wrestling / TV Reports
411 OVW TV Report 12.10.05
We’re welcomed by Osama Rodriguez Aljandro. He talks about how his partner, “Roberto” Dawber, was chokeslamed through their makeshift Spanish announce table by The Boogeyman. Aljandro doesn’t like that. We see Dawber in a brace and bandages. He wants revenge and justice. Aljandro says he’s going to get action. For the first time on OVW, it’s going to be a Table Match!! With The Boogeyman and Robbie Dawber!! Dawber doesn’t look too thrilled! Dawber says “Aye Carumba!”
Aaron “The Idle” Stevens w/ Shelley & Beth Phoenix vs. Matt Cappotelli & Christy Hemme
Hemme comes out dancing to Whitesnake. Guess this is her final match. Cappotelli with an Irish Whip. Stevens gives him a knee. Stevens going for The Idolizer and Cappotelli blocks it. Cappotelli with a whip to the ropes. Cappotelli going for the superkick! Misses! Stevens wants a timeout. Stevens tags in Beth Phoenix. Phoenix wants to fight Cappotelli. Cappotelli points to Hemme. Hemme gets the tag. Forearms by Hemme. Stevens catches Hemme with a knee from behind. Phoenix choking Hemme. Phoenix with a chokehold on Hemme. Phoenix tearing at Hemme’s face. Phoenix tags in Shelley with a plaid skirt. Shelly locks on a MODERATE CAMEL CLUTCH! OUCH! HEMME’S FEET ARE ON HER HEAD! Shelley popping out a bit. Double axe handle on Shelley. Shelley tags in Stevens. Hemme crawling for Cappotelli. Stevens grabs Hemme’s hair. Steven’s now kissing Hemme. Cappotelli runs in. Stevens with a forearm on Cappotelli. Stevens with an Irish Whip, reversed by Cappotelli, reversesed by Stevens, reversed by Cappotelli. Stevens being shot into the corner. The ref is there! Stevens stops just in time but here comes Cappotelli! Stevens moves and Cappotelli NAILS THE REF! Stevens with a boot! IDOLIZER ON CAPPOTELLI! Stevens looking around. He calls for Phoenix and Shelley. Phoenix and Shelley tie Cappotelli up in the ropes. Stevens has a chair! Stevens slaps Cappotelli. Cappotelli trying to kick at Stevens! WAIT! IT’S MICKIE JAMES!! LOW BLOW ON STEVENS! JAMES TOSSES PHOENIX OUT! DDT ON SHELLEY! Cappoteli is out of the ropes. James is gone. Stevens and Shelley both laid out in the ring. Hemme is up DOUBLE LEG DROP BY CAPPOTELLI AND HEMME! But Still no ref!! Phoenix comes in and gets in Cappotelli’s hair. Cappotelli has Beth Phoenix! Hemme runs to the ropes. HART ATTACK ON BETH PHOENIX! Hemme celebrates on the top rope! Here comes Stevens from behind! He’s got her hair. Hemme with a big slap! SUPERKICK BY MATT CAPPOTELLI! THE REF IS UP! 1…2…3!! THAT’S IT!
Winners- Matt Cappotelli & Christy Hemme
Cappotelli and Hemme celebrate but turn around to see the World’s Strongest Man is now in the ring! Mark Henry is here! Cappotelli trying to protect Hemme. Now they are. Henry leaning on the ropes. JOHNNY JETER IS HERE! SUPERKICK ON MATT CAPPOTELLI LAYS HIM OUT! Mark Henry grabs Cappotelli’s legs. Jeter is beating the hell out of Cappotelli! Jeter and Henry celebrate.
After the commercial Jeter and Henry are out in the parking lot. Jeter says Hemme is going to the ambulance. Guess that means she’s not coming home with me tonight. Jeter says that wouldn’t be the first time I took one of your girlfriends home with me. Henry laughs. He says there’s not a man alive that can pit up against Mark Henry. So he offers him a handicap match. Johnny Jeter and Mark Henry vs. Matt Cappotelli and 2 friends of his choice.
