wrestling / TV Reports
411’s TNA Impact Wrestling Report 7.4.13
“PREVIOUSLY ON IMPACT” OPEN: Samoa Joe is revealed as the third member of The Main Event Mafia, Austin Aries poses as Suicide to win the X-Division Title.
We go “live” to the arena in Las Vegas and pan the crowd as Mike Tenay welcomes the home audience. Austin Aries makes his way out to the ring to open the show, X-Division Title around his waist. Aries grabs a mic and says that while some people love him and others love to boo him, everyone now has to respect him. Aries says he came out last week and does what he normally does: create controversy and outsmart everyone. Aries takes the X-Division Title off of his waist and says that he cashed in on “Option C” last year and won the World Title, and says he will do it once again on July 18th. Aries calls out Hulk Hogan to make his cash-in official.
“Not Quite the nWo Theme” kicks up and out comes Hulk Hogan, air guitar playing and applauding the fans. Hogan gets into the ring and Aries immediately says he’s ready to hand in the belt and make things official. Hogan takes the belt and says Aries took everything to a brand-new high and to a brand-new low. Hogan says no one in Sin City has seen a sin like the one Aries committed last week. Hogan then tells Aries he committed “gimmick infringement” and Aries says he doesn’t infringe on gimmicks, BROTHER. Hogan says that since he decides when Option C takes offense, it will happen at the end of the night. Hogan then announces the main event: Aries will defend the X-Division Title in a triple threat match. Hogan introduces his first opponent, Manic, the former Suicide. Out he comes, still wearing the Suicide ring gear but without the “Suicide” name on him. Aries asks Hogan who this “mystery man” is and tells him to back up. Hogan then announces Aries’ other opponent: Chris Sabin. Sabin makes his way out, sneer on his face and mic in hand. Hogan tells Aries he has two dark clouds coming at him in the main event. Sabin gets on the mic and says one year ago he never thought he’d step into the ring again but he never gave up and stopped fighting. Sabin calls Aries “The Greatest SCAM That Ever Lived” and says he earned the belt while Aries cheated his way to it. Sabin promises to become a six-time X-Division Champion tonight. Aries yells at Hogan as he, Manic, and Sabin leave the ring.
- THOUGHTS: That’s a main event worth getting excited for as I like all three competitors and have no reason to expect anything other than a good to great match. The segment itself set this up well, but I’m surprised that Sui…MANIC is sticking despite being unmasked and outed a week before. They didn’t even change the costume minus taking the “Suicide” name off of it. That was a bit underwhelming but overall I’m looking forward to seeing this match happen.
We go to the commentary table where Tenay is joined by Taz. Tenay hypes up the main event just announced then tells Taz that The Main Event Mafia will be on the show tonight which Taz isn’t happy about. Tenay then hypes up AJ Styles/Kazarian which happens next.
Christopher Daniels cracks his locker room door open and yells at the backstage interviewer for trying to get scoops. The mysterious interviewer asks for Frankie Kazarian and he pops up behind Daniels. Kazarian then says it doesn’t matter which AJ he gets, because he’ll beat him and then he’ll go on to win himself a belt in October. Simple as that.
-Commercial Break-
A shot of the updated Bound For Glory Series standings is shown (Magnus is in the lead with 24 points) then we go to the ring where Frankie Kazarian makes his way out with Christopher Daniels dressed as Sigfried and Roy (Daniels carrying a stuffed white tiger) for Throwback Thursday. Kazarian’s opponent, AJ Styles, makes his way out second.
- NOTE: AJ Styles didn’t come out dressed as Wayne Newton, for those of you who were wondering.
