wrestling / TV Reports
411’s NWA Championship Wrestling from Hollywood Report 03.18.11
Jonny Loquasto kicks off this week’s show and before he can really get into anything, he’s interrupted by Austin Aries. He says that the people who watched the show last week saw something that only happens once…..or twice in a lifetime. He says he’s been playing around with Scorpio Sky and now he’s down 2-1 in the series and he’s demanding that he get Sky tonight for match four. He doesn’t want to give Sky time to heal his knee up and instead he wants to even the odds and get it to 2-2. He says he’s done being the showman and he’s done making fun of Jonny Loquasto and his melon-colored shirts. The smile is off of his face because it’s serious business and tonight, he’s taking Sky out.
Match One:
Famous B vs. Ray Rosas
B gets a pre-taped interview before the match begins and B tells Ray Rosas, he never forgets anything. He says that he beat Rosas last time and got low-blowed after the match, but that payback is coming for Rosas tonight. They lock-up and Rosas backs out of it before yelling at the crowd again and heading into another lock-up. B grabs a side headlock and Rosas shoots him off into the ropes, but B takes him down with a big shoulderblock and poses for the crowd. B runs the ropes and takes Rosas down with a rolling arm cradle but Rosas reverses it into a crucifix that gets a quick two-count before he takes B down with a drop toehold. Rosas misses a double-kneedrop and they chain wrestle a bit with Rosas getting a one-count off of a casadora roll-up and a ton of reversal two-counts from both men before they stare down in the middle of the ring to a big response from the crowd. Chants for Famous B, but Rosas cuts those off with a knee to the gut into a kick, but B catches the kick and turns it into a spinning back kick to the back of the head of Rosas. B follows up with a huge leg lariat and whips Rosas into the corner for a big clothesline before doing the same thing into the opposite corner.
B sets him up for it the third time, but he takes a bit too long soaking in the cheers of the fans and Rosas ARMDRAGS HIM INTO THE TURNBUCKLES!! Rosas into a cover…..1……only a one-count as B has a lot left in the tank. Rosas follows up with a reverse neckbreaker and tries for the pin again, but is arrogant and covers him with one finger which only gets him another one-count. Rosas grabs B and pops him in the chops with a right hand before whipping him in to the corner and charging in. B gets his boots up into the face and kicks Rosas back into the middle of the ring, but can’t capitalize as Rosas takes him down with a double-leg and slingshots him into the corner. B catches himself on the middle rope and comes off the ropes into a twisting sunset flip…….1……2………………..Rosas rolls the shoulder! Rosas pops up and kicks B in the face, moving straight into a cover that gets him two. B with some leg kicks and a spinning back kick to the gut and he hits the ropes, but Rosas catches him in a fireman’s carry. B flips out of the fireman’s carry right into the Flashing Lights superkick!! Both men are down and B fights back up to his feet as Rosas begs off and as B tries for a kick, Rosas catches the kick and hits B with a low blow as the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Famous B (disqualification, low blow at 4:37) **
Not up to the standards of their first match that stole the show, but these are still two talented young guys that are on their way towards bigger things. Rosas is continuing to attack people with low blows and now it’s gotten to where he is doing it in matches too. This likely means that the on again-off again feud between B and Rosas will continue somewhere down the road, which is alright by me as they seem to work well together. This was just a case where it was more about the angle than the match, hence the lower rating.
“Hollywood’s Own” Joey Ryan is in the back and he’s with Jeff Resnick in the NWA interview area. Ryan asks if you can feel the excitement and he says that there’s a change in the air because The Standard is crumbling. He says he’s going to take care of “Pretty” Peter and that Scorpio is going to beat Austin Aries in the best of five series before he predicts that Colt Cabana is going to beat Adam Pearce to become the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Ryan says that The Standard is finally getting theirs and that there’s a new feeling in NWA Hollywood and he likes it.
