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Join 411’s Live WWE NXT Coverage

March 12, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
WWE NXT Image Credit: WWE

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Hello everyone, and welcome to our live WWE NXT coverage on 411! Jeremy Thomas here as per the norm, and tonight NXT deals with the fallout from NXT Roadblock and looks ahead to Stand & Deliver. Tonight’s episode will see Brooks Jensen challenge Oba Femi for the NXT North American Championship while Ridge Holland seeks revenge on Shawn Spears in the ring. We’ll also see the Latino World Order and OTM compete in a qualifier for the NXT Tag Team Championship match at Stand & Deliver. Gigi Dolin will battle Arianna Grace as well. And Trick Williams will speak after his return and revenge attack on Carmelo Hayes on last week’s show. Should be a fun little episode that continues the build to WrestleMania weekend.

Here at Thomas HQ, I had a productive movie-watching week which was a mix of rewatches and first-time viewings. After watching David Fincher’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo last week, I watched the Swedish original which is just as good of a movie. I also dove back into a couple Edgar Wright successes with the brilliantly funny Shaun of the Dead and the underrated Last Night in Soho. I did a rewatch of last year’s Evil Dead Rise which is just a great, gory time and had a comfort watch in the Charlize Theron kicking ass extravaganza that is Atomic Blonde

On Saturday I had a movie day at the theaters and saw Imaginary, which was predictable until it came alive in the final act and then lost me with an unnecessary fake-out, as well as the fantastic Dune: Part Two and the perfectly good effort that was Kung Fu Panda 4. I finished off the week with the Netflix docudrama Einstein and the Bomb which is not without its merits, but feels far to slight for its subject matter.

On TV, I am of course keeping up with Drag Race season 16 and Drag Race: UK vs. The World season two (I am now Team Dawn Wind & still Team Tia Kofi). I also kept up on Gamechanger on Dropout which remains fun, and watched most of National Geographic’s Generation X six-part docuseries on Hulu/Disney+ which is quite good for what it is.

Anyway, we’re gonna have a lot to cover tonight so let’s hop right in.

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.

* We start off with a recap montage of last week’s NXT Roadblock including Dijak’s Asylum Match win over Joe Gacy, Sol Ruca’s return and attack of Blair Davenport, the Wolfdogs beating Chase U, Shawn Spears’ promo and Ridge raging, the Kabuki Warriors beating Lyra and Tatum (and Roxy’s attack on Lyra), and Tony D beating Melo after Trick distracted him, then attacked post-match.

* We’re LIVE in the Capitol Wrestling Center and kicking off with the tag team qualifier.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match Qualifier

OTM attack the LWO during their entrance and toss Wilde into the ring. The match is on and Nima kicks and stomps away before tagging Price in for a double kick to the head. Price sends Wilde into the ropes for a clothesline, Wilde fights back but gets knocked down. Suplex drop by Price, cover gets two.

Nima tags in and whips Price into an avalanche on Wilde, Price throws him into a boot from Nima. Wilde with a jawbreaker, he tags in Del Toro who hits an enzuigiri over the ropes. The LWO send both OTM members over the top and dive onto them! Cruz batters Price and then tags in Wilde, tandem kicks to Nima and Wilde covers for one and a half.

Wilde batters Nima but gets launched into the corner. Wilde goes through the ropes and kicks Nima, the ref checks on Nima and Price nails Wilde. Nima grabs Wilde and picks him up into a SUPERPLEX for a two-count! The Wolfdogs are watching from the elevated podium as we go to break.

We’re back as Nima batters Wilde and works over the neck with an inverted front facelock. Wilde gets free but is sent into the hostile corner. Price tags in and whips Nima into Wilde, who dodges and tags in Del Toro who takes it to Price. My feed went wonky for an extended period of time, but when it comes back Wilde leaps off Nima’s back to dive and Price and SCRYPTS!

Del Toro with an enzuigiri to Nima and leaps up top, but Nima catches him on his shoulders. Del Toro elbows his way out and hits a Frankensteiner off the top, he tags in Wilde, who sprinboards off the ropes for a 450 and the pin.

Winner: lWo (10:44)
Rating: *** 1/4
Thoughts: Fuck you Xfinity for screwing up my feed, but what I thought was fantastic.

* Earlier today, Oba Femi arrives in the parking lot and was asked how he was feeling. He said he’s supremely confident and will head to Stand & Deliver after he beats Brooks. Brooks comes in and shoves Oba and people break it up. Briggs asks what he’s doing and Femi warns Brooks to listen to his brother.

* We get a recap of Roxy’s attack on Lyra, and Roxy is WALKING backstage.

* Thea and Andre Chase are backstage and Chase says it’s been a while since they’ve talked. Thea says it’s been weird since Towelgate but she needs this. Duke walks in and asks about Thea’s tag partner for tonight and Thea is looking at her phone with a pic of Jacy and Jazmyn out without her. She instantly defends Jacy and says Jazmyn is an influencer, which Duke and Chase don’t believe is a real thing.

