wrestling / TV Reports
411’s TNA Destination X Report 3.12.06
Destination X Pre-PPV Show!
The pre-show opens with the really good Sting video that they showed on Impact.
JJ w/crew is out now to address the Impact Zone. Monty, Abyss, Mitchell, AMW, Gail, Jackie, D’Amore and Team Canada.
JJ: “You know we were in the back having our meeting…and we were watching the video footage. I have made a living in this business by reading people’s faces. We all agreed that Sting doesn’t have the guts to show up tonight. Do you honestly think that Steve Borden will actually show up? If he has the guts to, I have something for him. Alex Shelley, Eric Young, front and center. I have a job for you guys, and it is important. If he actually shows up, I want you to go and find him. Bring him to me, bring him to the group. Go on the rides, look in the rafters, the bathrooms…everywhere. Sting, if you do not show your face…you are what I said you are. Steve…you have a little over three hours to make your mark, or I’ll be proven right. You are a quitter.”
Borash talks about if Sting or Steve Borden will actually show up. Eric Young is looking around behind him in his normal humorous fashion. Borash runs down the PPV card.
Video preview of the NWA Title match and feud history.
Shannon Moore vs. Cassidy Riley is the first pre-show match. Moore won @ 3:18 with a corkscrew moonsault into a fameasser, cool looking. Solid match, about what you’d expect on the pre-show.
Tenay and West run down the card and give another solid hype.
Next we get the really good Ultimate X promo that aired on Impact last night.
Borash is with Christopher Daniels. Daniels: “There is no question that this is the most innovative and innovative match in wrestling. But there are questions. Can Joe climb the cables, can AJ get his title back, and can I survive after all of the beatings. Before there was a TNA I dreamed of a place where I could be and do what I do. I have risked life and limb, been in the 6-sides of steel and bled buckets for my craft. Tonight anything can happen as we risk our lives. The only thing in my way are two of the best in the business today. Bare witness, be a part of the night as you witness my resurrection, my second coming…tonight as I regain my X-Division title. And that’s the gospel according to the Fallen Angel.
West is there with some of the St. Louis Cardinals. David Epstein is excited about the Ultimate X match.
“Simon has a problem. First thing we do is give the White Sox with a replica of our X Division title. Now we allow members of the Cardinals to sit in our front row. They had the best record in baseball and then choked in the playoffs. Maybe we can give tem some kind of title too. I have had it with all of these baseball players. I am going to Arizona to face off with AK Persinski and Dale Torborg and show them I am the best two-sport athlete.”
The Diamonds in the Rough vs. Norman SMI-lay and Sharky. Norman is over in Orlando, and he should be. BIG WIGGLE BITCHES! Sharky got tossed and looked to have hit his knee really hard. The Diamonds win @ 3:15 via pin. Solid match, and fun. I hope Sharky is ok.
One last hype video for the whole card and the pre-show comes to an end.
Destination X begins…NOW!
Funky opening video, in black and white entitled “Stung.” A man, Charlie Chaplin like in a Sting mask watches clips of the TNA guys and does the mannerisms. Odd to explain, but a cool concept. HAHA, Eric Young was in the Sting mask.
Alex Shelley vs. Jay Lethal
Lock up to begin, arm bar and some reversals. Shelley with the advantage, escape and they stand off. Wristlock by Shelley, into a version of the Tequila sunrise, escapes by Jay into a headlock. Moody Jack and Konnan are doing Spanish commentary. They get some weird ass double leg submission and get into a headstand deal and start punching from that position. Crazy. Lots of arm drag reversals and then another stand off. Shelley goes to shake, the crowd warns Jay and he nails Shelley. Chops by Jay into some arm drags and into a deep arm bar. Shelley escapes, but Jay gets a slingshot RANA. Shelley to the floor, suicide dive by Jay! Back in the ring and a backdrop suplex gets 2 for Jay. Shelley may have tweaked his knee. Basement dropkick by Jay gets 2. Shelley manages a spinkick and then a face stomp to take control. Kicks by Shelley, arm bar and a sweet ass Lucha submission and then roll up for 2. Jay tries to fight back, jawbreaker but Shelley manages an Enziguri to keep him down. Jay tries to fight out again, but Shelley levels him with a clothesline for 2. Slam by Shelley, then misses an Asai Moonsault! Both men are down…they battle to their feet and Jay with a clothesline. Dropkick and Jay is on fire. Jawbreaker by Shelley, but Jay gets a bridging suplex for 2. Dropkick to the knee by Shelley, roll up and some reversals and Jay gets 2. Off the ropes, clothesline by Jay and sets Shelley up top… Shelley bites him! Top Rope atomic drop by Shelley! He picks up Jay, DRAGON SUPLEX by Jay gets 2! Suplex by Jay, he goes up top… Shelley knocks him down, goes up…Jay shoves him off…diving head butt! 1…2…NO! Tries another Dragon, Shelley into the ropes low blow to Jay and Shelley with sliced bread #2 and that’s all.
