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BG Says: PWG All Star Weekend 3 – Crazymania Night 2

February 7, 2008 | Posted by Brad Garoon
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BG Says: PWG All Star Weekend 3 – Crazymania Night 2  

All Star Weekend 3 – Crazymania, Night 2

April 9, 2006 – Los Angeles, California

Disco Machine and TARO tackle commentary, and as usual be sure to switch the audio channel over to hear them.

Bino GambinoTopgun TalwarVS. ExcaliburDisco Machine
Bino Gambino & Topgun Talwar VS. Excalibur & Disco Machine
Excalibur and Talwar start. Talwar bites Excalibur’s hand. He hits a head scissors takedown and chops Excalibur in the ropes. Excalibur tries to escape and ends up falling onto his head on the floor. Disco and Gambino tag into the match. They trade holds until Disco is forced to go to the ropes. Gambino hits a head scissors takedown and a leg lariat. Talwar tags in and misses a sizeable amount of clotheslines before connecting with one for 2. Disco comes back with a clothesline of his own. Excalibur tags in and hits a backbreaker. Talwar humps the air so Excalibur stomps on his crotch and hits a double knee stomp for 2. He hits a vertical suplex for 2. Disco tags in and hits a double sledge for 2. He puts on a surfboard but Talwar gets to the ropes. Disco hits a twisting senton for 2. Excalibur tags in and kicks Talwar’s head for 2. The referee misses Gambino tagging in and doesn’t allow it. Disco tags in illegally, completing the annoying spot. Talwar blocks a blind charge and kicks off Excalibur to hit a swinging DDT on Disco. Gambino tags in and clotheslines Excalibur. He hits an enziguiri. Excalibur hits a German suplex for 2. Gambino hits a modified snapmare driver for 2. Disco runs in and hits two snap suplexes and a facebuster for 2. He hits the Chokebreaker for 2 when Talwar saves. Talwar hits the Ike Turner Overdrive. He hits a Rydeen Bomb into the turnbuckle for 2. Excalibur runs in and hits the heart punch and the Tiger Driver ’98 for the win at 9:42. This match was poorly executed. I know it’s his finisher but the opening match seems to be a strange place for the Tiger Driver ’98.
Rating: *½

RoninVS. Phoenix Star
Ronin VS. Phoenix Star
It’s weird to see Star without Zokre. He hits an armdrag to start. He hits an enziguiri and Ronin bails. Star follows him out with a slingshot hurricanrana. Back in the ring Star hits a dropkick for 2. He hits an elbowdrop and puts on a chinlock. He goes for a double jump armdrag but Ronin uses his girth to block it and wipes Star out with a forearm. He hits a back elbow for 2. He hits the neck wrench suplex for 2. Star fights out of a wristlock but gets caught with an exploder. He escapes Ronin for long enough to hit a spear. He hits a pair of leg lariats for 2. He hits the Yoshi Tonic for 2. Ronin comes back with a swinging neckbreaker for 2. Star catches Ronin in the Tree of Woe and beats him up with a variety of kicks for 2. He climbs the ropes but misses a moonsault. Ronin counters a head scissors takedown attempt to the DVD for the win at 6:11. I really enjoyed that little sprint. I’m all for more Ronin in singles matches now.
Rating: **¾