Thea says she has friends despite Duke and Chase being unsure, and says there’s someone else with issues with Kiana and Izzi in Kelani.

* Roxy is in the ring and says last week is what happens when you get sick and tired of playing by the riles. Sweet and innocent Roxy who was happy to be here isn’t here. And it’s in our hands. Because this didn’t happen overnight; it’s been boiling in her for months and over a year. She goes back to Roadblock last year where she collapsed after beating Meiko Satomura. She says that was because she was carrying the women’s division for months and had the best rookie year in WWE history.

She says her reward was that the title was taken from her and no one cared. While she spent months competing in brutal matches, we were all drooling over Tiffy Time or Becky Lynch winning the title she couldn’t win when she was here. She says when they were in the ring together, people acted like Roxy didn’t exist. She went home crying after that which she says is pathetic. So screw us for making her feel like she was worthless. She doesn’t care what we think. She’s the most decorated woman in NXT history at only 22 and runs down her accolades.

Which brings her to Lyra. She says she expected Lyra to come up to her and say sorry that their match got screwed up, so they could run it back. But Lyra never said her name and instead went after the Tag Titles. Roxy realized then the only way she’d get what she deserved was to break the rules and do it her own way. She says everyone’s cheering now, but no one cared when Indi Hartwell held her title. She says the NXT Universe reminds her of young Roxy — naive and confused, don’t know what we want. But she doesn’t care anymore about what people think and doesn’t need anyone’s approval. She says one year later, Lyra is taking the ambulance ride and the pain she’d feeling isn’t her arm, but instead the title being ripped from her and awarded to Roxy. She says she’s ended the era of Lyra and that Ava can come out and give the title to her, the person who never lost it in the first place.

Ava comes out and says Roxy has so much to say, but she forgot to say how she completely stepped out of line and put Lyra in an ambulance for no reason. Roxy says skip that and get to the part where they award her the title. Ava says not to interrupt and says they waited to strip her of the title. Tatum then comes through the crowd and tries to attack Roxy but officials hold her back. Ava tries to get control as Roxy laughs.

* The D’Angelo family is eating at their restaurant and Adriana talks about Luca joining the family. They have a toast and Luca says he appreciates it. Tony asks if he took care of the thing, and he says he took care of it and the other thing. Tony says he took his shot and hit a home run, and his path is clear. He says Stacks hitting Trick’s music was perfect timing and laughs at Melo’s reaction. Luca asks how it happened and Tony says he called Trick and set it up.

Ilja Dragunov walks up and everyone but Tony leaves. Ilja sits down and he and Tony stare off before Ilja smiles and congratulates Tony. He’s the Don, a captain of industry has has his fingers in many pies. Now he has everything, but the title is all Ilja has. He came here to let Tony know that no matter what he does at S&D, the title stays with him. Tony wants Ilja to know that whatever happens here, the Don likes him. Stacks and Luca grab Ilja and drag him off as Tony finishes his wine, picks up his hand and stands. The restaurant owner asks if everything’s okay and he says everything’s fine.

Stacks and Luca close the car trunk and Tony walks up, saying they should take a ride. And off they drive.

Lexis King vs. Mr. Stone

Stone throws a towel in King’s face and attacks at the bell, he batters King but King throws him out of the ring. King out as Stone slides in and leaps onto King, then throws him in the ring. Up top, he leaps but Lexis ducks. King with a knee to the side of Stone and then a stomp to the chest.

King with knees to the gut of Stone, whip into a short-arm knee. King mocks Stone and drops him, then kicks him in the cut. Whip into the ropes and another knee to the midsection followed by a kick to the back.

King picks up Stone for an abdominal stretch. Stone fights to get to the ropes but King nails him and then hits a bodyslam. Stone with a shot to the gut and fights to his feet but King cuts him off with a knee and a chop to the chest. Whip into the corner, King puts Stone on top and nails him in the jaw. King up top, but Stone shoves him to the mat. High crossbody, cover gets two.

Stone charges right into a superkick, Drive By, Coronation and that’s it.

Winner: Lexis King (3:34)
Rating: ** 1/4
Thoughts: It was an acceptable squash match.

King sets Stone up for another Coronation but Wagner makes the save and pulls Stone from the ring. He talks trash as he backs up and carries Stone away.

* We get a recap of Logan Paul announcing SummerSlam for Cleveland.

* Kelly asks Oba Femi about what happened in the parking lot. Oba says it was an ignorant boy trying to prove he is up to the challenge. But he’s not ready and he’s in Oba’s jungle where he’ll be slaughtered. Dijak walks up and says that after this we’ll find out if he has what it takes to be a real champion.

