wrestling / Video Reviews
100 Percent Fordified: CHIKARA Counting Backwards and Like Phantoms, Forever Reviews
Philadelphia, PA – 11.5.2016
Championship Rundown
Grand Champion: Hallowicked
Campeones de Parejas: Moustache Mountain (Trent Seven & Tyler Bate)
Young Lions Cup Champion: ThunderFrog
Commentary is provided by Mike Quackenbush and Joey Styles.
Lucas Calhoun vs. Drew Gulak
Calhoun uses the ropes to break Gulak’s waistlock. They break a double knuckle lock in the corner. Gulak grabs a toe and ankle hold. Calhoun tries to escape himself, but ends up grabbing the bottom rope. Out of a collar-and-elbow tie-up, Gulak slams Calhoun and applies a chinlock. Calhoun again gets the ropes. Gulak grabs a side headlock. This time, Calhoun counters into a headscissors. Gulak breaks the scissors before headstanding for nearly a full minute. He falls forward back into the side headlock on Calhoun. Gulak lands a running crossbody for two. He whips Calhoun into the corner and headbutts him in the chest multiple times. Calhoun cuts him off with a jumping knee strike as Gulak comes off the ropes. He slams Gulak for two. Gulak open hand strikes Calhoun to take back and over places him on the top turnbuckle. He hangs Calhoun in a tree of woe, dropkicks him in the stomach, then hits a rope-assisted splash for two. He uses the ropes to accentuate a trifecta of stomps. He laces Calhoun’s leg while slapping him in the side. Calhoun trades shots with Gulak as they get to their feet. Calhoun delivers a karate shot to the chest. Gulak weaves under a clothesline attempt. He catches Calhoun in a sunset flip out of Calhoun’s leapfrog for the pin at 10:14!
Calhoun grabs the microphone and asks Gulak to stick around. He says you never really learn about yourself unless you test yourself. Gulak is one of the biggest tests he’s had to date. This match made Calhoun realize he had more in him than he thought and asks for another few minutes in the ring with Gulak right now. The fans are in favor, and Gulak accepts!
Lucas Calhoun vs. Drew Gulak
We start with both men throwing blows. Gulak gets in some kicks to the stomach, but Calhoun reverses a whip to the corner and follows in with a clothesline. He hits the Shake, Rattle, and Roll for two. Gulak weaves under a whip and headbutts Calhoun in the mid-section. Gulak smacks Calhoun down to his knees. Calhoun blocks a punch and lands a series of punches to the chest. Calhoun hooks Gulak in an abdominal stretch, bringing him down into a Cobra Twist for the pin at 1:40! This feels like a circuitous way for Calhoun to get a win over Gulak, but also not earn 3 points. That said, Calhoun may have never looked better in singles competition than he did here, and I am interested in seeing more from him in the future. **¾
A new interviewer, Toni Wilson, asks for Gulak’s comments on what transpired. Gulak isn’t upset that Calhoun stole a win from him, but that he lost in his hometown. Embarrassed and angry, Gulak tells Calhoun that he will pay.
Backstage, Rick Roland of the Closers reminds us that Los Ice Creams sent them back to zero points. Sloan Caprice says they don’t like fat, which is why they lost to Ice Creams, and they’re putting them on the back burner. They verbally put down their opponents, but do give Chuck Taylor™ credit for having a beautiful singing voice. Tonight, they make the impact the fans know they’re capable of, for the boss.
