Welcome to the second edition of my new series, YouChoose Reviews! If you missed my first review, you can check it out here. I was tasked with reviewing a bunch of Zack Ryder matches in the first outing.
So, lets get to how YouChoose what I’ll be reviewing next. At the end of each review, I send my three year old daughter, Madison, to the good old DVD collection and let her pick three DVDs. Whatever appeals to her at the time is brought back to me, and you guys get to vote on what I’m reviewing next! Last week, she brought me Superstar Collection: Daniel Bryan, Cyberslam ’99, and Backlash ’06. Backlash won in a pretty big landslide. I appreciate all of the votes you guys left me. I wasn’t expecting that many! So with that said, it’s time to get to work!

– Also, I wanna throw out one more quick thank you to @KhrisJWilson for the banner.
– We start off with a video package of Vince McMahon booking a tag team match between himself and Shane McMahon against Shawn Michaels and God. This storyline got quite a bit of criticism at the time, but I thought it worked with how delusional Vince’s character was at the time.
– Next up, they hype up the huge triple threat between John Cena, Triple H, and Edge.
– PYRO~!
– Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler will be manning the announce booth tonight. It’s refreshing to hear some good ol’ JR.
Chris Masters vs. Carlito At the time, I was the biggest Chris Masters mark you could find and EXTREMELY excited for this match. I still like the “Masterpiece” gimmick. Masters and Carlito were a tag team for a decent amount of time before Carlito turned on him on Raw after their loss to Big Show and Kane at Wrestlemania 22. Carlito gets a pretty big pop upon entering the ring. The two get in each other’s faces and talk smack before the bell rings as a huge “Carlito” chant breaks out. The bell rings and Carlito slaps Masters across the face. Carlito hadn’t taken his shirt off yet, so Chris Masters pulls it off him and chokes him with it. He whips Carlito into the ropes and Carlito gives him a dropkick to the leg which gets Masters on his knees. Carlito follows up with a bulldog. Carlito hits the ropes again but Masters is on his feet to deliver a back body drop. TWO! Masters delivers a few forearms to the back of Carlito. Masters lifts him up for a body press but Carlito slips off and applies a Masterlock of his own! The crowd popped HUGE for that. Masters break off and charges at Carlito but Carlito pulls the rope down and Masters goes flying to the outside. Carlito follows up with a nice cross body over the top. Carlito tosses him back in and delivers a few blows in the corner. He goes upstairs for the ten count punches and manages to deliver all ten. He whips Masters into the adjacent corner but Masters blocks it and goes for a powerbomb! Carlito attempts to fight him off but Masters tosses him into the top turnbuckle. I love a good powerbomb onto the top turnbuckles every now and again. I feel like wrestlers don’t use that enough. A huge “Masters sucks” chant ensues. Masters chokes Carlito on the second rope before asking the crowd “who sucks now?” He follows up with a leg drop and covers Carlito for two. Masters follows up by dragging Carlito across the ring by his hair. He locks in a headlock but Carlito fights out of it! He can’t maintain control as he ends up on the receiving end of an elbow to the face. Masters locks in another headlock. He hits a neck breaker and gets two. Carlito tries to fight back but gets clotheslined out of his boots before Masters delivers a bunch of stiff rights to the face. Masters gives Carlito the snake eyes in the corner and signals for the Masterlock. Carlito slips through and rolls him up for two! He hits a springboard reverse elbow on Masters and makes it to his feet! He grabs his apple from the ring stairs, throws it at Masters for a distraction and delivers another dropkick to the legs! Carlito fights back with a flurry of clotheslines! High dropkick by Carlito! He covers him for two! The ref had to slow down the count because Masters almost forgot to kickout. Masters gets up and gets right back in control. He puts Carlito on the top rope and goes for a back superplex but Carlito elbows him off and hits a moonsault! Masters kicks out at TWO! Masters locks in the Masterlock but Carlito sends him face first into the top rope! Carlito hits the lung blower and covers Masters for three with his feet on the ropes. This was a pretty fun opener. The crowd was really into Carlito and really came alive when he was on offense. There were a few sloppy spots on Masters’ end that put a hamper on the match. Still though, it was fun for what it was. **
– Maria is backstage working the ditz gimmick. She says that we may not have been happy about Masters winning over Carlito before asking the crowd who they think is going to win the main event. They shoot to a bunch of fans predicting the winner. Maria says that their aren’t too many Edge fans out there before Lita walks onto the scene and pulls on Maria’s bra strap. Lita says she’s kept her mouth shut for too long, before Maria interrupts and says “Really? I’ve heard you keep your mouth very wide open!” Lita says that after Edge wins they’re not going to have a live sex celebration, but they’re going to have a private sex celebration. Unlike the people in this town, she’s actually getting some. OHHHHH.
