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Danny Davis Discusses His Relationship With Vince McMahon, Working WrestleMania 3, More

March 8, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Dangerous Danny Davis

“Dangerous” Danny Davis recently spoke with The Wrestling Estate, here are the highlights…

What was your relationship like with Vince Jr.? : “Well, Vince Sr. I didn’t know very well, but we knew each other on a name-to-name basis. But Vince Jr. I started out with him when he started out. You always have to remember that Vince is your boss. Friendship is secondary. Business comes first. You work for him so friendship isn’t part of the wrestling world. If you had a day off and talked to him, it would be a lot different conversation than if you were at an event or talking business as it were. You had to keep in your mind that he’s your boss, not your friend. I don’t mean that in a bad way – that’s just how life is. I always had respect for him and he always had respect for me, and we always kept it on a business level.”

Working for the McMahons from the early 1970s until 1995, you’ve had one of the longest runs in company history. What do you attribute your longevity to?: When I was in that business, I was capable of and willing to do whatever they asked me. We used to do the tapings in Pennsylvania and put them in a car and hand deliver them to the TV stations in Boston and Maine. We would also go into the towns early and go into music shops or record stores or furniture stores and give a pack of tickets so they could sell them. I would take tickets at the door, take jackets, I would do whatever they asked me to do. After a while, people notice you and get to know your name. I was just a young kid at the time.”

Was WrestleMania III the most fun you ever had? : “No, the most fun I ever had was being involved in the whole progression of wrestling, seeing it become what it became. And becoming more and more a part of it from being a referee to being a masked wrestler to being on the biggest stage in wrestling history. How can you beat that? You can’t. It’s incredible.”

article topics :

Danny Davis, Larry Csonka