On a recent episode of his podcast, “Grilling JR, ” Jim Ross discussed why Matt Morgan didn’t work in WWE,...
Topic: Eugene

On the latest episode of Something To Wrestle With, Bruce Prichard talked about the inspiration for the Eugene character that...

During a recent interview with Developmentally Speaking (per Wrestling Inc), Nick Dinsmore aka Eugene spoke about the genesis of the...

On the latest episode of the Kurt Angle Show, Angle talked about wrestling Eugene at WWE SummerSlam 2005, being disappointed...

In a recent edition of 83 Weeks, Eric Bischoff discussed working with John Morrison in WWE and his initial reaction...

A retirement tour for Eugene...

Nick Dinsmore speaks...

In a recent interview on Talk Is Jericho, Nick Dinsmore discussed why Eugene never turned heel, his relationship with Vince...

In an interview with Chris Van Vliet, Nick Dinsmore spoke about his Eugene character in the WWE and whether or...

Nick Dinsmore speaks...