B-BoyVS. Kevin SteenVS. Chris SabinVS. Frankie Kazarian
B-Boy VS. Kevin Steen VS. Chris Sabin VS. Frankie Kazarian [Number One Contender Match]
All of these guys won singles matches the night before to get into this match. PWG’s website lists this as an elimination match, but that’s a lie. Kazarian and Sabin pair off, as do B-Boy and Steen. They dodge each other’s offense and all go for dropkicks. Sabin rolls Steen up for 2. Steen blocks blind charges from everyone but they catch him coming off the second rope with a triple dropkick. B-Boy and Kazarian face off, keeping Sabin at bay in a contrived manner. Steen pins Sabin for 2. He dumps Kazarian to the floor. He hits a spinning Complete Shot on B-Boy and a powerslam on Sabin for 2. He hits Sabin with the somersault legdrop for 2. Sabin misses an enziguiri but hits a hurricanrana. He catches Kazarian with the Bum Rush for 2. He hits a running forearm but Kazarian comes back with the figure 4 leglock. Steen tries to break it up but Kaziarn tosses him away. Both Steen and B-Boy rush the hold but Kazarian and Sabin roll them up for 2. Steen and B-Boy come back with camel clutches, putting Kazarian in a particularly bad spot. Steen and B-Boy decide to team up but Steen immediately turns on B-Boy, poking his eyes. B-Boy comes back with a swinging DDT for 2. Sabin blocks a basement dropkick from B-Boy but not from Steen. Dropkicks and Shining Wizards are thrown around at a break-neck speed. Sabin hits B-Boy with the Tree of Woe dropkick. Steen hits Sabin with a head scissors takedown. B-Boy takes Steen down so Kazarian hits him with the Sling Blade. Sabin hits a high kick on Kazarian. Everyone attacks everyone on the floor (featuring B-Boy hitting a double stomp off the apron to the back of a standing Kazarian’s head). B-Boy tries to climb the ropes but Steen superkicks him onto Kazarian. Steen then climbs the ropes and hits somersaults onto everyone. Back in the ring Sabin gets a sunset flip on Kazarian for 2. Steen hits Sabin with a back suplex. He hits a lungblower on B-Boy while simultaneously hitting a senton on Sabin for 2. Kazarian breaks up a pin on B-Boy with a double legdrop. He lights Steen up in the corner. Steen blocks the Flux Capacitor. Kazarian blocks a senton by putting up his knees. Steen blocks the Wave of the Future and picks Kazarian up for the package piledriver. B-Boy and Sabin keep him from hitting the move by sandwiching him with enziguiris. Kazarian hits a reverse tombstone piledriver for 2 when Scorpio Sky runs out and pulls the referee to the floor. Kazarian and Sky brawl until Sabin kicks off of both of them to hit B-Boy with a swinging DDT. Sabin hits the Spider Bomb for 2. He hits a snap back suplex. B-Boy comes back with the Go2Sleep for the win at 13:44. This started out a little too silly for a number one contender match. After the opening gaga ended the match turned into a chaotic frenzy of sheer awesome. Sadly the finish looked awful as Steen was shown waiting on the floor for a good minute and a half, yet he was unable to get inside fast enough to make the save.
Rating: ***¼

Roderick StrongVS. Matt Sydal
Roderick Strong VS. Matt Sydal
They lock up and trade holds on the mat. Strong gets a roll up for 2. They knuckle up and Strong goes to work on Sydal’s back. Sydal comes back with a chinlock. He hits a pair of armdrags and an enziguiri for 2. Strong blocks a knee kick but can’t avoid a backslide. That gets 2 for Sydal. Sydal hits a head scissors takedown and Strong bails. Strong catches Sydal diving out and flings him into the crowd. A series of chops get Strong 2 back in the ring. He puts on the leggy nelson and adds a heel hook to the mix. He hits a backbreaker and shows that he’ll be keeping count. He hits another and puts up two fingers. That gets 2. Sydal hits the Slice for 2. Strong goes to the eyes. They fight to the apron where Strong hits a back suplex. He goes for a piledriver on the floor but Sydal counters to a backdrop. Strong comes back with a press slam onto a row of chairs. That looked so, so painful. It gets 2 back in the ring. Sydal pops up (ugh) but runs into a fall away slam. Sydal avoids the Stronghold. Strong hits a butterfly suplex and puts on a camel clutch. He goes to the eyes as Sydal tries to fight back. He chops Sydal to the floor but quickly rolls him back into the ring where he gets 2. Sydal comes back with a dropkick. He hits an enziguiri. He dropkicks Strong to the floor and dives out after him. That gets 2 back in the ring. Strong hits a chinbreaker but Sydal hits him with a knee kick. Sydal hits the standing moonsault for 2. Strong hits a crazy gutbuster and the tiger driver for 2. He hits a torture rack backbreaker for 2. Sydal counters the half nelson backbreaker to a crucifix pin for 2. He gets a sunset flip for 2. Sydal counters the gutbuster to a snap hurricanrana for 2. Strong blocks a top rope hurricanrana and hits the Sick Kick for 2. He sets Sydal up top but Sydal fights him off and comes down with a spike DDT before climbing the ropes and hitting a shooting star press for the win at 19:54. This match came at what was pretty much the height of Strong’s greatness to date and that it is well reflected. I could have done with some more selling but I can say that about most indy matches.
Rating: ***¾

