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Michael Cole Says The Bloodline Is The Best Storyline He’s Called In His Career

In an interview with the Sports Illustrated Media Podcast (via Fightful), Michael Cole praised the Bloodline and called their storyline the best he’s called during his career there.
He said: “It’s incredible. This story is the best story that I’ve been involved in for 26 years. Bar none, by far, for so many different reasons. When I made that comment about the story should win an Emmy, I got laughed at by a lot of people. I’ll say it again today, that this story deserves an Emmy, or at least a nomination. We’re wrestling, we’re sports entertainment. We’re a joke to a lot of people within the Hollywood world. But it’s about time that the work that we do in our company is recognized in that level. We’re doing live episodic television 52 weeks a year. We’re not doing a nine-episode ‘Last of Us’, which now goes on hiatus for a year-and-half or two years until they do their next nine episodes. We’re doing compelling episodic television every single week. So every one from Paul Levesque to the people on the creative writing team to the superstars/actors who are involved, they all deserve recognition for this because this has be an incredible story that’s been going on for almost three years. That’s 52 weeks a year for three years we have delivered compelling television that hasn’t gotten boring, that has had twists and turns that you can put up with any television show on the planet right now.“