Winner: Alex Shelley @ 10:15 via pin ***
Tenay and West hype the rest of the show.
Borash is with Team Canada. Roode says the face the Naturals. Last night on Impact they cost the Naturals the match. D’Amore makes fun of the Naturals and says Canadians know all about screwed. He says they didn’t get the job done and they won’t tonight. He hypes the World X Cup and says Petey will win the 4-way International X match, because they are superior. Tonight they got Steve Borden to come, Shelley is there and he leaves to go and find Sting.
Matt has some generic black HBK chaps on. All he needs is Nash.
“Maverick Matt” w/Traci vs. Lance Hoyt
Matt tries to keep away to begin. Rights by Matt, reversals and a backdrop by Hoyt. He tosses Matt to the floor and Traci checks on him. Matt teases leaving as Traci distracts Hoyt. Matt in and Hoyt levels him. Rights to Matt, Irish whip and a boot by Matt. Rights again and off the ropes…goozle by Hoyt, boots by Matt and then Hoyt gets a powerslam for 2. Boot by Matt again, but Hoyt with a side slam for 2. Matt set up top, Hoyt follows…LOW BLOW by Matt and a neck breaker from the 2nd rope! Elbows and a leg drop by Matt. Hangman’s neck breaker by Matt gets 2. Matt continues the attack and chokes Hoyt in the ropes. Front facelock by Matt now, Hoyt tries to escape and gets to his feet. Escapes and then eats a boot. Matt off the ropes and Hoyt with a flapjack. They exchange rights and Hoyt is in control. Corner clothesline by Hoyt. He lays Matt up on the top and they do the HBK corner kick/crotch spot. Pump handle by Hoyt…1…2…no! Hoyt goes up top…MISSES the moonsault! Superkick countered, but Matt counters into a flatliner. Borash and Shelley and Young are in the rafters looking for Sting. He tossed fliers during the match. Matt sees one and Hoyt is up…Matt and Traci argue and a big boot by Hoyt and that is the match.
Winner: Hoyt @ 8:05 via pin *½
JB in the back with Rhino, Killings and Team 3D. Rhino says it will be a war, his past wars are real and we will see why they call him the war machine. Ray says it is all about war. He says Killings will take care of JJ. Rhino will gore Abyss straight to hell. They haven’t forgotten about AMW. Tonight is all about war. Ron raps and Devon TESTIFIES! Ray says he has to teach him ebonics. Ok.