Match Two:
“Pretty” Peter Avalon vs. “Hollywood’s Own” Joey Ryan
Avalon is not happy with how much the crowd loves Joey and he even hides behind the referee to cover his ears as Ryan gets the crowd clapping before the match gets underway. They hit a lock-up and Ryan shoves Avalon into the corner, giving him a clean break at the count of three before they lock it up again with Ryan trying to give Avalon another clean break. Avalon shoves Ryan out of the corner and Ryan fakes a right hand that forces Avalon to cover up as Ryan sneaks in a roll-up that gets a quick two-count. Ryan with a HUGE armdrag into an armbar and Avalon fights back to his feet as Ryan turns it into an arm-wringer. Avalon breaks the hold with a big forearm shot, but Ryan catches him coming off the ropes with a beautiful dropkick and moves right back into the armdrag into the armbar. Avalon fights to his feet again and pushes Ryan into the ropes, trying for a cheap shot off of the break that misses before locking onto the top rope with his arm as Ryan tries for another armdrag. Avalon with a nice leg lariat and he takes things over with a standing dropkick that draws some big boos from the crowd. Cover from Avalon gets a one-count and he turns it into a modified reverse chinlock, raking at Ryan’s face before he stomps him in the back.
Ryan with some right hands, but Avalon cuts him off with a knee to the get and a double underhook suplex into a perfect kip up and the crowd seems to grudgingly give him his props before he covers Ryan for another two-count. Avalon sets Ryan up for a suplex, but Ryan reverses it into a big snap suplex of his own. Avalon isn’t happy with that and goes to the eyes to cut off Ryan’s comeback and he sets Ryan up for a piledriver. Ryan reverses it with a backdrop, but he’s too hurt to take advantage and Avalon catches him in the corner with some boots and punches before mounting him and choking him in the corner. Avalon goes back to the mounted choke again, but Ryan fights out of the corner with a kick to the head and a pair of clotheslines before he sends Avalon into the ropes for a backdrop attempt. Avalon reverses and kicks Ryan in the chest and hits the ropes again, but Ryan reverses that right into a nasty spinebuster, complete with Karl Anderson tribute. Ryan goes for the superkick, but Avalon blocks it and turns it into an enziguri and both guys are slow to get up. Avalon hits the ropes and Ryan tries for the spinebuster again, but Avalon elbows him in the back of the head and drops him with a corkscrew neckbreaker into a cover…..1………2…………Ryan rolls the shoulder!
Avalon tries to send Ryan into the ropes but Ryan holds onto the arm and slides through on Avalon to set up the HUGE pumphandle suplex! Ryan sets Avalon up for a spear and Avalon sidesteps it, sending Ryan into the middle turnbuckle before he hits a pumphandle sit-out flip slam kind of a move on Ryan that looked like it was pretty high-impact. Avalon with the cover and he gets a close two-count, but Ryan was able to get his shoulder up in the nick of time. Avalon sets Ryan up for Marti-knees and hits the ropes, but Ryan recovers and DROPS AVALON WITH THE SPEAR!! Ryan struggles to his feet first and the crowd is firing him up as he sits Avalon up onto the second turnbuckle. Avalon fires back with some right hands and HITS A SUPER MARTI-KNEES OFF THE SECOND ROPE!! Avalon tries for a cover, but Ryan rolls all the way outside to the floor as the count is on and up to six…….seven…..Avalon rolls Ryan in and springboards onto the top rope RIGHT INTO THE SUPERKICK FROM RYAN!!! There’s the cover…….1………..2………………..3!!! Great match from these two and a crazy finish with the superkick!
Winner: “Hollywood’s Own” Joey Ryan (pinfall, superkick at 6:39) ***1/4
Ryan gets another win to remain near the top of the list of contenders for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship while also getting the best of The Standard yet again. Avalon did a great job in this one of more than holding his own against Ryan and I even thought there was a chance that he could pick up the win when he hit the Super Marti-knees. Great performance from Avalon, who is looking more and more like he could be one of the breakout stars in 2011 with his promo work and his solid matches.
