After being sidelined by the sudden death of Chadwick Boseman, Marvel's Black Panther sequel appears to be back on track...
Topic: Black Panther 2
Chadwick Boseman passed away back in August and as of now, Marvel Studios plans moving forward with a sequel to...
Steve Gustafson takes a look at the biggest stories to come out of Disney‘s D23 Expo 2019 like Moon Knight,...
At today’s D23 event, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige announced that Black Panther 2 will be released on May 6,...
In an interview with MTV News, Danai Gurira confirmed that her characater Okoye will be back for Black Panther 2...
A lot of big news came out of San Diego Comic-Con for Phase Four of the MCU. But beyond...
Despite reports to the contrary, Kevin Feige says that Killmonger is not necessarily returning for Black Panther 2...
It looks like T’Challa’s demise in Infinity War will be short-lived. The Hollywood Reporter has revealed that Ryan Coogler will...
Kevin Feige confirmed the obvious in a new interview: Marvel will be making a Black Panther sequel...