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411’s Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Sessions Report: Undertaker on Brock Breaking The Streak, Ending his Career with AJ Styles, More

411’s Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Sessions Report: ‘The Undertaker: One More Round’
-Thirty Days of The Deadman wraps up with this special as The Undertaker heads back to The Broken Skull Ranch for another sit down interview with Steve Austin. The last one was great and the main comment was they could fill more time considering there was a lot that wasn’t touched on and here it is. Let’s get to it!
-Air Date: 11.22.20
-Run Time: 2:01:08
-Austin welcomes us to the show and tells us he started this show with Taker and due to popular demand he has welcomes him back for one more round.
-Taker says he hasn’t been doing much of anything other than promoting the Last Ride and now there is this 30 Days of the Deadman which Taker kind of chuckles about. He says things have been easier since he started breaking character, but he also has times where he questions if he did the right thing. Some days he struggles with if he should have kept all this inside. Austin feels that it is furthering the story because Taker is not in the ring anymore and he is a human being that should talk about his story. Austin puts Taker over waiting so long to break character, but loves the decision he made.
-Austin puts up the graphic for this show and it reminds him of an old school wrestling card and Taker agrees. This time Austin isn’t wasting any time as he breaks out Jack Daniels early in this one and Taker wishes he would have broke it out before the first question. Taker says sharing the things he has done has been liberating but he would have been okay if everyone always kept kayfabe. Austin says that if Taker had not chosen to lift the curtain what would he be doing and Taker agrees. He is an old school guy though and he has to get through it.
-Austin talks about the difference between Stone Cold and Steve Austin. He wants to know where the difference is between Mark and The Undertaker. Taker says 90% of the time he is Mark and save the other 10% for fans who expect to see a certain look, so he gives them the American Badass. He is very comfortable being Mark and never wanted the extra recognition.
-Next graphic on the screen is Taker and Austin staring each other down with the WWF Title between them at a MSG house show. They take a shot of Jack as they toast to each other. Austin breaks out a bottle of Undertaker wine which nearly makes Taker choke. Taker says it was an opportunity that came after 30 years and laughs as most people don’t think about Undertaker wine. Taker considers himself blessed to have all these things after 30 years and he says there has to be Taker fans out there that drink wine. Austin tells Taker he will take a sample and tell him what it tastes like.
-Austin says this show will drop after Survivor Series (I am actually watching it before Survivor Series because I don’t want to be up until 2 AM). Taker says that you have goals when you get in the business, but you never think you can be a Steve Austin or have a 30 year run like he has had. He can remember the long walk at Survivor Series 1990 like it was yesterday and he is amazed he was able to keep things going for 30 years without burning himself or the fans out. Taker says the life is not easy but when you are at the top of the page it makes it a little easier, but there is always the sacrifice they make. Your world centers around the business and in today’s wrestling world especially it is hard to stay relevant and not burn yourself out with your fan base. He says he would still be doing it if he was able to right now.
-Austin says that he was selfish in his run because things were about him and his baby and nobody was going to throw him off the track. Taker agrees and says it is very difficult to have relationships when you are at Steve’s level or his level. There are a lot of things Taker regrets in his personal life and he has asked forgiveness. He states you have to be selfish to an extent to maintain the level you get to. He knew there were times he wasn’t going to get back to his kids and he hopes they understand he was providing the life they have. That doesn’t make up for it, but he has asked for forgiveness.
-Austin asks if he was consumed by the business even when he was home. Taker says he lived the gimmick and his motor was running all the time even when he was home. He calls the idea of going town to town as normal and it was abnormal to be at home with days off. It was hard to unwind and watch a movie at home. It was great as they wanted everyone to push and he thinks that is lost now. Austin was at the top of the page and everyone wanted to get where he was at. Austin brings up seeing The Rock coming up and the thought crosses your mind wondering what that guy is doing while you may be sitting at home. Taker says you are wasting your time if you aren’t striving to be at the top of the page.
