wrestling / Video Reviews

411 Video Review: Retribution: Round Robin Challenge II

July 11, 2003 | Posted by Bob Barron

I’d once again like to thank RF Video for granting me the opportunity to review these tapes. If you’re ever looking to get into ROH- RF is the place to go. By buying your tapes from RF you are helping out the promotion and the wrestlers who work for them.

Live from West Mifflin, PA

Christopher Daniels and Allison Danger are backstage. Daniels talks about how the last time they were here- they had a war against Low Ki and Styles. This time- they are the hunted and they will get their retribution. Donovan Morgan chimes in with words of his own and Daniels threatens Samoa Joe and Corino. To mess with Corino, Allison Danger calls him a bedwetter. Daniels introduces the newest member of the Prophecy…Danny Maff! Daniels then promises victory over Red and London.

Amazing Red v. Christopher Daniels (w/Allison Danger) in match one of the Round Robin Challenge

It should be noted that production values have increased since Revenge on the Prophecy.

Lockup- Daniels pushes him back. Red rolls him up for two. Daniels gets an elbow and stomps away. Daniels with a release suplex and he sends him into turnbuckles. Daniels kicks Red in the back and gets a near fall. Daniels drops him to the floor and poses. Red comes back with an armdrag reversal and a flying headscissors. Drop toehold and Red gets a dropkick. Daniels bails and Red does a 718 fakeout. Red goes out and hits a hurricarana on the outside. They brawl on the outside and Red kicks his ass. Red hits a top-rope dropkick and nips up. He covers for two. Red hammers away and hits a running knee for two. Red hammers away but Daniels MURDERS him with a clothesline. Daniels hits an inverted DDT for two. Allison Danger gets her shots in. Daniels hits a standing dropkick for two. Daniels Germans him but Red lands on his feet and hooks La Magistral for two. Red with a hurricarana for two. A variation of a jawbreaker gets two. Red with a hurricarana but Daniels gets an enziguri. Daniels gets another near fall and hooks a neck vice. Red kicks at his legs but Daniels locks in a sleeper. Red drops down and kicks him in the head. Red hits an odd looking DDT after a sloppy sequence. Red hits the 718 and a springboard hurricarana for two. Red comes in with a kick and hits a spinning kick for two. Daniels comes back with the STO. Picture Perfect Moonsault gets two. Daniels goes up top but Red catches him. He goes for a top-rope hurricarana but Daniels blocks it. Red tries again and hits a top-rope hurricarana for two. Red kicks him in the midsection and hits the Code Red…for two. Red goes up top but gets crotched. Last Rites finishes it. This was good but both guys were obviously holding back since they had to work later in the night ***1/4

Scott Chong from Tough Enough III is out to be the special guest timekeeper.

Da Hit Squad (w/Allison Danger) v. Second City Saints

DHS have DISSENSION!~ because of Maff joining the Prophecy. This is the last time they will ever team together. The SCS consist of Ace Steel and Colt Cabana.

Cabana and Mack start. Mack forearms him into the corner. Cabana grabs a headlock and Mack takes him down. Cabana gets an atomic drop but misses a lariat. Mack suplexes him and Cabana runs away. Steel stags in. Steel gets a headlock but Maff is tagged in. Maff hits a leg lariat as the commentators reminisce about DHS. Maff chops the shit out of Steel. Maff knees him but he misses a senton. Steel forearms him and does some chops of his owns. Maff hits a full nelson suplex. Tag Mack. Mack drops him down for two. Maff hits a running necksnap and hooks a chinlock. Maff is tagged in. Steel forearms him but Maff just beats the hell out of him. They trade slaps and chops and Maff wins that one. Maff misses the big boot and Steel unloads on him with forearms. Steel hits a running dropkick and Cabana follows with a running knee. Steel does another running dropkick but Cabana misses a knee. Mack comes in and forearms Cabana. Powerslam and he hits the Orange crush but Steel saves. Mack kills him with a lariat and hits a butt splash in the corner. Maff misses the cannonball. Steel hits him with a swinging tornado DDT. Cabana and Mack go up top. Cabana gets knocked off. Steel goes for a sunset flip and with the help of Cabana they hit Mack with a Colt .45 for the win. None of these guys are very good and no great match miracle occurred. * So long DHS. Maff leaves with Danger.

