wrestling / TV Reports
Leighty’s NXT Level Up Review 3.8.24

-The SmackDown ending was fire, and I enjoyed watching to see if Rock would get to the point before the show went off the air. On one hand you can have to put him last, but you run that risk. If you put him on early, someone’s time is getting cut because who is going to tell Rock to keep it brisk.
-On a personal note, props to my Uniontown Red Raiders on their win over Grove City in the 1st round of the PA State Basketball Tournament. Sadly, they face Lincoln Park next and it’s a shame two of the top teams in the State have to meet in the Round of 16. Someone out there knows what I am talking about here. Let’s get to it!
-Announce Team: Blake Howard and Byron Saxton
-Taped: WWE Capitol Wrestling Center
Scrypts (w/ OTM) vs. Dion Lennox
-First match for Lennox in a few months as he recovered from a broken nose. Good to have him back. Lockup to start and Lennox shoves Scrypts across the ring. Another go and Scrypts grabs a side headlock, but Lennox counters to one of his own. He takes Scrypts to the mat with a series of waistlocks. Scrypts is able to flip out and throws a punch to the gut, which Lennox no sells. Lennox powers Scrypts into the corner and delivers some shoulders. He hits a Stinger Splash where his belly button was eye level with Scrypts. Lennox charges again and Scrypts goes to the knee. He then switches and starts working the arm and shoulder. To the corner where Scrypts kicks away and then wraps the arm around the top rope for more damage. Lennox fights back with the other arm, but gets caught on the ropes and choked on them. Scrypts with a crossbody off the top for two. He goes back to work on the arm as Howard plugs WWE2K24 which dropped today. I still haven’t bought it yet, but I may do that after this show ends. I still debate digital copy vs. disc as I am used to my cartridges/discs. Lennox starts to rally and sells the arm while doing so which is nice to see. He gets a side suplex, but delays in going for a pin due to the arm. That lets Scrypts kick out at two. Lennox makes the mistake of trying to lift Scrypts with the bad arm. He can’t do it, so Scrypts runs him into the corner and then hits the handspring Cutter for the pin at 5:50.
Winner: Scrypts via pin at 5:50
-Solid match and I appreciated the arm work. Good to have Lennox back. **
-Karmen Petrovic gets some promo time backstage. She faces Izzi Dame tonight!
-WrestleMania World commercial! April 4-8!
-Go watch Love and WWE: Bianca and Montez on Hulu!
Karmen Petrovic vs. Izzi Dame (w/ Kiana James)
-Lockup to start and Dame backs Karmen into the corner, but offers a clean break. Karmen starts firing off kicks and hooks a side headlock. Dame escapes and works the arm and some small joint manipulation. Karmen uses the ropes to hit a karate kick and then a basement dropkick to the ribs gets two. James distracts Karmen and that lets Dame hit a boot to the face. Full Nelson Slam from Dame followed by some choking with the ropes. Dame gets two and goes back to choking on the ropes. Backbreaker from Dame and then she dumps Karmen with a slam for two. TORTURE RACK! It’s kind of sloppy, but I’ll take anyone using it again. Karmen is able to slide out and gets a kick as Dame charges in the corner. Karmen off the top with a crossbody. More kicks and a nice hook kick. A spinning slam from Karmen gets two. Weird spot as their timing was off as Karmen throws a kick, but Dame rolls away too late or something and they just kind of crack shins. Dame finishes Z-Quill for the pin at 4:29.
Winner: Izzi Dame via pin at 4:29
-Not a fan of this one as it was a little rough in spots and not sure what happened towards the end. That happens sometimes with these kids. *
-WWE2K24 commercial!
-WrestleMania XL commercial! 29 Days!
Dante Chen vs. Tavion Heights
-We’ve seen these two face off twice before and Heights has lost both previous matches. They even faced off on Main Event with Chen getting the win. Those are some colorful tights Chen is rocking tonight. Good contrast to what Heights is wearing. Heights hooks a side headlock and they work off that for a bit. Byron notes these two even have a rivalry in the weight room at The PC. Chen works the arm, but gets backed into the ropes. Heights shoves off and gets a heavy clothesline. Chen with a whip to the corner where he throws some shoulders. Heights floats over in the other corner and pulls Chen back on his back as he floats over. Cool! Heights takes it back to the mat as he works the shoulder. The fans gives us a dueling chant! Heights tries another clothesline and Chen gets a crucifix which looked rough. Ugly swinging neckbreaker as Heights landed on his head and the ref checks on him. Chen goes to a chinlock to slow things down after some rough moments. Belly to back suplex from Heights leaves both men down. They start trading blows in the middle of the ring which doesn’t get the reaction I think they were hoping it would. They take turns with clotheslines and Heights ducks a second one to deliver a dropkick. Now Heights starts running wild and hits a Sling blade. Heights just drops Chen on his face and gets a Doctor Bomb for two. Chen hooks the ropes to throw Heights off and lands a kick. Sit-out chokeslam gets two! Chen misses the double chop and Heights gets an overhead suplex. Spinning belly to belly suplex gets the pin for Heights at 7:07.
Winner: Tavion Heights via pin at 7:07
-Credit to them for recovering and picking things up in the final few minutes, but that middle section was a little rough. Thankfully, Heights seemed okay after that neckbreaker. They worked hard to get something out of this and they treated Heights finally beating Chen as a big moment for him. **
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