wrestling / Video Reviews
411 Video Review: CZW Pain In The Rain 2
October 4, 2003
I thought Uprising would be my next review but silly me, I forgot about this show.
The original Pain In The Rain took place in 1999 and earned that moniker… well, because it was an outdoor show and it was raining.
Anyway, this is another outdoor show where it rains, again. So, on we go:
Rockin Rebel & Derek Frazier vs. Sonjay Dutt & Ruckus – Dutt and Ruckus are all over the Rebel’s Army to start, hitting a bunch of double team moves before the match settles down to Ruckus and Rebel. Ruckus plays face in peril as Frazier and Rebel trade tags. The Army double suplex Ruckus for two. Ruckus pulls out an ace crusher on Frazier to take both guys out. Frazier stops Ruckus from making the hot tag. Ruckus gets a handspring spin kick and makes the tag to Sonjay who comes in with a dropkick on both guys. Ruckus goes up to hit a plancha but is foiled by Rebel and Frazier small packages him for the win at 6:23. Total throwaway match. ј*
Battle Royal: Particpants: Jon Dahmer, DJ Hyde, Shawn Bishop, GQ, Rick Feinberg, Jude, Kristian Wolf, Ryan Prime, Nick Berk, Nate Hatred – This has staggered entrances but goes past really quickly. I generally don’t recap battle royals and this will be no exception, the action goes on and on before Nate Hatred gets the win at 16:25. DUD
Cory Kastle vs. Niles Young – The rain is really pouring down here. Both guys lock up and trade counters and flippity floppity stuff. They trade some chops and Young gets a backbreaker. Kastle tries to queue up the band but he’s no HBK and he gets dumped. Both guys grab chairs as I lose interest in the match. Young misses a stomp onto the chairs and Kastle nails a superkick for the win at 6:18. They were really hampered by the rain here but they could have gone out and WRESTLED instead of resorting to chairs. DUD.
Mercedes Martinez vs. Rick Feinberg – Martinez is a lady, Feinberg wishes he was one. Fuck its raining heavy. Martinez mops the floor with Feinberg, hitting a headscissors and an armdrag. Feinberg grabs her by the hair and tosses her, proving he really isn’t a lady. Feinberg gets a slam and a legdrop for two. Martinez fires back with a monkey flip and a spinebuster for two. She kicks out of a tombstone and comes back with a DDT. Mercedes nails a fisherman’s buster for the win at 6:33. Too long but Martinez has potential. *
Sabian vs. Joker – This is the first real singles showcase for these guys, and Joker would later grow to be quite a promising young athlete. Sabian is an African American version of the Amazing Red. They lock up and trade hammerlocks and arm reversals before transitioning into a token indy gym sequence. Joker gets a hiptoss backbreaker for two. Sabian makes a comeback but it gets stopped as Joker nails a big clothesline for two. Joker hits the Joker Driver (Electric Chair drop into Storm Cradle Driver) but the ref gets bumped on the way. Both guys go up top and Sabian DDTs Joker off the turnbuckles for the win at 7:12. These guys were cursed from the start because of the slippery ropes, and they’ve done better since. *
CZW World Heavyweight Title: Messiah vs. Adam Flash – These two have had some solid but not great matches before, and I doubt they’re going to top it in this weather. Messiah tries to avoid locking up to start. Flash grabs him and takes him down with a headlock. Neckbreaker gets two for Flash. Adam hits a flurry of moves and Messiah bails. They brawl on the outside before coming back in for Flash to get a nearfall. Messiah hits a stungun on Flash for two. Messiah goes on offense before Flash makes a comeback in vain. Messiah hits the Fall From Grace for the win at 8:59. Nowhere near what these guys are capable of. *
CZW Iron Man Championship: 20 Minute Iron Man Match: Trent Acid vs. Nick Gage – I was really looking forward to this match, as I’m a fan of both guys and this is Acid’s first Iron Man defense. Acid mimics HHH by doing the water spit. This was in response to the “HHH” chants he received at the previous show, Redefined. Acid asks how the fans feel about him being the main event for the night. I LOVE IT TRENT!!! He proposes that these aren’t the right conditions for him to be defending his belt, especially not in a 20 minute match. Acid proposes that they have a regular No-DQ match, and if Gage can pin him once Trent will drop the belt. The match is now one fall only. Acid does a fair bit of stalling to start before Gage gets a hold of him and goes to work on his arm. Gage gets a slam for two and locks on a sleeper. We’re seeing a very reserved Nick Gage tonight. Gage lands a big forearm and a suplex but Acid comes back with a rollup for two. Trent hits a knee strike and a tornado DDT. Acid busts Gage open and tries to choke him out. They go outside where Acid beats on him with chairs. Back inside Acid takes a facebuster on a chair and a roaring elbow for two. He comes back with a roaring elbow on Gage for two. Acid hits a moonsault onto a chair and then ledgrops Gage through a couple of chairs in a brutal spot for two. Gage gives Acid a fallaway slam through some chairs and brainbusters him on a chair for two. Acid escapes the Chokebreaker with a rollup for two. Yakuza kick is blocked and Nate Hatred runs in to fool with Gage. Acid hits the yakuza kick for the win at 15:43. They did a good job of getting the fans into the match, but the weather just wasn’t on their side and hampered the match a lot. Still, match of the night. **1/2
The Verdict: – Total throwaway show as the rain just ruined everything and the two possible good matches didn’t have a chance to shine. The show only runs 90 minutes, and I assume a lot of matches, particularly the main event and the title match, were shortened because of the weather. Definitely not recommended.
-You can get CZW tapes from www.smartmarkvideo.com
-Check out www.czwfans.com for the best CZW discussion on the net.
-Look out for my next review, Uprising, as we continue on the road to Cage Of Death 5.
-I appreciate any feedback you have, just click the link below.
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