-Austin brings out a specially made Winged Eagle Belt that was designed to celebrate Taker’s 30 years. Taker is blown away by it as it is the first time he has ever seen it. Taker makes a joke about taking it through the airport and Austin laughs as they would tell guys who won it for the first time to wear it through the airports.
-They talk about what makes a World Champion and Taker says you think of guys like Ric Flair or Harley Race. Austin asks how important the belt was to Taker considering his character didn’t always need the belt. Taker says people don’t think World Champion when they think of him and he is okay with that. He was always the great guy going after it as he rarely lost and it meant something when they would get away with the title. Taker says there were plans for extended runs, but they he would get hurt. The chase was always better for him as it is hard to book a baby face monster champion where a baby face monster chasing makes more sense.
-Austin brings up the 25-2 record at Mania and where did The Streak start meaning something. Personal story my boss had an adopted son who was a wrestling fan and he was talking to me about Mania XV and was excited for Taker/Boss Man because both were undefeated at Mania and that was the first I ever heard of Taker being undefeated. Taker says it was when he got to 9-0 and was set to face Flair at Mania X-8. That was the first time he made mention of it. Austin calls Flair the greatest of all time and Taker agrees. We get footage from the Mania match and they talk about Flair missing the bump over the buckle. They repeat the spot as Taker says Flair always tells the story that he said “you want to try it again, kid.” Taker doesn’t remember it that way as he was so thrilled to be in the match as we see Arn deliver one of the greatest spine busters you will ever see. Austin asks about taking chops as he didn’t like them. Taker says it was Ric Flair so it was fine for him to chop him up. After the match Taker holds up 10 fingers to note he was now 10-0. Taker says that Vince pulled him in his office and apologized for not having a plan for him for Mania and said he could have RVD or Flair. Taker yelled out Flair before Vince could even finish speaking and apparently Vince was shocked. He thought Taker would go with the younger guy, but Taker wanted to work with Flair. In Taker’s view he knew he had time to work with RVD and wanted to work with Flair. Taker was very proud of the match and says Ric thanked him after the match as it helped restore his confidence. That blew Taker away as that was Ric Flair who was the greatest ever. Taker then understood when he had his match with Brock as the concussion and fall-out made him feel vulnerable and destroyed his confidence. Great story there!
-Austin brings up other guys at Mania: HHH: 10-13, Michaels: 6-11, Cena: 10-5, Hogan: 8-3-1, Austin: 5-2. That is insane as you forget Austin only got 7 Mania matches. Austin takes a shot off that as he asks if someone is ribbing him. Austin asks Taker what was going through his mind when Vince made the call to have Lesnar end The Streak. Taker wanted to save it for someone that needed it. He didn’t think Brock needed it because he was already made and it wasn’t going to elevate him much more. The morning of the show he was still going over and it changed during the day. Vince came to his room and he knew what that meant. Taker asked Vince if he was sure and Vince was trying to sell him on it as “if Brock doesn’t beat you, then who is going to beat you.” Taker was thinking well, then nobody and you let it ride. All he questioned was is if Brock was the guy. He would have rather done it for Roman as it would have helped him more. He loves Brock but just doesn’t think he was the right guy.
-Austin asks if we will ever see anything like The Streak again and Taker doesn’t think so as his Streak was already nearly at double digits before they even realized what they had. They both thinks it is possible as anything can happen in the business, but Austin puts the percentage at 0.001%. Austin was watching in the production truck with Dunn and said he had the same reaction as the famous fan in the front row. Austin says he would have let Brock beat him in Atlanta if the business made sense. He also agrees that Brock didn’t need it. They toast each other and take another shot.
