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Join 411’s Live WWE NXT Coverage

July 3, 2019 | Posted by Kevin Pantoja
NXT 7-3-2019

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Aliyah w/ Vanessa Borne vs. Mia Yim

Crowd is way pro-Mia. Aliyah avoids her grasp and mocks her. Mia with a waistlock slam and front face lock. Aliyah counters and yells that she doesn’t deserve anything. She showboats and slaps her around. Mia with a shoulder block and gives the smack talk back. She intimidates her and avoids an enziguri before sending Aliyah to the corner. Her cannonball misses when Borne pulls Aliyah to safety. Aliyah slams Mia’s ribs on the post and gets two. Hair snapmare also gets two. Knee drop with a front flip kip up and some taunting. Aliyah runs into a boot and gets trapped in the Tarantula. Enziguri connects for Aliyah and that gets a near fall. Straightjacket submission on Mia. She gets free and hits the corner cannonball. Series of strikes and kicks followed by a belly to belly throw. Aliyah rolls outside, where Borne checks on her. Tope Suicida from Mia Yim takes out both of them. Fallaway slam by Mia. Protect Ya Neck ends this.

Winner: Mia Yim in 4:52 [**]

Post-match, Mia takes out Borne. She tells commentary that he’s coming for Shayna Baszler’s ass.

After a recap of the Steel Cage match last week and Io Shirai’s attack on Candice LeRae, they attempt to get a word with William Regal. The Forgotten Sons barge in to complain that the Street Profits can’t make title matches so they want him to. It’s a stupid demand. Regal says they had a shot and got themselves disqualified so they’re at the back of the queue. When asked about contenders for the Profits, Regal says they suggested a match against Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan, and he agreed. That happens next week.

TONIGHT ~ Roderick Strong vs. Tyler Breeze!

Adam Cole’s Championship Celebration Part 2! Cole stops at a shop called Gargano’s. It’s run by a Frank Gargano, who is wearing an NXT shirt. Cole picks up pizza and puts an autographed picture of himself next to photos of Johnny Gargano on the wall. He thanks Fank for the pizza and points out what he did to the wall. Frank takes it down. Cole brings the pizza to wrestlers training. He asks for some of their time and gets in the ring. He knows they love Johnny Gargano and brings up Johnny’s recent time with these wrestlers. Johnny told them all that one day, they could be NXT Champion. Cole says Gargano is full of crap. He got lucky. Cole tells them that they’ll never get to where he is and gives them the pizza, saying they should just sit on the couch and eat it. His last bit of ree advice is to get out of that school, that city, and find themselves a new hero.

Jeff Parker vs. KUSHIDA

KUSHIDA quickly takes Parker down and dominates him on the ground. He remains in control and focuses on the arm. KUSHIDA goes for the Sakuraba Lock but Parker scurries to the ropes. He hits a forearm but takes a hip toss. Cartwheel and basement dropkick by KUSHIDA. Kick to the elbow, fastball punch, and Sakuraba Lock makes Parker tap.

Winner: KUSHIDA in 2:36 [NR]

Cathy Kelley gets a word with Tyler Breeze backstage. He says that the Undisputed Era is all about power and taking credit for this brand’s success. He wants to remind them that this was NX-Breeze long before the Undisputed showed up.

Another Killian Dain vignette runs. He says he had nothing and what he did have was taken from him. Ok.

NXT Breakout Tournament Quarterfinals: Cameron Grimes vs. Isaiah “Swerve” Scott

Grimes is the former Trevor Lee, while Scott is the former Shane Strickland. Grimes immediately takes Scott down to the mat. They exchange holds, including some interesting wristlock attempts. Grimes wins out and hits a forearm. Scott flips over and rolls him through into a headscissors. Dropkick follows. Right hand, snap mare and diving European uppercut to the back get one for Scott. Grimes turns it around and works a modified chinlock. Scott fights out but eats a lariat for two. I miss a bit due to some technical issues but it catches up to see Scott hit a big super rana. Boot and clotheslines follow. Grimes sends him over the top but Scott lands on his feet in athletic fashion. Grimes goes after him but he slides in. Grimes chases back in but Scott with a moonsault onto the neck. Inside, Scott with a rolling cutter for two. Scott hits a right hand from the apron. Grimes avoids a dive and uses a backslide to set up a sit-out powerbomb for two. Superman forearm from Grimes. Scott with a forearm of his own, kick to the knee and a pump kick that sends Grimes outside. Fosbury Flop by Scott connects. Inside, a big knee strike by Scott. He wants a cross body but Grimes counters into a flipping powerslam. Diving double stomp gets Grimes the win.

Winner: Cameron Grimes in 8:32 [***1/4]

Bianca Belair vs. Priscilla Zuniga

An unimpressed Bianca shoves her opponent with ease. When Zuniga slaps her for it, Bianca shoves her down and takes off the earrings. She rags Zuniga and wails on her. In the corner, she launches her across the ring. Running shoulder thrust is followed by a press slam complete with confident squats. Zuniga gets her boot up on a charging Bianca. Bianca blocks her diving rana in midair and powerbombs her. She deadlifts her and pulls off another powerbomb before alley ooping her into the corner. It ends with the KOD Driver.

Winner: Bianca Belair in 2:12 [NR]

A vignette runs of Matt Riddle training.

Roderick Strong vs. Tyler Breeze

They exchange wristlocks and look to get the upper hand on the mat. Breeze takes control with stomps in the corner. He yells at the referee, giving Strong the opening to knock him down. Breeze back with a dropkick. Strong pulls him outside and misses the wrecking ball dropkick so Breeze drops him with a right hand. They fight outside where Breeze is caught and dropped on the steps for a modified backbreaker. Strong adds a second onto the guardrail. Inside, Breeze sold the back as Strong continued to focus on it. He locked in a version of the Romero Special. Breeze sends him outside and greets him with an enziguri when he enters again. Strong rolls outside and Breeze catches him with a forearm off the apron. Inside, Strong stops his momentum with a step up enziguri. He adds a loud chop. Superplex by Strong after they battle up top. That gets two. Breeze gets up a boot to stop Strong and avoids a fireman’s carry. He gets two on a sweet Supermodel Kick. Strong blocks the Unprettier. They trade shots in the center of the ring. Strong wins out until Breeze hits an enziguri. As Breeze goes up, Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish show up. Breeze fights them off but Strong hits an enziguri. He adds End of Heartache to win.

Winner: Roderick Strong in 11:22 [***]

article topics :

WWE NXT, Kevin Pantoja