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411’s Live NWA Hard Times 2020 Coverage

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I will be doing the coverage in my regular review style; final ratings and extra thoughts will be in the final version of the review. Have a good time chatting, and thanks for joining 411 for your live coverage needs.

Csonka’s NWA Hard Times 2020
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– Joe Galli & Stu Bennett are on commentary.
TV Title Tournament Match: The Question Mark vs. Trevor Murdoch: They go right at it, Question Mark hits a dropkick and to the floor they go for some brawling until Murdoch gets posted. Back in and Question Mark starts targeting the shoulder, hits palm strikes and a backdrop. Chops follows and the suplex gets 2. Murdoch fires back, heads up top and the bulldog follows and Question Mark pops up, Murdoch hits another top rope bulldog and wins! Trevor Murdoch defeated The Question Mark @ 3:10 via pin
TV Title Tournament Match: Dan Maff vs. Zicky Dice: Maff takes him down right away, works him over in the corner and follows with chops. Dice fires back, and the bulldog gets 2. He lays the boots to Maff and covers for 2. Maff fights back, but Dice follows with double axe handle and shoulder tackle for 2. Maff kills him with a half and half, a a spear, cannonball and senton for the win. Dan Maff defeated Zicky Dice @ 3:05 via pin
TV Title Tournament Match: Ricky Starks vs. Matt Cross: Starks hits a shoulder tackle, Matt follows with a dropkick and to the floor Matt hits an elbow drop. Back in and Matt up top, and drops down but Starks cuts him off and covers for 2. Matt fires back, but Starks hits a neck breaker and dropkick for 2. Matt counters Buster Keaton, hits clotheslines and the back handspring elbow and cross body for 2. The rolling double stomp gets 2. The cutter connects, Matt up top and the shooting star press misses, Starks hits Buster Keaton and that’s all. Ricky Starks defeated Matt Cross @ 3:45 via pin
– Tim Storm arrives and it’s announced that Anderson will not compete tonight. Storm praises the NWA family of fans and says he hates that Anderson isn’t here to compete. He doesn’t want an easy path, but if he gets a bye he’ll take it. His goal is to make Momma Storm proud and win that TV title.
– TV Title Tournament Match: Tim Storm vs. Ken Anderson @ 0:00 via forfeit [NR]
– Stu Bennett thanks the venue for being great hosts and then announces that the next PPV in April (the Crockett Cup) will take place in a bigger venue.
NWA Tag Team Champions The Rock & Roll Express vs. Wildcards vs. Drake & Storm: Kamille is at ringside. This is three in at a time and you can only tag your partner. Lattimer attacks Morton and brawls with Drake. Drake cuts him off, Morton in and they double team Lattimer. Morton takes control until Isaacs tags in, Stom and Gibson in and they double team Isaacs. Storm runs wild, Isaacs runs him into Gibson and Gibson is dumped. Lattimer posts him and Kamille attacks. Lattimer clotheslines Storm for 2. Lattimer maintains control, Isaacs back in and follows with rights. Storm fires up, but runs into a powerslam for 2. Lattimer back in, follows with rights and Storm fights off the powerbomb, but Lattimer keeps him down as Kamille beats on Gibson. Storm fights back but the ref didn’t see the tag. Cheap shot by Isaacs and we get a double down. Isaacs in and attacks Gibson, but Storm hits the code breaker and tags in Drake. Latimer in, Drake works him over and the elbow drop follows for 2. He takes out Isaacs, but Lattimer hits a powerbomb. Morton tags in and destroyer on Latimer. Gibson puls lKamille out and Drake hits gravy train on Morton and we have new champions. Drake & Storm defeated Champions The Rock & Roll Express & Wildcards @ 8:15 via pin
– The new champions get promo time and Drake says he was going to hold gold and now he does. Storm says he and Drake and united and Drake says it doesn’t matter what you cal them because they are the champs.
NWA Women’s Title Match: Champion Allysin Kay vs. Thunder Rosa: They brawl at the bell and Kay takes early control and lays the boots to her. Kay follows with the northern lights for 2. She lays in chops and follows with body shots. Kay grounds things, Rosa counters out and Kay hits the neck breaker for 2. Rosa powders and Kay then suplexes her back in and covers for 2. Kay follows with more strikes, but Rosa cuts her off wit a dropkick. She follows with elbow strikes, chokes out Kay in the ropes and then delivers body shots. She lays the boots to Kay and the suplex gets 2. Kay to the floor and Rosa follows with a dropkick. She starts attacking the arm, posts Kay and back in, Rosa stays focused on the arm. She stuns the arm off the ropes, and mocks Kay by bowing. Kay rolls into a knee bar but Rosa fights out and follows with an arm bar. She follows with kicks to the arm, Kay fires back, lays in kicks and Rosa goes back after the arm and arm bars her again. Kay fights, Rosa then delivers strikes, but Kay counters into a German for 2. Kay follows with kicks, but Rosa Germans her and covers for 2. Rosa up top, but Kay rolls to he floor. Rosa drops down and the apron cannonball is caught as Kay apron bombs her. Back in and Kay covers for 2. Rosa counters AK 47 into code red and that gets 2. The dropkick follows, Rosa up top and Kay bitches catching the high cross, but Rosa counters into code red again for 2. The octopus hold follows, Kay counters out and hits a tombstone for 2! Kay picks her up and follows with strikes, takes her up top and Rosa fights her of and the missile dropkick follows. Rosa fires up but Kay fights her off, and AK 47 connects and the cover gets 2. Rosa kicks out again as Kay’s arm is too hurt to hook a leg. They trade strikes, chops and go crazy fists as Rosa locks on a guillotine choke, but Kay fights it off, they work up top and Kay follows with strikes and chops, Rosa fires back and follow with a sunset bomb for 2. Head kick by Kay, she gets posted and Rosa arm bars her and Kay powers up but Rosa hits an thunder driver to win. Thunder Rose defeated Champion Allysin Kay @ 17:20 via pin
– Melina & Marti arrive to celebrate with Rosa.