-Austin goes back to Hell in A Cell I with Shawn/Taker. He wants to know where the Cell idea came from and Taker says they killed 2 birds with one stone. The set-up was because HHH and Chyna kept interfering and the second reason was to debut Kane. It was to give Kane a chance to do something nobody else could do. Steve gets into the match itself and says Shawn is as good as there has even been bell to bell. “He takes a great ass whipping, but gets his shit in,” says Steve. Taker agrees and says Shawn was ahead of his time with all the things he could do physically, but you would also believe he could stand toe to toe with someone bigger than him. He says Shawn could have a great match with a broomstick. This is fantastic to watch as Taker puts over the psychology from Shawn and how he was smart enough to take advantage of the windows he was given. Taker says his best matches were with people like Shawn, Angle, and Eddie Guerrero. Austin puts over how all of those guys had great gas tanks. Taker says that Shawn understood he had to work towards him and that’s what made him great. We see Shawn gets busted open on the catapult spot and then they head up to the roof. Austin is marking out watching them fight on the roof and I am right there with him. Taker points out the spot where Shawn’s blood falls below onto the camera and I recall the camera made yelling “aw shit.” Shawn takes the bump through the table and then back inside the ring the lights are out and the world is introduced to Kane.
-Taker geeks out over how big Kane is at this point. Amazing debut! Taker talks about the concerned look on his face that you never saw from the character. Taker says Kane picked him up like he was nothing because of the adrenaline running through his body. Shawn then drags himself out of a pool of blood to just get an arm on Taker to win the match by the skin of his teeth. Austin calls it a ball buster of a match and an amazing debut for the Kane character.
-Taker brings up that Kane was working in SMW and Cornette asked Vince if Taker could come down and work with Unabomb. Within two minutes of being in the ring with him Taker wanted this guy up in New York as he knew he could make money with him. Taker says as soon as he heard of the brother storyline people would buy it because they were similar. They show them facing off and Taker makes sure to mention Kane was wearing platform boots because he isn’t that much taller than him. This was one of the few guys that physically could stand up and be believable against him. He calls it one of the most perfect stories that ever came along.
-WrestleMania XIV: Austin brings up how he worked Shawn that night in the Main Event and notes that Shawn wasn’t in a good place. Taker laughs as he pours a shot for each of them. He loves Shawn and says Flair is the GOAT but nobody outshines Shawn in the ring. The word on the street was Shawn didn’t want to do business that night. Austin wants to know about the rumor of Taker being an insurance policy. They toast to this story and take another shot. Taker says Shawn was not in a good place physically and the rumor was they didn’t know if Shawn was going to do business. Taker worked with Kane and was happy with how that went, but had Shawn’s possible issues on his mind. Taker had his hands tapped up and sat at Gorilla to watch the match and if Shawn pulled anything there would be an appearance and that Title was changing hands that night. He knows it sounds bad now as he loves Shawn, but back then he did not like him. He was great to work with and loved working him, but as a human being he wasn’t someone he liked or cared for at that point. Taker says that Shawn once asked him about that story and Taker felt bad because their relationship is good now. Taker blew him off and told him no as it was a straight lie. Taker said he didn’t tell Vince, but people kind of figured out what it meant to see Taker sitting at Gorilla with his fists taped up. That would have been something else! Austin thought it was cool that Taker had his back like that and he knows it was all about business considering the battle they were in with WCW. Taker says it was Austin’s time and it had to happen as it was best for business. He says Shawn could not leave that night as Champion because they needed Austin to lead the company.
-Austin goes to The Montreal Screwjob and brings up that Taker made Vince go see Bret and face him. Taker thought there had to be a way to handle this. He ran into Vince who was apparently already on his way to see Bret, but Taker made sure to tell him this was bullshit and that he needed to go meet Bret. Austin was shocked to see what happened to Bret but also on the backside understands why Vince did what he had to do. Taker says he had the “boys” perspective and his “friend’s” perspective. He didn’t know Vince’s perspective at the time. He told Vince he understood, but asked why didn’t he come to him. He knows he could have figured something out for all of them.