* Ridge Holland is working out at the PC when he gets a call. It’s his daughter and wife, calling to wish him goodnight. His wife wishes him good luck and says please be careful. He says he will and says goodbye, then goes back to working out.

NXT North American Championship Match
Oba Femi vs. Brooks Jensen

Lockup to start, Jensen backed into the ropes and they break. Lockup again, Femi backed into the ropes, they break and Brooks with a shove. Another lockup, they jockey for control, Jensen with a headlock, Femi puts him on the apron. Break and Femi shoves Jensen to the floor.

Back in and Brooks runs into a shot and a headlock takedown. Briggs looks on from the back as Femi keeps the hold locked in. Up to their feet, Broks elbows out and shoves Femi into the corner. He charges and is put on the apron but goes up, leaping into a fist to the gut. Femi takes over and kicks Jensen down, then lays in a shot to the skull and a back elbow against the ropes. Jensen fires back but gets knocked silly, then whipped into the ropes as he takes Jensen down and stares off with him. And we’re on PIP break.

Femi has been in control throughout the break and got a couple of two-counts. We’re back as Jensen gets a back elbow and a roll-up for two. Dropkick from Brooks sends Femi to the outside, and Jensen leaps off the apron for an elbow to Femi’s back. He rolls Femi back in and follows, ducks a clothesline and goes for a dropkick but Femi dodges and hits a uranage backbreaker. A second follows and a cover gets two. Briggs walks away from the monitor in the back.

Femi charges in on Briggs for a big uppercut, followed by a chinlock as Briggs comes out and talks Brooks up. Brooks to his feet and backs Femi into the corner. But Femi right back with a shot to the back and another one off the ropes. He goes for a third but Brooks with an elbow to counter. He hits a thrust kick , comes off the ropes and hits a clothesline and dropkick. Powerslam gets two-plus!

Brooks off the ropes but a back bodydrop by Femi stops him short. Briggs and Femi stare off, then Femi picks up Brooks onto his shoulder for a Snake Eyes. He tosses Brooks across the ring and stares at Briggs as he pulls Brooks up — another toss across the ring! Whip into the ropes, BIG powerbomb. Femi takes his time and pulls Broks up, talks to Briggs and hits another powerbomb for the three.

Winner: Oba Femi (11:42)
Rating: ** 3/4
Thoughts: A very extended squash that gave Brooks a few moments, but this was all about selling Femi and apparently building a feud with Briggs. I’m all for Femi vs. Briggs; Femi is an absolute star in the making thus far.

* Tony D watches as Stacks and Luca manhandle Ilja. Tony says to let him go and Ilja walks up to Tony, who says this wasn’t done with disrespect but you can’t walk into his restaurant unannounced and not be punished. Tony says he’s walked to this bridge with someone and left alone often, but this isn’t one of those times. Ilja strikes fear into hearts, but look where he is. Ilja has power, but not this power. Ilja says to snap his fingers and show his power. Tony says he will, then tells Ilja to have a nice walk back.

Ilja says one thing Tony will learn about him: he always finds a way. Tony leaves, Ilja stares at his title on the bridge.

Gigi Dolin vs. Arianna Grace

Circle and lockup to start, Grace backed into the corner. Gigi breaks at four and threatens to punch Grace, who screams and ducks down. Lock back up, Grace with a side headlock. She’s shot into the ropes, hangs on and slides to the outside. Gigi chases after, into the ring, Grace goes for an elbow drop but Dolin dodges. Gigi with s drop-toe hold into the ropes, Dolin with a hip smash and cover for two.

Gigi jumps at Grace in the corner but Grace dodges. Grace stomps away at Gigi and hits a suplex, then an elbow drop for two. Rear chinlock from Grace to a seated Gigi, who gets to her feet. Whip into the corner, she dodges Grace’s charge and rolls her up for two. Another roll-up, Gigi goes for a backslide but Grace blocks it and hits a judo throw. Cover gets two.

Grace back to the chinlock and Gigi up to her feet. Grace with a knee and a suplex attempt, reversed by Gigi. Big elbow and a kick from Dolin, a clothesline follows. Roundhouse kick and a clothesline, cover gets two.

Gigi goes at Grace in the corner but Grace with a back elbow and clothesline. Grace goes for her crown and puts it on Gigi’s head, the ref grabs it and Grace uses the chance to hit a low blow. Gigi hits a low blow back for the DQ.

Winner: Arianna Grace by DQ (4:26)
Rating: ** 1/4
Thoughts: It’s about what you expect. Neither of these girls can carry someone in the ring but they worked well together and this was fine. The finish was typical “babyface is dumb” with a side of “hot headed,” which was honestly about what I expected. Didn’t love it, didn’t hate it.

