wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWF Sunday Night Heat Report 10.15.00

October 15, 2000 | Posted by PK

WWF Sunday Night Heat Report 10.15.00
Live from WWF New York
Announcers: Skribble, Rebecca, Tazz, and MC
Special Guest: The Commish Mick Foley
Report just for 411 by: PK

We start out with the audience members telling the camera what they’re favorite moment in Foley’s career. A lot say the him falling off the Hell in the Cell was they’re favorite.

Skribble starts out by introducing The Commish. Commish says that he had the same outfit on that Rebecca did, but he took off the leather pants and the skin tight shirt and let Rebecca keep hers on. He then rips on Al Snow, and announces his new game, “Who Wants To Be A Commishanior?” He then mentions that he will bring a WWF Legend back tonight, IN NEW YORK CITY!

Promo clip on the whole driver of the car that ran over Stone Cold thing. I stand by my earlier comments by saying it was the camera man that was in car.

T & A in the APA’s office playing cards. Albert just lost all of T & A’s money, so the APA kicks them out. Before they can get up, Trish Stratus comes in and apparently Test is going to bet her.


MC and Tazz bring us back with advertisements, this week we have Chef Boyardee, Nerf, and Castro. Cypress Hill is in he house, and we go into a match.

Edge & Christian vs. Too Cool
Tazz says that his boy Joey Numbers dropped him a line and said that E&C are Los Conquistadors. E&C on the mic, rips into TRL and Carson Daily. We then have a 5 second pose. E&C jump Too Cool to start out, but Too Cool comes back with some double teaming. Christian and GMS start out, and Edge is tagged in quickly. GMS hits an enzaguri, tags in Scotty, and Too Cool gains control. Scotty with a bulldog on Christian, he follows it up with the GOD DAMN worm. Edge with a spear on Scotty. Los Conquistadors come down. E&C look confused, and Too Cool scores the pinfall. Los Conquistadors cost E&C the match, Tazz bitches about Joey Numbers being wrong.
Winners: Too Cool

T & A did not bet Trish, but she is striping everytime they lose. The APA are liking that.

Commercial. Coach gives a message to us in the NYC area. Tix go on sale for Raw is War at the Continental Airlines Arena for Monday December 4th on Saturday.

Lugz Boot of the Week: Steph announcing that she will be in Kurt Angle’s corner.

MC and Tazz talk about the Title Match for No Mercy. Tazz predicts an Angle victory.

William Regal vs. Chris Jericho
Wasn’t his name Steven? Tie-ups and holds. Jericho with some chops, huge clothesline, and gets a 2. Jericho goes for the Walls, but Regal pokes him in the eye, then throws him through the ropes into the ring post. Regal with a submission maneuver, but Jericho gets out if it. Regal then puts Jericho in a T-bone armbar. Jericho up, locks on a sleeper, but Regal reverses it into a power bomb for 2. Jericho back up, bulldog for 2. Jericho on the 2nd rope, and goes to missile drop kick, but Regal pulls the ref in front of him. Jericho and the ref down. Al Snow runs in, hits Regal with Head, Jericho with the Lionsault for the win.
Winner: Chris Jericho

Back in the APA’s office, Trish is striping down, and you can pretty much see her bare ass…nice.

Rebecca goes into The Commish’s dressing room to get him for “Who Wants To Be A Commishanior?” He is glued to the screen, which has Trish taking off clothes.


Foley back with “Who Wants To Be A Commishanior?” It is a WWF Trivia Contest. Winner gets No Mercy tix. The Contestants get 3 life lines, MC, Poll the audience, Tazz. Sorry, I can’t fast enough to get the questions. No one wins, as Foley wants to go back to the Strip Poker game.

Back at the Strip Poker game, T & A lose again, and The APA calls for the melons to come free…and they do, but since this is basic cable, they cock tease us guys when Trish throws her bra at Bradshaw.


Cypress Hill performs their single “Can’t Get The Best Of Me.” Man, anyone else remember “Insane in the Membrane?” That is one of the best rap songs ever made. This song isn’t that bad, I’ll go on Napster later to download it. After the song is over, MC and Tazz shameless plug Cypress Hill’s new CD, Skulls and Bones.

Back the Strip Poker, Bradshaw wins the last hand, and Trish has to drop the panties!!! T & A ends up kicking the APA’s asses instead.


MTV Sports Pure Ride’s Rewind: Benoit locking HHH in the Crossface on Smackdown.

Road Dogg (w/out Badd Ass) vs. Chris Benoit (w/out one of his teeth)
Back and forth action. Benoit thrown in the corner, and Dogg kicks him in the head. Benoit locks in the Crossface, but he’s close to the ropes. MC says that they will be live from Albany next week for Heat before the Pay Per View. Benoit is stomping in Dogg. Shoulderbreaker on Dogg, Benoit goes for the only move dumber then the Worm….The Swandive Headbutt, but Dogg moves. Dogg gets up and hits his 4-punch combo. Benoit back in control, locks in the Crossface for the submission. HHH comes out and takes Benoit apart.
Winner: Chris Benoit

Back at WWF NY, Foley reveals the WWF Legend to be…MR. SOCKO!!!

Show over, yippee now I get to see my Bears get their asses handed to them on a silver platter in the Sunday Night Game.



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