-Austin pours out another shot and then asks about BSK. They flash the photo of BSK together and it’s Savio, Taker, Yoko, Godfather, Rikishi, and Henry Godwin. Taker says he misses Yoko everyday and he was taken away too early. He refers to Godfather as Bear. They did everything together and is one of his favorite people in the world. The first time they met was in Memphis in the ring. He says Godfather was greener than piss and looked scared as he half thought it was a shoot. The buckle broke and GF didn’t realize he was sending Taker into the broken buckle. GF cracks him a few times and Taker found a chair and hit him as hard as he could. He told him we can do it the easy way or hard way and since then they have been the best of friends. Fantastic!
-Taker talks about how when you start making money you buy snakeskin boots, Haliburton Briefcase, and then you made it when you got a Rolex. He tried to give it to Godfather 20 different times and each time Godfather would return it and Taker would thank him.
-Wrestler’s Court next as Taker says he learned about it in Memphis with Dutch. It was just a thought and then it became a huge production in the WWE. Taker was usually the judge and says it was because he was the closest to everyone and been there the longest. Taker starts laughing as Austin brings up a story about Teddy Long that also involved Mae Young. Taker wants to know if they really want to tell this story. It seems Teddy came in possession of some blue pills and had more on him then he could use. He decided to start selling them to the boys even though he got them for free. JBL caught him and Teddy ended up being put on charge for selling free things to the boys. Mae was apparently a witness and she was more upset that all these young guys needed all this “Niagra.” AMAZING! Teddy was found guilty and Taker says it was more entertainment than anything serious. It would include everyone and they all had had fun unless you were on trial. Taker says it was also a way to handle things before things go out of control. It kept the office from getting involved and let guys know if they were screwing up. It as a way to make light of things while also getting a point across. The Teddy story was definitely pure entertainment.
-Austin wants to know the story of Flair challenging Taker to a drinking contest on a long flight. Taker says that Ric Flair is Ric Flair and everyone knows his reputation. Taker says nobody could put him to sleep back then as he was in his prime. They went drink for drink and were 2 hours out from landing when Flair finally went to sleep. Taker picked him up and put him to sleep on a row of seats while crossing his arms. A week later Flair called him and Taker calls it a badge of honor that he got to put Taker to sleep one night.
-UFC 121: Brock loses the UFC Title and as he walks back out Taker is standing being interviewed. They include the interview and Taker says he was surprised that Brock last and Taker stares down Brock and asks him if he wants to do it. Taker says it was a personal thing and leaves it at that. Taker just tells Austin that it was business. He was there to pick a fight and Brock knew he was there. His mindset was to pick a fight and start a buzz. Taker and Austin both thought Brock was going to win that night and it likely changed his mindset. Taker points out that Brock went out of his way to come by him so that’s what he decided to go with the angle. He didn’t know if Brock was returning to the WWE, but just in case he wanted to position himself for a match with him.
-Hell in a Cell 1998: Taker agrees with Austin that the Cell match with Shawn is the best Cell match of all time, but everyone remembers the 98 one with Mick. Pittsburgh and again, I regret I didn’t make it to this show. They show footage and Taker points out that you can see the roof buckling as they fought on top. We then get the first toss off the Cell and Taker says this was the closest thing he has ever had to an out of body experience. He could see himself standing there and he could see Mick flying through the air. He didn’t want to do the spot and didn’t think they needed it. Foley of course gets off the stretcher and climbs the Cell with a separated shoulder. Now the second crazy ass bump and Taker says that fall wasn’t supposed to happen. The chokeslam was supposed to happen, but only part was going to give way. They were going to fight on that section and ease their way back into the ring. Taker mentions he went into the match with a broken ankle though it was nothing compared to what Mick had going. Taker points out he stepped off the section that broke or he would have went down with Mick and laded on him making it a catastrophic night. They kept it going and Mick dumps out a bag of thumbtacks and ends up getting dumped on them. Good Lord! Taker points out all the tacks in Mick’s arms and the tooth in his nose. Taker finishes the match off with The Tombstone. Amazing! Austin puts over how Mick threw one little leg kick like he was trying to kick out to add to his character while also respecting Taker’s finish.