Dunn and Marcos are setting up the ring. They’re the top team in ROH and they’re gonna rock the tag team scramble LIKE A HURRICANE.

The Outcast Killahs are trying to show off their new catchphrases. They may keep getting knocked out but they keep getting back up. Dunn and Marcos laugh at them for getting their ass kicked.

Dunn and Marcos v. Special K v. EZ Money and Sterling James Keenan v. SAT in a scramble match

Dunn and Marcos try to get Scott from TE3 to high five them and after a few attempts finally succeed.

Dunn and Money start. Money locks in a full nelson and hooks a hammerlock. Dunn flips out of a hold and plays air guitar. Why? HE ROCKED EZ MONEY LIKE A HURRICANE. Money flips Dunn into the ropes. Money and Marcos do a sequence that leads to Money hitting a spinning neckbreaker. Hydo runs in and dropkicks him out of the ring. Hydo hits a tope. Keenan and Jose go. Keenan dropkicks him out and flies onto him. Brian XL armdrags Joel. Joel gets an armdrag. Joel enziguris him out of the ring. He tries to fly out but gets kicked in the head. Dunn and Marcos try to dive out but Dunn slips. XL stops Marcos from jumping. Dunn and Marcos get their ass kicked on the outside. XL does a somersault tope into the crowd. XL and Joel are back in the ring. XL takes him down and kicks him in the back. Hydro comes in but Joel armdrags both. Joel puts XL on his back. Jose jumps off the ropes off of XL and onto Hydo. XL does a hurricarana onto Money who goes outside. XL forearms Joel but gets caught with a tombstone. Dunn and Marcos come in. Marcos hurricaranas Joel into the corner. XL kicks Marcos. Money comes in and puts XL in an Electric Chair (with XL holding onto Marcos) and throws both guys off. EZ Money hits the Money Clip onto XL but AngelDust comes in with a Diamond Cutter type move. Keenan gives AngelDust a dragon suplex. Hydro plants Keenan on his head. Marcos hits Hydo with a swinging neckbreaker. Joel comes in and hits Marcos with SIX STRAIGHT POWERBOMBS. Jesus- those guys are insane. Dunn comes in and hits Joel with a Gory bomb. Jose hits Dunn with rolling brainbusters. Money comes in and hits him with a superkick. AngelDust runs in and attacks Money. XL and Dust go for a suplex but Money hits the Cha Ching onto both of them. Dunn comes in and hits a running forearm. He goes up top but Money cuts him off. Money dives to the floor onto everyone. The SAT take advantage and hit Dunn with the Special Fly for the win. *** Slugger comes in and kicks Joel. Big Black Guy #2 comes in and they stare each other down. Big Black Guy #2 takes out Hydro. AngelDust takes him down and they beat down Big Black Guy #2.

This was the usual fun, hard to follow scramble match in ROH.

A fan comes in dressed like Raven and sulks in the corner- just like Raven. Dafney from WCW comes in and kicks his ass.

CM Punk cuts a promo on Raven. Lucy (Dafney) is the new Second City Saints and he is drug and alcohol free.

CM Punk (w/Lucy) v. Homicide (w/J-Train) for the #1 contenders trophy

Lockup- Homicide goes for the STF but Punk makes the ropes. Lockup- Punk works on the arm but Homicide reverses. Punk reverses and gets a hammerlock. Homicide is able to get on top and they roll out. Homicide with a headlock but Punk is able to reverse and they trade a bunch of reversals on the mat. Lockup- Homicide gets a headlock. Homicide gets a shoulderblock but Punk comes back with three armdrags. On the third he holds onto the arm. Homicide reverses but Punk holds on. Homicide chops away and forearms him. Homicide hits a running forearm and a T-bone suplex for two. Homicide hits a running kick in the corner and J-Train is happy. Homicide hits a big knee to Punk’s head for two. Homicide chops him but Punk comes back with the Shining Wizard. Homicide bails but Punk flies out with a tope. Punk chops him on the outside and rolls him back in. Punk hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and gets another innovative hold for two. (The commentators didn’t call it so sorry) Lucy gets her shots in. Punk hangs him in the Tree of Woe and boots him in the face. Punk hits a backbreaker for two. Punk misses a springboard senton and Homicide elbows him. Homicide kicks him in the back a bunch of times and locks in a surfboard. Homicide drops an elbow and goes back to the surfboard. Punk goes to his eyes and hooks an STF. Homicide makes the ropes. Homicide rolls out of another STF attempt and hooks a headscissors types hold. Punk hits a Northern Lights bridge suplex for two. Homicide boots him out of a figure four and hits a SICK tope con hilo to the outside (hitting his legs on the rail) Homicide whips him into the rail and grabs his boot and slams it on the rail. Punk hits him with his other boot and hits a belly to belly on the floor. J-Train DEMANDS that he get up and Homicide rolls back in. Homicide with a ballshot and hits a dragon suplex for two. Homicide hits a top-rope hurricarana for two. A blind charge by Homicide misses. Punk hits the Pepsi Plunge…for two. Homicide comes back with the Ace Crusher and a lariat for two. Punk nails him with the Stroke for two. Homicide with a slam (dropping him on his head) for two. Punk blocks the Kudo Droiver and Germans him. But Homicide lands on his feet. Punk blocks the Shining Wizard and hits a DVD for two. Punk hits an enziguri but Homicide is able to hook an STF for the win.