Elimination Match
Team Sea Stars (Ashley Vox & Delmi Exo) vs. N_R_G (Race Jaxon & Hype Rockwell) vs. DUSTIN & Chuck Taylor™ vs. The Closers (Rick Roland & Sloan Caprice)
The Big Deal is in Roland and Caprice’s corner. DUSTIN takes cover behind Bryce Remsburg when Exo chops him. Taylor™ comes in looking to stand up to Exo, but gets chopped to the ropes and taken down with a boot to the chest. DUSTIN and Vox tag in. Vox delivers some chops and locks DUSTIN in Cristo. DUSTIN swings her out, but Vox fish hooks his mouth! She chops DUSTIN to the floor. Vox has no luck taking Roland off of his feet, but does sidestep a boot, causing his leg to collide with the top rope. The Sea Stars fail a double suplex. They hit Roland with double kicks as they escape to the apron to avoid a double corner splash. Vox dropkicks Roland into a schoolgirl trip from Exo. Vox then lands an elbow drop off the middle rope and Exo covers for two. Roland baits Exo into a kick from the apron from Caprice. DUSTIN picks up Exo. Taylor™ pulls her off of his shoulder’s and hits the New and Improved Sole Food. Caprice shoves DUSTIN to the floor and Taylor™ bails to the apron. Vox gets the better of Caprice with uppercuts and forearms to the chin. The Big Deal distracts Vox, allowing Caprice to catch her on his shoulders. Roland stacks up Exo onto Vox and the Deal Breaker eliminates the Sea Stars at 7:40. N_R_G jump in to fight the Closers. Rockwell sends Caprice to the floor. He and Jaxon double team Roland in the corner. Jaxon puts on a sleeper hold. Roland backs Jaxon into Rockwell who is setting up Caprice for the Hyperwheel. Jaxon rolls to the apron. He holds his head and walks to the back, leaving Rockwell on his own! The Closers give him a side slam/neckbreaker combo for two. Jaxon does make his way back to the apron as Rockwell is being worn down by the Closers. Rockwell pops Roland up into a powerbomb. Rockwell rolls out. Jaxon hesitates, but does climb the ropes. He’s caught by Caprice in a crossbody. He drops Jaxon with a Death Valley Driver, eliminating N_R_G at 12:20. DUSTIN unloads overhand chops on the Closers, but gets double booted to the corner. DUSTIN hops over Roland and drop toe holds Caprice into him. Taylor™ is eating Chick Fil-A waffle fries ringside as DUSTIN kicks the Closers outside and lands a tope con hilo onto both of them. Roland however recovers first in the ring. DUSTIN slips off his back. He sends Roland to the ropes where Taylor™ jabs him in the throat! DUSTIN schoolboys Roland for the pin at 14:06. DUSTIN/Taylor™ and N_R_G were largely absent from the match, but the plus to that is the Sea Stars got plenty of time to shine and the Closers got to continue their dominance. I won’t kid you and say the match quality was amazing or anything, but Taylor™ and DUSTIN were so fun together and the other teams did exactly what was needed of them. **½
Toni Wilson asks DUSTIN and Taylor™ how they feel about winning their match. Taylor™ can’t believe it. He thanks his parents, wife, and 19 kids at home. He gets sad at all the dead musicians he tries to thank. He tells DUSTIN that them teaming means a lot to him. He sings a song to DUSTIN. DUSTIN says nobody knows that song and walks off with Taylor™ trailing him.
Young Lions Cup
ThunderFrog vs. Hermit Crab
ThunderFrog has been champion since 2.6.2016 and this is his fourth defense. He throws down Crab in a waistlock. Crab backs ThunderFrog to the corner and the referee separates them. He backs ThunderFrog to the corner again. ThunderFrog stops his pincers at first, but Crab jabs them into the side of ThunderFrog’s head and belly-to-back suplexes ThunderFrog head first into the turnbuckle. He goes for a half crab. ThunderFrog kicks him to the corner. Crab buys time by kicking ThunderFrog away. Crab hits a Naniwa elbow to the back of ThunderFrog for two. ThunderFrog bandera’s to the apron. He comes back in after Crab hits the corner and lands a cannonball senton. He calls for the Froggy Splash. Crab rolls to the floor, so ThunderFrog tries the double axe handle. Crab evades it and rams ThunderFrog back first into the ring post. Crab gets in the ring. ThunderFrog comes to the apron. He stops Crab’s chokeslam attempt. However, Crab and ThunderFrog ascend the ropes and Crab comes of the second, chokeslamming ThunderFrog on the ring apron! He then puts on a Boston Crab in the bottom ropes, breaking before he can be disqualified. ThunderFrog kicks out of Crab’s three lateral press pin attempts. Crab gives him a spinebuster. He goes for the Naniwa elbow. This time ThunderFrog catches Crab on his way down and hits the Blue Thunder Bomb for two. ThunderFrog misses a Froggy Splash. Crab rolls him into the Flat Crab! ThunderFrog escapes. Crab goes to pinch him but ThunderFrog holds onto his wrists. Another Blue Thunder Bomb leads to the Froggy Splash for the pin at 7:37. There was a solid foundation with Crab working over ThunderFrog’s back for a more effective Flat Crab finisher, but the construction of the match itself could have used some work. It felt like they had the pieces of the puzzle in the wrong order. At least they paid off the Froggy Splash. **½
Officer Warren Barksdale vs. The Big Deal
The Closers are in the Big Deal’s corner. Deal tries to bribe Barksdale into laying down for him. Barksdale writes a citation for attempting to bribe an officer. Deal tears it up right away. More money doesn’t sway him, so Caprice gives the referee a “tip.” Barksdale writes another citation and Deal rips it up once again. The Closers attack Barksdale from behind. Deal stomps on Barksdale to officially start the match. After a hip attack, he dumps Barksdale to the floor where the Closers do some damage. Deal gives him a middle rope-assisted stunner. He uses his one foot to pin Barksdale and only gets two. Deal drives his body weight into Barksdale with a seated splash for two. He hits the Attitude Adjustment and steps on Barksdale’s face. Deal teases the CHIKARA Special but instead stomps on Barksdale’s face. He gets two with a DDT. Deal digs his fingers into Barksdale’s neck. Barksdale escapes with elbows and a pair of bodyslams. He struggles to muscle up the squirming Big Deal. Deal trips Barksdale and slaps him around. Barksdale knocks him down with a boot for two. Barksdale tries to pick Deal up again in a waistlock. Deal pokes him in the eyes after holding onto the ropes. Barksdale however strikes him down and hits Cease & Desist for two. Roland distracts the referee so Caprice can toss Barksdale’s own helmet to Deal. Deal cracks Barksdale’s with it, and Deal hits the Tadpole Splash for the pin at 5:57. This was just like The Big Deal’s singles match from last month: despite the opponent’s best efforts, cheating and interference from the Closers get the Big Deal the win. *
After the match, The Closers hold onto Barksdale and Deal splashes him in the corner. Roland drops him with a running Complete Shot.
