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411’s TNA Impact Wrestling Report 9.26.13
PREVIOUSLY ON IMPACT WRESTLING: E.G.O. defeated The Main Event Mafia, The Aces & Eights continued to crumble, Dixie Carter gets sick of AJ Styles’ crap and vice versa.
Dixie Carter is shown arriving backstage. She’s stopped by Sting, who tries to talk to her while she texts away. Sting asks why she’s messing with AJ and she doesn’t respond so he pushes her phone down from her face. Sting says this isn’t the Dixie he knows, and she says not to worry because she’s got this handled.
We go live to Little Rock, AR and pan the crowd as Mike Tenay runs down tonight’s big happenings. The Aces & Eights Theme kicks up, bringing out Bully Ray and Brooke Tessmacher. Ray yells for the music to shut off, then says he’s at a loss for words because of what Dixie Carter said last week. Ray says what Dixie did to AJ Styles was awesome and great. Ray says that since Styles won the BFG Series he has been thinking about how he’s going to beat him at Bound For Glory, but now he doesn’t have to worry because Dixie is deep in his head. Ray says that Styles should kiss the ground Dixie walks on right now because she’s the one that made him “Phenomenal”.
Ray realizes he forgot one thing and goes to launch into the “Do You Know Who I Am?” schtick but the theme kicks back up and out come Knux, Garett Bischoff, & Wes Brisco. Knux says that once again Ray is taking care of his business instead of club business. Knux says Ray worries more about his “ho” than his “bros”. Ray tells Knux not to call Brooke a ho (the crowd chants “HO!” in response, obviously). Knux says tonight against The Main Event Mafia they’re gonna take care of club business, not Ray. Ray tells them to get in line and threatens to knock the smirk off of Bischoff’s face; Ray says they don’t make the rules because his patch says President and they should pretty much be called lackeys. Ray says if they want to make decisions without them fine, but if they lose their match tonight it’s going to be “lights out” for one of them (they’re out of The Aces & Eights). Ray and Tessmacher quickly exit as the other three watch him leave.
- THOUGHTS: The death of The Aces & Eights continues. Okay opening segment with Bully Ray is acknowledging his BFG match against AJ Styles now and adding a wrinkle to the six-man tag team match. I hope Bischoff and Brisco accidentally both get pinned and they loophole them the hell out of TNA.
We cut to the announce table where Tenay and Taz once again hype tonight’s show. They talk over a clip of ODB winning the Knockouts Title and Taz begrudgingly congratulates her.
Joseph Park is backstage shaving ahead of the six-person tag team match. Eric Young and ODB rush in and ask what he’s doing. Young asks what would happen if Park cuts himself shaving and says that if he does that he turns into a monster. Park says Young is one of his dearest friends in the world but he’s crazy. Young tells Park that there will be no more shaving the same day as a match. Park walks off and Young feigns shaving his own beard but ODB stops him.
- THOUGHTS: ODB should be given a humanitarian award for preventing Young from cutting his beard. That beast is a thing of beauty. Fun little segment.
The Bromans (Robbie E & Jessie Godderz) and their partner Gail Kim make their way out for the opening match…which happens after the commercial break.
- THOUGHTS: So much for The Bromans bringing out someone new to be their partner. Gail Kim isn’t a shocking pick since she’s the only one (of four) without a storyline at the moment. This Knockouts division needs some meat and quick.
-Commercial Break-
Eric Young, ODB, & Joseph Park make their way out to the ring as we return from commercial, clips of Park destroying The Bromans due to seeing his own blood last week playing.
Match #1: Eric Young, Joseph Park, & *TNA Knockouts Champion* ODB Vs. The Bromans (Robbie E & Jessie Godderz) & Gail Kim
ODB and Kim start off for their teams. Kim immediately backs off and tags in Robbie E. ODB turns and huddles with her partners before tagging Park in. Robbie E shoves Park into the corner, and Park shoves back sending him to the mat. Robbie E connects with a right to the gut and attempts an Irish whip but Park is too big. Park whips Robbie E into the ropes, and Robbie’s attempt at a crossbody is no-sold. Robbie E tries to slam Park but he can’t do it so Park slams him instead and covers for 1. Robbie E rakes the eyes but runs into a boot from Park. Park tries to fight out of the corner but Robbie E hits a running shoulderblock to the midsection. Godderz tags in and The Bromans send Park face-first into the corner.