* Karmen congratulates Sol Ruca on her return, and Sol says she’s not done with Blair Davenport. Karmen says that a lot of people are following Blair’s lead and Lola comes in to talk shit. Sol breaks it up, it sets up a match and Lola leaves. Brinley cartwheels in and is excited about their match next week. Edris and Malilk walk up and carry Brinley off.

* Backstage Kelani Jordan was attacked and can’t join Thea in her match.

Kiana James & Izzi Dane vs. Thea Hail & ?

Kiana and Izzi back Thea into the corner — and HERE COMES FALLON! Thea and Fallon batter Izzi as Kiana bails, and hit her with a double clothesline. Kiana is in now and gets hit with a double shoulderblock.

Fallon tags in and they hit Kiana with a double wristlock. Kiana and Fallon trade maneuvers, Fallon with a legwhip and Kiana tags in Izzi. Fallon with a crossbody, caught by Izzi but Fallon escapes and takes Izzi down. She goes at Izzi and Kiana distracts her, allowing Izzi to hit a Snake Eyes into the ropes. Kiana tags in and hits a big kick off the ropes for two.

Kiana batters Fallon in the corner, Izzi tags in and Kiana whips Fallon into a kneelift. They double team Fallon, Izzi with a full nelson slam for two. Izzi chokes Fallon against the ropes and hits a knee to the back, cover gets two and Izzi right into wrenching the neck.

Jacy and Jazmyn walk up and start talking to Thea, Thea hypes up and Fallon tries to fight free but is knocked down. Kiana tags in but Fallon kicks her and pushes off Izzi. She gets the hot tag and Thea cleans house. Rana to Izzi, leaping neckbreaker to Kiana! She picks Kiana up, powerslam and a senton and then a springboard back senton for two but Izzi breaks it up.

Fallon sends Izzi to the outside, Thea walks into a spinebuster for two from Kiana. Kiana goes for the powerbomb but Thea counters into a Kimura. Kiana dumbs her to the floor, Izzi kicks at Fallon and Jacy pulls Fallon out of the way so Izzi hits Thea. She shrugs and Izzi rolls Kiana in for the finish.

Winner: Kiana James & Izzi Dame (5:35)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: Perfectly fine match, plenty of angle development, no complaints.

After the match, Thea gets a mic and says she bets Jacy thinks she’s a loser. She asks what’s wrong with Jacy and Jacy found her in a vulnerable position and helped her. Thea thought Jacy was the coolest girl in the locker room and her best friend. She thought she finally had someone who saw in her what she wanted to become and she changes herself for Jacy, but Jacy’s just become a more rotten version of herself. She says she ignored that because she idolized her and thought she was her sister. But she was wrong, she’d done. This is her, and she doesn’t wanna be anything like her. So she’s sorry, she’s a loser to Jacy. But that’s fine because guess what? THE OLD THEA HAIL IS BACK, BITCH! Thea runs around the ring as Jacy bails.

* Riley is happy for Thea in the back as the NQCC walks up and mocks Thea. Charlie says she reached her peak with them, and Riley says Mr. Regal said to respect the Cup, which is from the same place he is. Gulak says say the word and he’ll invoke the Catch Clause.

Frazer and Axiom walk in and say they’ll take out at least two of the NQCC which will narrow down the odds. Gulak says they’re walking out of S&D with the Cup.

* The O.C. are backstage talking about the NXT Tag Team Championships. Anderson says to get to he Wolfdogs they have to get through two teams, first Hank & Tank. Gallows says they were brothering and dominating across the world since before they put on tights. Anderson says they’re on a mission to hand out Magic Killers to every tag team there is until there’s one left and that’s the champs at S&D.

* Hank and Tank are watching from the cafeteria and say that The O.C. are too caffeinated. They say the O.C. is oozing confidence and no one is predicting them to win the match so everyone will be surprised when they win. They mention the Wolfdogs and guess who shows up. Corbin says who says they won’t beat the O.C., but then says they don’t sound ready. They get super-hyped and run off as Corbin and Breakker laugh.

Ridge Holland vs. Shawn Spears

Spears holds his hands out as Ridge charges, stopping him short. Spears with a headlock, Ridge sends him up and over and then pulls him up — and Spears slaps him, saying “LET IT OUT!” Ridge with a shot to Spears and a whip into the corner, he charges but Spears with a boot up. Spears with punches and a chop in the corner, he brings RIdge to the other corner for a headslam and feints a chop before climbing up for a couple punches.

Back down and Ridge runs through him, then hits a big boot. He charges, Spears pulls the ropes down and Ridge to the outside. Spears grabs his hair but Ridge trips him and brings him to the outside for a chop and Euro uppercuts. Spears picked up onto the shoulder, he goes for a shot into the ringpost but stops short, paralyzed, as Spears slides off and shoves him into the post. Shawn says Ridge should have done it as we go to PIP break.

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WWE NXT, Jeremy Thomas