Team Canada (Bobby Roode and Eric Young) w/D’Amore and A1 vs. The Naturals (Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas)
Roode attacks Chase to begin. Chase is able to trip him up and takes him down. Dropkick and then a Russian leg sweep for 2. Tag to Andy, double team bulldog/facejam for 2. Knee by Roode, and a tag to Eric. Hip toss by Andy into an arm bar. Tag back to Chase. Double-team takedown and a count of 2. Back to Andy and they both fire off with rights. Andy nails Roode and then gets tripped up and Eric gets a backbreaker for 2. Tag to Roode and he beats down Andy. Knee and then more rights. Slam and a cover for 2. Andy set up top…Roode follows…Andy fights back and gets a cross body for 2. Tag to Chase and a backdrop to Eric. Atomic drop to Roode. Eric misses a corner splash and another HBK boot/crotch spot. Eric sent to the floor. Chase is tossed out by Roode. Roode tossed him into Eric and an elbow gets 2. Back elbow to Chase gets 2. Roode tagged back in and more abuse on Chase and a cover for 2. Roode beats him down with clubbing shots. Roode to the 2nd rope…knee drop gets 2. Tag to Eric and a boot to Chase. Rights by Eric, he chokes him on the ropes and then Roode chokes him from the floor. False tag by Roode, elbow drop and a cover for 2. Chase tries to battle back, but Eric tags back in and rams him to the corner. Cheap shot to Andy and an Irish whip and reversal, Eric goes Flair corner flip and goes up top…Chase nails him and then gets a springboard Enziguri and Eric FLAIR FLOPS TO THE FLOOR! DAYUM! BUMP GOD! A1 is over to help Eric and picks him up and rolls him in so Roode can tag him. Roode nails Andy and gets a rear choke on Chase. Chase squirms away and gets the tag! Andy on Roode with clotheslines and backdrops. STIFF DDT on Roode gets 2. Chase in, Eric as well…Wheel barrel suplex botched but Andy recovers with an elbow. Double arm DDT to Roode for 2. Eric in to Save Roode, Chase up top…Eric follows…so does Roode…Andy runs up the ropes for a SUPER TOWER OF DOOM!!!! They call for the end…Natural disaster try…Eric breaks the hockey stick over Andy’s head and Roode covers for the win.
Winners: Team Canada @ 12:38 via pin **¾
JB with Monty. Monty says it is his and Cage’s biggest match. He will take his respect tonight. You are looking at the flavor of the millennium. You can’t handle the Alpha Male, and tonight you will feel…the…Larry stops in and says TNA has promised a level playing field. Larry says the best man will win. Monty doesn’t care about any of that. The playing field will be leveled with the POOOOOOOOOOOUUUUNCE…Period.
LAX/James Gang hype video runs.
Konnan talks a bunch of shit and they will end the James Gang.
BG rocks the mic all-serious like. They are pissed and when Bob isn’t happy, no one is happy. Blood runs thicker than mud, you punk bitches.
The James Gang (Kip, BG and Bob) Vs. The LAX (Konnan, Machete and Homicide)
Brawling to begin and James gang clears the ring. Bob’s boots are 30-years old. Cool. BG and Machete to start. Reversals and rights by BG to start. Kip in and yells at the ref. BG and Homicide on the floor, in the ring and Machete nails BG and then Homicide gets a back spinning elbow. Snap mare and elbow drop by Homicide. Tag to Machete and they gang beat down BG. More beat down for BG, Machete takes him off the ropes, juke and jive by BG but Machete takes him down. Homicide in and then they do the gang beat down again. Facelock by Homicide, neck breaker for 2 by Homicide. Knee by Homicide, he mocks Bob and then gets a tornado DDT, but BG tosses him off. Off the ropes and they collide. Both men are down and look for a tag. Machete in and so is Kip. He cleans house and gets a corner splash on Machete. Homicide nails Kip and BG in to even things up. Bob and Konnan are in the ring as they all brawl on the floor. Rights by Bob sends Konnan to the floor. He rams him off the steps. He beats down Konnan on the announce table. Another right and BG and Machete are in the ring. Homicide in and Bob takes the chair from him. Nails Homicide with the chair and they toss him. Machete is all alone. Cobra clutch slam by Kip and that’s all.
Winners: James Gang @ 6:43 via pin ¾*
JB is with Alex and Eric as they search for Sting. They go into a bathroom and find a bat and bag. They call for Sting to come out and it is AJ Styles. AJ says the stuff was there, and he makes a gay joke because they are all in the bathroom. AJ says the camera work will get Alex hurt.
Sonjay is representing India. Basically he’s a replacement due to one of the Mexican guys falling through.
