ve handed him his belt. Ray goes after Manik as well, allowing Sabin to get to his feet and connect with a series of strikes and rapid-fire chops. Sabin takes Ray out with an enziguri and Ray rolls out to the ramp. Sabin begs Ray to come back into the ring but Ray begs off.
- THOUGHTS: Anyone else find it weird that Ray was the only one who interfered? Where were The Aces & Eights? An awkward sneak attack made even more awkward by Sabin’s “meh” comeback strikes. I still want to see the match but this little sneak peek was not great especially after the awesome Sabin/Manik match.
We go outside to another shot of the white stretch hummer (shown in the daytime, but it’s dark outside right now in TX). Taz interrupts and says he’s going to expose August 1 to the world out of anger that he’s stuck outside. Taz opens the hummer and laughs. Taz is not impressed and the camera goes in to reveal…a laptop playing an August 1st Warning video. Okay.
- THOUGHTS: So the August 1st warning is a laptop? THE MACHINES HAVE BECOME SENTIENT! SKYNET IS REAL! RUN! RUUUUUUUUUUUUN! For real though that fakeout reveal made me laugh in a positive way. I don’t know if I was supposed to laugh though.
ODB and Gail Kim are on their way to the ring. They face off next!
-Commercial Break-
James Storm is shown tweeting backstage. He’s handling second hour duties.
- THOUGHTS: Given how bad the Tag Team division is, Storm might want to get used to tweeting instead of wrestling.
Bad Influence are hanging out backstage when they’re accosted by the mysterious interview. Christopher Daniels says TNA has been trying to plant seeds of dissent between them for too long. Frankie Kazarian calls their match against one another next week ludicrous. Daniels says it puts them in a bad position because he’s undefeated and Kazarian hasn’t won yet. Kazarian stops him and says not to be that guy with him. Daniels says he won’t give him the points and Kazarian says he’ll take them before spilling Daniels’ appletini on the ground and walking off.
- THOUGHTS: That was awesome. That’s the must-see match for next week, hands-down.
Gail Kim makes her way out for the next match. Her opponent, ODB, makes her way out second flask in hand.
Match #4: ODB Vs. Gail Kim
ODB and Kim get in each other’s faces. Kim pushes ODB to the mat and ODB responds with a spear. ODB repeatedly peppers Kim with rights before she begs off and exits to the ramp. ODB goes up the ramp and hits a running bodyblock into Kim, sending her into the ropes. ODB picks Kim up but Kim slides out. She misses a kick and crotches on the second rope. ODB wraps her in between the ropes, connects with some forearms, then pushes her hard face-first into the mat. ODB rolls in and covers for 2. Kim reverses a corner Irish whip but runs into a back kick. ODB seats herself on the top turnbuckle and eats a kick. Kim pushes her off and perches herself on the second rope. She blows kisses to the crowd to stall but ODB never rolls over so she jumps off and chokes her in the opposite corner. Kim connects with right forearms and an uppercut. Kim connects with a running dropkick and covers for the 1…2…kickout.
Kim plays to the crowd a bit, allowing ODB to recover and hit a series of rights to the midsection. Kim responds with some strikes of her own and takes her to the mat for another 2. Kim sends ODB face-first into the corner. Kim follows up with the midsection bodyblock then pulls her to the mat via the hair. Kim covers ODB for the 1…2…kickout. Kim tries again with the same result. Kim puts ODB in the corner again but misses a splash. ODB blocks a right and connects with one of her own then does so again. ODB kicks Kim and drops her with a clothesline. ODB follows up with back to back shoulderblocks and a fallaway slam. ODB kips up and drops Kim with the running powerslam for the 1…2…kickout.
ODB argues with the ref then goes for a corner splash but Kim catches her with her legs. ODB sends Kim to the floor, and Kim attempts to use the ring post figure four to no avail. ODB gets her in a bodyscissors and sends Kim head-first into the steel post. ODB goes outside to continue but Kim sends her into the steps and the ref counts them out.
Winner: Double Countout (6:09)
- MATCH THOUGHTS: This match felt weirdly off the entire time and the anticlimactic double countout finish came out of nowhere. Not much here.
POST-MATCH: ODB and Kim continue brawling as refs try to break them up.