Heidi Lovelace says a year ago today, Dasher’s Dugout was in first place in the Challenge of the Immortals, and in a moment that was ripped away from them. In the course of that year, the two men her and Dasher teamed with have changed. Icarus used to protect her, and now somebody will need to protect him. Dasher says Mr. Touchdown hasn’t changed. He’s always been evil, and now he has the outlet to be his true self. He takes some of the blame for Touchdown as he was the one who introduced him to CHIKARA in the first place. Hatfield plans to take him out tonight.
Dasher Hatfield & Heidi Lovelace vs. Icarus & Mark Angelosetti
Hatfield demands Angelosetti start. Angelosetti halts the charging Hatfield, allowing Icarus to sneak attack by kicking Hatfield’s left leg out from under him. Angelosetti pitches Hatfield to the floor. Lovelace unloads with forearm strikes to Angelosetti. Angelosetti resists her offense and goes for the Colossal Bomb. She instead maneuvers Angelosetti into a knee strike to the face. Angelosetti throws her down by the arm, reigning down with forearms to the back of the head. Lovelace escapes the Wings of Icarus. She drops him with an STO for two. Icarus propels her to the corner where he follows in with a dropkick. He vertical suplexes Lovelace into a body splash and knee strike to the head from Angelosetti. The heXed Men wear down Lovelace in their corner as Hatfield watches on. Lovelace is able to get her knees up to stop Icarus’ senton. She rolls to the floor, but Icarus grabs Bryce Remsburg so he can’t see it. Bryce gets tied up with Hatfield while Angelosetti tosses Lovelace back into the ring. Like he did during King of Trios, Icarus pulls up Lovelace after hitting the Wings of Icarus instead of getting a three count. Lovelace stops a corner attack from Icarus and gives him a monkey flip into the buckles. Hatfield finally tags in. He disposes of Icarus before throwing shots with Angelosetti. He hits a sliding boot to the side of Angelosetti’s head. He goes for a sliding corner kick, but Angelosetti turns him inside out with a lariat for two. Hatfield throws underhand slaps to Angelosetti’s chest. Angelosetti tries a backslide. Lovelace instead superkicks Angelosetti into a backslide from Hatfield for two. Hatfield and Lovelace hit the 3D on Angelosetti, but Icarus is there to stop the pin. Icarus gives Hatfield a uranage slam for two. Hatfield weaves Icarus into the Jackhammer, but Icarus counters into the Shiranui. Lovelace jumps in from the floor to break the cover. Lovelace dumps Icarus on his head with a Saito suplex. Icarus low bridges the top rope to send her outside. Hatfield intercepts his dive. Icarus kicks Hatfield and brings him to the corner. Hatfield armdrags Icarus into the buckles. Angelosetti hits a diving tackle to Hatfield’s leg before giving him a pump-handle backbreaker. Lovelace hits the Heidi-Can-Rana on Angelosetti. Icarus sneaks in, trying for the Blu-Ray, but Lovelace counters with a Saito suplex for two. Hatfield tosses Icarus and Angelosetti to the floor and suicide dives onto both of them. Lovelace then comes off the top with a high crossbody onto them. Angelosetti shoves Hatfield back first into the ring post. In the ring, Icarus avoids flying double knees from Lovelace. Icarus hits the Blu-Ray. Hatfield dives in just in time to stop the pin. Angelosetti and Icarus give Hatfield a tandem spinebuster. Angelosetti pummels Hatfield with closed fists. Bryce Remsburg pulls Angelosetti off of Hatfield. Icarus powerbombs her into Angelosetti’s knees. Angelosetti hits the Colossal Bomb, but does not cover her. Icarus goes to setup Hatfield. Instead, Hatfield catapults Icarus. Angelosetti saves Icarus and places him gently out of the ring. Hatfield catches Angelosetti with a Liger Bomb. Icarus stops the pin by twisting Hatfield’s mask around. Icarus tries the Shiranui. Hatfield’s mask corrects itself as Icarus’ body rubs against it, allowing Hatfield to turn the Blu-Ray into the Jackhammer for the pin at 18:41. I got exactly what I wanted from this match: high emotion with no hesitancy from Hatfield and Lovelace in attacking their former friends. At times this felt like a fight, and after not making contact for almost a year, seeing Angelosetti and Hatfield mix it up felt like a truly cathartic moment. The finish was really well done too, as it seemed like all hope was lost for Hatfield when his mask went askew, only for it to work out in the end. This was fun. ***¼
Toni Wilson asks Heidi and Hatfield if they’re satisfied with their win. Hatfield sounds very distraught as he admits that Angelosetti is actually hexed, and not just choosing to be evil as he once thought. He laments betraying his family member and vows to make things right.
