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From The Shelf- Pro Wrestling NOAH Destiny 2005

September 4, 2013 | Posted by Dylan Diot
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From The Shelf- Pro Wrestling NOAH Destiny 2005  

Pro Wrestling NOAH Destiny
Tokyo, Japan

Tsyoshi Kikuchi, Mitsuo Momota, and Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. Takashi Sugiura, SUWA, and Masaji Aoyagi
Nakajima and SUWA start. Hip toss by SUWA but Nakajima comes back with a spin kick to the chest followed by a high kick. Tag to Kikuchi and the faces all charge at SUWA in the corner. Back suplex by Momota and Kikuchi goes up. Diving head butt off the top by Kikuchi gets 2 as Sugiura breaks it up. Sidewalk slam by Kikuchi gets 2. Tag to Sugiura and they trade forearms. Tag to Momota and he chops away in the corner. Sunset flip by Momota gets 2 and he hits a DDT. Tag to Nakajima and he throws some kicks to the chest. High kick by Nakajima gets 2. German suplex by Nakajima gets 2 as SUWA breaks. Tag to Aoyagi and he hits a kick to the chest for 2. Tag to SUWA and he hits a leaping shoulderblock. Fist drop by SUWA and he hits a slam. Sugiura comes in and they trade forearms. Big boot by Suguira and SUWA goes up. Flying elbow drop off the top to the GROIN of Nakajima by SUWA and Aoyagi hits an axe kick to the groin!!! Kicks to the chest by Aoyagi gets 2 but Nakajima comes back with a spin kick. Tag to Momota and he hits a back suplex for 2. He goes for a powerbomb but Aoyagi backdrops out. Spinning heel kick by Aoyagi and Kikuchi tags in. He hits a German suplex to SUWA for 2 as Sugiura breaks. Everyone comes in and brawls as Kikuchi hits the Protobomb for 2. Everyone comes in and takes each other out which leads to a corner dropkick by Nakajima to SUWA. SUWA comes back with a dropkick to Kikuchi and a flapjack to Nakajima. Backdrop by Kikuchi to SUWA but SUWA comes back with a lariat. FFF by SUWA gets 3.
Winners- Takashi Sugiura, SUWA, and Masaji Aoyagi *** ( Fun opening match. Everything look crisp and Nakajima, who was really young at the time of this match, looked like a superstar. )

Tamon Honda and Go Shiozaki vs. Mohammad Yone and Takeshi Morishima
Dropkick by Go to Morishima to start and Morishima bails. Go follows out with a slingshot pescado to the floor and back in, he goes up. He goes for a missile dropkick but Morishima swats him down. Morishima botches a Boss Man Slam and just takes Go down for 2. Abdominal stretch by Morishima and he tags Yone. Slam by Yone and he hits a leg drop for 2. Neck twist by Yone and he converts it into a head scissors. Go rolls to the ropes to break and Morishima tags in. Knee to the gut by Morishima and he hits a clothesline. Yone charges in the corner but misses and Go sends Morishima into Yone. Back suplex by Go and Honda tags in. Double flatliner attempt by Honda is blocked and he hits a Saito suplex to Morishima. Saito suplex to Yone and he grabs the Cobra Clutch on Morishima. Yone breaks it up and he hits a release German suplex to Morishima. Tag to Go and he goes up. Missile dropkick by Go gets 2. Corner forearm by Go and he goes for a German but Morishima blocks. Superkick by Go and he hits the German suplex for 2!!! Slam by Go and he goes up. Moonsault off the top misses and Yone tags in. Ukuza kick by Yone and he hits a corner knee strike. Slam by Yone and he goes up. Second rope leg drop by Yone gets 2. Rolling abdominal stretch by Go and he gets a roll-up for 2. Slam by Go and he hits a knee drop. Go goes up and hits the moonsault off the top for 2 as Morishima breaks. Back Drop Driver to Honda by Morishima and he hits a T-Bone suplex to Go. Lariat by Yone gets 2. Spinning heel kick Doomsday Device by Morishima and Yone gets 2 as Honda saves. Muscle Buster by Yone gets 3.
Winners- Muhammad Yone and Takeshi Morishima **1/2 ( A pretty dominant win for the powerhouse team. Go has some nice flashes during the match but he didn’t look like the star he would become a few years later. )