Godderz chokes Park on the middle turnbuckle before the ref forces a break. Godderz connects with a dropkick, sending Park into the corner. Park reverses an Irish whip and goes for a back bodydrop but Godderz grabs on for a sunset flip attempt. Park attempts to fight it with a sitout splash but Godderz dodges. Robbie E tags in and connects with a second-rope clothesline. Robbie E follows up with a second-rope forearm to the jaw for the 1…2…kickout. Robbie E chokes Park with his boot while jawing at Young, then goes into the full mount and peppers him with a series of rights. Robbie E calls Park a loser as he picks him up. Park out of nowhere with a Samoan drop.
Godderz distracts the ref as Park tags in, so the ref doesn’t see it. A whole bunch of pointless phantom tags result in Kim taking it to Park. Kim kicks Park in the gut then slaps him across the face. Park gets angry and Kim begs off, allowing Robbie E to attack from behind. The Bromans whip Park into the corner, but Park comes running out with a double clothesline. Young gets the hot tag and takes out both Bromans with a top-rope crossbody. Young with a flying forearm to Robbie E and a belly to belly suplex on Godderz for the 1…2…Kim breaks the count. ODB grabs Kim and sends her to the ramp then turns around to face Robbie E. Robbie E tries to psyche her out with a right but ODB doesn’t get phased. ODB grabs Robbie E’s head and smothers him with her cleavage. Park sends Robbie E to the floor and Young slams Godderz down. Park connects with a second-rope splash and Young finishes with a top-rope elbowdrop. ODB tags in and splashes Godderz herself for the 1…2…3!
Winners [via Pinfall]: Eric Young, Joseph Park, & ODB (6:23)
- MATCH THOUGHTS: Storyline-wise it was a pointless match, but it was entertaining so I can’t knock it. Fun stuff all around. I like the rare times when EY actually gets to wrestle. He needs to do that more.
Austin Aries is shown walking backstage. He’s asked by the cameraman what’s next for him. Aries says instead of telling the cameraman, he’s going to the ring and telling everyone at once.
- THOUGHTS: Does he mean a pipe bo…*the 411 commenters beat me to death*
-Commercial Break-
Hulk Hogan is shown entering the arena from earlier today. He tells the cameraman he’s hear to fix all of the crap between Dixie and AJ.
Austin Aries Has Stuff to Say
Austin Aries makes his way out to the ring to a very positive reaction. Aries says a lot of people have been asking what’s next for him post-BFG Series. He says a year ago he and Jeff Hardy headlined BFG for the World Heavyweight Title but this year it’s not case. However even though he’s not headlining, every time he steps in the ring he’s the main event. Aries goes through his assorted nicknames and says his future is looking just fine.
His spiel is interrupted by Kenny King (?!?). King says when you hear those trumpets playing everyone knows he’s in the building. King says he’s not trying to step on Aries’ toes but what he’s saying is getting on his nerves a little bit. Aries tells him to say what he needs to say. King says Aries is out here talking about headlines, but everyone knows King was the one making headlines last year. King goes through assorted headlines relating to his X-Division Title run, then says one day the headline read “One day the X-Division Title was stolen from Kenny King from Chris “Frail” Sabin”. King says he wasn’t tripping because he knew he was gonna get the title belt back but then one day someone decided it was Halloween early and stole the belt, referencing when Aries dressed up as Manik to win the X-Division Title. King then says that Aries might have been Generation Next ten years ago but he’s the next generation. Aries cuts him off and tells King he’s full of bull and challenges him to “do something”. Aries takes his shirt off (this escalated quickly) but King tells him he doesn’t want none of this and is not fighting him today. King goes to leave but instead decks Aries in the mush. Aries fights back with a chop and King immediately runs for it. Aries grabs the mic again and says King isn’t going to run away from this and yells for a referee. A ref comes out and forces King back ringside. Aries catches him with a top-rope axhandle on the ramp and takes his pants off (I should have phrased that better) as we go to commercial.