International X Match: Petey Williams vs. Chris Sabin vs. PUMA vs. Sonjay Dutt
Puma and Dutt to begin. Lock up and off the ropes, snap mare and lots of quick reversals into some pinning combos. More quick reversals and a stand off to applause. Williams in now with Puma. Sabin tags in and he and go at it. Some more nice reversals and then a boot by Williams. Slingshot dropkick by Sabin gets 2. Lock up and an eye rake by Williams. All 4-men in and they try roll ups and finally Dutt and Sabin in and Dutt with a dropkick. Puma and Sabin in now. Cool submission by Puma, reverse full nelson into a cradle. Williams in and he and Puma will go. Headlock by Williams, chops by Puma. Williams takes him down and Dutt tags in. Slam by Dutt, Asai moonsault for 2. Snap mare and a basement dropkick gets 2 for Dutt. Puma elbows out and tags Williams. Kicks by Williams and the tree of woe! Sabin tags in and gets the Levitation corner dropkick for 2. Running kick by Sabin gets another 2. Surfboard by Sabin on Dutt. Dutt escapes, reverses and gets one of his own. Sabin fights to his feet, Dutt snaps him down for 2. Sends Sabin to the corner and chops him. Dutt with a corner elbow and Puma tags in. Kicks to Sabin and he is lighting him up. Snap mare and another running dropkick for 2. European uppercuts by Puma, chops by Sabin and Williams tags in. He sends Sabin to the corner. Tree of woe now…OHHHHHHHH CAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNAAAADA NUT STOMP by Williams. Knees to the back by Williams, neck tie submission now. Puma tags in and Sabin to the floor. Sling shot by Petey Williams vs. Chris Sabin vs. PUMA vs. Sonjay Dutt into a RANA to Sabin on the floor! Suicide plancha by PUMA! Dutt charges and Puma back in to level him. No high spot for you! Puma does a 619 but stays in the ropes. Sabin charges and he moves and he nails Williams. Three on the floor, and Dutt with a MOONSAULT from the top to the floor! Puma flies in on Sabin, ENZIGURI by Puma. All 4-men in and they take turns leveling each other. Puma has Williams, BRAIN BUSTA! Sling shot in and Sabin jacks him with a kick! RANA by Dutt! Belly to belly by Williams to Dutt. Sharp shooter on Puma! Dutt with a dropkick to Williams to break that up. Williams gets a tornado DDT and calls for the CD! Dutt counters and gets a BACKDROP DRIVER! 1…2…Sabin makes the save! Sabin and Dutt face off with chops. SPINNING POWERBOMB by Sabin for 2! Puma gets a butterfly suplex for 2 on Sabin. Dutt and Puma battle…Puma to the floor. Hot shot by Williams. CANADIAN FUCKIN DESTROYER on Dutt!. He tries it on Sabin, Puma in and breaks it up! Sabin snatches up Puma and gets the Cradle shock for the win!
Winner: Chris Sabin @ 15:13 via pin ****¼
Team JJ is in the back. Mitchell says Abyss has agreed to enlist in the Army. The others are trying to take what is rightfully theirs and JJ has broken out the weapon of mass destruction. Rhino, Killings and 3D will feel the power, prepare for doomsday! JJ says the time is running out for Sting. Young and Shelley say they haven’t found him yet. JJ says they are done looking, now Sting needs to come after JJ. Come get me.