Akitoshi Saito, Shiro Koshinaka, Masao Inoue, and Kishin Kawabata vs. Akira Taue, Naoki Sano, Jun Izumida, and Haruka Eigen
Taue and Koshinaka start. Big boot by Taue and he hits the flying asshole into the corner. Snap mare by Koshinaka and he hits some kicks to the back of Taue. Tag to Kawabata and Eigen and Eigen works him over in the corner. Tag to Izumida and he hits the Ukuza kick in the corner. Elbow drop by Izumida gets 2. Tag to Sano and Kawabata hits some forearms. Tag to Saito and they trade forearms. Knee to the gut by Saito and he hits a delayed vertical suplex for 2. Flying asshole by Koshinaka and Inoue tags in. Spin kick to the gut by Sano and Eigen tags in. He chops away but Inoue rakes the eyes to stop him. Tag to Izumida and he gets worked over in the corner. Tag to Kawabata and he stomps away in the corner. Tag to Taue and he hits a DDT for 2. Tag to Sano and he hits a kick to the chest. Half crab by Sano but Kawabata makes the ropes to break. Kicks to the back by Sano gets 2 and he tags Eigen. Chops in the corner by Eigen but Kawabata comes back with a roll-up for 2. Tag to Taue and he hits a big boot. Short arm clothesline by Taue gets 2. Taue charges in the corner but eats boot and Kawabata hits a clothesline. Tag to Saito and he hits a lariat for 2. Flying asshole by Koshinaka and Saito covers for 2. Taue’s team all go to work on Saito and Sano goes up. Missile dropkick to Saito gets 2 and he goes up again. Second rope double stomp by Sano gets 2. Spinning heel kick by Saito and Koshinaka tags in. Sano misses a dropkick and Koshinaka hits the flying asshole. Saito suplex by Sano and Izumida tags in. Corner clotheslines by Koshinaka but Izumida takes him down for 2. Everyone brawls and Sano hits a double stomp off the top to Inoue for 2 as Kawabata breaks. Kawabata knocks Izumida into a small package from Inoue for 3.
Winners- Akitoshi Saito, Shiro Koshinaka, Masao Inoue, and Kishin Kawabata ** ( This match dragged. It was just a bunch of moves done by the elder members of the roster with no story or flow to the match. Easily worst thing on the show. )

Mushiking Terry vs. Black Mask
Some dude in a hood is with Black Mask and some rock star looking dude is with Terry. I don’t know. Forearms by Terry and he hits a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Terry low bridges Black Mask and he runs the ropes for a crossbody to the floor!!! Back in, Terry hits a snap mare for 1 and he goes to the chinlock. Black Mask breaks with a jawbreaker and he catches Terry with a guillotine slingshot legdrop for 2. Drop toe hold followed by an elbow drop to the back by Black Mask gets 2. Terry misses a crossbody and Black Mask hits a springboard summersault senton for 2. Rear abdominal stretch by Black Mask and he releases for 2. Octopus by Black Mask and he converts it into a side Russian leg sweep. Rear octopus by Black Mask and he releases for 2. Springboard headscissors by Terry and he hits a spin kick. Hurricanrana by Terry gets 2. Black Mask takes him down into the Crossface but Terry makes the ropes to break. Terry escapes a suplex attempt but eats a spinning heel kick from Black Mask forcing Terry to bail. Black Mask goes up but Terry stops him and follows up. Swinging neckbreaker off the top by Black Mask and he goes up. Standing diving head butt by Black Mask gets 2. Michinoku Driver by Black Mask gets 2. Terry counters a slam attempt into a Victory roll for 2. Superkick by Black Mask but Terry comes back with a dropkick. 619 to the midsection by Terry and he rolls Black Mask up for 2. Tiger suplex by Terry gets 3.
Winner- Mushiking Terry *** ( They worked a lucha style match so there was a lot of action and flashy moves that were at times a bit sloppy. Still it was a fun match. )