Ring of Honor wasn’t kidding when they called this match the showstealer. Both guys worked their asses off here and showed the fans how awesome they are in the ring. I believe Homicide is one of the most underrated indy wrestlers on the indy scene- you don’t hear his name get as much praise as it should. I would love to see a rematch. ****

DeVito calls Rudy Boy an old man and they attack him.

The Carnage Crew v. Hotstuff Hernandez, Don Juan and Fast Eddie (w/Rudy Boy) in a no-DQ match

DeVito hits a trashcan lid onto Hotstuff Hernandez. Hernandez chops him. Don Juan chairs Masada and hits a reverse DDT onto the chair. Masada is busted open. Fast Eddie hits a somersault Van Terminator. Rudy Boy chairs him for good measure. Loc hits a swinging neckbreaker onto chair onto Eddie. Masada chairs Eddie. DeVito is busted open. Hernandez no-sells all from DeVito and plants him to the mat. Loc is bleeding from the back of his head. Hotstuff Hernandez throws Masada to the mat right on his head. Side suplex by Loc onto Hernandez gets two. DeVito beats on Eddie. Hernandez KILLS DeVito with a chairsht. Loc chucks a chair at Hernandez. Fast Eddie is busted open and he chairs DeVito. Masada hits a top rope DVD onto Don Juan. Hernandez beats on Loc and Devito. Eddie hurricaranas Masada from the top rope to the floor. Hernandez chucks Eddie onto Loc and DeVito. Masada is busted open. Hernandez flies out and gets chaired by DeVito. Fast Eddie is left alone in the ring and gets his ass kicked. They hit a double spike piledriver for the win. ** Post-match they beat the shit out of Scott from Tough Enough. Masada calls him a god damn tough enough little bitch.

Paul London v. Amazing Red in match two of the Round Robin Challenge

This match actually has some backstory. At Expect the Unexpected- London and Styles were going to go after the tag titles. But before the show- London suffered a sinus infection and was forced to miss it. AJ decided to go after the belts anyway and picked Amazing Red to be his partner. Red and Styles went onto win the belts and London was a bit pissy about it. London and Styles had a confrontation at Epic Encounter and now London can take some of his anger out on Red.

Lockup- London gets a waistlock- Red reverses. London gets on top but Red gets a headscissors and they break into the corner. Lockup- Red gets a headlock which London cannot break. They screw something up leading to Red retaining the headlock. London works on the arm and gets a headlock. London with two shoulderblocks but Red gets a drop toehold and hooks a front facelock. Red with a headlock. London backdrops him out but Red lands on his feet, kicks his leg and locks in a headlock. London walks the ropes to finally break the headlock. They do a sequence that leads to Red jumping off the ropes, London catching him and then Red getting a Tornado DDT. Red misses a blind charge and London comes off the top with a high knee for two. London hiptosses him and adds a kick for good measure. He gets a leg lariat and a dropkick for two. London drops him to the mat for two. Red spins off London’s back and hits a spinkick. Red runs in with a forearm and kicks him in the back of the head. London bails. Red kicks him twice and jumps off the apron but London catches him and drops him on the rail. London with a superkick and his eye is busted open. The announcers keep foreshadowing a London heel turn. London with a springboard senton for two. London with a double underhook German suplex and he stretches Red while hooking a submission. Red rolls over and gets a near fall. London boots him but Red comes back with punches. London stomps away and does a standing vertical suplex- he holds on for too long and Red rolls through and gets a small package for two. London forearms away and Red answers with one of his own. Red with a German for two. London dumps him on the apron and catches him with a Northern lights bridge suplex coming in for two. Another one gets two. London with a tilt-a-whirl slam for two and he mocks AJ Styles afterwards. Cover-two. London misses a blind charge and Red hits a top-rope Code Red…for two. Red hammers away and kicks him. Red Star Press gets two. Red springboards off the ropes but London catches him and powerbombs him. London then hits the Styles Clash for the win. The match was way too short (like their match at ASE) but both guys crammed enough of their spots in there to make it a fun match. ***1/2