Jeff Jarrett, AMW and Abyss w/Mitchell, Jackie and Gail Kim vs. Team 3D, Ron Killings and Rhino
Team face charges the ring and we BRAWL~! They pair off with 3D with AMW, Ron with JJ and Rhino with Abyss. Suplex by Ron to JJ on the ramp. Rhino and Abyss are in the stands and they are at the spot where he gored him off onto the tables. DDT by Ray on the floor to Storm. JJ and Ron battle on the Spanish announce table. Devon hits Harris with a bottle of water as we are all over this bitch, Memphis Concession Stand style BITCHES! Rhino kills Abyss with some chair shots and JJ does the same to Ron. JJ slams Ron on the security railing and then nails him in the gut with a chair shot. Ron battles back and Ray and Abyss go at it. We all try to come back ringside and Storm chokes out Ray. Devon slams Harris on the ramp as Rhino and Storm are back in the ring. Or finally in the ring. Rhino beats him down with rights, a tag to Devon and the crowd boos the tag, hahaha. Spinning elbow by Devon to Storm for 2. Storm battles back with rights. Ray in, he has Storm on his shoulders, Harris nails Devon with Mitchell’s cane and Abyss saves it and chokeslams Ray. JJ in and works over Devon. Tag to Abyss and he clubs down Devon. Devon battles back, but Abyss knees him down and tags in Storm. Devon gets a shot and tries for a tag. Tags Ray and clotheslines for Storm. High backdrop and a hip toss. Harris is, Samoan drop by Ray. Chops to Harris, rams him into Storm and Rhino with the corner shoulder block to both. Spinebuster to Harris gets 2 as JJ makes the save. AMW pulls Devon to the floor as Rhino and JJ battle. Press slam by Rhino! Belly to belly by Rhino. Sets for the gore…Gail is in…she slaps Rhino and he grabs her. He tries to Rhino-drive her by Rhino makes the save. Mitchell on the apron…he tells Abyss to destroy him. Abyss chokes him out and then chases the ref away. Rhino fights back but Abyss drops him with a right. Tag back to JJ. Dropkick to Rhino and a tag to Storm. Powerslam and a cover for 2. AMW double team Rhino with a double back elbow as the crowd chants, “Brokeback Mountain.” Rear choke by Harris on Rhino. Harris has him grounded and Rhino is able to start to fight out. Harris maintains control and JJ tags in and covers for 2. Tag back to Storm and more boots to Rhino. He chokes him and then head butts him low and gets cover for 2. Abyss in now. He destroys Rhino with rights. Big boot and then to the 2nd rope…SPLASH and a cover for 2 as Ray makes a save. JJ in and off the ropes…double clothesline and both men are down. Tag to Harris and an elbow drop to Rhino. Harris with shoulder shots to Rhino. Tag to Storm and they double team him. Harris misses a corner charge and eats the post and then Rhino clotheslines Storm. Tag to Ron! Unloads on everyone! Rights and kicks. Flatliner to JJ. Spinning forearm to Harris. Abyss in and Ron moves and Abyss nails Storm. Dropkick to Abyss and he goes to the floor. Suplex/stunner gets 2. Everyone is in now. JJ gets the guitar…Ron is in there, Rhino slides in…JJ misses, GORE, GORE, GORE! Abyss in…BLACK HOLE SLAM! Ray and JJ in. Slam to JJ. Devon up top…Gail is in to help, Ray slams her down. Ron up top…Jackie in to help…WASSUP LEG DROP AND HEAD BUTT! GET THE TABLES! Abyss levels Team 3D. GOOZLE TO JACKIE! LOW BLOW by Devon. 3D to ABYSS! Harris is in now and Storm. Superkick to Devon. Death Sentence try…NAILS it! Ron is in to help and they beat him down. They try to handcuff him in the corner. NO, he handcuffs Harris! AX kick to Storm gets 2 as the ref gets pulls out! Ron with a plancha to JJ. Back in and JJ counters a pedigree try and the stroke is reversed and then Harris trips Ron and JJ gets the stroke for the win.
Winners: Team JJ @ 20:19 via pin ***¾
We get a Lockdown Video Promo.
JJ is on the mic and says Sting is a quitter. He says this is Steve Borden’s last chance. He gives him a count of 10, and if he doesn’t answer he is a proven quitter. JJ counts. He lays on his back and gets to 9…the moment of truth. Either you are a quitter or you will defend your family. I want you all to help count. 10. He looks and nothing. JJ laughs and says he was right. He is a quitter, now hit my music. Now I go for the title. I am coming for the winner.
Ultimate X Video package airs.
JB is with Joe. He mentions Goldberg and Joe stops him. Joe says they took his title to hang it and he has waited to beat AJ and Daniels one more time. With him it is not about who’s next, but who’s left.