GHC Jr. Heavyweight Championship- Yoshinobu Kanemaru © vs. KENTA
They trade forearms to start and Kanemaru hits a big boot. KENTA returns the favor with one of his own. Feeling out process and they quickly reach a standstill. Knees to the midsection in the corner by Kanemaru and he goes for a springboard crossbody but KENTA swats him away. Kanemaru seems to have hurt his arm so KENTA stomps away on the injured arm. He dumps Kanemaru to the floor and follows out where KENTA sends him shoulder first into the post. Back in, KENTA covers for 2. Kimura by KENTA but Kanemaru backs him to the corner to break. He charges in the corner but eats elbow and KENTA hits a hurricanrana off the second rope. Arm drag by KENTA and he goes back to work on the arm. Kicks to the shoulder by KENTA and they trade forearms. Arm drag by KENTA and it’s back to the arm. Fujiwara arm bar by KENTA but Kanemaru gets his foot on the ropes to break. KENTA puts him on top and follows up. KENTA goes for the superplex but Kanemaru blocks. KENTA goes back up but Kanemaru takes him off with the Impaler DDT. KENTA bails but Kanemaru leaps off the apron and catches him with another DDT. Back in, Kanemaru with a snap mare and he grabs a headscissors but KENTA goes to the ropes to break. They go to the floor and Kanemaru hits a guillotine knee drop with KENTA hanging from the railings. Back in, Kanemaru grabs the sleeper but again KENTA makes the ropes. Kanemaru puts KENTA in the tree of woe and he hits the Hesitation dropkick for 2. Camel Clutch by Kanemaru but KENTA fights out. Saito suplex by KENTA and both men are down. KENTA charges in the corner but eats boot and Kanemaru leaps off the second rope but eats a boot from KENTA. Powerslam by KENTA and he throws some kicks to the chest. Ukuza kick by KENTA and he hits the springboard dropkick to the back for 2. Kicks to the chest by KENTA and he hits a big boot. KENTA escapes a suplex attempt and he goes up. He goes for a hurricanrana off the top but Kanemaru blocks with a powerbomb for 2. Kanemaru goes up and hits a splash off the top for 2. He goes up again and hits a DDT off the second rope for 2. Kanemaru goes up for a moonsault but misses and KENTA hits the Fisherman’s Buster. German suplex by KENTA gets 2. Slam by KENTA and he hits a knee drop. He goes up and leaps but eats boot on the way down. Kanemaru goes up and leaps but KENTA catches him in mid air. Kanemaru escapes the GTS and a sick series of counters leads to a Tiger Suplex by KENTA for 2!!! Dropkick to the leg by Kanemaru and he hits a brainbuster but KENTA gets right back up and hits the Busaiku Knee Kick!!!! They trade forearms and he goes for a suplex but Kanemaru blocks. Brainbuster by Kanemaru gets 2!!! Slam by Kanemaru and he goes up. Moonsault off the top by Kanemaru gets 2 and he hits another Brainbuster for 2!!! Kanemaru puts KENTA on top and follows up but KENTA CATCHES HIM WITH A FISHERMAN’S BUSTER OFF THE TOP!!!! KENTA covers for 2. Buckle Bomb by KENTA and he hits a release powerbomb. Sit-out powerbomb by KENTA gets 2. KENTA firs some strikes but Kanemaru catches him with the O’Connor roll for 2. Busaiku Knee Kick by KENTA and he hits a Sick Kick for 2!!! GTS by KENTA gets 2!!!! High kicks by KENTA and he hits another Busaiku Knee Kick for 3!!!
Winner and NEW GHC Jr. Heavyweight Champion- KENTA ****1/2 ( This was AWESOME. They slowly but surely picked up the pace as the match progressed and had the crowd, who were not interested when the bell ring, losing their minds during the final sequence. An absolutely sensational match and proof of how KENTA was one of the best in the business in 2005. )