Doug Basham vs. Brent Albright
Brent Albright with a takedown. Basham points a finger at Albright. Albright staring him down. Basham with an arm hold. Albright reverses. Drop toe hold by Basham Basham going for a front face lock. Albright reverses. Shoves Basham to the corner. They lock up. Basham going for a cross arm breaker. Albright stops it. Both men to their feet. Both men lock up again. Albright with an arm hold. Basham gets out of it. Albright with an arm drag. Basham is holding his left shoulder. Basham with a boot to Albright. Basham with a whip. Basham goes for a body drop. Albright leaps over him and tries to lock in the Crowbar! Basham is struggling! And he gets out. Albright with a headlock. Albright with a tackle and covers for 1. Albright with a headlock. Basham is up and shoves Albright across the ring. Albright with a shoulder tackle. Basham with a hip toss. Alrbight off the ropes. Basham tries to drop him over the top rope. Albright holds on. Drop toe hold by Basham sends Albright to the outside and we got to a commercial.
We come back and Albright is hitting the german suplexes! Albright a Perfect Plex for two! Full body suplex by Albright. Albright is going to the top rope. TOP ROPE HEADBUTT BY ALBRIGHT! Neither man is moving! Basham is crawling toward Albright. He rolls Albright over and gets a close two! Basham complains to the ref. Basham stomping on Albright. Basham taunts the crowd. He goes to the corner. Albright gets to his feet, Basham charges but ALBRIGHT CATCHES HIM AND POWERBOMB ON BASHAM! ALBRIGHT LOCKS ON THE SHARPSHOOTER! BASHAM TAPS!
Winner- Brent Albright
We see highlights of last week’s 3 way dance for the OVW TV Title that featured C.M. Punk, Ken Doane, and Brent Albright that saw Doane tap out TWICE and Brent Albright tapped for the first time in his career!
C.M. Punk vs. Da Beast (For The OVW TV Title)
Punk came out wearing a Latino Heat tshirt. Da Beast shoves Punk to the corner. Punk being cut off by Da Beast. Da Beast charging. Punk ducks under. Big chop block by Punk on Da Beast! Beast wants him to do it again! Punk chops! Wooo! Beast is loving it! Punk with about 4 more chops. Punk trying for an Irish Whip. Beast doesn’t let him. Clothesline by Da Beast! Beast with a double arm hip toss. Brent Albright is outside the ring now. Punk kicking Da Beast’s legs. Beast with a kick stops that. Beast with a ride to the ropes for Punk. Beast throws Punk into the air and brings him down with one hand! WOW! THIS GUY’S GOT POWER! Beast covers for 2 and a half! Punk with a kick to the gut. Forearms to Beast’s head. POWERSLAM BY DA BEAST! HE COVERS! ONLY GETS 2! Beast complains to the ref! Beast picks up Punk! He holds him up with a double choke hold! Punk bites Beast. Punk ducks a clothesline. Punk leaps onto Beast. Beast trying to reverse it into a sidewalk slam. Punk grabs on with both arms and legs and LOCKS IN THE ANACON DEVICE! BEAST TRIES TO BREAK THE HOLD BY RUNNING INTO THE TURNBUCKLE! PUNK HOLDS ON! HE TRIES AGAIN INTO ANOTHER TURNBUCKLE! PUNK STILL HOLDING ON! BEAST TO A KNEE! BEAST FALLS! BEAST TAPS!
Winner AND STILL OVW TV Champion- C.M. Punk
Ken Doane with Kenny Bolin and Sosay are here now along with Albright. Doane has the mic. Punk says he will give him a title shot if he wants. He said it’d be his honor. Punk sticks out his hand. Doane thinks about it. Doane goes for a handshake. Punk takes his hand away and puts it through his hair! Doane can’t help but to grin. The crowd is chanting it! “Doane, by the way, if you didn’t know already, YOU JUST GOT PUNKED!” I love it!