AJ Styles is shown backstage. He says all he’s heard about is this “dream match” against Austin Aries. Styles calls it “B.S.” and says he’s not the wide-eyed kid he once was, he’s now a greedy power hungry man. Styles says there’s no place for dreams, just like heroes, and tonight he becomes Aries’ nightmare. Styles puts the hood back up and sulks off.
- THOUGHTS: Styles tried so hard to be serious that it ended up goofy. That “no place for dreams…just like heroes” delivery was unintentional comedy gold.
More August 1st Warning Hype before we cut to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Tenay recaps King Mo’s win on Bellator last night.
- THOUGHTS: King Mo has done nothing with TNA (OVW doesn’t count in the real world) since his useless enforcer stint at BFG 2012. Just wanna put that out there. He contributes nothing to the company and they still hype him up; that annoys me, especially now that they have Rampage Jackson who’s a more well-known MMA fighter and has already added more in his few weeks with the company.
Bully Ray is backstage with The Aces & Eights. He brushes off Main Event Mafia’s offer then goes right to talking big about destroying Chris Sabin at HardCORE Justice. Ray tells Mr. Anderson that he’s in charge of taking out The Main Event Mafia. Ray goes to leave but Brooke Hogan stops him. Hogan says the contract Ray has to sign next week for the cage match has some things in it he may not like. She hints that there’ll be a stipulation where if Sabin wins, Ray has to grant Hogan a divorce.
- THOUGHTS: Divorces can now be decided in wrestling matches. I’ll keep that in mind for future reference.
Austin Aries makes his way out for the main event of the evening, making sure this episode ends with MEM/Aces & Eights drama. Damn. His opponent, AJ Styles, makes his way out second in all his uber serious glory.
Main Event: Austin Aries Vs. AJ Styles in a BFG Series Match
Aries and Styles lock up and roll into the corner. Styles breaks clean at the ref’s request. Styles grabs a side headlock and Aries sends him into the ropes. Styles flips over Aries and takes him down with an armdrag before grabbing another side headlock. Aries whips him into the ropes and attempts a leapfrog but Styles runs into him instead. Aries bails out to the ramp to regroup and heads back in. Styles applies a wristlock, and Aries flips his way out, taking Styles down with a Fireman’s carry and applying an armbar. Styles escapes with a headscissors but Aries escapes. Styles dodges the post-headscissors dropkick and goes for the Calf Killer but Aries rolls through into a front chancery. Styles break free and both men stare one another down.
Aries grabs a side headlock upon the next lockup. Styles escapes and applies a waistlock. Aries reverses into one of his own and rolls Styles up for 1. Aries rolls out to the floor and avoids the between the ropes dropkick. Aries heads to the top and connects with an axhandle. Aries rolls Styles back into the ring and starts for the top turnbuckle but Styles dropkicks him on the way up. Aries falls to the outside and Styles hits a flying crossbody over the top and onto his opponent. Styles is in control as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Styles is still in control as we return from break. Aries fights back with back elbows but runs right into a dropkick by Styles. Aries gets back to his feet and fights back with forearms but Styles applies a waistlock to stop the flurry. Styles applies a full nelson and turns it into a slam, dropping Aries on the back of his head. Aries rolls out to the floor, almost out cold. Styles goes out and rolls Aries back in, who still looks totally out of it. Styles applies a headlock. Aries gets back to his feet and tries to bust out with strikes but Styles clubs him with a forearm. Styles whips Aries into the corner but runs right into a back elbow. Aries hits a discus forearm followed by a running clothesline. Aries hits a series of elbow strikes but Styles blocks the suplex attempt. Styles goes for one of his own but Aries lands on his feet and rolls Styles up with a backslide for the 1…2…kickout.
Styles sends Aries out to the apron but Aries connects with a shoulderblock to the apron. Aries follows up with a neckbreaker, cracking Styles’ head against the ropes. Aries follows up with a top-rope missile dropkick then hits the corner dropkick. Aries goes for the Brainbuster but Styles escapes with a knee strike. Aries seats Styles on the top turnbuckle instead and goes for a superplex. Styles fights him off for a bit but Aries manages to get him up. Styles lands on his feet, holds on, and turns it into a neckbreaker for the 1…2…kickout. Styles goes for the springboard 450 but Aries moves out of the way and applies the LAST CHANCERY. Styles escapes and locks in the CALF KILLER out of nowhere. Aries escapes and turns it into the BRAINBUSTER. Aries covers for the 1…2…KICKOUT! Snap.