Joey Ryan comes out and says that it doesn’t matter who Commissioner Dino Winwood has commissioned to be his mystery opponent. He believes it doesn’t matter because he’s the greatest mat technician in the history of wrestling. He’s sure to outwrestle whoever Winwood has for him. Winwood notes the Ryan has used the ropes or some sort of foreign object to win all of his matches. As such he brilliantly responds by making the match a Falls Count Anywhere match and brining out the Necro Butcher.

Joey RyanVS. Necro Butcher
Joey Ryan © VS. Necro Butcher [Falls Count Anywhere PWG World Championship Match]
Necro beats Ryan in the corner to start. Ryan bails so Necro chases him out and throws chairs at him. He hits the chair-assisted bodyslam on the floor for 2. He wraps the chair around Ryan’s neck and throws him into the post. Back in the ring they fight over the chair until Ryan jabs Necro in the face with it. That was one of the sickest shots I’ve ever seen. Ryan jabs Necro again, drawing blood. He keeps Necro on the mat with knees and boots for 2. He puts on a chinlock and the commentators joke that that’s probably the first one Necro has ever been put in. Ryan hits a DDT. He grabs a table from under the ring. Necro tries to powerbomb Ryan through the table but Ryan escapes. They fight to the floor where Necro throws Ryan into the ring steps. He throws a Rubbermaid trash can at Ryan. He rips apart an aluminum can and then gouges Ryan’s face with it, drawing blood. He bites Ryan’s wound and throws him back in the ring. He goes for a suplex through the table but Ryan blocks. They fight to the apron where Ryan hits a low blow and a reverse DDT through the table, getting 2 back in the ring. Necro grabs a piece of the table from Ryan’s hand and blasts him with it. Ryan comes back with a roll up with his feet on the ropes for the win at 11:52. The spots were creative but the match was not intense. The finish works well since Ryan made sure to rub his usual tactics in the face of Winwood, who’d specifically put him in a match that should have nullified them.
Rating: **½