- THOUGHTS: The cheesy rhyming “jive talk” aside this was a solid exchange between these two. Both Aries and King were excellent on the mic, the latter more than the former surprisingly, and it instantly made me want to see these guys wrestle…which is what happening right now so I guess I don’t need to pay money to see it phew.
-Commercial Break-
Match #2: Austin Aries Vs. Kenny King
The match is finally underway as Aries tosses King back into the ring off the ramp. King is bleeding profusely from the eyebrow. Aries goes into a corner mount and hits 10 hardcore left hands. Aries covers his torso in King’s blood and goes into another corner mount but this time King drops him onto the top-rope. Aries spills to the outside and King tosses him back in. King chokes Aries then kicks him full-force in the chest. King goes into the full mount and connects with a series of rights. King whips Aries into the corner and connects with a backwards splash. King attempts a springboard (bottom rope) legdrop but Aries dodges and chops him repeatedly full-force in the chest. Aries whips King into the corner and follows up with an atomic drop. Aries whips King into the ropes but King holds on and backdrops him to the apron. Aries flies back in, ducks a clothesline, and hits a backbreaker before driving him to the mat. Aries connects with the Pendulum Elbowdrop then attempts the Brainbuster but King escapes and connects with a right hand.
King and Aries trade strikes, Aries winning the shootout. Aries attempts the discus forearm but King ducks and hits a spinning leg lariat for the 1…2…kickout. King sets Aries up but Aries escapes to the ramp and and drops the back of the neck over the top rope. Aries climbs to the top turnbuckle but King crotches him and connects with an enziguri. King climbs to the second-rope and connects with a T-Bone suplex for the 1…2…kickout. King goes for the corner double knees but Aries dodges and hits the running corner dropkick, followed by the BRAINBUSTER for the 1…2…3.
Winner [via Pinfall]: Austin Aries (4:54)
- MATCH THOUGHTS: Don’t let the match time deter you: this is a match worth checking out. Excellent stuff from both men here and the crowd rewarded them by getting super into it. King’s crimson mask was at Ric Flair-level but he fought through it and for a second there I thought he had the match. Really, really good stuff. My only complaint is I wish it was longer so I could’ve enjoyed it more. Maybe there’ll be a rematch that’ll let them breathe a bit.
-Commercial Break-
A vignette plays hyping Gut Check winner Lei’d Tapa.
- THOUGHTS: Lei’d Tapa has been in OVW since winning the Gut Check a few months back and I assume she has improved since then. Either way it’ll be nice to get some new blood in the Knockouts division…and honestly it was almost heartwarming to see TNA actually hype it up.
Chris Sabin and Velvet Sky catches up with Austin Aries backstage. Sabin backhandedly complements Aries and says his World Title win was better. Aries mocks him, saying all Sabin did was lay on his back and use a hammer. Sabin brushes it off and asks Aries if there’ll be no hard feelings when he wins the X-Division Title and becomes greater than The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived. Sabin and Sky walk off as Aries slyly says he’s going to test Sabin’s theory of being greater than him.
- THOUGHTS: Heel Sabin is the best. Austin Aries calling out Sabin for his crappy World Title win is the second best. Loved the exchange…until Aries had to mutter something random at the end. It’s okay to just cut away sometimes, TNA.
The Main Event Mafia are shown getting ready backstage. Magnus freaks out angrily and Samoa Joe asks what his problem is. Magnus names all of the bad stuff that’s happened to him and Joe interrupts, saying E.G.O. will get theirs but tonight they need to focus and get things done tonight. Sting tells Magnus to listen to what Joe’s saying, and that they’re “this close” to pushing The Aces & Eights over the edge. Sting tells Magnus he’s better than that.
Hulk Hogan is shown walking backstage. He’s got something to say after the commercial break.