– In the ring, we join ARMANDO ALEJANDRO ESTRADA. I miss this guy. He introduces himself and then introduces Umaga
Umaga (w/ Armando) vs. Ric Flair Umaga debuted on the Raw after Wrestlemania 22 by completely demolishing Ric Flair. I thought it was a ridiculous gimmick at first but both Armando and Umaga won me over within a few months. The crowd loves Ric Flair and they are wooing like crazy during his entrance. Umaga meets Flair on the outside before the match starts and delivers a beating. He rolls him in and the bell rings. He pushes Flair into the corner and delivers a bevy of right hands. Flair gets a thumb to the eye and Armando complains to the ref while Flair low blows Umaga! He hits Umaga with a couple chops and punches before Flair punches him once and knocks him on his ass. Umaga corners Flair again and delivers a clothesline before going for that butt stomp. Flair rolls to the outside. Umaga follows and is met with knife edge chops and a toss into the ring steps. Flair rolls him back in and Flair still hasn’t managed to knock the big man down. Flair finally gets him down with two chop blocks to the back of Umaga’s left leg. Umaga gets right back up and suplexes Flair into the corner. Flair is stuck in the tree of woe and Umaga hits a flying headbutt. Flair falls down into a sitting position and Umaga hits the flying butt to the face before delivering a flying headbutt off the top. Umaga hits Flair with the Samoan Spike and wins in dominant fashion. This was essentially an elongated squash and Ric did his best to make Umaga look like a beast. It was good for what it was. Jim Ross does a very good job putting Umaga over as a huge threat. *1/4
– Backstage, Vince McMahon tells Shane McMahon to check out his guns. Shane calls it a handicap match and Vince is offended. He declares that it’s a tag team match. When it comes to Shawn’s tag team partner, Vince wants him all to his self. Vince pours water on the ground and proceeds to walk on water. Vince holds up a fish and a piece of Italian bread. He tosses the fish, breaks the bread in halves and tosses it all. Shane and Vince proceed to get covered in a bunch of pieces of bread and some fish. I love that Vince has a picture of Shane making him kiss Vince’s ass on the wall. Shane’s water turned to wine and he walks out of the scene.
Womens Championship: Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus They show a few replays from their Wrestlemania match. That was a great match with an unfortunate botched spot right at the end. The crowd’s reaction to Mickie that night was absolutely off the charts as well. Mickie comes out to the ring dressed as herself, as opposed to dressing like Trish how she had been in the weeks leading up to the match. Crazy Mickie is as hot as Mickie can possibly get. They stare each other down to start. They grapple and Mickie locks in an arm wringer. Trish leg trips Mickie and gets an early nearfall. Trish blows Mickie a kiss and does the Matrix to dodge a clothesline and delivers a head scissor takedown. Mickie fights back and Trish hits her with a clothesline of her own followed by a dropkick. Mickie turns around and ducks a chick kick. Trish gives her a toe kick to the face and Mickie rolls to the outside. Trish gets on the apron, delivers a Thesz press to the outside and rolls her back in. She goes for the cover and gets two. Trish gives her a splash in the corner and goes for the ten count punches. Mickie tosses her to the outside at four. Trish gets to her feet and rolls into the ring but Mickie meets her with a couple of stomps to the rib cage. She covers Trish for TWO. She attempts a second cover and only gets two. She chokes Trish with her foot and slams her face against the mat. She continues the assault by standing on the face of Trish. She jumps on top of Trish and proceeds to choke her. Mickie chokes Trish out with one of her arm bands and the ref calls for a DQ. This was a pretty good match until the abrupt disqualification ending. Trish was injured during the match so they had to end it. Can’t blame anybody for that. This was the peak of Mickie James’ career by far. I’d love to see her back in the E. The division could really use a veteran or two. *1/4
Best part of the feud?