Chris HeroVS. Scorpio Sky
Chris Hero VS. Scorpio Sky
Hero puts on a wristlock to start. Sky gets to the ropes and grabs the hold for himself. Hero easily escapes and controls on the mat. Sky goes to the eyes and puts on an armbar. Hero counters to a crucifix pin for 2. Sky bails after Hero chops his back. Back in the ring Hero grabs a cravat. He hits a senton for 2. He hits a bodyslam and another senton for 2. He puts on a headlock but Jade Chung trips him. Hero goes out after her but runs into a back elbow from Sky. Back in the ring Sky goes after Hero’s arm. He uses the ropes to damage it and then hits it with a dropkick. He hits a wristlock takeover. He drapes Hero’s arm over the bottom rope and stomps on it. He distracts the referee while Chung continues his arm work. Sky hits a dropkick for 2. He gets into a shoving match with the referee, leading to a Hero roll up for 2. Sky hits a leg lariat for 2. He puts on an armbar. Hero fires up and hits a powerslam. He hits a one-armed back suplex. He hits a facebuster. He hits a roaring forearm. He sends Sky to the floor and follows him out to hit a big boot. The angry fat black lady from Sky’s match the night before (I hope) comes into the frame, slapping Sky’s back while Hero holds him. Back in the ring Hero hits the Cravat-o-Clasm for 2. Sky comes back with a backbreaker for 2. He puts on the Boston crab but Hero gets to the ropes. Hero climbs the ropes but simply flips forward onto his feet and puts on the cravat. He hits the Cravatbreaker for 2. He climbs the ropes but Sky crotches him and hits and brings him down with a hurricanrana for 2. Sky hits a forearm but Hero catches him with a German suplex. He hits the Rip Cord for 2. He brings Chung into the ring and spanks her. That keeps him busy long enough for Sky to roll him up with a handful of tights for the win. 23:59. Sky’s control segment was very dull, and all that arm work ended up going nowhere. I don’t understand why the match needed 24 minutes, half of which was arm work, when it leads to a roll up and Hero no-selling the damage.
Rating: **¼

After the match Kazarian runs out and goes after Sky. He brawls with him into the ring and goes for the Wave of the Future but Sky escapes and runs to the back. Kazarian gets on the microphone and promises that Sky will not be able to handle the issue he’s started.

Scott LostVS. TJ PerkinsVS. Claudio Castagnoli
Scott Lost VS. TJ Perkins VS. Claudio Castagnoli
Lost hits a leg lariat on ring announcer John Ian before the match. I don’t know why but that was hilarious to me. It also plays off of Arrogance’s matches against Cape Fear, so that’s nice. Perkins takes offense and sends Lost to the floor. He hits Castagnoli with a head scissors takedown and a dropkick to the face. Lost runs back in and gets caught with a hiptoss. Perkins hits Lost with a crossbody while hitting an armdrag on Castagnoli. Lost kicks Castagnoli to the floor and hits Perkins with a vertical suplex for 2. He hits Perkins with a back suplex for 2. Castagnoli avoids a baseball slide and hits a European uppercut. He gets back in the ring and gives Perkins the same treatment. He hits a delayed vertical suplex for 2. He hits a seated European uppercut for 2. He knocks Lost off the apron. Perkins comes back with a roll up for 2. Castagnoli hits another European uppercut but Perkins comes back with a dropkick. He dropkicks Lost and hits him with a crossbody. Castagnoli giant swings him into Lost. He catapults Perkins into a gutbuster from Lost. He blocks Lost’s superkick and hits the Alpamare Waterslide. Perkins hits Castagnoli with a seated dropkick. Perkins and Lost hit Castagnoli with a vertical suplex against the ropes, sending all three of them to the floor. Perkins pulls Lost back into the ring and launches him back out onto Castagnoli. He tries to fake a dive but Castagnoli grabs him and holds him for the Superman Spear from Lost. Lost hits Castagnoli with a clothesline. Castagnoli comes back with a knee kick. He hits a slingshot elbowdrop for 2 when Perkins breaks it up with a slingshot senton. Perkins slams Lost off the top rope and climbs. Castagnoli knocks Perkins to the floor. He goes for a diving European uppercut but Lost counters to an Ace Crusher for 2. Perkins hits Lost with a brainbuster for 2. Castagnoli catches Perkins coming out of the corner with the Ricola Bomb for 2 when Lost breaks it up. Lost hits Castagnoli with a superkick. He drapes Castagnoli over Perkins and puts them both in Sharpshooters for the win at 10:48. This was a very fun and action-packed three-way, proving that matches that are time-appropriate are often more fun to watch. It also proves that I love hyphenated words.
Rating: ***