GHC Tag Team Championships- Minoru Suzuki and Naomichi Marufuji © vs. Jun Akiyama and Makoto Hashi
Hashi and Marufuji start. Dropkick to the leg by Marufuji and he hits a basement dropkick. Dropkick by Marufuji and he charges but Hashi backdrops him to the apron. Lariat knocks Marufuji off the apron and he goes up. Diving head butt off the top and to the floor by Hashi!!! Back in, Hashi covers for 2 and he tags Akiyama. Akiyama wants Suzuki so Marufuji obliges with a tag. Both men feel each other out with neither able to gain control. Tag to Marufuji and he stomps away in the corner. Chops by Marufuji have no effect and Akiyama hits a big boot. Tag to Hashi and he hits a double chop for 2. Chops by Hashi and he hits some shoulder chops. He stomps away in the corner and he chokes Marufuji with his boot. Spinning heel kick by Marufuji and Suzuki pulls him to the floor. Hashi connects with a head butt and Marufuji tries a sunset flip powerbomb to the floor. Hashi blocks but Suzuki kicks his hand off the ropes allowing Marufuji to connect with the move on the floor!!! The champs drag Akiyama up the ramp and Akiyama begins to fight them off. Suzuki catches him with a DDT on the ramp and Hashi makes it back into the ring before the twenty count. Tag to Suzuki and he hits a snap mare into a kick to the back of Hashi for 2. Camel Clutch by Suzuki and Marufuji follows up with a basement dropkick. Slaps by Hashi but Suzuki fires back with strikes of his own. Hard knee to the gut by Suzuki and he tags Marufuji. They both kick away at the midsection of Hashi and Marufuji hits a dropkick from the apron for 2. Cobra Clutch by Marufuji and he converts it to a cover for 2. Hashi tries to fight out of the champs’ corner so Suzuki just slaps him to stop the momentum. Tag to Suzuki and they choke Hashi with their boots in the corner. Suzuki again prevents Hashi’s comeback and he hits a basement dropkick in the corner. Suzuki puts Hashi in the tree of woe and tags Marufuji who hits a springboard dropkick to Hashi. Slam by Marufuji and he goes up. Frog Splash off the top by Marufuji gets 2. He goes for a suplex but Hashi blocks and reverses to his own. He goes for the tag but Marufuji blocks. Head butt by Hashi and Akiyama gets the tag. Knee to the back by Suzuki from the apron but Akiyama knocks him off and backdrops Marufuji onto him on the floor!!! Back in, Marufuji escapes a suplex attempt and hits a dropkick to the leg. Basement dropkick by Marufuji and he tags Suzuki. Dropkick by Suzuki but Akiyama fires back with a flying knee. They trade slaps and Suzuki blocks an Exploder attempt. More slaps and Hashi tags in. Shoulder chops by Hashi but Suzuki fires back with kicks to the chest. Hashi blocks a kick and he goes for a suplex but Suzuki counters into the Octopus. Akiyama breaks it up and Hashi catches him with an enzuigiri. Tags to Akiyama and Marufuji. Dropkick by Marufuji and he hits a corner back elbow. Akiyama comes back with a backdrop and he hits a powerbomb for 2. Guillotine Choke by Akiyama but Suzuki breaks it up. Reverse DDT on the apron by Hashi to Suzuki. In the ring, Akiyama goes up but Marufuji follows. Frankensteiner is blocked by Akiyama and he leaps but Marufuji catches him with a dropkick on the way down. Series of counters leads to the Shining Wizard by Akiyama and he hits an Exploder suplex. Tag to Hashi and he goes up for a diving head butt off the top. Slam by Akiyama and Hashi goes up and connects with another diving head butt for 2. Spinning heel kick in the corner by Hashi and he hits the Proto Bomb for 2. Lariat by Hashi and he hits the Goriman Driver for 2!!! He puts Marufuji on top and follows up for a super back suplex but Marufuji escapes. Pele by Marufuji and he hits Shiranui. Superkick by Marufuji and he puts Hashi on top. He follows up but Akiyama follows as well and takes Marufuji off with a super back suplex. Diving head butt off the top by Hashi gets 2 as Suzuki saves!!! Suzuki grabs the sleeper on Akiyama but Hashi breaks it up. Superkick by Marufuji to Akiyama and he uses Suzuki to hit Shiranui to Akiyama. Superkick/palm strike combo to Hashi and Suzuki hits the Gotch Piledriver. Marufuji goes up and hits a missile basement dropkick for 2 as Akiyama saves!!! Suzuki puts Hashi on top and Marufuji follows up. Super Shiranui by Marufuji gets 3!!!
Winners and Still GHC Tag Team Champions- Minoru Suzuki and Naomichi Marufuji **** ( Oh man, Suzuki BEAT THE SHIT out of poor Hashi. Hashi took the beating of a lifetime and made this one hell of a tag match. Hashi did most of the work but whenever Akiyama was in the match the exchanges he had with Suzuki were fantastic. )