-Austin wants to know what Taker was thinking as they show a photo of Taker on the Cell while Mick was on the mat. All Taker wanted to see was Mick make some kind of move. He just kept yelling in his head for Mick to move. Austin brings up Taker had to be in character mode, but was also a human being. Taker says he felt he was just going to stay up there as he felt they were going to be taking Mick out on a stretcher again and he was so happy to see Mick move. Austin mentions Mick had the perfect body type to take that kind of fall and he landed as perfect as you could for a bump that went wrong. Taker says that he and Shawn set the bar high and Mick knew he couldn’t have that kind of match. Mick knew what he could do and what he brings to the game. Austin mentions he and Kane had to follow that match and it just wasn’t happening no matter what they did.
-Austin brings up all the theatrics with the character and how Taker has been burned a few times. First we get to Elimination Chamber and Taker’s fire catches his gear and it’s rather terrifying. Damn! I have no clue how he stayed in character and that was the fastest you will ever see Taker get to the ring. He is pacing in the Cell because he is hurt and also rather pissed. They show Taker pouring water on his chest as the skin is bubbling. Taker says he knew he had to stand in that pod for 20 minutes and then work 20 minutes once he gets in the ring. The ring crew kept feeding him bottles of water to ease the pain and all he could see was his skin bubbling. All he could think was “I am going to kill this pyro guy.” He knows accidents happen, but he told the guy the flames were getting too close and they needed to be back out a bit. The guy told him that it was from a draft and it would be ok. So going into the show Taker is World Champion and decides he wants to wear the belt. To show the belt off he decides to change coats to a duster. He also knows he is going to be in the pod for 20 minutes so before he makes the entrance he pours another bottle of water on his head. He turned from one burst and into another and realized he needed to go forward. He was trying to get the flames off him while also staying in character. They show the sleeve of the jacket and it was burned and if Taker had not switched jackets his arm would have been exposed. He was also dripping water from that second bottle and he feels that saved him as well. Taker says he was the last one out of the match and he initially wanted to deal with the guy, but he was able to calm down. He doesn’t know what would have happened had he been the first out of the match.
-Austin asks about Paul Bearer and we see a photo of Taker with Paul and the WWF Title the night he beat Hogan at Survivor Series 1991. He tells the story of being Texas Red in WCCW and facing Brody. Percy walked down and told Taker he was his manager. Brody then kicked the living shit out of him and Austin says he never had the honor. Taker says taking a beating from Brody and Harley asking him to be his partner in Japan are two of his biggest honors. He was only in WCCW for 3 weeks and then he meet up with Paul again when Rick Rude suggested him to Vince. They interviewed Paul and he told Vince he worked in a funeral parlor and they knew immediately what to do with him as Brother Love was no longer going to be Taker’s manager. He credits Paul for giving him so much insight about the funeral business and it helped him greatly. They show some video from Paul’s documentary that dropped a few weeks back. Taker and Austin laugh at the video of Paul playing a rib on Austin as he pretends to rip his pants off during the embalming segment. Taker says that Paul loved every aspect of the business and that ribs come with the business. If Paul didn’t rib you then you didn’t matter to him.
-Austin wants to talk about The Last Ride (which is fantastic) as he loved it and it gave the fans a lot of insight. Taker is very proud of it and it started with him just wanting to get footage of what he thought would be his last match with Roman. He just wanted to chronicle some of the things he did and it stretched out because he wasn’t happy with the way he performed in the match with Roman. Austin asks if the process became intrusive because while it was Taker’s idea you also have times you want to be left alone. Taker says there were times he yelled and asked what they were doing and they pointed out that he asked them to film. It became a process and it took time for him to get comfortable with it. He didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for him and there is nothing he would change. He wanted people to understand what it takes for wrestlers to do what they do and that’s why he gave full access. He admits again he had no business being in the ring with Roman and he knew that as early as The Rumble, but he made a commitment.
