wrestling / Live Coverage

411’s Live WWE Raw Coverage 08.02.04 | Regal Vs. HHH

August 2, 2004 | Posted by PK

Triple H vs. William Regal
HHH comes out first, and Regal jumps him. Regal is in his Bluebloods tights. Regal bounces HHH’s head off the stage, the announce table, ring post, ring steps, then finally in the ring. The Ref rings the bell, and HHH cold cocks Regal, but his fist was loaded with some knucks and the ref rings the bell.
No Contest

HHH gets a sledgehammer, and slams it against the ring steps a few times to make us all realize its real. Regal crotches HHH, and goes for the knucks, but when Regal goes to punch him, HHH drills him in the forehead with the hammer. Regal is just pouring blood now. HHH then drops a knee on Regals crotch, and Regal sells it like a champ. Medics come out and put Regal in a cervical collar, and start to wheel him away. HHH tells Regal that Eugene is next, the flips the stretcher.


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