Zack Sabre, Jr. vs. Juan Francisco de Coronado
Sabre takes control early by digging his knee into Coronado’s left leg. Coronado is quick enough to avoid a toe hold. Sabre brings Coronado down in a wristlock. Coronado comes back up and gets on his own toe and ankle hold. Sabre converts, putting Coronado into a surfboard after painfully manipulating his legs. He twists on Coronado’s fingers before releasing the hold. Coronado escapes Sabre’s cravate with an overhead wristlock. Sabre takes him down in a headscissors. Coronado switches into a jackknife pin for two. He grapevines Coronado’s leg, almost switching into the Coronado Clutch, but Sabre rolls forward to avoid that fate. Sabre uses his legs to trip Coronado into a leg capture crossface. He outstretches both of Coronado’s arms, sitting down on his back to add more pressure. Coronado prawn holds Sabre for two. Sabre defiantly escapes a hammerlock. Coronado is caught with a running chest kick against the ropes. Sabre goes for double knees onto Coronado’s outstretched arm, but Coronado notices and moves. With Sabre’s knees crashing into the mat, Coronado smiles as he begins to target his attack on Sabre’s left knee. Sabre rocks Coronado with an uppercut. He pump-handles Coronado’s arm over his shoulder before his leg gives out. He uses his good leg to boot Coronado’s arm in the corner. Coronado snaps Sabre’s leg backwards, then gets two with a fisherman’s suplex. Coronado grabs the leg, but Sabre uses his own legs to drag Coronado to the mat and hook his arm. He twists his legs to add incredible pressure to Coronado’s arms. Coronado tries to fight back. Sabre uses his right leg to kick away at Coronado’s shoulders and bring him down in a shoulder lock. He and Coronado end up rolling each other in pin attempts. Coronado brings Sabre down with a dragonscrew leg whip. Sabre ends a strike exchange with a schoolboy roll-up. Coronado ducks a pair of high kicks and enzuigiri’s Sabre to the corner. Sabre uppercuts him as he comes to the corner. Coronado catches an uppercut in mid-air, bringing down Sabre in a backslide, then picks him up into a Tiger Driver for two. Coronado goes to the ropes to escape a full nelson. Sabre kicks his bad arm, then hits a half-nelson suplex for two. Sabre goes for the Penalty Kick. Coronado catches the leg and puts on the Coronado Clutch! Sabre rolls forward to escape. He throws Coronado in a suplex before hitting the Penalty Kick. Coronado kicks out just in time. Sabre twists up Coronado’s arm in the Jim Breaks Special. He and Coronado collide face to face when Sabre lifts him up. Coronado dropkicks Sabre and goes for a figure four leg lock. Sabre tries to hold Coronado’s leg to stop him, but Coronado gets the hold applied. Coronado taunts him, so Sabre grabs his arm and re-applies the Breaks Special. Coronado rakes Sabre’s eyes before breaking his lock. Sabre ducks an enzuigiri. He puts on a modified Fujiwara armbar, and Coronado gets his foot on the ropes to escape. Coronado holds onto the top rope to avoid a whip. He takes some uppercuts. Coronado tries a German suplex. Sabre counters with a prawn hold. Coronado turns that into the Coronado Clutch. Sabre rolls Coronado into the European Clutch for two. As Sabre charges, Coronado clips out his damaged leg. Her German suplexes Sabre for two. Sabre holds an armbar out of it. He turns a Tiger Driver into a cross armbreaker attempt. Coronado once again counters into the Coronado Clutch. Sabre taps out at 21:43! This match received a lot of buzz, and rightfully so. This more or less elevated Coronado’s stature, not just by defeating a man the caliber of Zack Sabre, Jr., but showcasing his technical finesse against someone of Sabre’s skill level. While a few things (like Sabre ignoring his hurt leg when it was convenient to do so) could have been tweaked, and ultimately Coronado’s match against Touchdown was better, this will be the match people point to as Coronado’s breakout performance. ***¾
Philadelphia, PA – 11.5.2016
Championship Rundown
Grand Champion: Hallowicked
Campeones de Parejas: Moustache Mountain (Trent Seven & Tyler Bate)
Young Lions Cup Champion: ThunderFrog
Commentary is provided by Mike Quackenbush and Joey Styles.