Ultimate X: Samoa Joe © vs. AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels
Daniels is nailed and AJ tries to climb. Joe pulls him down and then goes after Daniels. AJ climbs and then leaps down and nails Joe. German by Joe. Daniels climbs…Joe pulls him down and then gets a release belly to belly on Daniels. Boot by AJ to Joe and then they double team Joe. Sweet dropkick by AJ to Daniels. Boots to Joe now and AJ climbs. He goes across, Daniels up as well…they kick t each other and they fall. Daniels nails Joe and off the ropes…and Joe with a flying knee to Daniels. Forearms by AJ to Joe, slingshot forearm to Joe and he is rocked. Off the ropes and Joe backdrops him and AJ ends in a Sasuke special on Daniels. Daniels and AJ battle on the floor and Joe gets a NO HANDS SPINNING PLANCHA!!!! Sweet Jesus. Joe up and climbs for the cables. He goes a bit and falls. Daniels and AJ back in now and Daniels sets Joe up top. Fall from Grace by Daniels on Joe! Leg lariat to AJ by Daniels. Daniels in control and picks Joe up…Enziguri to Joe and then a flying knee! Daniels climbs…AJ is up and nails Daniels. Daniels is down AJ with a stiff kick. AJ up on the top, Daniels up as well…AJ holds on…elbows to Daniels. SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB BY AJ! AJ climbs again. Across he goes…Joe grabs him and pulls AJ into an atomic drop, running boot and the senton back splash. High knee drop. Face wash to Daniels. Running boot of doom to Daniels. Joe gets a chair now and has Daniels on the floor. He beats down Daniels. He goes for the OLAY kick but AJ with a plancha saves Daniels! AJ back in and climbs up. Across he goes and he slips and falls down. He charges Joe…STJOE~! Joe grabs a chair and tosses it in the ring. AJ set up top… Daniels nails Joe and delivers forearms. Rapid fire shots by Joe. More by Daniels. Daniels sets Joe up top…CHOKE BY JOE! AJ leaps up and nails Joe with a kick. AJ up top with Joe now…Joe fights AJ down and Daniels back to nail Joe. AJ over…DOUBLE TEAM MUSCLE BUSTA ON JOE! Joe is out and AJ and Daniels go at it. Knee by Daniels and chops. Spinkick by AJ blocked…PELE kick to Daniels! AJ to the corner and climbs. Joe is stirring and AJ is going across and Joe KILLS him with the chair! He turns and Daniels gets a leg lariat to Joe into the chair! Joe is down and Daniels climbs now. He shimmy’s across with his legs and has the title and falls with it! Daniels wins!
Winner: and NEW X DIVISION CHAMPION Christopher Daniels @ 13:40 ***¾
AJ offers his hand and he and Daniels shake. Joe throws a fit as Daniels celebrates.
JB is with Cage. Cage says that he may be the under dog. Sure I got my ass kicked, and you are taking fashion tips from Ryan Seacrest. Hell, I got my ass kicked 3 times on the way to the arena. I get my ass kicked better than anyone and that is why I am respected. Monty, you want respect? You have to bust your ass to earn respect. You say that this is your hunting ground, this is the peep zone you silly bitch and I am the pride of the peeps. Tonight you will find out that you will be winless in NWA Title matches and I will walk out with the NWA Title, because that’s how I roll.
Video hype package of Monty vs. Cage.