GHC Heavyweight Championship- Takeshi Rikio © vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi
Feeling out process to start and they reach a standstill. Forearms by Rikio but he eats a crossbody from Tanahashi for 1. Forearms by Rikio and he hits a back elbow for 1. Chinlock by Rikio and he hits some forearms in the corner. He charges but eats boot and he catches Tanahashi in a bear hug. Tanahashi comes back with a small package for 2 and Rikio dumps him to the floor. He follows out and they trade forearms. Dropkick by Tanahashi knocks Rikio off the apron and back in, Tanahashi hits a flying forearm. Elbow drop by Tanahashi followed by a summersault senton gets 2. Sleeper by Tanahashi but Rikio goes to the ropes to break. Back suplex by Rikio and he grabs a sleeper. He converts it into a Dragon Sleeper but Tanahashi gets his foot on the ropes to break. Corner clotheslines by Rikio and he goes up. Crossbody off the top by Rikio gets 2. Jackhammer by Rikio gets 2. Buckle Bomb by Rikio and he puts Tanahashi on top. He follows up but Tanahashi fights him off. Asai moonsault off the top by Tanahashi and he hits a dropkick forcing Rikio to bail. Suicide dive by Tanahashi and both men are down on the floor. Tanahashi connects with a second suicide dive and then connects with one more. Back in, Tanahashi goes up and hits a missile dropkick off the top. Rolling German suplexes by Tanahashi gets 2. Sleeper by Tanahashi and he converts it to a Dragon sleeper. Rikio gets his feet on the ropes to break. Enzuigiri misses but Tanahashi comes back with the Victory roll for 2. Rikio blocks the small package attempt and he goes for a powerslam but Tanahashi escapes. Slingblade by Tanahashi gets 2. Lariat by Rikio and they trade slaps. Powerbomb by Rikio gets 2. Tanahashi counters the T-Bone suplex with a small package for 2. Running head butt to the chest by Rikio and he hits some slaps in the corner. Lariat by Rikio gets 2. Muso by Rikio gets 3.
Winner and Still GHC Champion- Takeshi Rikio *** ( This match fell flat. Both guys were not anywhere near top level guys so it had a strong lack of heat than a usual heavyweight title match should have. The match itself was fine but these two have done much better and would go on to do much better. )