Winner Takes All: MITB Contract/Intercontinental Championship: Rob Van Dam vs. Shelton Benjamin(c) This should be a good match. The crowd is loving RVD. This is during the Shelton’s momma phase but she’s not at ringside with him. Here we go. “ECW” chants errupt immediately. Shelton hits a go behind take down and floats over RVD a couple of times before slapping him in the back of the head. They have a stand off and Benjamin locks in the arm wringer. RVD escapes and applies his own. Shelton Benjamin flips off the top rope and gives RVD an arm drag to escape the hold. Shelton knees RVD in the stomach, whips him into the ropes but takes a shoulder block down to the mat. RVD hits a few arm drag take downs before Shelton crawls to the corner to break it up. They lock up and Shelton corners him. He lets go at four and cheap shots RVD with a kick to the gut. “We want momma” chants ensue. Shelton hits the ropes but RVD gets him with an elbow. Shelton rolls to the outside to grab a breather. Shelton’s back in and takes control with a few punches and kicks. RVD hits a roundhouse kick out of nowhere and delivers a few clotheslines. Scoop slam by RVD! He goes for the rolling thunder but again, Shelton rolls to the outside. RVD isn’t going to play nice this time as he hits Shelton with a nice crossbody over the top. He rolls Shelton Benjamin into the ring but Shelton stops him on the apron with a shoulder thrust! Shelton runs and jumps over the top rope and POWERBOMBS RVD OFF THE APRON ON TO THE FLOOR! That was awesome. He rolls RVD in and gets a near fall. Shelton lays RVD over the middle ropes and delivers a few kicks to the ribs before charging at him and choking him. Shelton gets another two. He gets RVD in a chinlock and it doesn’t take long for RVD to fight out. He gives Benjamin a few elbows and attempts to hit the ropes but Shelton grabs him by the ponytail and pulls him down. He drapes RVD back over the middle rope and gets on the apron. He hits a running knee lift to RVD and covers him for two. He gives RVD a back breaker and locks him in the camel clutch. RVD grabs the ropes and Shelton breaks the hold. He stomps RVD and hits another two scoop slams. Now Shelton puts him back in the chinlock. This is a pretty good heat segment. RVD fights out with some elbows to the abdomen! Shelton whips him into the ropes and tries for a t-bone suplex! RVD escapes and elbows Shelton down to the mat. He goes for the rolling thunder but Shelton makes it to his feet and hits a Samoan drop! That was a great spot. Shelton lifts Van Dam onto the top rope and attempts a superplex. RVD punches him down to the mat but Shelton gets up and leaps all the way up to the top and hits the superplex! That was awesome. Shelton covers Van Dam for two and locks in the body scissors. He can’t get it completely applied and the crowd is willing RVD to his feet. Shelton hits an Irish whip but RVD holds on to the ropes! Shelton’s dropkick hits nobody and RVD takes control with a kick to the face. Shelton misses a Stinger splash and RVD takes him down with a kick. He hits a springboard roundhouse kick followed by a spinning heel kick. He hits the rolling thunder on the third try! He covers Benjamin and only gets TWO. RVD follows with a modified powerslam and follows up with a split legged moonsault! TWOOOOO! He shoulder thrusts Shelton in the corner and gives him a monkey flip! SHELTON LANDS ON HIS FEET but gets hit with a step over heel kick! RVD misses a five star frog splash and Shelton nails him with the DDT. He covers RVD but Van Dam gets his foot on the ropes. Shelton drags him to the middle and goes for another cover but Shelton only gets two. He tries again with his feet on the ropes for leverage and again, only gets two. RVD rolls to the outside and Shelton charges at him. RVD hits a modified drop toehold and rolls back in. Shelton grabs the briefcase and gets on the apron. RVD heads back out to take it from him but gets hit with a huge kick! Shelton goes upstairs! He hits the crossbody but RVD rolls through and only gets TWO! Van Dam ducks a spinning heel kick and counters with a hurricanrana. The ref goes down and Shelton grabs the briefcase! Van Dam grabs it from him and tosses it at Shelton! Shelton Benjamin catches the briefcase and RVD kicks it into his face! RVD gets on the top rope and hits the five star frog splash for THREE! Shelton Benjamin and Rob Van Dam both put in excellent performances. They seem to have great in ring chemistry. They built the match up perfectly, had plenty of time, and worked in some very impressive spots. If you haven’t seen the match, you should check it out. ***3/4