-Commercial Break-
Hulk Hogan Addresses AJ Styles/Dixie Carter Controversy
The nWo Japan theme hits, bringing out GM Hulk Hogan. The AR crowd gives him a very warm welcome as he does his Hogan mannerisms all down the ramp. The music dies down and the crowd goes INSANE, not giving him a chance to talk. Finally Hogan breaks through and name drops Little Rock for even more cheers. Hogan says that hearing that roar makes him feel powerful and how powerful Hulkamania is. Hogan says there’s a situation in TNA that needs addressing: Dixie Carter. Hogan says that for the past two years, Dixie has given him the job as General Manager, meaning he’s responsible for the day to day activities of this very wrestling program. He says that he’s seen a lot of people blow up and a lot of blood being shed in 35 years, but to air dirty laundry in public is something that should never happen in this business. Hogan asks how many Hulkamaniacs in the building want to see AJ Styles stay with the company. The crowd cheers loudly but not enough for Hogan’s liking so he asks again and they cheer even louder. Hogan then gets them to cheer Styles a third time, an “AJ!” chant breaking out. Hogan says later tonight he’s going to bring Styles out to the ring to fix everything for TNA, for himself, and for everyone in the building. Hogan drops the mic and exits.
- THOUGHTS: TNA has been hyping what Hulk Hogan has to say about AJ Styles and Dixie Carter so he came and cut a promo where he…continued that hype. Awkward. This was meant to tease things further, but it felt unnecessary to me. Almost like they needed to fill time. The crowd seemed to love seeing Hogan though, so there’s that.
After some jawing back and forth, Tenay segues into a video hyping Kurt Angle’s return/induction into the TNA Hall Of Fame at Bound For Glory.
-Commercial Break-
A video plays hyping a man named “Ethan”. It’s just his name, nothing else.
- THOUGHTS: TNA is hyping two new debuts in one show? AWESOME…even if I’m not entirely sure what “Ethan” is supposed to be gimmick-wise.
AJ Styles is caught up with backstage. He says he’s down to hear what Hogan has to say and will see him out there.
Chris Sabin makes his way out for the next match, joined by his gal Velvet Sky. His opponent, Manik, makes his way out second. Manik tries to attack Sabin but the ref holds him back.
Match #3: Manik (c) Vs. Chris Sabin for the TNA X-Division Title
Manik immediately attacks Sabin with rights but Sabin fights back and whips him into the ropes. Manik springs off the second rope and connects with a crossbody, electing to hit a series of rights instead of pin the man. Sabin tries to escape but Manik pulls him back in by the leg. Sabin fights him off but gets sent into the corner. Sabin floats over then falls over, favoring his right knee. Sabin exits the ring and limps around while Sky follows worried. Manik eventually gets bored and walks over to check on him. Sabin throws Sky into Manik to distract him then connects with a kick. He does some squats on his “injured” knee then the action rolls back into the ring. Manik slides under Sabin and applies a leglock submission. Manik backs Sabin in the corner, and Sabin connects with a cheap shot when the ref tries to separate them. Sabin drops the leg and covers for 2.
Sabin places Manik on the top turnbuckle and climbs to the second rope. Manik blocks the superplex and sends him down face-first to the mat with a front suplex. Manik measures Sabin and connects with a second-rope missile dropkick. Manik follows up with a European uppercut followed by a series of strikes and a pin kick. Manik connects with a standing spinning senton for 2. Sabin reverses an Irish whip but Manik sends him throat-first into the second rope. Manik connects with a dropkick to the head from the apron. Sky briefly distracts Manik by accident and Sabin tries to use that to his advantage with a cradle for 2. Sabin goes for the Cradle Shock but Manik sweeps the legs and (slowly) catapults him into the corner. Manik reapplies the leglock (sort-of sharpshooter, someone tell me the name of this move please). Sabin grabs Sky’s hand and pulls her in when Manik pulls her away. Sabin hides behind Sky then rolls Manik up for the 1…Manik reverses into a roll-up of his own for the 1…2…3!
Winner and STILL X-Division Champion [via Pinfall]: Manik (5:42)
- MATCH THOUGHTS: Not as good as I was hoping, but still a solid match made even better with Sabin’s heel antics. More and more he’s proving that the face run earlier in the year was the wrong move. He’s so goddamn natural at being the bad guy. Loving it.