Bullet Ant vs. Rock Lobster
Bullet Ant drags Lobster twice out of a collar and elbow tie-up. He brings Lobster down by his wrist. Lobster kicks Bullet Ant’s hands away. Frustrated, Lobster calls for a test of strength. He baits Lobster into a jab to the throat. Bullet Ant throws some rapid fire strikes, but Lobster forearms him across the back to stop him. He delivers a swift kick to the back of Bullet Ant’s head. Bullet Ant takes Lobster over with a step-up Frankensteiner. Lobster retreats to the corner after eating a clothesline. Lobster stuffs his claw into the eyes of Bullet Ant after sending him to the apron. He traps Bullet Ant in the ropes and the ring apron before delivering a neckbreaker. Bullet Ant fights out of a double wrist clutch, dropkicking Lobster away. Lobster comes back with kicks to the ribs. He puts Bullet Ant in a seated abdominal stretch, but Bullet Ant rolls Lobster onto his shoulders for two. Lobster goes back to the eyes. He tries a cutter in the ropes. Bullet Ant is able to shove Lobster outside then suicide dive onto him twice. Lobster scouts the third, but Bullet Ant hops off the middle rope with a swinging Frankensteiner to the outside! Despite this, Lobster is able to get control back in the ring, maneuvering Bullet Ant into a double underhook backbreaker over his shoulder. He goes for the F5. Bullet Ant lands on his feet and pushes Lobster down into the Gedo Clutch for the pin at 8:44! Both competitors offer innovative and smart offense, which for Bullet Ant makes it easy for him to transition into his new role and win the crowd over. This was a fun way to start the show and for two relative newcomers to showcase themselves. **½
Dez Peloton repeat “359 miles” over and over. In the background Donald Kluger keeps repeating things and walking back and forth while Jasper Tippins talks about how difficult the bike ride was from Cape Cod to get here tonight for their open challenge, only to find out they’re facing Sonny Defarge and Cornelius Crummels again. They’re gross, but losing to Defarge and Crummels is even worse than their hygiene. 359 miles ends with Dez Peloton being victorious.
Dez Peloton (Jasper Tippins & Donald Kluger) vs. Sonny Defarge & Cornelius Crummels
Kluger snaps Crummels’ suspender straps into his chest. Kluger then pulls them down and gives Crummels a wedgie! Crummels ducks under his clotheslines and sneezes in Kluger’s face. Although Kluger escapes a side headlock, Crummels sends him throat first into the top rope. Defarge gives him an uppercut. Oliver Twist leads to a lariat from Defarge and a two count from Crummels. Kluger finds himself trapped in their half of the ring. Kluger however scouts another attempt at Oliver Twist. Crummels tries sending him to the apron, but Kluger slips to the floor instead, legally tagging in Tippins, who takes Crummels and Defarge down with double clotheslines. He stacks Crummels onto Degfarge’s shoulders, then kicks Defarge’s knee out so that he powerbombs his own partner. Tippins gutwrench suplexes Defarge for two. Kluger sneaks in, schoolyard tripping Defarge after a crossbody from Tippins. Tippins then bicycle kicks Defarge onto Kluger’s knees and sits down onto his chest. Crummels breaks up Kluger’s pin attempt. Kluger monkey flips Defarge and backbody drops Crummels. Kluger teases a dive, and the diversion allows Jippins to fall off the top onto both men. In the ring, Kluger drops Crummels out of a wheelbarrow into pedal kicks from Tippins, Kluger wheelbarrow suplexes Crummels. Defarge shoves Tippins onto them to break the pin. Defarge headbutts Tippins to assist Crummels with his sunset flip. Defarge chop blocks Tippins into Crummels’ knees. Crummels small packages Tippins, but Tippins shifts the weight and pins Crummels at 9:25! This was the best of the encounters the two teams have had, which Defarge and Crummels’ offense looking more crisp than usual and Dez Peloton’s charisma resonating with the crowd. There’s a bit of story developing between the units, as this makes two times in which Dez Peloton have cost Defarge and Crummels title opportunities. It’s a simple story, but one that interests me in future interactions between them. **½
Oleg the Usurper vs. Wani