Genichiro Tenryu vs. Yoshinari Ogawa
Rights by Ogawa but Tenryu fights back with chops. Clothesline by Tenryu and Ogawa bails. Back in, Ogawa wins a test of strength and grabs a wrist lock but Tenryu breaks. Dropkick to the leg by Ogawa and he wraps Tenryu’s leg off the post. Post figure-4 by Ogawa and back in, he wraps Tenryu’s leg around the ropes. Jabs and chops by Tenryu and he charges in the corner but eats boot. DDT by Ogawa and he grabs an inverted surfboard. Tenryu makes the ropes to break and he catches Ogawa with an enzuigiri. Inverted surfboard by Tenryu but Ogawa makes the ropes to break. Ogawa pokes the eye of Tenryu and he headscissors Tenryu to the floor. Ogawa follows out and sets a table up against the apron. He goes for the Saito suplex but Tenryu blocks and slams Ogawa’s face against the table. Back in, Tenryu hits a clothesline for 2. Suplex by Tenryu gets 2 and he goes for a powerbomb but Ogawa blocks. Enzuigiri by Ogawa and he hits a Saito suplex. Bridging back suplex by Ogawa gets 2. Straight right by Tenryu and he hits a lariat for 2. Clothesline by Tenryu gets 2. Brainbuster by Tenryu gets 2. Clothesline by Tenryu gets 3.
Winner- Genichiro Tenryu ** ( This sure was one sided for a student vs. teacher match. The crowd was hot for the match but it just a twelve minute squash for Tenryu. He didn’t give Ogawa much of anything and as a result any thoughts or beliefs of Ogawa winning this match were thrown out of the window. Disappointing to say the least. )

Kensuke Sasaki vs. Kenta Kobashi
Saito suplex by Sasaki to start and he stomps the back of Kobashi. They trade chops and Kobashi hits a Saito suplex of his own. Clothesline by Sasaki and both men bail to the floor. Back in, they go to the test of strength and Sasaki breaks with a Northern lights suplex. Knees to the gut by Kobashi and he hits a hanging chop. Dropping chops by Kobashi gets 2 and he grabs a chinlock. Kobashi pulls Sasaki to the apron and he hits some dropping chops. DDT on the floor by Kobashi and he hits a slingshot pescado to the floor. Back in, Sasaki puts Kobashi on top and hits a Frankensteiner off the top. Sasaki goes up and hits a flying clothesline off the top for 2. Kobashi bails and Sasaki goes up for a crossbody to the floor!!! Back in, Sasaki gets 2. Whip to the corner and Sasaki catches him with a bulldog for 1. Sasaki stomps away but Kobashi fights back with chops. They trade chops and they’re tearing each other apart with these chops!!!! Rapid chops in the corner by Kobashi but Sasaki fires back with some of his own. They’ve literally chopped each other for two minutes straight and their chests are bright red. They have an intense stare down before going back to the chops!!! Kobashi FINALLY knocks Sasaki down with a hard chop to win the chop battle. Powerslam by Sasaki and he goes up. Kobashi follows up and hits a superplex. Release half nelson suplex by Kobashi and he connects with a second one!!! Kobashi goes to suplex Sasaki back in but he blocks so Kobashi hits some chops to the neck to knock him off the apron. Sasaki catches Kobashi on the apron and HITS THE NORTHERN LIGHTS BOMB ON THE FLOOR!!!!! Kobashi makes it back in before the twenty count!!! Tiger suplex by Sasaki gets 2!!! Lariat by Sasaki gets 2. Sasaki goes for a powerbomb but Kobashi rolls out and hits a lariat. Judo toss by Sasaki and he grabs the Power Special but Kobashi makes the ropes!!! Backfist by Kobashi and he hits a brainbuster. Sasaki comes back with a Northern lights bomb and they each connect with lariats!!!! Northern lariat by Sasaki but Kobashi comes back with a Sleeper suplex. Lariat by Kobashi gets 2. Slam by Kobashi and he goes up. Moonsault off the top by Kobashi gets 2. Backfists by Kobashi and he hits a lariat for 3.
Winner- Kenta Kobashi ****1/2 ( Three minute chop battle. That’s all you need to know. It took this match above and beyond and turned it into a must see spectacle. Everything after the chop battle was incredible and it had all 40,000+ in the Tokyo Dome losing their minds for the duration. A classic match in Pro Wrestling NOAH history. )

