PWInsider reports that the original Sexy Star, Dulce Garcia, has been hospitalized after having emergency surgery for appendicitis last night...
Topic: Sexy Star

An update on Sexy Star...

In an interview with The Roman Show (translation via Wrestling Inc), Sexy Star said that she believes her title win...

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Former Lucha Underground Champion Sexy Star is set to make her MMA debut in April. Star has signed a...

Vampiro was recently on Steve Austin’s podcast (transcript via, here are the highlights… On Hating The WWE System: “It’s...

The idea of writing a single countdown focused on a single year in women’s wrestling would have been out of...

– Sexy Star made waves earlier this year when she shot on Rosemary at TripleMania, holding onto an arm bar...

According to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Sexy Star was pulled from the October AAA show in Tokyo. At this time,...

– During a recent edition of his podcast (transcript via, Ryback spoke about the Sexy Star situation and more...