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Nico Sentner On His New Film Atomic Eden, Streaming Services Making Indie Filmmaking Easier

The 411 Interview: Nico Sentner
Nico Sentner is a writer, producer, director, and actor from Germany who has been in the movie business, according to, since 2005. He has directed such movies as the short film Dark Legacy and produced movies like Sin Reaper 3D and The Hitman Agency. Sentner’s first feature film as a director, Atomic Eden, which I reviewed under the title Nazi Doomsday Device back in 2018 (check out that review here), is now in the midst of a worldwide VOD rollout across multiple platforms, including Tubi TV (check out the movie’s Facebook page here for further info on the rollout). In this interview, Sentner talks with this writer about the title change, the ongoing VOD rollout, the state of the indie movie world, and more.
Bryan Kristopowitz: How did Atomic Eden get its original title back? Why was Atomic Eden titled Nazi Doomsday Device at one point? Who came up with that title?
Nico Sentner: The title Nazi Doomsday Device was used only in the UK to meet the tastes of the British audience. It was our UK distribution partner who changed the title in the first place. I never liked the UK release title. Everywhere else in the world the film has always been called Atomic Eden at all times. Now with the wide VOD release in the United States and the global VOD rollout, the UK changed the title back to its original title Atomic Eden as part of the global release strategy and I’m very happy with it.
BK: With the title change has the actual movie changed at all? Has the movie been re-edited in any way?
NS: No, nothing has changed, except that Atomic Eden is now widely available for the first time in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
BK: Atomic Eden is now available on multiple digital platforms in the United States, including Tubi. How difficult was it to make that happen?
NS: It was quite a journey to get to this point. We were screwed over by three different US domestic distributors before we had enough and decided to release the film ourselves in the United States through the VOD platforms directly. I wish we would have done it that way in the first place. You know, this is the best and most effective way of releasing a film in the US today, especially because 8 out of 10 US domestic distributors are crooks. In no other country are there so many crooks in distribution.
BK: With the abundance of digital and streaming services, is it easier to get indie movies seen now or is it harder? How has the independent movie world changed since you completed Atomic Eden?
NS: It is much easier now. It was more difficult just a few years ago. The current massive rise of VOD and streaming is a big chance for independent films. I strongly believe that we are in the midst of possibly the biggest boom in the independent film industry yet, because of all the opportunities VOD is offering.
BK: Will there be a North American DVD or Blu-ray release of Atomic Eden?
NS: Never say never, Bryan. As a matter of fact, Atomic Eden will be released in Germany on DVD for the first time on May 14th, 2021. The film was already released on VOD in Germany, as well as a collector’s Item in a Mediabook edition and now finally a DVD release is coming in 2021. So, therefore, never say never.
BK: Any new projects you can tell us about?
NS: I wrote a screenplay for an apocalyptic action thriller and this project is now in development. If the Corona virus situation allows it, I will hopefully get the final greenlight for the production in July with shooting scheduled for September. So, fingers crossed.
BK: What do you hope audiences get out of Atomic Eden?
NS: I hope the audience will enjoy our indie action mayhem as a throwback to a time when video stores ruled the world!
BK: Any progress on a potential Atomic Eden 2?
NS: As a matter of fact, we had everything ready to shoot Atomic Eden Part 2 in 2020 including a marvelous cast: Fred Williamson, Mike Möller, Hazuki Kato were all willing to return, plus Michael Paré, T.J. Storm, Greg Burrigde were set to join us. Don “The Dragon” Wilson and Robert Bronzi were also in early talks and consideration. Then the Corona virus pandemic struck the world and put everything on hold. Our financing came from a source who co-owned a cinema chain in Eastern Europe and after the lockdowns forced every cinema to close, that financing source collapsed. Now I have to start from scratch in terms of finding a new funding source. But I would love to reactivate this project, once the pandemic is finally over. Again, fingers crossed.
BK: Is Fred “The Hammer” Williamson still as cool as ever?
NS: What a question: of course he is! I’m very close friends with Fred. And I’d like to share some stories with you.
A while ago (before the pandemic) I was sitting with Fred, an East German colleague of mine, and an American model at a dinner table in a restaurant in Los Angeles. After the model found out that me and my colleague were from East Germany, she started asking some really stupid questions like: “Oh you guys are from East Germany? Do you have electricity over there?” or “Do you guys know what McDonalds is?” These really stupid questions were making us feel very uncomfortable. Fred realized that and brought these questions to an end by saying very ironically: “No, they don’t need that shit. They are just happy to be free.” Gotta love Fred.
And while shooting Atomic Eden Everett Ray Aponte, who played Darwin the Texan, fell off his horse on the first take and afterwards, every time Everett walked by Fred, I mean literally every time, Fred said “Careful – don´t fall!” Classic!
A very special thanks to Nico Sentner for agreeing to participate in this interview and to david j. moore for setting it up.
Atomic Eden is currently available on multiple digital platforms in the United States:
Check out my first interview with Nico Sentner here!
Check out the Atomic Eden Facebook page here!
Check out my review of Atomic Eden here!
All images courtesy of Nico Sentner.