Wani ducks a strike in the corner. His chops have no effect on Oleg. Oleg chops Wani before tossing him outside. Oleg follows and Wani sends him face first into the ring post. Back inside, Oleg shoulder blocks Wani in the corner before delivering a backbreaker. A somersault senton gets Oleg a two count. Wani holds onto the ropes to avoid a dropkick. He hits a diving clothesline and a knee strike as Oleg is grounded. Oleg picks up Wani to escape a chinlock. Oleg swats away Wani’s dropkick. He picks up speed, but Wani cuts him off with a running shotei. Wani throws kicks to Oleg’s chest, peppering him with forearms as Oleg gets to his feet. Oleg splashes Wani against the ropes. Oleg follows Wani to the floor with a somersault senton off the apron. In the ring, Wani is able to hit the Finlay Roll and a senton splash for two. Oleg and Wani fight up from the apron. They headbutt and slap one another until Oleg boots Wani down in the corner. Wani grabs one of his swords out of anger. Oleg heads to the back and grabs his own sword in response. Wani’s sword falls out his hands when coming into contact with Oleg’s. Wani jabs Oleg in the throat and picks up his sword. Oleg ducks an attack and nails the Usurper Kick. Oleg picks up his sword as Kobald makes his way down the aisle. This distracts Oleg, allowing Wani to deliver a dropkick and the Dragon’s Claw for the pin at 9:44. This was a meandering way to remind us that Oleg promised to never harm Kobald and that Kobald can toy with him. *
The Colony (Fire Ant, Soldier Ant & Worker Ant) & Amasis vs. The heXed Men (Frightmare, Jigsaw & The Batiri (Kodama & Kobald)
Amasis has morphed into Pharaoh Ant for this contest. A fracas started when Amasis tried to attack Frightmare but was intercepted by Jigsaw. All competitors fight ringside. Soldier Ant brings Kodama back inside and lands a falling headbutt. Amasis is halted by Frightmare and is speared by Kobald. He drops multiple elbow drops for a two count and applies a modified stump puller. Amasis leans back to pin his shoulders to the mat. He catches Kobald with a quebradora backbreaker and the Tenchi Crash. Worker Ant assists Amasis on offense, dropping him with a spin-out flapjack. Frightmare jumps on Worker Ant quickly. Kodama jumps in when Worker Ant halts his offense. Worker Ant tackles Kodama after ducking a clothesline. Soldier and Worker Ant double back elbow Kodama for a two count. Soldier Ant stomps Kodama in the corner. Frightmare distracts him so Jigsaw can attack him from behind. He toys with Soldier Ant until Soldier Ant takes him over with a vertical suplex. Fire Ant tags in. He and Soldier Ant hit the Ants Marching neckbreaker. Frightmare again comes in to break the pin. The Batiri follow, so Worker Ant and Amasis enter to even the odds. The heXed Men clear the ring of everyone but Worker Ant. Worker Ant and Frightmare evade one another’s attacks. Frightmare slips out and Kobald dropkicks Worker Ant to the floor. Amasis uses the ropes for a Falcon Arrow on Kobald for two. Kobald ducks the 540 kick and hits a Death Valley Falcon Arrow for two. He dropkicks Amasis to the floor. Soldier Ant gets the better of a punch exchange with Kodama. Kodama catches him with a springback Ace Crusher off the middle rope. Soldier Ant sends him out with a rolling forearm strike. Jigsaw comes in but is caught on the middle turnbuckle. Soldier Ant brings him down with a super Frankensteiner! Soldier Ant suicide dives onto Kodama and Kobald. Fire Ant lands a high crossbody onto Jigsaw. Jigsaw ducks the Yahtzee kick. He strings a back elbow and enzuigiri together. Fire Ant counters Jigsaw’s brainbuster with one of his own for a nearfall. Jigsaw stops the Beach Break with a knee strike and superkick. Fire Ant counters another brainbuster with a stunner. A satellite DDT takes Jigsaw outside. Fire Ant lands a tope con hilo onto Jigsaw and the Batiri. Soldier Ant looks poised to attack when from behind Frightmare rips off Soldier Ant’s other antennae! Amasis then comes in with a 540 kick to Frightmare. Fire and Worker Ant tend to the down Soldier Ant while Amasis rips at Frightmare’s mask! This is payback for Frightmare ripping his mask in Haverhill. Bryce Remsburg calls for the bell at 13:00. Jigsaw attacks Amasis as the Batiri drag Frightmare away. The heXed Men flee as Vlad Radinov announces the result as a No Contest. Breaking away from the normal trios formula to portray the animosity between the two sides was smart, and it makes sense for Frightmare and Amasis’ build towards a mask vs. mask match. Who knows what’s to come of Soldier Ant after this, but if he’s written off for the sake of this rivalry, I hope it isn’t in vain. ***
Sidney Bakabella says part of his job is to serve as advisor. He advises Princess Kimberlee to not even bother getting in the ring with Max Smashmaster. It’s not going to be pretty or fun, it will just be a beating.