-The Bone Yard Match: Austin asks if that was hard to write that perfect ending while also having Vince the promoter in his ear. Taker says they were filming the match and even he didn’t know it was going to be the end. He was training to have this match with who he feels is the best in the business right now. Austin agrees about AJ being the best right now. The story Taker wanted was to have this great in ring match and then retire. Then COVID hit and things had to change. The story became AJ was taking personal shots and with him crossing those lines he couldn’t just be The Undertaker. He also liked doing something different that the sterile matches inside an empty building like others had to do. The match was perfect and for him it was the perfect way to leave.
-Austin brings up that Taker’s brother died before the match and Taker gets a little emotional, but tells Austin it’s fine. Austin says he heard the beating they took in this match lingered for weeks even if it was a different type of match. Taker says the filming took hours and while they didn’t take crazy bumps, it wasn’t a ring they were doing this in. This was different as they had to spread things out over hours and they had to start and stop. Then you had the temperature dropping and he was getting stiff and on top of that his brother passed away the previous day. He knew there was nothing he could do, but he needed to find someone to be with his mother. There was also COVID happening and he had to figure out how to get people to where they needed safely. Taker knew he couldn’t be on the first flight there because of his professional life. He had to weight everything has his mom had just lost a child no matter the age. He was already in a bind with leaving because of COVID so all he could was go to work.
-Austin fell in love with the match and says that the idea came from the last interview they had when Taker name dropped him. AJ watched that show and called Taker to see if something can be done. AJ was the one guy that he wanted to work with and he knew he had to do this. Austin asks if the Bone Yard match was meant to be. Taker says it is tough to say as the match came off so well, but he was also so far ahead of where he had been in years past as far as his training. He was excited to have that show stealing in ring match with AJ and felt they were in a good spot to deliver. COVID then happened and everything got shutdown so Taker couldn’t train anymore. He knows what they did was special, but also wonders what they could have done in a traditional match.
-Austin asks how Taker is with where he is at right now and is he is good with it. Taker says he has come to peace with the fact that he can’t physically do what he needs to anymore. If he could he would do it forever. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to do it, but he can’t burn through his equity to mask that he can’t have a match. He knows he could go 2-3 more years just doing his entrance and hitting a chokeslam and Tombstone, but he doesn’t want to disrespect the boys coming up. He is in a place where he can say no even if Vince calls him. Austin is happy to hear him say that.
-Austin brings up the Final Farewell at Survivor Series: Taker says it will be hard to speak to his fans, but it is what it is and he is good with it. Austin asks him to look back on his career and tell what his legacy is and if he is satisfied. Taker is definitely satisfied and is happy he did things the right way without stabbing someone in the back. He is happy have the respect of the boys and always did what was best for the business. To his fans they drove him on nights where his body was beat up. He never took for granted their loyalty and appreciation. He never called it in and business was always first.
-Austin says he has gotten to know Taker better after these two interviews. They show one last photo of Austin being tied to Taker’s symbol. Austin wasn’t sure if the straps were going to hold him up and says the symbol weighed over 600 lbs. Austin pours one last shot and toasts to Taker’s career and work. Taker says that Austin whipped the shit out of him a month later to get his heat back. Awesome! Austin mentions Taker outlasted him by 20 years and Taker says Austin is smarter than him. They take the final shot together and we are out.
-What can you say about this? The 2 hours flew by and I was wanting more just like last time. It is at the point that Austin could do 5 more of these and you would still have stuff to cover. This was just a great time with 2 of the biggest stars ever shooting the breeze and talking pro-wrestling. Highest recommendation and something everyone should check out. Thanks for reading!
-And check out the Undertaker’s 30 greatest moments in 30 years.