– Marty Scurll arrives and says he’s here because he wants a his shot at sweet Charlotte. Nick Aldis keeps ducking him, what’s he afraid of if he’s already beaten him. He will keep coming for him until he gets his shot. Also, Nick is afraid to defend against Flip, he talks a big game, and the people want to see an NWA Title defense. Nick arrives and Marty tries to talk him into a title match. Nick says he’s flabbergasted at Marty’s audacity. Marty has no stroke here, because this is the house Nick Aldis built. Nick makes everywhere he goes the hot ticket, tells Marty to shut up and says he will defend against Flip tonight, if Flip wins, but if Nick wins, all of their businesses is on his terms. Marty has to leave the building for Flip to get his title shot. Marty agrees to leave.
TV Title Tournament Semifinal Match: Trevor Murdoch vs. Dan Maff: They go right at it, trading strikes and chops until Maff hits the spear. Maff works him over on the apron, and back in, works over Murdoch in the corner with strikes. Maff uses back rakes, chops and bites Murdoch. Maff follows with head butts, a back splash in the corner and then grounds things and covers for 2. Maff now lays in rights, chops and misses corner splash. Murdoch up top and the bulldog connects for the win. Trevor Murdoch defeated Dan Maff @ 3:10 via pin
TV Title Tournament Semifinal Match: Ricky Starks vs. Tim Storm: They lockup and work to the ropes. Ricky picks up the pace, they trade shoulder tackles and Tim takes him down. Ricky counters back and Tim follows with strikes, chops and they trade. Spinebuster by Tim and that gets 2. He follows with clubbing strikes, the running boot and covers for 2. Tim delivers rights, but Ricky counters back with a dropkick. Ricky misses a double stomp, and Tim follows with the backbreaker for 2. Off the ropes and Ricky counters into a jawbreaker, but runs into the perfect Storm. Ricky counters the suplex into a cradle for 2. The flapjack driver follows for 2. Ricky follows with kicks, counters the perfect storm and the crucifix follows for the win. Ricky Starks defeated Tim Storm @ 4:55 via pin
NWA Champion Nick Aldis vs. Flip Gordon: Gordon attacks with chops and strikes, Aldis fires back but Gordon follows with more strikes. The dropkick connects and Aldis powders. Gordon follows and they brawl on the floor. Aldis cuts him off, back in and Aldis grounds him until Gordon counters into a hammerlock and covers for 2. Aldis fights to his feet but Gordon takes him back down. The enziguri follows and Aldis powders. The ref stops Gordon’s dive, so Gordon dives over him with a tope. Back in and Gordon arm bars him. Aldis fights, and powerbombs his way out. The overhead belly to belly follows and Aldis then hits a fall away slam. He takes Gordon up top, and the avalanche fall away slam connects for 2. He grounds the action. He then transitions into a suplex, delivers rights and Gordon fires back as they trade. Aldis chop blocks the knee, and the figure four follows. Gordon rolls it and Aldis makes the ropes. Gordon fires back, and follows with a spin kick. Aldis counter Flip 5, but Gordon hits the springboard spear and follows with ground and pound. He delivers kicks, and the moonsault follows for 2. Gordon now lays in strikes, heads up top and gets crotched by Aldis. Aldis follows him up and Gordon counters the German, but Aldis tombstones him, The top rope elbow drop connects for 2. Gordon connects with the PLELE and the crossface follows. Aldis fights, crawls and makes the ropes. They trade strikes, Gordon fires up and Aldis looks for the cloverleaf but Gordon escapes, hits hook kick and star spangled stunner. He hits another and covers for 2. Aldis cuts him off, counters the victory roll and pins Gordon. Champion Nick Aldis defeated Flip Gordon @ 15:25 via pin
TV Title Tournament Finals: Ricky Starks vs. Trevor Murdoch: Thee is no time limit for the finals. They lockup and Murdoch follows with a big boot. He follows with strikes, but Starks counters back into a shoulder tackle and clothesline for 2. Murdoch begs off and they work into a test of strength, Murdoch overpowers him, but Starks fights back until Murdoch hits the Russian leg sweep. To the apron and the floor as Murdoch delivers rights. Starks fires back, and then misses a shoulder tackle off the apron. They trade until Murdoch sends Starks into the steps. Murdoch rolls back in and Starks makes it back in. Murdoch lays the boots to him, slaps him around but Starks fires back until Murdoch dumps him. Back in and Murdoch follows with a Saito suplex for 2. Starks slips on the tornado DDT and Murdoch hits a lariat for 2. He grounds things, takes Starks to the corner and takes him up top. Murdoch follows with strikes, Starks fires back and slips out into a Liger bomb for 2. Murdoch fights off the stroke, but Starks hits the spear for 2. The stroke finishes it. Ricky Starks defeated Trevor Murdoch @ 9:20 via pin
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