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Join 411’s Live AEW Rampage Coverage

June 28, 2024 | Posted by Lee Sanders
AEW Rampage Image Credit: AEW

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Happy Fantastic Friday everyone! With my dinner on one side and my drink on the other, it’s time! It’s time! It’s AEW RAMPAGE time! Let’s do this!

Venue: PPL Center
Location: Allentown, PA
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone, Ian Riccobani

MATCH 1: Orange Cassidy vs The Outrunners

Cassidy taking on two men in this handicap match. Oh, such a big man! Turbo Floyd is looking to do a test of strength as Cassidy decides to put his hands in his pockets instead. Floyd manages to pull off a headlock, followed by a shoulder tackle. Elbow drop attempt missed as Magnum is tagged. Chop to the chest missed after failed double team action was attempted. Cassidy ends up hugging the referee as Outrunners hit a double back body drop. Floyd tagged once again as he delivers a few haymakers to the head. Magnum tagged back in as Cassidy appears to be in serious trouble. Cassidy starting to hulk up as Turbo comes in with a knee to the guts. Cassidy gets caught in the jaw. Cassidy caught up on the ropes as he manages to pull off a crossbody on one and a spinning ddt on the other guy. It’s followed up with two orange punches for the victory.

Winner: Orange Cassidy (6 minutes)

Rene Paquette is backstage with The Learning Tree Chris Jericho as he reveals he’s found a partner. The identity won’t be revealed until this weekends AEW Collision.

MATCH 2: Gabe Kidd & Roderick Strong vs Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean

Dean and Kidd kicking things off. Few headbutts to Dean in the corner as the tag is made to Strong. Kidd and Strong take turns chopping Dean on the chest. Infantry ends up doing double dropkicks on both men. Dean hits a scoop slam followed by a big elbow drop. Lateral press follows as our match heads into a picture-in picture break. We are back as Strong tags in Kidd. Both men are doing a great job derailing Dean from tagging in Bravo but he eventually gets the hot tag. Nice crossover punch on Strong, followed by an outside cutter for a near fall. A beautiful scissors kick followed as Dean in for the cover. It’s another kickout! Strong ends up sweeping the legs of Bravo from behind. A final driver comes after a 2-on-1 beatdown on Bravo to end this one.

Winner: Strong & Kidd (6 minutes)
Not too shabby.

MATCH 3: TNT CHAMPIONSHIP Qualifier-El Phantasmo vs AR FOX

Lockup to kick things off as a few leapfrogs and dropkicks are exchanged. Phantasmo hits a delayed chop to the chest followed by a huricarana from the top rope. Fox heads over the top rope to crash into Phantasmo. Fox going way up top for a swanton dive to get a near fall. Swing and miss by Fox as Phantasmo hits a clothesline from the ropes. Phantasmo hits an atomic drop and leg sweep. A nice Bret Hart elbow drop from the middle rope follows. To the midsection Fox goes as he misses a strike. Phantasmo hits a moonsault off the side ropes for a near fall. Exchange of rollups for near falls for both men. Fox hits a 450 splash for a kickout. Fox now setting up Phantasmo on the top turnbuckle. Phantasmo hits a modified code red followed by the superkick! An underhook piledriver follows as Phantasmo scored the victory.

Winner: El Phantasmo (5 minutes)
Pretty solid.

Lexi is backstage with Deonna Purrazzo who’s pissed that Shida is in the tournament. Far as Deonna is concerned, the tournament should be for those who’s regularly active on the roster. The tournament is not for part-timers. Ouchie! Shots fired!

MATCH 4: Dalton Castle vs Shingo Takagi

Both men exchanging shoulder tackles but Shingo gets the best of the encounter as we head into an abrupt set of commercials. We are back as Shingo is stomping and throwing his body onto Castle as the former ROH World champion is being manhandled. Shingo arrogantly kicks Castle in the head as Castle tries exploding on the offense. Castle drives Shingo down with a clothesline followed by a face plant for a kickout. Shingo hits a widows peak as Castle is driven down on his knees! Seems like maybe it was actually a gory bomb. Clothesline follows from Shingo as well as a ddt! A clothesline from Hell is dialed up as a catch and swing capture suplex is applied. This one is over folks!

Winner: Shingo T. (6 minutes)
Pretty much a one man ass kicking contest. Poor Dalton Castle.

MATCH 5: Skye Blue vs Queen Aminata

Tell everybody! Skye Blue is back on television! And on Rampage nonetheless! Wait Queen Aminata too?! I’ve died and gone to Heaven!! Both girls try for early pin falls quickly but no mas. Skye with a roll-through as it’s reversed. Aminata hits a snapmare, followed by another snapmare suplex. Blue hits an inside cradle for a two count. Blue hits a sidekick as she runs into a slap. Lie follows up with some precision knees to the midsection to send Aminata outside. Blue whips out the queen with a dive over the ropes as we head into our final set of commercials. We ar back as the Queen knocks Blue on her ass followed by a snapmare, and a nice pin attempt for another kickout. A running kick to the head follows! Mama Mia! A German suplex onto the side apron follows as Aminata grazes her face from one of the ropes. Aminata tries for a hip attack and misses as she crashes into the steel steps! Blue hits a suplex from the steel steps to the floor. Both women are hurting on the outside as Blue gets Aminata in for a near fall. A full nelson snap follows as Skye Blue gets a near fall. Skye misses code blue as Aminata hits a head butt for the victory.

Winner: Queen Aminata (9 minutes)
Now that was good, that was damn good!

Aminata tries to be a good sport and help Skye Blue up but Blue hits a superkick from out of nowhere! Skye tries to viciously attack Aminata when Red Velvet comes in for the save to end this episode.

End of Show

article topics :

AEW Rampage, Lee Sanders