Gary Michael Cappetta is with Matt Stryker. He has a 4-way tonight- how does he prepare? Stryker cuts a promo (he needs a manager) about how he has to be at the top of the game. Chad Collyer shows up and says he’s going to beat him for the third time in the row.

Gary runs into Michael Shane and Simply Luscious. Even though he doesn’t have a match- the Group is going to do what they want, when they want. Luscious rules all as usual.

Persephonie v. Alexis Laree

Lockup- Alexis gets a waistlock. Persephonie takes her down and gets a headlock. Laree elbows out and kicks her. Laree baseball slides her for two. Persephonie misses a blind charge and gets rolled up for two. Leg sweep- two. Persephonie takes her down for two. The women shove each other and then slug it out. Persephonie boots her. Alexis whips her in the ropes and Persephonie bails. Persephonie jawbreaks her and hair tosses her. Persephonie hooks a chinlock and pulls her down by the hair as the commentators spend their time making lecherous comments towards the ladies. Persephonie with a swinging neckbreaker for two. If you didn’t know that Alexis had a flat tummy- well the announcers make sure to inform her. Alexis misses a bodypress and Persephonie rakes the eyes. Neckbreaker-two. Cover-two. Alexis boots her and gets a lariat. Alexis hits a dropkick off the top for two. Alexis gets rammed into the turnbuckle and Persephonie boots her. Two running clotheslines by Persephonie but Alexis hits the inverted DDT out of nowhere. The usual from the women. Ѕ*

Michael Shane and Simply Luscious come out. Luscious delivers two spinning DVDs to both women. Luscious gets a chair and Shane takes a seat. Gary Michael Cappeta comes out but the commentators talk over Shane’s promo and they cut to…

The Second City Saints are backstage. Punk has been discriminated against his whole life for being straight edge. Punk cuts a long rambling promo as Steel and Cabana make goofy faces in the background. Punk brings out Lucy and calls Trinity a ‘hobgoblin’. Punk continues ripping on Raven. Punk then tells Lucy to not interfere his matches. Cabana lets her know that she is not to eat yellow snow. Cabana and Steel argue over what to play in the car and this somehow leads to Steel and Cabana singing Grease Lightning. That was comic gold.

Donovan Morgan v. Matt Stryker v. Michael Shane (w/Luscious) v. Chad Collyer v. B.J. Whitmer in a 5-way match