Toshiaki Kawada vs. Mitsuharu Misawa
Feeling out process to start and they eventually start trading chops and slaps. Big boot by Kawada and he connects with a spin kick. Stomps to the head by Kawada and he grabs a half crab. He converts it to a Bow and Arrow and then quickly releases. Kicks to the chest by Kawada and he hits a big boot. Flying forearm by Misawa and he hits the Tiger Driver for 2. Misawa goes up and hits a Frog Splash for 2. Misawa grabs a chinlock but Kawada gets to the ropes to break. Slaps and knees by Kawada and he hits a slam. He stomps away and Misawa falls to the floor. Kawada follows and he pulls the mats off the floor. He goes for a piledriver but Misawa blocks. Rapid kicks to the head by Kawada but Misawa fires back with forearms. Tiger Driver on the exposed floor by Misawa!!!! Back in, Misawa covers for 2. Second rope basement dropkick by Misawa gets 2. Kawada blocks a Tiger suplex attempt so Misawa goes to the rear naked choke. Kawada goes to the ropes to break again. Misawa charges in the corner but eats boot and Kawada hits a big boot. Enzuigiri by Kawada and he hits the Ukuza kick in the corner. Knees to the chest in the corner by Kawada and he hits a basement kick to the head. They go to the apron and Misawa goes for the Tiger Driver but Kawada blocks. Misawa leaps off the apron but Kawada sideswipes Misawa causing him to crash to the floor. Slam on the ramp by Kawada and he goes for a piledriver on the ramp but Misawa blocks. Enzuigiri by Kawada and he hits a Jackknife powerbomb on the ramp!!!! Kawada drags Misawa all the way back into the ring and he hits a knee drop for 2. Kicks by Kawada and he hits a spin kick. Clothesline by Kawada gets 2. He goes for the powerbomb but Misawa blocks and they trade forearms. Kick to the chest by Kawada takes Misawa down and he hits a suplex. Inverted butterfly submission by Kawada and he releases for 2. Release German suplexes by Kawada but Misawa fires back with a forearm. He looks for a German of his own but Kawada catches him with the Pele. Knees by Kawada and he hits a northern lariat. Enzugiri by Kawada gets 2. Brainbuster by Kawada gets 2. Powerbomb by Kawada gets 2. Release piledriver by Kawada gets 2. Kawada goes for a powerbomb but Misawa counters with a hurricanrana. Enzugiri by Kawada misses and Misawa knocks him down with a forearm for 2. Kawada escapes a slam attempt but eats a roaring elbow from Misawa. Emerald Flowsion by Misawa gets 2. Release Tiger suplex by Misawa and he hits the Tiger Driver for 2. They trade forearms and Misawa hits the roaring elbow for 1. They trade strikes and Misawa knocks him down with a hard forearm for 2. Forearms by Misawa and he finally knocks down Kawada for 3.
Winner- Mitsuharu Misawa **** ( It’s Misawa vs. Kawada, it’s going to be good no matter their age. Obviously not at the level of their matches in the past but it still a great main event as the match flew by and had great execution along with an exciting finish. They did a great job having to follow the match before them. )

The 411: This show has four ****+ matches and one of the loudest stadium/dome crowds that I have ever heard. This is a must see show, one of the best from 2005. The under card didn't light the world on fire but it didn't need to. Two of the three title matches more than delivered and we had one the best double main events that I have ever seen. Seek this show out.
411 Elite Award
Final Score:  9.5   [  Amazing ]  legend

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Dylan Diot

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