POST-MATCH: Sabin attacks Manik and stomps him down, choking him with his boot. Austin Aries runs in and chases Sabin out of the ring.
- THOUGHTS: Jeff Hardy already got over Chris Sabin being a douche last week so it’s Austin Aries’ turn. Don’t know where that would head, and don’t want to because I want FORTY MORE ARIES/KING MATCHES.
We go backstage where Wes Brisco freaks out about the crumbling of The Aces & Eights. Garett Bischoff tells him to calm down and they’ve got work to do. Knux says it’s a big stipulation tonight and he’ll fight for them and for the kutte on his back. Knux says they can’t afford another member. Bischoff corrects him and says they can’t afford to lose another brother. They hype up and head out.
-Commercial Break-
EGO are backstage, shocked that Kurt Angle is going in the TNA Hall Of Fame. Bobby Roode mocks Angle, then Christopher Daniels freaks out about how terrible The Main Event Mafia are. Frankie Kazarian brings up how bad it would be if Magnus lost again tonight then he and Daniels engage in an evil laugh as Roode looks on in disbelief.
- THOUGHTS: Unfortunately my typing skills aren’t as quick as EGO’s wit so I didn’t do this segment justice but trust me: it was hilarious. The evil laugh and Roode’s reaction to it was tremendous. Goddamn I love EGO.
The Aces & Eights (Knux, Garett Bischoff, & Wes Brisco) make their way out for the main event. Their opponents, The Main Event Mafia (Sting, Magnus, & Samoa Joe), make their way out second to the MEM theme.
Main Event: The Main Event Mafia (Sting, Magnus, & Samoa Joe) Vs. The Aces & Eights (Knux, Garett Bischoff, & Wes Brisco); if Aces & Eights lose, Bully Ray kicks out a member
Knux and Magnus go right at each other. Magnus stomps Knux down in the corner as a “WE WANT STING!” chant breaks out. Brisco tags in and eats a clothesline followed by a suplex slam. It’s Bischoff’s turn as he runs in and eats a clothesline of his own. Bischoff gets his boots up during a corner splash attempt but flies right into an STO for the 1…2…Knux and Brisco break it up. Sting and Joe take Knux and Brisco out of the ring and a brawl ensues. All of a sudden out come EGO (Bobby Roode, Christopher Daniels, & Frankie Kazarian) who attack Magnus until Joe and Sting chase them off. Magnus grabs his left knee in pain as Knux drags Sting back into the ring. All three work Sting over as Joe accidentally distracts the ref. Bischoff continues to take it to “The ICON” as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
The Aces & Eights are still in control…and we’re back to another commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Brisco drives the shoulder into the midsection of Sting as we return from break. Bischoff tags in and slams Sting to the mat, then tags out to Knux. Knux connects with a right and a big boot to the skull. Knux chokes Sting until the ref counts him off. Knux covers for 2 then tags out to Brisco. Brisco connects with a corner clothesline and covers Sting for 2. Brisco immediately goes to the rear chinlock. Sting fights out with elbows but eats a knee to the midsection. Brisco chokes Sting on the second rope then covers for 2. Brisco attempts a dropkick but Sting hangs onto the top rope, then he follows up with a clothesline and both men are down.
Joe gets the hot tag and takes it to all three members of The Aces & Eights. Joe connects with a boot followed by a back splash on Brisco for the 1…2…kickout. Brisco fights off a backdrop but runs right into a powerslam and Joe covers for the 1…2…Bischoff breaks the count. Sting sends Knux into Bischoff in the corner and connects with a Stinger Splash, then gives one to Brisco. Joe applies the REAR-NAKED CHOKE and Brisco taps!
Winners: The Main Event Mafia (10:04)
- MATCH THOUGHTS: The match was what it was, meaning largely uninteresting, but I can’t argue with the result as Wes Brisco has been one of the weakest links in the Aces & Eights since the beginning. Na na na and all of that.