M-Dogg 20VS. Jimmy Yang
M-Dogg 20 VS. Jimmy Yang
Yang is accompanied by Taimak, probably better known as Bruce Leroy from The Last Dragon. According to TARO he also played the Patrick Swayze roll in the musical version of Road House. Unreal. Yang and M-Dogg lock up and Yang gets a takedown. M-Dogg comes back with strikes but Yang catches him with an overhead suplex into the corner. M-Dogg dodges a blind charge and hits a springboard double stomp for 2. He hits a very strange looking satellite head scissors takedown. Yang goes to the floor so M-Dogg follows him out with an ugly dive. Back in the ring Yang hits a leg lariat for 2. He whips M-Dogg hard into the corner. He hits a dropkick and puts on a camel clutch. He hits a spinning something (I don’t know if it’s a kick or a fistdrop) for 2. Both go for dropkicks at the same time, which somehow hurts M-Dogg more than Yang. Yang hits a vertical suplex for 2. M-Dogg gets a roll up for 2. Yang kicks him down to the mat. M-Dogg hits a hurricanrana. He hits a kick to the face. He hits a leg lariat. He hits a legsweep and a standing moonsault for 2. Yang hits the tiger flip but M-Dogg comes back with a reverse DDT for 2. M-Dogg hits a backbreaker and a corkscrew moonsault. Taimak distracts the referee, allowing Yang to get a roll up with his feet on the ropes for the win at 9:04. This was all kinds of awkward. Yang was uncooperative and M-Dogg looked rattled by that.
Rating: **

Super DragonDavey RichardsVS. El GenericoQuicksilver
Super Dragon & Davey Richards © VS. El Generico & Quicksilver [PWG World Tag Team Championship Match]
Richards is fresh off winning the 2008 ECWA Super 8 tournament the night before. Before the match he assures everyone that he and Dragon are on the same page despite Internet rumors, and that nobody will take the tag titles from them. Richards and Generico start. Richards kicks Generico’s leg but Generico responds with an armdrag. Richards hits an armdrag into a hammerlock. He gets a roll up for 2. They trade holds on the mat in an exchange that Richards largely dominates. He hits the arm kick. Generico ducks a kick and opens up with chops. He hits a dropkick, an armdrag and a drop toehold. Richards gets a roll up for 2. Generico hits an armdrag into an armbar. Quicksilver tags in and stays on Richards’s arm. Richards comes back with a dropkick. Dragon tags in and walks into a leg lariat. Quicksilver hits a head scissors takedown. Dragon bails so Quicksilver dives out after him, getting 2 back in the ring. Dragon fights back, hitting Kawada kicks. They trade chops in an exchange that predictably goes Dragon’s way. Richards tags in and distracts the referee while Dragon takes liberties with Quicksilver. Richards chops and kicks Quicksilver’s chest for 2. He hits a knee to the gut and tags to Dragon. Dragon hangs Quicksilver in the Tree of Woe and stands on his crotch while Richards hits a dropkick. Dragon follows that with a momentum kick. He puts on the Mark Nulty Special but Quicksilver gets to the ropes. Quicksilver hits a head scissors takedown but runs into a backbreaker. Dragon puts on the Mexican surfboard and drops him back onto his head. Richards tags in and hits a back suplex. He hits a legdrop for 2. He sets Quicksilver up top and hits a superplex. He hits Kawada kicks until Quicksilver dodges one and hits the Silver Slice. Dragon and Generico tag into the match. Generico cleans house until misses a leg lariat. He regains control with a backdrop. He hits a springboard dropkick. He tries to follow Dragon to the floor but Richards cuts stops him. Generico hits Richards with the swinging DDT. He somersaults off the apron onto Dragon on the floor, getting 2 back in the ring. He hits a standing moonsault for 2. Richards comes in and hangs Generico in the Tree of Woe. Generico dodges a baseball slide and Richards crotches himself on the post. Generico and Quicksilver hit Richards with a double baseball slide to the face. Dragon knocks Generico down and climbs the ropes. He goes for his dropkick/senton combo but Quicksilver swats away the dropkick and Generico gets his knees up on the senton for 2. Generico hits a guillotine split legged moonsault for 2. Quicksilver tags in only to have his leg lariat is countered to a German suplex. Richards tags in and hits a tiger suplex for 2 when Generico saves with a splash off the top rope. Dragon hits Generico with a springboard leg lariat. He climbs the ropes and hits Quicksilver with a double stomp while on his way to hitting Generico with a double stomp. It gets 2 for Richards. Richards climbs the ropes but misses a shooting star press. Quicksilver hits him with a springboard clothesline and the Quick Qrusher. That gets 2 for Generico. Dragon tags in and hits Kawada kicks… again. He hits a lariat for 2 when Quicksilver saves. Quicksilver dumps Richards and hits him with an ugly springboard dropkick. Generico hits Dragon with the Yakuza kick. He hits the Half & Half and rolls Dragon up for 2. He sets Dragon up top but Dragon fights back and hits a second rope Psycho Driver for the win at 24:48. This wasn’t close to as exciting as their match from the European tour. Down the stretch the set-ups for the big spots made for awkward pacing. Generico also took a pair of completely pointless head bumps as they didn’t lead to anything at all and were used entirely as transitions.
Rating: **½

