wrestling / News

Various News: Ric Flair Appearances, Kozlov Is A U.S. Citizen, More

December 7, 2009 | Posted by Larry Csonka

– Vladimir Kozlov is officially a U.S. citizen. You can read more about that here. Kozlov made the following comments…

“Oh to be a U.S. citizen has been like a dream for long time. When I was raised and born in Russia, I had [a] dream to come to United States because U.S. [is a] land of big opportunity. If you work hard, you can reach whatever you want.”

– Over the next year, WWE studios will film three movies in New Orleans. [Credit: Pwinsider.com]

– WWE Studios has purchased the rights to the projects titled “Big Red” and “A Chance for Both Barrels”. [Credit: Pwinsider.com]

– The The Hollywood Reporter has named Bonnie Hammer, the head of USA Network, as the fourth most powerful woman in entertainment.

– According to Ric Flair’s Facebook, The nature Boy will be making the following appearances as a part of the Coca-Cola Tour:

* Stopping in at the D’Iberville, Mississippi Wal-Mart for the Coca-Cola tour!
Meetings – Club/Group Meeting
Wal-Mart #2715, (228) 396-4740
Thursday, December 10 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

* Headed to the Wal-Mart in Madison Heights, VA on the Coca-Cola tour.
Meetings – Club/Group Meeting
Wal-Mart #2565
Thursday, December 17 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm


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Larry Csonka

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