Big Show vs. Kane So yeah, both tag teams that battled for the tag titles at Wrestlemania the month prior broke up and had a match on this show. Oh jeez, I almost forgot that this was the May 19th angle. I believe we even had the pleasure of hearing Kane’s inner monologue during this time. They lose to the Spirit Squad a few times and Kane turns on Show after a match for saying May 19th. So here we go. Kane delivers a jab before the match even starts. Big Show lifts him overhead and slams him down. That was pretty impressive. Big Show hits Kane with a couple of huge chops in the corner. Kane goes for the chokeslam and Big Show fights it off. He takes Kane’s chokeslamming arm and works it over. Kane rolls to the outside and Big Show follows him out. Show punches him in the back and rolls him in. He gets on the apron but Kane sends him into the ring post. Big Show gets in and Kane delivers some hard stomps. Kane proceeds to work on Big Show’s left arm. He pushes Show into the corner and chokes him before hitting a running clothesline. He hits a second one and takes the big man down. Though I suppose Kane is a big man too. Whatever, you know. Kane goes for the cover and gets two. Big Show reverses Kane’s chokeslam and gives him a scoop slam. Kane gets right back up and uppercuts Show to the mat. He goes right back to work on Big Show’s right arm with a knee followed by an ARM BAR. Big Show fights out with a headbutt and goes for another chokeslam. Kane punches him in the elbow joint again and locks in another ARM BAR. Big show throws Kane off of him but gets hit with a big boot. Kane goes upstairs for his clothesline but Show catches him and gives him a fall away slam! He follows up with a clothesline and delivers a huge splash in the corner followed by another clothesline. Show signals for the chokeslam. Kane reverses it into a VERY weak looking DDT. The crowd had no idea who was on offense there. Kane makes it to his feet and so does Show. Big Show hits a big boot followed by a leg drop. TWO. Why is Hogan’s leg drop so much more efficient than a man double his size? Meh, it’s wrestling. Anyways, Big Show hits a powerslam and covers Kane for two. Big Show goes to stick his finger in Kanes eye but Kane kicks him in the temple which sends him to the outside. Oh yeah, Big Show’s eye is fucked up from a Kane attack during the feud. The lights go red and a recording of Kane talking about May 19th is playing over the speakers. Kane begins beating himself up. This is so fucking stupid. I’m glad Kane’s thoughts got in touch with the lighting crew. Big Show steps outside of the ring and grabs a chair. He nails Kane over the head with it and walks away to a chorus of boos. The bell was never rang? These guys didn’t deliver that bad of a big man match until the RIDICULOUS finish. That was simply an insult to the fans. I’m trying not to let the ending alter my opinion of the match but fucking A, that was a bad finish. 1/2*
– Backstage, Candice Michelle joins Vince McMahon in his locker room. At this point, she was essentially playing the role of his whore. She asks what the smell is and Vince says it’s a new cleaning supply that smells like fish. Candice says she has a bad chest cold and asks Vince to lay a healing hand on her. He puts his hand on her head but she mentions that it’s a chest cold, so he should his hands lower. Eventually he grabs her tits and he screams “HEAL” while she pretends to have an orgasm. Shane McMahon walks in and breaks it up and asks what Vince is doing. Vince says that he was just healing Candice before following Shane out of the room and saying “Dammit!”
Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon vs. Shawn Michaels and God Vince declares the match as no DQ. I’M JUST A SEXY BOYYYYYYYYY. They really should have changed his theme at some point. Invisible God getting his own spotlight down the ramp is actually pretty humorous to me, not gonna lie. Vince tells Michaels that him and God are going straight to Hell before Michaels beats the ever living shit out of Shane with a flurry of rights before delivering a crossbody to Vince over the top rope. He gets back in the ring and clotheslines Shane to the outside and skins the cat. He hits a senton over the top rope onto Shane as the crowd chants “HBK”. He fights Shane up the ramp. Shane delivers a few knees and jabs to Michaels at the top of the stage before attempting a piledriver. Michaels back body drops Shane on the steel ramp! Vince hits Michaels with a steel chair but it wasn’t enough. Shawn sends Vince into the steel