POST-MATCH: The Main Event Mafia leave as Wes Brisco tries to recover in the ring. Out comes Bully Ray and Brooke Tessmacher. Ray gets in the ring and continually motions for a mic as Brisco turns and faces him. Ray says he told them if anyone lost it would be lights out. Ray tells Brisco he lost and calls him a disgrace to his colors. Ray tells Brisco to hand over his kutte. Knux and Bischoff enter in the ring. Brisco refuses to do so. Ray tells him once again to hand over his kutte and Brisco again refuses. Ray tells Knux and Bischoff to rip that kutte off of Brisco. They turn to Brisco and Ray repeats his orders. They don’t do anything so Ray clotheslines Brisco himself. Ray stares Knux and Bischoff down, yelling “WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!?” and asks them where their balls are. Ray picks Brisco up and connects with a piledriver. The Aces & Eights Theme hits and Ray angrily tells them to shut the music off. Ray tells Knux and Bischoff to take his kutte off and hand it to him or he’ll do it again. They mercifully comply and Bischoff goes to hand it over, but Ray wants Knux to do it. Knux thinks it over as Ray yells in his face. Knux angrily hands it to Ray then he and Bischoff pick Brisco off the mat.
- THOUGHTS: Far more compelling than I expected to be; I was almost yelling at my TV for Knux to punch Bully Ray in the face. Really good stuff. Interested to see what happens next.
-Commercial Break-
Face to Face: Hulk Hogan and AJ Styles
Hulk Hogan is already in the ring as we return from break, clipboard in hand. After messing up pretty much every line he had, he calls out AJ Styles to the ring. Styles does so, theme music mash-up and everything. Hogan grabs a second mic and excitedly talks about how Styles is gonna win the World Title, and offers him his new TNA contract. Styles signs the contract after a long pause and says “I’m yours”. TNA President Dixie Carter walks out and interrupts the proceedings. Carter says she has been clear as to why Hulk was brought into TNA in the first place: to open doors and bring TNA new opportunities. Carter says he has done so and she appreciates that and what he’s taught her about the business. Carter tells Hogan he’s just an employee but is capable of so much more. Carter then turns to Styles and tells him his reality stares him right in the face at Bound For Glory. Carter says while Hogan sees value in Styles, she does not. Carter grabs the contract and rips it up. Styles tells her she just made the biggest mistake of her life and Carter tells her to get out of her ring.
Carter says she knows the people aren’t happy with her, but they just don’t understand. Carter says that 99% of the people in this world don’t know what it’s like to be her, all of the decisions and obstacles she has faced/has had to make. Carter then says it’s the 1% that creates the world the people get to live in while the 1% has to deal with the bad decisions. Carter says this is business and says she and Hogan know what it takes to grow TNA and the hard decisions that have to be made. Carter tells Hogan he has a decision to make: get in line and join Team Dixie or be like AJ and watch from the sidelines. Carter tells Hogan she’ll give him a week to think about it and that he’ll make the right decision. Carter leaves, Hogan watching in absolute shock. Hogan continues to process this info as we fade to logo.
- THOUGHTS: Dixie Carter is now full heel and the results were…mixed. Hogan was still botching words left and right awkwardly and the little face to face with Styles went way too quick and nice (Styles was way too eager to re-sign with a company led by someone who just told him last week that he doesn’t matter). Dixie giving Hogan the ultimatum after playing the whole “1%” gimmick (is there an Occupy TNA protest brewing for the future?) was interesting and an okay hook for next week but overall once Styles was booted out of the ring this segment just died for me. Carter did what she could and was a lot better than I expected, but some of her line delivery was ridiculous and she relied way too much on the “sass neck” to get her heel persona across. At the very least it has me interested in seeing what happens next week.
OVERALL SHOW THOUGHTS: The final segment is something I’m still not completely sold on, but I won’t let that take away from what was a very entertaining and fun Impact this week. The matches were for the most part entertaining, with Aries/King being especially awesome, and I dug most of the storylines (EGO attacking Magnus, Heel Chris Sabin doing anything, etc.) presented. All that AND some hype for incoming talent that isn’t ex-WWE stars. I can dig it.
When not covering Impact (almost) every Thursday for 411, Jon can be found writing about rasslin’ on his own site Pro Wrestling, in 140 characters or less on Twitter, and also probably in the comments section of the very article you’re reading/have just read.
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