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Memphis Wrestling (7.7.1979) Review

August 29, 2021 | Posted by Adam Nedeff
Memphis Championship Wrestling
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Memphis Wrestling (7.7.1979) Review  

-Only 30 minutes of this episode in tact, it appears…

-Originally aired July 7, 1979.

-Your hosts are Lance and Dave.

-Ron Bass strolls in wearing the Southern Heavyweight Title belt. Bass lays out the story of his title win, as Robert Fuller had a title match against the Assassin in Bluefield, West Virginia, but it was actually Bass under the mask, and he “tied up Fuller like a basketball” to get the win.

-Lance very candidly casts some doubt on Bass’ prediction of a long title reign and makes his point by showing us footage from the Mid-South Coliseum of Bass wrestling Randy Tyler. Tyler blows a backdrop and almost drops the champ right on his head in a moment so scary that Lance Russell just goes silent and doesn’t even call the two-count that follows immediately. Moments later, Bass appears to get the three-count, but he misses Tyler’s foot on the ropes and celebrates a little too long while the referee tries to tell him that the match is still going. Tyler hulks up and beats on Bass until the referee is KOed on an errant Irish whip, and Bass digs a weapon out of his tights. Tyler steals the weapon away and beats Bass to a pulp while the crowd absolutely flips out. But the referee doesn’t wake up in time for Tyler to actually get a pinfall. The referee finally recovers just in time for Bass to get his feet on the ropes and pin Tyler Flair-style.

-Eddie Boulder is young Brutus Beefcake with so much long blonde hair he looks like he’s auditioning for Britny Fox. Heels attack before the bell and Boulder not only blades, he’s trying to win some kind of prize for it, as all that long blonde hair is totally wet and red within a minute or so and Lance Russell is begging the referee to stop the match. So the referee does exactly that. Heels still have an opponent who never had a chance to tag in, so they just kick the shit out of Montgomery after the bell for a sense of closure.

-Jerry Lawler explains that he hasn’t been at Memphis TV for the past few weeks because he’s dropped out of the Top Ten contenders, and when you fall out of the Top Ten, you have to travel further than usual to wrestle fresh opponents and get victories. Also, Lawler is salty because Danny Davis’ army got a SHOCKING win over him and Jackie Fargo and knocked him even further down the ladder. Jackie Fargo admits to making a mistake in “undermestermating” Davis’ army, so he promises that this Monday night at the Mid-South Coliseum, he’s coming for a rematch, and he’s going to bring the biggest chain he can find this time.


-RICKY MORTON’S DEBUT. Holy crap. He’s wearing plain white tights with short brown hair. This is his debut match, so I hope he doesn’t get into a position where he stays in too long without tagging out.

-FALL ONE: The new kid has a good showing early on, outmatching Ken with mat wrestling. Buddy tags in and chases Rick, but he’s so surprised that he can’t handle the new kid that he just runs away and makes Ken get back in the ring. Dundee tags in and throws a dropkick, then brings Morton back in. Morton goes for a backdrop, but Ken kicks him down and drops an elbow for a quick three-count.

-FALL TWO: Rick Morton continues to overwhelm Ken. He manages to get Ken into the corner, and the faces fight dirty, with Dundee snapping Ken’s neck over the top rope before tagging in. Dundee stretches out Ken’s arm and tries to force Buddy to tag in and rescue his son, but Buddy backs away and lets his son keep taking the ass-kicking in a great bit of heel business.

-Ken is just getting his ass handed to him, and now Bill tries Irish whipping Ken into Buddy’s corner, just to see if their bodies can come into contact and the referee can call that a tag. But Buddy the coward is too smart for that, so he actually gets out of the way and lets his son crash into the corner. Buddy is just a next-level piece of shit and I love it.

-So Ricky Morton, surprisingly, gets into trouble during this tag team match, so Buddy just tags in and decides to beat up on Ricky now that he’s kind of woozy. Len comes back in and applies a side headlock. Morton gets caught in the Waynes’ corner and he’s overpowered until he can slide away and make the hot tag to Dundee. And Dundee can’t even clean house because Buddy is such a chicken shit that he jumps off the apron completely the moment that Bill tags in. So Ken takes a beating and we have another near-murder on a backdrop, as everyone is just having a disaster of a week with that move. Ken crashes on a dropkick attempt, and Morton drops the elbow to get a three-count and tie the match.

-And the tape cuts off before we get to fall three!

The final score: review Good
The 411
Man, even with massive chunks missing this proved to be an awesome week.

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Memphis Wrestling, Adam Nedeff