BONUS – I forgot to do the BONUS promos for Crazymania Night 1, so here they are for both nights.

Frankie Kazarian wants to talk about his match against Jimmy Yang, but all he can think about is Scorpio Sky getting in his way. After he wins the PWG Championship he’s going after Sky.

Jade Chung goes on a rant about how the world is against her and Scorpio Sky. Kazarian wants to get in their face, so Scorpio Sky is going to put him down.

Chris Hero says Scorpio Sky is one of the best wrestlers in PWG, but he wasn’t able to have a pure wrestling match with him. He had to deal with Jade Chung the whole match. He would have won if it wasn’t for Chung interfering. Last night he did win, beating the PWG team of Disco Machine and Nemesis with his partner Claudio Castagnoli. As such the Kings of Wrestling are here to stay.

Jimmy Yang is okay that Kazarian got the better of him. Bruce Leroy goes through all the nonsense training Yang is going to do to make him a title contender. Apparantly it’s but Yang and Taimat Time.

The Necro Butcher may have made Joey Ryan bleed, but he’s still the champion and he always will be.

Matt Sydal cuts pretty much the exact same promo Kevin Steen said he would cut, and its just as funny coming from Sydal as it was when Steen did it.

Kevin Steen lets us all know that the next show is the day before his 22nd birthday. Holy crap I’m a little older than Steen. On the next show Steen is excited to wrestle Bryan Danielson and celebrate Colt Cabana’s 27th birthday. Thank G-d there are still indy wrestlers older than me. Back to Danielson, the only thing he admires about him now that his beard is gone is his wrestling skill. He wraps up the promo with a little French.

Frankie Kazarian and B-Boy and drunk. They play with a ladder and talk about how B-Boy beat Kazarian in the four way number one contender match. Kazarian goes to pee so B-Boy finishes the promo by talking about all the guys he beat over the weekend.

M-Dogg 20 cuts a promo almost as funny as Matt Sydal’s. Because he was in a video game he think he’s a better high flyer than Yang. What I think he meant to say was that he was the model for WWE’s games and so he’s mastered Yang’s moves.

The 411BG Says

Much like the night before this is a mixed bag, as the great matches all happen in the middle of the show. The main event completely failed to deliver which is always disappointing. What's more disappointing is that the exact same match was very entertaining when it occurred in Germany. However, Ronin’s singles triumph, the number one contender match, Strong vs. Sydal and the three-way all exceeded my expectations. I predicted in my review of Night 1 that this show would be better, but in reality they’re on an even keel.

Make sure to check out The Cool Kids' Table as well as my archive.

Final Score:  6.5   [ Average ]  legend

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Brad Garoon

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