Princess KimberLee vs. Max Smashmaster
Sidney Bakabella is in Smashmaster’s corner. Smashmaster offers KimberLee a free shot. Bakabella then distracts KimberLee sho Smashmaster can double jab her in the throat and throw her face first into the top turnbuckle. After choking her on the ropes, he throws Kimber Lee outside and comes off the apron with a fist to the small of her back. Smashmaster tosses her back first out of a Razor’s Edge into the ring post! Smashmaster yanks up the ring mats. As he goes to pick her up, KimberLee unloads with forearm shots. Smashmaster knocks her down to stop the onslaught. KimberLee slides off of Smashmaster’s shoulders and sends him face first into the ring post. In the ring she rocks Smashmaster with chest kicks and forearm strikes before driving her knees into his chest. Smashmaster elbows out of a German suplex attempt. Bakabella strikes KimberLee from the floor! Smashmaster is quick to cover but KimberLee still gets her shoulder up. A boot gets Smashmaster another two count. Smashmaster splashes her twice in the corner, picking up speed on the second one to mock his former partner Oleg the Usurper. KimberLee low bridges the top rope to send Smashmaster to the apron. She kicks him so that he is sitting on the apron while holding onto the bottom rope. She then double stomps Smashmaster onto the exposed floor! In the ring she reels Smashmaster with a dropkick. Nevertheless, Smashmaster is able to give her a Buckle Bomb. He sets up for a moonsault, but KimberLee slides under and brings him down with a powerbomb! She looks for the Alligator Clutch. Smashmaster slides under and puts KimberLee in a Boston Crab. He stomps on her head, and in that opportune moment KimberLee small packages Smashmaster for two. Smashmaster drives her to the corner and places her on the top turnbuckle. KimberLee almost gets a tornado DDT, but Smashmaster stops the momentum. He brings her down with Quackendriver I! KimberLee gets her shoulder up just in time, surprising Smashmaster. He powerbombs KimberLee twice before going up for the moonsault again. KimberLee takes the moment to bring him down with a German suplex! The Alligator Clutch gets her the pin at 13:27. This was structured in the best way possible, with Smashmaster dominating KimberLee, but KimberLee striking at advantageous times, trapping Smashmaster in her impenetrable finishing hold thanks to his placement on the second rope. Personally I’m sad this didn’t result in a Smashmaster title bout, but I do think he has the chance to be THE guy in the company next year. ***¼
Ophidian has been around for a decade, but has never bared his soul to the camera. Over the watchful eye of Osiris he is going to do just that. He admits he is full of fear heading into his match with Hallowicked. He has been tasked to take down Nazmaldun by himself, against somebody whose accolades are second to none and who has taken down all who oppose him. He felt that fear in Haverhill, MA as he heard UltraMantis Black’s cackle, took the Batiri’s beating, and felt Amasis’ soul being ripped in half as Frightmare tore his mask apart. Ophidian decided to not succumb to that fear, and instead use it as motivation, becoming the first person on the CHIKARA roster to defeat Nazmaldun. That defeat caused a sliver of doubt in Hallowicked’s mind. He will use that doubt to defeat Hallowicked, defeat Nazmaldun, and become CHIKARA Grand champion.