Shane and Morgan start. Shane tags out to Whitmer. They lock wrists and Whitmer gets a waistlock. Morgan reverses and takes him down. Morgan locks in a front facelock. Whitmer pushes him off but Morgan gets a front facelock. Whitmer suplexes him but Morgan holds on. Whitmer sends him into the corner. Morgan elbows Shane and Whitmer but Whtimer gets a back elbow. Whitmer kicks him and Shane tags in. Whitmer dropkicks and hip tosses him. Luscious protects Shane and Shane tags in Stryker. Morgan spits at Shane. Morgan goes after Shane on the floor and gets slapped by Luscious. Morgan goes for something on Luscious but Stryker saves. Morgan knees him in the gut and tags Collyer. Collyer with a headlock and he gets a drop toe hold. Stryker counters with an armbar but Collyer hiptosses out and they face off in the centre. Stryker takes him down and locks in a front facelock. Collyer goes to the arm. Stryker reverses and works on the arm. Stryker brings the European uppercuts and elbows him for two. Stryker sends him into the turnbuckle and tags in Whitmer. Whitmer brings the chops but Collyer brings the forearms. Collyer dropkicks him and tags Morgan. Morgan elbows Whitmer and takes him down with a European uppercut. Morgan does the Eddy Guerrero rolling snap suplexes for two. Whitmer forearms him and rams him into the corner. Tag Stryker. Stryker kicks him and hooks a chinlock. Morgan suplexes out and tags Collyer. Collyer runs in and gets a near fall. Another cover-two. Michael Shane runs in and cheapshots Collyer and takes out Stryker. Apparently he’s legal. Shane unloads on Collyer and chokes him. Shane spits at Morgan and continues to beat on Collyer. Collyer gets a sunset flip for two. Collyer with a backslide for two. Small package-two. Shane chopblocks him and works on the leg. Shane keeps messing with Morgan and tags Whitmer. Whitmer works on the leg which means it’s time for the commentators to explain the Code of Honor. Collyer is able to get Whitmer off of him and Stryker is tagged in. They keep trying to explain the Code of Honor but Stryker keeps kicking Collyer’s ass. Shane runs in and dumps Stryker allowing Luscious to get a shot in. Shane comes in and fights Collyer. Collyer with a sunset flip for two. Shane works on the leg and tags Whitmer. They continue to work on Collyer’s leg. Tag Morgan. Morgan works on the leg. Morgan with a sunset flip for two and he hooks a leglock. Collyer makes the ropes. Morgan goes back to the leg and hooks a modified spinning toehold. He hooks a modified Stryker lock and Collyer makes the ropes. Morgan goes for a figure four but gets booted into Shane. Shane runs in and works on Collyer’s leg. He bends his knee back and hooks an STF. Collyer makes the ropes. Shane goes back to the leg but he misses a knee drop. Collyer with an enziguri and he tags in Morgan. Morgan clotheslines Shane and hip tosses him across the ring. Slam gets two. Shane comes back with an enziguri and tags Whitmer. Whitmer goes for an underhook suplex but Morgan reverses and hits the Saynoara. Shane runs in and superkicks him. Stryker runs in and hits a DVD. Collyer goes to the top and hits a flying bodypress for two. Blind charge hits boot but Collyer gets a powerslam for two. They trade waistlocks but Stryker grabs the leg. Collyer shoves him off and gets a dragon screw legwhip. Collyer locks in the Texas Cloverleaf but Shane runs in with a superkick. Morgan hits the Golden Gate Swing on Shane. Whitmer runs at Morgan but collides with Simply Luscious. Whitmer hits Morgan with the Exploder 98. Stryker hits Whitmer with a leg lariat into a Collyer Getman suplex. Collyer takes him down but Stryker reverses into a Stryker lock for the win.

The match started off real slow and was headed south but once the match broke down with all 5 in the ring- it really picked up. And the psychology paid off in the end. ***

Paul London v. Christopher Daniels (w/Allison Danger)

Daniels bails to start. As he’s ready to go- London decides to bail and mocks AJ. They stare each other down and trash talk. Daniels slaps him and London responds with one of his own. Daniels bails. London does the HBK lie on the ropes thing. Lockup- Daniels gets a waistlock and takes him down. London reverses and hooks a hammerlock. Daniels makes the ropes. They go to lock wrists but Daniels reverses into an armbar. London rolls out and works on the arm. Daniels makes the ropes but London is able to pull him away. London gets a rollup for two and Daniels bails. This allows London to mock AJ again. Daniels goes to the microphone and says he’s going to kick his ass. London bails and goes to the microphone. He takes Daniels task for not shaking hands. Daniels offers a hand but the crowd tells him not to do it. Daniels of course attacks him. Daniels headlocks him and shoulderblocks him. London dumps Daniels out but he skins the cat. London kicks him and Daniels goes flying back out. London with a pescado and he throws Daniels back in. London rolls back in and gets an Oklahoma roll for two. London kicks him and gets a dropkick for two. Daniels knees him and kicks him in the back. Daniels with a front backbreaker for two. Daniels kicks off London and runs into his ribs. London kicks him to stop Daniels’ offence. Daniels hooks an abdominal stretch to work on the midsection. London tries to elbow out but doesn’t succeed. London armdrags him out. Daniels misses a blind charge and London dropkicks him. Daniels comes back with a dropkick to the ribs for two. Cover-two. Cover-two. London kicks him but Daniels goes to the eyes. Daniels misses a blind charge and London rolls him up for two. Daniels lariats him and hooks another abdominal stretch. London forearms him out but Daniels hit Angels Wings…for two. London comes back with a springboard forearm after they trade kicks. London hammers away and clotheslines him. London spinkicks him and enziguris him for two. Daniels dumps him on the apron but London drops him on the ropes. London misses a moonsault. Commentator: RIBS! Right on the canvas. Daniels sends him into the corner and places him on the top. Daniels gives him a neckbreaker type move off the top for two. Picture Perfect Moonsault misses. London goes for a sunset flip but Daniels simply elbows him in the ribs. La Magistral gets two. London reverses for two. Daniels rolls him up for two. London gets a pinning combination for two. London forearms him and goes up top. Daniels follows him up there but gets sent back down. Daniels goes back up again and gets sent down again. Daniels goes up top again. London drops him down and hits the London Calling. London lands on his ribs and cannot cover. He rolls over to Daniels and covers but Allison Danger distracts the ref. London goes over and kisses her and dumps Daniels to the outside onto Danger. London hits a tope to the outside onto Daniels. London sends him back in and DDTs him for two. London goes up top but the Shooting Star Press hits the knees. Daniels drives him into the mat and hits the Picture Perfect Moonsault for the win.