entrance setup and sends Shane over the ramp and delivers a cross body from the stage to the floor through some tables! Shane hits Shawn with a hard chair shot to the face and attempts to revive Vince. Michaels is busted open. Shane McMahon punches Michaels in his open wound! He punches Michaels in the face and stomps him as Michaels rolls down the ramp. Shane delivers a kick to the ribs of Shawn’s halfway down the ramp. Every time Michaels’ heart beats, you see a squirt of blood out of his head. Just kidding, but that’s what JR said. Shane beats him down at ringside with some rights before arm dragging him into the barricade. Both men are back into the ring and Shane maintains control. Vince has made his way back to the ringside area as Shane continues to deliver a bevy of jabs to Michaels. Shane goes upstairs! He goes for an elbow drop and misses! He actually had some nice form on that elbow drop. Shawn makes it to his feet and they exchange blows. Shane knocks out Michaels with a right and Shawn needs to tag in God! HOT TAG? Vince is in and Michaels beats the holy Hell out of Michaels with a series of punches and stomps. Shane tosses in a garbage can and Vince nails Shawn with it. Vince grabs a mic cuts a promo on God. He asks where God is going as he slowly turns his eyes down the ramp. “Ladies and gentleman, God has left the building.” Michaels fights back! He ducks a chair shot from Shane and Shane hits his father with the chair! Michaels beats McMahon up and gives him a scoop slam followed by an elbow drop! Shawn is setting up for Sweet Chin Music! He hits it on Shane AND Vince! He covers nobody however. He rolls outside and grabs a table from under the ring. Now two tables are in the ring! He lays Shane on one table and lays Vince on the other. Shawn pulls out a huuuuuuuge fucking ladder. He slides it into the ring, sets it up, and climbs atop. THE SPIRIT SQUAD RUN DOWN TO RINGSIDE! MICHAELS TAKES OUT ALL FIVE MEMBERS WITH A CROSSBODY FROM THE LADDER! The Spirit Squad make it to their feet and beat the fuck out of Michaels on the outside. They pull the McMahons off of the tables that Michaels laid them on. The Spirit Squad lifts Michaels up and drive him through a table. Vince covers Shawn and gets three. I thought the angle was decent enough but I’m not so sure that Vince needed to go over Michaels and “God” in this match. It’s not like he needed any more heat. The match itself was a fun little brawl. All in all, I was entertained the entire time. ***
Can’t forget the match graphic!
– Todd Grisham is backstage with John Cena. He calls Cena the most controversial champion of all time. Okay then. That damn Cena is always stirring up trouble. Cena says that he doesn’t need to get pinned to lose the championship. He says that he’s gotten death threats over the past week. He tells Todd to listen. He says “those are the deafening sounds of the people who want Edge as champion”. He mentions Triple H, who gets a nice pop. Through the hate, one voice will stand tall. It’s Lillian Garcia’s as she announcers our winner… And still WWE champion, John Cena.
– JR announces that Trish Stratus dislocated her right shoulder in her match with Mickie James.
– Here comes Matt Striker, our teacher. This is quite the way to calm down a crowd before the main event. Matt Striker says that there’s a miracle. It’s that there’s actually an intelligent person in Kentucky. He rips some local sports teams and KFC a bit before saying that they’re a terribly uneducated state. He has some good news for “y’all”. He welcomes one of the smartest men from Kentucky… Eugene. It’s crazy to think that Eugene was involved in a huge feud with Triple H that culminated at Summerslam. I believe that he would have remained over for far longer if he wasn’t thrust into such high profile shit right out of the gate. They missed the boat on a heel turn as well. I was waiting for years for a promo in which he declared he was faking it the whole time. Striker says that Eugene is a perfect reason to not marry your cousin. He says that he guesses that Eugene is confused right now. Striker is willing to bet that Eugene can’t even spell his own name. Depends on how many Somas he took that night. AYE-OOOOOO. Striker tells Eugene to write his name on the blackboard and turns around to face the audience. Eugene wrote “loves poop” under Matt Striker’s name on the chalkboard. A “you love poop” chant ensues. Eugene picks his nose and attempts to eat a booger. Striker tells him not to do it before Eugene shoves it in Striker’s mouth and gives him a stunner. This segment was absolute shit.