Seth Skyfire vs. Ken Doane
Doane nails Skyfire from behind. Doane slams Skyfire into the turnbuckle. Sends Skyfire to the ropes. Flying body drop by Skyfire onto Doane! Covers for 2! Doane is up. Skyfire sends him for a ride. Doane reverses. Sosay trips Skyfire! Big boot to the back of Skyfire by Doane! Chet The Jet chases off Sosay and Bolin. Bodyslam by Doane. Doane with an elbow drop gets two. Forearm shots by Doane. Doane nails a big neckbreaker on Skyfire for 2. Punk and Albright are still outside. Doane with some major punches to Skyfire. Skyfire trying to cover up. Doane with a running chop block. Covers for 2! Doane with a headlock. Skyfire is up. Sends some punches to Doane’s gut. Skyfire shoved to the top rope. FLYING LEG DROP BY SKYFIRE KNOCKS DOANE DOWN! Skyfire crawling to the outher side of the ring. Doane charges. Drop toe hold by Skyfire knocks Doane into the bottom rope. Skyfire runs into the ropes and sitting dropkick onto Doane’s head! Skyfire celebrates. Skyfire off the ropes. Doane catches him. Skyfire reverses and nails a bulldog! Skyfire with a cover gets 2! Doane with a whip to the ropes. Catches Skyfire. Looks like he is going to set up for the Styles Clash again. NO!! OH MY GOD! OH MY! SKYFIRE JUST HIT THE CANADIAN DESTROYER ON KEN DOANE! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT! HE ONLY GETS 2!!! Skyfire grabs Doane. Fist to the chin of Doane. Doane revereses. Knee to the gut. Doane sets him up. Skyfire reverses and rolls him up for 1. Skyfire pushes Doane to the ropes. BIG KICK to the face of Skyfire. Doane is going up. Skyfire on his feet. Leans on the ropes and knocks Doane down onto the turnbuckle. Skyfire punching Doane up top. Skyfire climbs with him! TOP ROPE HURRICARANA! NO! DOANE REVERSED IT AND THREW SKYFIRE HALFWAY ACROSS THE RING! WOW! Doane going up top again. DOANE GOING FOR A A TOP ROPE LEG DROP! MISSES! SKYFIRE WITH AN INZUGURI!!! Doane falls to the outside! Skyfire grabs Doane by his hair! Pulls him back into the ring. Doane’s feet are in the middle rope. Skyfire is holding him up horizontal. SKYFIRE NAILS A SNAP DDT ON DOANE! WOW! HE COVERS! NO!!! ONLY GETS 2! SKYFIRE GOING UP TOP! SKYFIRE GOING FOR THE ALAMBAMA JAM (AKA TOP ROPE LEG DROP) BUT MISSES! DOANE WITH A FLYING RKO! AND THAT’S ALL! WHAT A MATCH!!!!
Winner- Ken Doane
The Boogeyman vs. Robbie Dawber w/ Osama Rodriguez Aljandro (Table Match)
We’re back with Robbie Dawber. He says nobody wants to see him fight The Boogeyman in a table match. Aljandro takes the mic. Today for the first time in the history of OVW, you’re going to see a tables match. Then he speaks in Spanish. Today we get revenge. Today you’re going to see The Boogeyman go through the table by Robbie Dawber! D-A-W-B…..Boogeyman music starts to play! OH MY GOD! THE BOOGEYMAN IS BEHIND THEM WITH A TABLE AND…AND…AND…THE BOOGEYMAN IS SHAKING AND WEARING A SANTA CAP!!!!! HAHAHAHA! Now they see him! He’s got slugs in his mouth. Aljandro and Dawber double team The Boogeyman! Aljandro working on The Boogeyman in the corner. Dawber is setting up the table. Boogeyman is getting up and shaking. He tosses Aljandro out of the ring. Dawber is trying to get a way out. Boogeyman catches him. He’s ripping all the bandaids. He spits stuff out at Dawber. Big fists by The Boogeyman to Dawber’s gut. Boogeyman sets Dawber up for a POWERSLAM! HE’S HOLDING HIM UP! B! O! O! G! E! Y! M! A! N! BIG POWERSLAM THROUGH THE TABLE!
Winner- The Boogeyman
Chris Cage walks in on a joke and doesn’t really care backstage. He wants to see Cappotelli. Danny Inferno tells him it probably isn’t the best time. Cage goes in and finds him anyway. Cage wants to be one of Matt Cappotelli’s partners. Cappotelli says he’s in! He says he’s got a third partner too. Say hello to my little friend. He opens the locker. “The Crutch!” It’s an actual leg crutch. Cage likes it. Cappotelli attacks a garbage can with the crutch! He’s going crazy! Cage stops him! “And of course, in the words of the great philospher….Bugs Bunny…..This Means War!”
Next Week- Matt Cappotelli, Chris Cage, and The Crutch Take On Johnny Jeter and Mark Henry!
Last Week- Due to health reasons, there was no Crystal Ball. This week should be different. I apologize to all of my readers!
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