Match Three:
Alison Danger vs. Buggy
For the few that might not know Danger, she’s a stand-out performer in Ring of Honor and Shimmer and is kind of a big get for NWA Hollywood and their women’s division. Candice LeRae is sitting in on color commentary, but I’m really having trouble picking up anything she’s saying early on as the crowd goes nuts for Buggy. LeRae says that Allison Danger is what a wrestler should look like and that Buggy is an embarassment and a misfit. Bell rings and Danger tries to get the referee to help her deal with a heckler in the crowd before the crowd turns it into a chant for Buggy. They finally lock it up and Danger hits a go-behind into a full nelson and Buggy reverses it into a hammerlock, forcing Danger down to the mat and turning it into a headlock. Danger fights to her feet and works her way out of the headlock, moving to a hammerlock and a reverse armbar before she rolls through into a bridging pin attempt that gets two. Danger holds onto the arm and continues working the armbar, standing and turning it into and arm-wringer before whipping Buggy into the corner. Buggy hits the ropes and floats over, catching Danger in a headscissors takeover before adding in a drop toehold into a modified camel clutch. Danger screams out in pain and finally makes the ropes, forcing Buggy to break the hold. Danger gets distracted by the fans again and then knees Buggy in the gut as she goes for a lock-up and hammers her down with forearm shots to the back.
Buggy with a right hand of her own, but Danger cuts it off with a snap mare and she fakes a big kick to the back before locking in the reverse chinlock. Awesome little psychology work from Danger there. Buggy with some shots to the gut and she fights out of the chinlock into a headlock of her own, but Danger makes the ropes and starts choking Buggy across the top rope. Danger hooks Buggy up in the ropes and works over the back with some forearms before hitting the ropes for a big knee to the kidneys. Danger pulls Buggy back into the ring and goes for the cover, but only gets two. Danger sets Buggy up for a suplex, but Buggy reverses it into a cradle for two before Danger hits a big forearm shot. Danger sets Buggy up for the Irish whip into the corner, but Buggy reverses it and charges in with a hard forearm under the chin before whipping Danger across into the opposite corner. Buggy with another hard forearm shot and she mounts Danger in the corner for the ten-count punches before she drops Danger with her patented bulldog!! LeRae leaves the broadcast position and hits the apron to distract Buggy as Danger recovers and waits in the ring. Danger charges and eats a big kick before she charges at Buggy in the corner again. Danger catches the boots this time and swings Buggy’s legs outside of the ring and she drops Buggy with a hangman’s neckbreaker across the knee!! Danger with the cover…..1………2……………..3!!! LeRae costs Buggy yet another defeat as Danger is successful in her debut in NWA Hollywood, picking up the big win.
Winner: Allison Danger (pinfall, hangman’s neckbreaker at 5:42) **3/4
When I saw that Danger was headed to NWA Hollywood, I was tremendously excited and she was in fine form in this one. She picks up the win to make a strong debut, while LeRae and Buggy keep their feud going thanks to LeRae’s interference that cost Buggy the match. After a few months of being a little aimless, the NWA Hollywood women’s division could do worse than having Danger, LeRae and Buggy in a feud at the top. Looking forward to seeing how they choose to continue this one going forward.
Colt Cabana is on his way to the ring now for a promo and this is the first time that we’ve seen the number one contender for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship since “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce’s fireball incident a few weeks back. Cabana looks like he’s recovered and gets a great reaction from the crowd as he heads into the ring to talk to Jonny Loquasto. Loquasto asks him about the past six months and all of the things that Pearce has done to him to try to avoid wrestling him for the title and how he’s got his shot at revenge coming to him. That brings Pearce out to the ringside area before Cabana can even speak and he calls out the rest of The Standard to back him up as the referees spill out of the locker room to get between Cabana and The Standard. Pearce says that he would never make it that easy for Cabana and his Hollywood degenerates and just give him a title shot, no questions asked. Pearce tells everyone to sit down and shut up and says that if Cabana has half a brain cell, he’ll take heed and listen to what he has to say.