NWA TITLE Match: Monty Brown vs. Christian Cage ©
Cage has taped up ribs to play off the angle from two weeks ago. Lock up and Monty takes him to the corner, and then pushes Cage. Lock up and a side headlock by Cage. Rights by Monty to the ribs and then a shoulder block. Earl checks on Cage and he says back off, I’m not Bret Hart asshole. They tease a test of strength, boot by Cage and Monty whips him to the corner, slide through by Cage and chops. Knee by Monty and he tosses Cage over the top to the floor. Monty follows and works the ribs. He tosses him over the railing and he follows. Monty keeps attacking the ribs and Cage tries his best to battle back. Rights and a boot to Monty, but he nails the ribs again. Back to ringside and into the ring. That was nice and short in the crowd, so it was ok. Monty fires away on Cage, Cage fires back and then Monty tosses him to the floor again. Monty rams him to the steel railing again and keeps focusing on the ribs. Monty grabs a chair, but Cage avoids the shot and fires back. In the ring Cage up top…leaps and Monty nails him in the ribs on the way down. They battle on the apron now, Cage charges and Monty with a flapjack and Cage lands hard on the floor. Monty press slams him onto the steel railing gut first and sticks to his game plan. Monty keeps the abuse on and finally rolls him back into the ring. Irish whip by Monty, Cage hits hard and then Monty levels him with a clothesline for 2. More rib shots by Monty, then boots and Cage is down. Off the ropes and a hard corner shot by Monty. Shoulder blocks by Monty and then he tosses him hard back to the corner. Chops by Cage, but Monty keeps nailing the ribs. Gut first suplex on the ropes by Monty. He then rams him into the post from the apron, that looked nasty. He pulls Cage back in and covers for 2. Rapid fire rights by Monty, and then an abdominal stretch by Monty. Cage battles…escapes but Monty with a knee to the gut and a cover for 2. Knee-drop by Monty for 2. Cage tries to battle back again…off the ropes and an elbow by Cage. On the 2nd rope…tries a tornado DDT but gets tossed off and lands on his gut. Monty covers for 2. Cage chops back at Monty, off the ropes and Cage manages a DDT! Both men are down and the ref counts. Cage is up on the corner and Monty charges and eats a knee. Clothesline by Cage. Another. Monty back to the ribs and just clubs Cage down. Monty off the ropes…leg lariat by Cage! Cover for 2. Corner mount punches by Cage, Monty tosses him off. Cage back over and gets tossed again. Knees by Cage and a bulldog to Monty. Cage goes up top…FROG SPLASH MISSES! Monty grabs him, and into a body scissors/half nelson! Who taught Monty that? Cage punches out, boot by Monty and a press slam and drop Cage on the turnbuckle! The metal part…that had to hurt. Monty with rib shots. Monty up top with him and punches away on Cage. Cage with head butts and Monty is down. SENTON BACK SPLASH by Cage gets 2! Unprettier try, countered and an ALPHA BOMB by Monty! 1…2…NO! Fall away slam countered by Cage, but Monty gets an F5! 1…2…NO! Cage back with rights, off the ropes…Cage counters the Pounce with a boot. Reversals and the Unprettier! 1…2…3!
Winner: Christian Cage @ 17:20 via pin ***½
Cage celebrates and holds the title high. Here comes JJ. He says he came here to win his war, he proved Sting is a quitter and now I will reclaim my title. I will make you a transitional champ like I made your brother. He wants his rematch now. He says he will if JJ promises to retire if he loses. Cage says he is so beat up that he doesn’t know what he is saying. Cage says no one wants to hear him talk, but he says he can’t give him a title match but he CAN kick his ass!
Monty and JJ double team Cage. Double clothesline by Cage and he goes after JJ. Abyss is out and now it is 3 on 1. Rhino is out now to help! Now Team Canada and team Canada are here and we have a huge BRAWL~! SHOCK TREATMEANT TO CAGE! Shelley is there to film it and they handcuff Cage to the ropes. The rest beat down Rhino. JJ has a strap and whips Cage! AMW does now as well! So does D’Amore. They all take turns! Abyss now and Cage is getting jacked up!
JJ has the guitar and here is Steve Borden! He goes crazy and whoops ass! Abyss sent to the floor! Storm out! Eric Young is left and runs away! HAHAHA! JJ is left alone and he has him. He lays out JJ and grabs the strap. He stalks JJ…and whips him! SCORPION DEATHLOCK! No one wants to help JJ. He refuses to let go and Scott Steiner is here and lays out Steve Borden. Belly to belly on Borden. Group beat down on Borden now. T BONE by Steiner. They all take turns beating him don and Abyss makes Cage watch. The crowd chants Goldberg as Steiner puts on the Steiner Recliner on Borden. JJ stares at Borden while on his ass, he is hurt I think and GUITAR SHOT from his ass! He had to slide over, so it looks as if he is really hurt.
Team JJ stands tall as we fade…
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