London sold the psychology beautifully and the finisher built on it. I could’ve done without the stalling at the beginning but the match was 15 minutes of awesomeness and I would like to see these guys go at it in the future.****1/4

Samoa Joe v. Doug Williams for the Ring of Honor World Title

This should be nice and stiff. Doug Williams dives at him and gets a takedown. Joe reverses and ends up on top. Joe kicks him twice. On the third time Williams grabs him but Joe reverses and gets an anklelock- Williams makes the ropes. They lock knuckles and Williams grinds his knee into him. Williams works on the arm and bridges over. Joe rolls out. Joe takes him down and works on the leg. Williams counters out into a headlock. Joe gets a waistlock into a headlock but Williams rolls him over. Joe smothers him so Williams rolls out. Joe with a full nelson- Williams reverses. Joe blocks the Chaos Theory and kicks him twice. Joe brings the chops and elbows him down. Joe with a spinning elbow for two. Joe with a neck vice. Joe chops him and KICKS the shit out of him for two. Joe kicks him and it’s face wash time. BOOTSCRAPE! Joe nails Williams with a delayed brainbuster for two. Joe chops him. Williams brings the European uppercuts but gets chopped. Williams comes back with knee lifts and Joe goes down. Williams with a judo throw but he can’t pin him. Williams stomps away and works on the arm. He locks in a submission hold but Joe runs into the ropes. Williams hammers away and gets a judo takedown. Williams with an armbar and they trade uppercuts. Joe chops him but Williams goes for a piledriver. Joe tries to fight out of it but Williams locks in a submission hold on the arm. Joe makes the ropes. A blind charge by Williams causes him to eat an STO for two. Joe with a full nelson and a bridge German suplex for two. Joe powerbombs him for two. Joe locks in an STF but Williams won’t tap so Joe releases. Williams with a cross armbreaker but Joe makes the ropes. Williams forearms away and hits a running knee into the corner. Running knee to the arm and a top rope knee gets two. Another cover but Joe makes the ropes. Joe with a stepping enziguri and he lariats him for two. Joe locks in a chinlock but Williams quickly breaks. Joe forearms him and Williams goes for the Chaos Theory but Joe grabs the arms and forearms his head a bunch of times. He hooks the Triangle choke for the win.

Danny Maff and Donvovan Morgan run in and attack Samoa Joe. Michael Shane runs in for the save. He goes for a superkick but Daniels comes in and they hit Revelations on Shane. Daniels comes in and gives Joe the Last Rites. Daniels calls this the Prophecy’s Retribution.

The match was too short and the finish came out of NOWHERE but the match was good while it lasted- I just wish they had given them more time for the match. ***

The Carnage Crew are backstage getting themselves hyped up for a big scramble match against Second City Saints, Special K, and Briscoes. They go off on Punk for his straight edge beliefs.

The Prophecy are celebrating backstage as Allison Danger is recuperating. Tonight they had their retribution.

Samoa Joe is backstage telling Daniels that he’s the hunted. He’s going to break him in half.

The Bottom Line- Another fun show from Ring of Honor as they deliver two **** matches and a show featuring consistently good matches and some very funny promos (The Second City Saints one is must see). You can get this from RF Video by going right here-




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Bob Barron

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