wrestling / TV Reports

411’s NWA: TNA Against All Odds Report 02.13.05

February 13, 2005 | Posted by Ashish

411’s NWA: TNA Against All Odds Report 02.13.05
Announcers: Mike Tenay and Don West
Report By Ashish

– Video package introduces the show, hyping the top matches.

– Mike Tenay and Don West welcome us and setup the evening. We also cut to Scott Hudson outside of Kevin Nash’s locker room. He hypes up the NWA Title match.

Elix Skipper vs. Peter Williams in a X-Division Contender’s Match
Tenay announces that the next TNA PPV will be Destination X on March 13th and that show will feature an Ultimate X match. Skipper took early control and landed a few nearfalls. Match eventually turned into a back and forth affair, highlighted by a series of somewhat sloppy pinfall attempts with bridges and reversals. Skipper missed a dropkick attempt but landed his new finisher, the Sudden Death (a version of the DDT), to win the match at 7:45.
Winner: Elix Skipper @ 7:45

Jeff Hammond & BG Jammes vs. Frankie Kazarian & Michael Shane
Konnan and Ron Killings are ringside supporting Jammes and Hammond. The crowd was pretty against Hammond who looked totally out of place. Match saw Shane accidently superkick Kazarian while going for Hammond. Hammond then nailed an elbow for the win.
Winner: Jeff Hammond & BG Jammes @ 5:30

– We go backstage to Dusty Rhodes, who is with Tracy and Trinity in his “office.” Larry Zbyszko comes in with a lawyer who wants Dusty Rhodes to remove the stipulation in the NWA Title Match that if Jeff Jarrett uses his guitar, he automatically loses the title. Rhodes doesn’t bite.

Raven vs. Dustin Rhodes
Brawling to kick things off. Things slowed down and got into a back and forth pattern. Raven eventually landed the win with a rollup (and help from the ropes). After the match, Raven attached Rhodes with a trashcan and put him in a straight jacket. Cassidy Reilly came down to try and make the save but got DDTed by Raven. Security eventually came down.
Winner: Raven @ 8:00

America’s Most Wanted vs. Kid Kash & Lance Hoyt for the NWA Tag Team Titles
Quick paced, exciting match to start. Teams traded control early. Storm nailed the Eye of the Storm on Kid Kash midway through the bout. Hoyt came in and nailed a sideslam off the top rope on Storm, good for a nearfall. This led to a series of nearfalls between the two. In the midst of the action, Kash nailed Storm with one of the NWA Tag Team Title belts. As Kash went on the offensive on Storm, he accidently hit Hoyt. This gave Harris an opening to kick Hoyt and handcuff Kash to the ringpost. AMW nailed Hoyt with the Death Sentence for the win. Solid match.
Winners: America’s Most Wanted @ 12:24

Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss
Jeff Hardy was aggresively on the offensive to start the match. Both men fought back and forth early on. Ladders and tables quickly got involved. Hardy delivered a “holy sh*t” moment midway through the match when he climbed to the top of the entrance tunnel and delivered his inverted Senton Bomb onto Abyss who was on a table. Both men sold the move heavily and the announcers pushed the move as one of the craziest spots ever. Both men eventually got back into the ring. Hardy, back in the ring, climbed one of the ladders and got one of the two envelopes hanging above. The one he got was empty. He went for the other but Abyss got up and whipped him onto four stacked tables that were setup earlier at ringside. Abyss then climbed the ladder and got the other envelope, giving him the right for a shot at the NWA Title on an upcoming episode of Impact. Very good for what it was, a spotfest brawl.
Winner: Abyss @ 15:36

Diamond Dallas Page & Monty Brown vs. Bobby Roode & Eric Young
High energy match. DDP looked to be at his best since joining TNA. Brown got involved at the 9 minute mark and nailed Roode with the Pounce. DDP then gave Young the Diamond Cutter and got the pin.
Winner: DDP & Monty Brown at 9:35

AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels in a 30 Minute Ironman Match
Match started slowly with a lot of mat wrestling. Daniels scored the first pin at the 14 minute mark with the Angel’s Wings. AJ Styles scored the next fall at the 24 minute mark with a rollup despite being mostly out of control since the 12-13 minute mark. We pick up at around the 26 minute mark. Daniels shoved Styles into the ringpost, busting Styles open. Daniels landed a nearfall. Daniels continued to pound away on Styles, nailing headbutts and the STO clothesline. He continued to land nearfalls. Styles was bleeding very heavily at this point. Styles finally made a comeback but ended up being put in a submission move by Daniels that forced blood to squirt out of Styles’ forehead. Styles did not tap but passed out at 29:55. Daniels thought he won but the ref said that Styles never tapped. Tenay assumed that since the match was a draw, the Champion retains the title. Daniels grabbed the mic and demanded a sudden death period. Dusty Rhodes came out and OKed overtime. Daniels quickly went on the offensive and landed another nearfall. Styles rolled through a Huracanrana attempt and landed the Styles Clash to score the win, two falls to one. Definite match of the year candidate.
Winner: AJ Styles @ 31:51

– Backstage, Jeff Jarrett gets pissed at the slapnutz who didn’t get the guitar stipulation removed from the match. He vows to take things into his own hands…”by any means necessary.”

– They showed clips of the Jeff Jarrett/Kevin Nash press conference and clips of their debating.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kevin Nash for the NWA Title
Back and forth to start. Nash looked to be in good shape. At the 8 minute mark, Jarrett nailed a lowblow to get out of a Jacknife attempt. Jarrett then brought out a cello (technically not a guitar). Sadly for him, the cello broke before he used it. Jarrett then went to work on Nash’s leg, using the ringpost and his cello case. He then locked on the Figure Four. Nash eventually got to the ropes, forcing Jarrett to break the hold. Nash fought back, nailing a sideslam and poking him in the eyes. Jarrett clipped Nash from behind but Nash eventually nailed a lowblow and grabbed the cello. The ref forced Nash to drop the cello. He went for the Jacknife but Jarrett’s legs nailed the ref. Nash then Jacknifed Jarrett onto the cello while the ref was out. This brought out Billy Gunn who attacked Nash. Tenay noted him as “formerly known as Billy Gunn from WWE.” They questioned why he was on Jarrett’s side. Jarrett recovered and went for the pin but only got a 2 count. Gunn, looking shocked, returned to the ringside area but the ref ordered him to the back. Sean Waltman then ran out and attacked Jeff Jarrett, giving him the Bronco Buster to a big pop. Kevin Nash then went for the pin but only got 2. Gunn returned to the ring and was set to use the NWA Title as a weapon against Nash, but BG Jammes ran down and stopped him. Nash then nailed Gunn. Meanwhile, Jarrett came back to and knocked out Nash but only got a very close nearfall that popped the crowd big. Jarrett nailed Nash with The Stroke, but again, only for 2. Jarrett became very frustrated and went to the top rope, only to be caught by Nash. Jarrett got out of it, shoved the ref, lowblowed Nash, nailed another Stroke, and got the pin by the ref for the win. Gunn celebrated with Jarrett afterwards. Considering who was involved, a well-paced, exciting match.
Winner: Jeff Jarrett @ 19:20


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