WWE Championship: John Cena (c) vs. Edge vs. Triple H Edge pinned Mick Foley four weeks ago in an awesome match at Wrestlemania 22 and John Cena defeated Triple H for the championship at said show. John Cena is still edgy enough to remain bearable at this point. Cena’s sporting his black “Hustle Loyalty Respect” shirt in case you’re interested. I’d love to find out how many shirts he’s had over the last decade. Too lazy for all that research. I’ll ask Sforcina. The bell rings and we’re in a feeling out process. Edge steps to the outside and tells Cena and Triple H to go at it. They oblige and start brawling. Cena’s looking very aggressive. He hits a nice suplex after some shoulder tackles goes for a quick cover. Edge breaks up the pin and rolls back to the outside. Man, I miss Edge. Triple H hits a high knee on Cena and goes for a cover. Triple H goes for a cover and Edge pulls his leg off. Cena and HHH exchange boo yeah punches as Edge laughs on apron. Triple H and Cena realize it and turn their attention to Edge. They take turns punching him before Cena clotheslines him to the outside. Cena and Triple H follow him out and take turns smashing his head on the announce table. Cena rolls Edge in and Triple H attacks Cena from behind! He tosses Cena to the outside and then Edge dodges a knee from Trips. Triple H rolls onto the apron and knocks Edge down! Cena pulls Triple H down by the leg and Triple H’s head nails apron! Cena goes to the top rope and hits an awesome splash on Edge! He hits some signature moves before going for the five knuckle shuffle! Lita pulls the top rope down however, and Cena falls to the outside. Triple H sends Cena into the steps and gets back into the ring to demolish Edge a bit. He hits the SPINEBUSTAH! TWOOOOOO. He applies a front face lock and goes for a suplex but Edge floats over and nails him with a clothesline! TWO! They exchange a few punches and Triple H locks in the sleeper. Edge whips him into the ropes and locks him in the sleeper! CENA GOES FOR THE DOUBLE FU! Edge escapes and spears Cena while he still had Triple H up! That was awesome. Edge and Triple H end up brawling on the outside, Edge slingshots Trips into the ring post! Triple H is busted open! Edge DDTs Triple H on the Spanish announce table! Triple H is gushing blood. Cena’s in the ring but doesn’t notice Edge on the top rope! He turns around and gets nailed with a missile dropkick. TWOOOO! Edge corners him and stomps a mudhole into him. He whips Cena into the adjacent corner and Edge spears him in the corner! He goes for a DDT but Cena locks in the STFU! Edge almost makes it to the ropes but Edge grabs his hand from the outside and nails Cena with a microphone shot the head! Edge ends up on the outside and Triple H NAILS HIM with a chair that sends Edge over the barricade! Triple H gets back in the ring and Cena locks in the STFU! The ref is lifting Triple H’s hand up for the three count! His hand doesn’t hit the mat on the third try and a muscles his way to the bottom rope! Cena gets him up for the FU but Triple H slips off and goes for the pedigree! Cena counters that into another STFU! Edge is on the apron! He climbs to the top rope to break up the submission but Cena lets go of Triple H and focuses on Edge! Amidst the chaos, the ref gets bumped down. Cena goes for an FU off the top rope and but Triple powerbombs Cena and we get an awesome stack spot! Lita runs at Triple H with a steel chair but Triple H side steps her and gives her a spinebuster! She was *this* close to landing on the chair the wrong way. Triple H holds up a chair before changing his mind! He goes under the ring and grabs a sledgehammer! He prepares to smash Cena with the Sledgehammer but Edge spears him! Edge grabs it now and attempts to hit Cena with it! Cena dodges the sledgehammer shot and hits an FU on Edge! Triple H low blows Cena and goes for another pedigree but Cena rolls him up for three! Holy shit, this was a great match. It was violent, hard hitting, and everything that a pay per view main event should be. They worked the triple threat formula perfectly from the beginning with Edge letting Cena and Triple H slug it out like the dastardly heel that he is, before Triple H and Cena caught on and took turns wrecking him. It all culminated in amazing fashion, with some big spots and near finishes. My only complaint? Triple H just HAD to knock everybody out with a sledgehammer after the match and stand tall. That’s a minor quibble though. This is right around the time Cena became known as the king of the triple threat match by a lot of writers. I can’t argue that. ****1/4
Well it’s that time once again. I’m going to send my daughter to the collection to pick three DVDs. She’s coming back with… four DVDs. Well, alright. This week it’s going to be four! Here’s your choices:
1: Wrestlemania 23
2: No Mercy 2003
3: Holiday Tribute to the Troops (Bought it for 0.99… Still in wrapper.)
4: JCW Home Video: Volume 2 (Well that would be interesting.)
There’s a decent array of choices there. Lets see what you guys end up picking!
As always, thank you for reading AND FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER:@MikeBenjamin411
The 411: The main event and RVD vs Shelton Benjamin made this show. A lot of people thought that they didn't deliver the classic they should have, but I was pleasantly surprised by the quality. The McMahons vs Shawn Michaels and "God" was even a pretty fun brawl. The rest was either short and inoffensive or average. Okay, I lied. Big Show vs. Kane was pretty offensive. Still though, I'd recommend checking out Backlash 2006. Actually, just check out the good stuff. |
Final Score: 6.5 [ Average ] legend |
0 - 0.9
1 - 1.9
Extremely Horrendous
2 - 2.9
Very Bad
3 - 3.9
4 - 4.9
5 - 5.9
Not So Good
6 - 6.9
7 - 7.9
8 - 8.9
Very Good
9 - 9.9
Virtually Perfect