Grand Championship
Hallowicked vs. Ophidian
Hallowicked has been champion since 5.30.2016 and this is his fourth defense. UltraMantis Black is in his corner. Ophidian bicycle kicks Hallowicked to the corner right at the bell and unloads with forearm strikes. Despite two yakuza kicks from Hallowicked, Ophidian fights right back with a bicycle kick and more forearm strikes. Ophidian catches the third kick and takes Hallowicked down in the corner with an enzuigiri. He lands running double knees. Hallowicked stops him on the top. Ophidian rolls through the super snapmare and delivers two sets of double knees in the corner. Hallowicked rolls to avoid a potential Meteora. Two more double knee strikes give Ophidian the opportunity to deliver Meteora on the second try. Hallowicked goes outside, but Ophidian follows with a tope con hilo. Hallowicked takes control with a Rydeen Bomb on the ring apron and a yakuza kick! In the ring he hooks Ophidian for Never Wake Up. Ophidian unwraps the arms but holds onto Hallowicked’s wrist. He snaps Hallowicked’s arm and neck across the top rope. He drives his body weight onto Hallowicked’s arm before adding a scissors. Hallowicked grabs the bottom rope to break it. Ophidian hooks him in a Magistral cradle for two. Hallowicked reverses an Irish Whip and catches Ophidian with a backbreaker. Ophidian doesn’t take much damage. He headbutts Hallowicked’s arm before flipping him out of an arm wringer twice. Ophidian slips under a yakuza kick. He trips Hallowicked by his leg and stomps his knee into the canvas. Hallowicked pummels on Ophidian’s back. Ophidian uses the ropes for a Duat Driver. He nurses his back before turning Hallowicked over for a two count. Ophidian catches Hallowicked in the corner with the Death Grip! Hallowicked drives Ophidian into the corner to escape. Ophidian headstands in the corner and Hallowicked yakuza kicks him to the outside. Hallowicked pops Ophidian up and into the wall back first! Hallowicked is happy to leave Ophidian laying on the floor for a count out, but the cobra supernova makes it back in the ring just in time! When he does, Hallowicked hooks him for Never Wake Up. Ophidian maneuvers into the Death Grip! Hallowicked backing him to the corner does not work, as Ophidian holds onto the clutch and re-applies his bodyscissors when Hallowicked tries. Hallowicked leaves the ring, but Ophidian keeps the hold on! Hallowicked goes to run Ophidian into the guardrail and ends up sending Hallowicked face first into post. Unfortunately for Ophidian, this makes Hallowicked dead weight. He calls for help from the CHIKARMY to assist in getting him back inside the ring! Back in the ring, Ophidian applies the Death Grip. Hallowicked swings him around for Never Wake Up. Ophidian drops flat and comes back up, hoping for the Egyptian Destroyer. Hallowicked stops that and tries Never Wake Up again. Ophidian headbutts Hallowicked in the chest many times. He catapults up into the Egyptian Destroyer! Hallowicked gets his shoulder up just before the count. Ophidian tries to hypnotize Hallowicked. It doesn’t work. He kicks Ophidian twice before the super snapmare is executed. Go 2 Sleepy Hollow and the Rydeen Bomb follow for two! He places Ophidian on the top turnbuckle. Ophidian fights back and gets on a Cobra Clutch. Hallowicked breaks it and hits a super variant on Never Wake Up for the pin at 21:50. The story leading up to this match is that Ophidian is the one who would give Hallowicked his biggest challenge yet and they did an excellent job of showing this. Hallowicked’s offense wasn’t as effective as it’s been on opponents past, Ophidian on multiple occasions escaped from Never Wake Up, he was relentless in applying the Death Grip, and the Egyptian Destroyer brought him incredibly close to victory. The crowd responded exactly how they should have. The fact that fans assisted Ophidian back into the ring to avoid a count out was a nice touch, and shows that they understood how important a win for Ophidan would be. While they each did an admirable job working over a body part, it could’ve been more focus with no detriment to the overall story. That’s a minor complaint though, as the atmosphere they created resulted in an emotional and important battle. ****
Hallowicked drags Ophidian ringside, holding him in a full nelson in front of Mantis who tries to hex him! The lights go out as Ophidian’s arms burst upwards out of the nelson. When the lights come back on, Ophidian is inside the ring with a golden mask! He appears to be exhausted. Mantis is now on the ground and shaking. Hallowicked hoists him back into his wheelchair and hurries him out of the arena. Referees Bryce Remsburg and Troy Nelson help Ophidian to his feet and to the back.
Encore Match
ThunderFrog vs. Mr. Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan stomps ThunderFrog down in the corner to start. He goes to lift ThunderFrog’s hammer with no luck. ThunderFrog takes him down with a hip toss. He threatens Azerbaijan with his hammer, so Azerbaijan hits the floor. ThunderFrog follows him to the floor, where Azerbaijan sends him face first into the ticketing area. In the ring, Azerbaijan release suplexes ThunderFrog. Azerbaijan puts on an intense chinlock. ThunderFrog fights out, but Azerbaijan drops him out of a side slam position. Azerbaijan runs into a vertical press, getting a two count on ThunderFrog. ThunderFrog chops Azerbaijan to stop his charge into the corner. He then comes out with some running forearms to the face. ThunderFrog goes for the Estonian Stampede. Azerbaijan slips out. He rolls up ThunderFrog while holding his tights for two. Azerbaijan calls for a pump-handle slam. ThunderFrog counters with a Blue Thunder Bomb. He goes up top for the Froggy Splash. Azerbaijan knocks him down and tries suplex. ThunderFrog knocks him away and picks up his hammer. He hits the canvas with it, causing Azerbaijan to fall. ThunderFrog places the hammer on Azerbaijan and pins him at 5:54. This was exactly how the match should’ve gone. I appreciated the nod back to this feud and just seeing Mr. Azerbaijan again brought me joy. *½