Pearce says in two weeks, they’re set to battle for the title and he talks about how he’s piledriven him through a table and thrown fire in his face and that he’s done everything he could to drive Cabana out of the NWA, but he’s failed. Pearce says he’s going to offer Cabana the biggest gift he’s ever had in his life as he’s going to give Cabana the chance….his last chance….to do the right thing and pull out of the title shot, declaring himself ineligible and admit that “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce is the better man. Pearce calls it an offer that Cabana can’t and shouldn’t refuse and that he can listen to the idiots chant his name all night long, but it didn’t save him from going headfirst through a table and it didn’t save him from getting his face burned by fire. Pearce tells him to do the right thing for himself and for his family and to pull out of the match and tell the world that he’ll never be the champion and that “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce is the man. Pearce says that his last opportunity will become his last warning and that they’ve known each other for more than fifteen years and he will stop at nothing short of taking him out of wrestling for the rest of his life. Pearce finally says that he can forfeit the match or he can get taken out of the match and the choice is all up to him.
Cabana gets his chance to answer and says that he’s been given a choice to forfeit the match and admit that Pearce is the better man, or he can take the title match as scheduled. The crowd chants for him to take the match and Cabana tells Pearce to listen good because he doesn’t plan on letting his family down, he doesn’t plan on letting himself down and he doesn’t plan on letting the fans of NWA Hollywood down. Cabana says that there is zero chance in hell that he will say no to the match and that the match will go on as scheduled and it’s time to get it on!! The Standard surrounds the ring, but here comes Joey Ryan, Scorpio Sky and Willie Mack to send them back to the locker room before they could attack the number one contender!!
Match Four: Best of Five Series (Sky leads 2-1)
Austin Aries vs. Scorpio Sky
We join this one already in progress with Sky hammering on Aries on the apron and Aries going down to the floor to drag Sky out to the floor. Forearm shot from Aries and he tries to set Sky up for an Irish whip but Sky reverses it and Aries goes hard into the barricade and the BARRICADE GOES DOWN!! Aries is hurt and he’s holding onto his back as Sky rolls into the ring to break the ten-count. Sky hammers Aries against another portion of the barricade and hits a Scorpio Splash! Sky hammers away with right hands and he rolls Aries back into the ring, but Aries cuts him off with a forearm as he tries to get back into the ring. Aries tries to ram Sky into the ringpost, but Sky blocks it and sends Aries into the turnbuckle. Sky tries to springboard back into the ring, but Aries slips out to the floor to avoid the contact and catches Sky’s leg again, ramming it against the apron before he slams it into the ringpost two more times. Aries with big right hands and he drags Sky up to his feet only to send him back down with a big forearm shot. Aries locks Sky’s injured knee into the ropes and hits a pair of chops before he dropkicks the knee.
Aries goes out to the apron and tries to crank Sky’s leg through the ropes, but Sky reverses it and blocks the move, ramming Aries into the post on the apron. Sky tries it again on the other side, but Aries gets his foot up to block it and Sky grabs the leg, wrenching it against the middle rope as he tries to injure Aries’ knee. Aries limps around on the outside and Sky heads right out after him, rolling him right back into the ring and following it up with a big chop block. Sky drops a big elbow to the knee and calls out to the crowd before he hits a big kneedrop right on the joint. Aries fights to the corner and Sky wraps his leg around the middle rope, cranking on the pressure until Aries rakes the eyes to break the hold. Sky with a leg kick that drops Aries down to the mat and he locks in a figure four leglock!! Aries is screaming in pain and trying to fight off the hold, dragging himself closer to the ropes. Sky gets a two-count off of the hold and Aries tries for a reversal before he makes the ropes and uses them to turn the hold and put more pressure on Sky’s injured knee as we head into a commercial break.