Aries gets Styles into position and climbs to the top. Aries goes for the 450 but hits nothing but knees. Styles clotheslines Aries into the ropes and he bails out to the apron. Styles goes for a springboard move but Aries pushes the ropes and he lands into the cables. Aries goes for a suplex on the ramp but Styles blocks it and drops him with a front suplex. Styles goes for the STYLES CLASH on the ramp but Aries counters and back bodydrops Styles off the ramp and onto the floor. Aries gets in the ring and goes for the suicide dive but Styles sidesteps it and sends him flying into the ringsteps. Both men recover and roll back into the ring. A shootout occurs between both men. Styles hits a flurry of strikes but Aries stops him with a suplex. Styles hits the Pele Kick out of nowhere and both men drape their arms over one another for the 1…2…Aries gets his shoulder up…3.
Winner [via Pinfall]: Austin Aries (17:42)
- MATCH THOUGHTS: Aries/Styles had a lot of hype going into it and I’m glad to say they lived up to it and then some. An excellent match with some brutal spots and great exchanges. I was in wrestling heaven…until that lackluster and anticlimactic finish. It was like taking the air out of the balloon and it felt like they did it just to end the match and make time for the final segment. What a drag. Also, and this is a nitpick, but aren’t the BFG Series matches supposed to be 15 minutes? This went past that. If you’re going to establish rules, stick to them. In short: great match, crap finish, and went against the BFG Series rules that caused Styles’ first match to end in a draw in his very first outing. I’m torn.
The Main Event Mafia are shown heading to the ring. Their offer is next.
-Commercial Break-
The Main Event Mafia’s “Offer” to The Aces & Eights
The Main Event Mafia make their way out for the closing angle (and about three minutes to do it if they don’t get the overrun). Sting says they are halfway to finishing their goals and will get the fight they want by giving them an offer they can’t refuse. Kurt Angle grabs the mic but out come Mr. Anderson and The Aces & Eights before he can say anything. Everyone is there except Bully Ray because he has other things to do. Anderson says if the MEM want to fight dirty, they can do it and they aren’t backing down. Angle says there are going to be serious consequences and proposes a 5-on-5 match between the two groups at HardCORE Justice with the stipulation that whatever wrestler gets pinned in the match has to leave TNA for good. Samoa Joe says this isn’t a negotiation and all of a sudden everyone starts brawling. I feel like they missed some exposition there. The Main Event Mafia clear the ring and Anderson agrees to the 5-on-5 match.
The lights go out and all of a sudden Tito Ortiz shows up on the ramp. Ortiz stands there, arms crossed, as both groups react surprisingly. Rampage Jackson doesn’t look all that pleased. Awkward silence, awkward standing around, fade to black.
- THOUGHTS: It felt like this whole segment was rushed due to Styles/Aries going on longer than expected and frankly I’m glad it was because I could not care any less…and the fact that TITO ORTIZ was the August 1st guy? Sorry to swear but FUCK RIGHT OFF. I don’t give a shit about MMA and I don’t give a shit about Tito Ortiz. Talk about ending a decent show on a sour note, with my least favorite storyline resulting in a lackluster and pointless reveal. Dumb,absolutely dumb. Interesting storytelling sacrificed for corporate synergy. Keep that shit on Bellator and away from me.
OVERALL SHOW THOUGHTS: Sabin/Manik? Great. Styles/Aries outside of the finish and the lack of caring about established BFGS rules? Great. The opening segment? Great. Everything else? Forgettable and, when it comes to the final segment, downright insultingly bad. The MEM/Aces & Eights stuff was bad enough, forcibly rushed and resulting in a match for HardCORE Justice with a dumb stipulation to boot, but having TITO ORTIZ show up as the big reveal? Come on. Come the fuck on. It’s been awhile since I’ve felt this way, but that was a bullshit end that ruined all my goodwill about this episode. An angle I don’t care about continues by adding stuff I could care even less about. Ugh. Just full on UGH. I really hope next week’s show picks back up so I can wash away this negativity and bile I’ve got going.
When not covering Impact every Thursday for 411, Jon can be found writing about pro wrestling in 140 characters or less on Twitter as well as on his own site Pro Wrestling Update.
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