After the break, Sky is hitting forearm shots on Aries and he hits the ropes, ducking under an Aries clothesline to hit a big springboard crossbody off the second rope! Sky hooks the leg…….1………….2…………..Aries rolls the shoulder!! Sky tries to set Aries up for the Ace of Spades, but Aries slips out of it and rakes the back to stop Sky’s momentum. Sky fires back with a flurry of leg kicks and he whips Aries into the ropes, ducking a clothesline and hitting a roll-up on Aries…..1……….2……….Aries kicks out! Sky with a big forearm and he mounts Aries in the corner for the ten-count punches and he follows that up with a whip into the ropes as Aries catches the top rope and slips out to the floor for a break. Sky hits him with a baseball slide dropkick through the ropes to kil the break and hits the ropes….TOPE CON GIRO ONTO ARIES ON THE FLOOR!! Sky rolls Aries back into the ring and the crowd is chanting for Scorpio as he springs over the ropes into a big headscissors takeover. Aries struggles to the corner….HUGE SCORPIO SPLASH FROM SKY!! Sky tries to set up for the Ace of Spades again, but Aries floats over again and hits an Edge-o-Matic! Aries charges at Sky in the corner, but eats a pair of boots to the face, but he catches the kick the second time around and yanks Sky off the turnbuckle to the mat. Sky rolls out to the floor and the count is on with the referee up to five……six…….ARIES OFF THE TOP WITH A FLYING AXEHANDLE TO SKY ON THE FLOOR!!!
Aries grabs Sky and rams the back of his head into the ringsteps before rolling back into the ring. Aries wants the referee to count faster and he’s up to seven……eight………nine……Sky barely rolls into the ring before ten!! Aries catches Sky on the apron and hits him with a pair of elbows to the top of the head before Sky fires back with big forearm shots to the face. Sky blocks a right hand and clotheslines Aries across the top rope before trying to climb to the top one more time. Sky struggles to get up to the top and that gives Aries time to hit him with a dropkick to crotch him up top. Aries climbs up top as well and HITS A SUUUUUUPAHHHHH BRAINBUSTAHHHHHHHHH!!! The cover and the three-count is academic and the series is tied at 2 heading into the fifth and final match!!!
Winner: Austin Aries (pinfall, SUPAH BRAINBUSTAHHHH at 9:54 shown)***3/4
Wow. I didn’t expect to see Aries bust out the Super Brainbuster, but I guess desperation will make a man do crazy things. I loved how after having Aries go after the knee for weeks while still coming up short in the series, he switched tactics to go after Sky’s head and injure that as well. Not only did it let him get the win to even the score, but it also adds another layer of depth to the fifth match of the series as now Sky is nursing his knee and a possible concussion, which definitely stacks the odds in the favor of “The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived”.
The show closes out with the referee checking on Sky as he sits up in the middle of the ring and looks to be in some serious trouble. Todd Kenely and Excalibur are both talking possible concussion and judging from how Sky’s eyes are more glazed than a box of Krispy Kremes they might be right, which would be hard to recover from heading into the final bout.
Final Thoughts: Things started out a little slowly with the B/Rosas match not quite living up to what they’ve done previously, but from there on it was solid stuff with Ryan/Avalon delivering, the debut of Allison Danger coming off great, the Pearce/Cabana promo going over well to continue the strong build towards the title match and Sky/Aries IV showing that these two still have plenty of tricks up their sleeves despite having faced each other so often in the past few months. Another strong outing in the ring for NWA Hollywood, topped off by the intensity of Pearce and Cabana makes this one a thumbs up for me.
If you’re in the Southern California area, you owe it to yourself to check out the upcoming TV tapings for NWA Championship Wrestling from Hollywood this Sunday, April 10th at the Regent Showcase Theatre, 614 N La Brea Ave. in the heart of Hollywood. Not only will newly-crowned NWA World Heavyweight Champion Colt Cabana team with “Hollywood’s Own” Joey Ryan to battle Natural Selection (with Percy Pringle III) for the NWA Heritage Tag Team Championships, but Cabana will also be making his first title defense in NWA Hollywood against Ryan in a one-on-one showdown! The show will also see the fifth and final bout in the best of five series between Scorpio Sky and Austin Aries that will prove once and for all who the better man is. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for kids and are available through SaveFans.com or by calling 1-888-326-7697. Three hours plus of outstanding wrestling at an affordable price, so don’t you dare miss it!
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