Match #1: AJ Styles Vs. Frankie Kazarian [w/ Christopher Daniels] in a BFG Series Match
Kazarian tries to attack Styles but gets caught with a right to the mush, knocking his wig off. Kazarian bails to the outside to take off the jacket and Styles hits him with a running baseball slide. Styles rolls him back in and hits a standing hurricanrana out of the corner float over. Styles chops Kazarian and whips him into the corner, following up with a flying forearm. Styles whips him into the opposite corner but misses the forearm that time and Kazarian follows up with a monkey flip. Kazarian goes into the full mount and rains down rights to the skull. Kazarian whips Styles into the ropes and connects with a dropkick for 2. Styles gets back into the match with a couple of clotheslines and a back elbow. Styles whips Kazarian into the corner and gets sent to the apron. Styles connects with a right and hits a springboard right hand for 2.
Kazarian connects with a jawbreaker and follows up with a front-facing dropkick for the 1…2…kickout. Styles ducks a clothesline but Kazarian escapes a suplex. Styles goes for the Calf Killer but Kazarian rolls him up for the 1…2…kickout. Kazarian goes back on the attack but Styles slides under and this time locks on the CALF KILLER for the submission victory.
Winner [via Submission]: AJ Styles (4:01)
- MATCH THOUGHTS: A good match to open the show and I liked the Calf Killer fake-out before Styles actually got the hold latched in. Much love to Bad Influence for the Siegfried and Roy get-up too.
TNA Knockouts Champion Mickie James asks a backstage hand if there’s a ladder set up and he assures her there is. James walks off as Tenay asks why she needs a ladder. We’ll find out next.
-Commercial Break-
Chavo Guerrero Jr. is in the locker room giving a pep talk to Hernandez. Guerrero tells Hernandez that it’s his tournament and he will be in his corner for his match tonight.
- THOUGHTS: I really hope they don’t intend to drag this out until Bound For Glory. I think we can all see where this is headed.
TNA Knockouts Champion Mickie James is in the ring, where a ladder is set up in the center. James climbs the ladder as she says to get to the top of Knockouts division you have to climb, crawl, and scratch. James says she’s the one who’s a country music artist and the one that brands want to represent their product in addition to being the Knockouts Champion. James says that even though she beat Velvet Sky with her eyes closed last week all she keeps hearing about is next week’s ladder match between Taryn Terrell and Gail Kim that will decide the next #1 contender. James tells them to break “everything” because no matter what they do, they will never be as great as her. James tells the winner of that match that she will take them from the top of the ladder to the very bottom, breaking their face on every single rung until she’s standing on top of the division.
- THOUGHTS: Good promo from Mickie James to continue building her self-obsessed heel character and her next defense of the title. All signs point to Terrell winning the ladder match and getting the title shot. What are your thoughts?
A video plays of the Gut Check judges deliberating about Ryan Howe and Adam Ohriner‘s match last week. Bruce Prichard says his mind was made up in the first few minutes and the other two judges have also reached a conclusion.
Al Snow, Bruce Prichard, & Danny Davis are backstage with Ryan Howe and Adam Ohriner. Prichard eliminates Ohriner from the competition and tells him to get out of their “O-Zone”.
- THOUGHTS: An elimination I can definitely get behind. Neither man were that impressive last week but Ohriner was definitely the weaker of the two.
The Main Event Mafia (Sting, Kurt Angle, & Samoa Joe) arrive backstage. Kurt Angle tells the camera that the 4th member will be unveiled tonight.
-Commercial Break-
Jay Bradley makes his way out for the second match of the night. The crowd doesn’t seem especially enthralled. His opponent, Hernandez, makes his way out second. Chavo Guerrero Jr. accompanies his tag team partner/friend.
Match #2: Hernandez [w/ Chavo Guerrero Jr.] Vs. Jay Bradley in a BFG Series Match
Both men lock up and Bradley applies a side headlock. Hernandez sends him into the ropes and neither man fall over when they knock shoulders. Bradley beats Hernandez down but Hernandez fights back and runs him over for 2. Bradley reapplies a side headlock and drives the thumb to the eye. Hernandez reverses a corner Irish whip but eats a back elbow. Bradley then drives Hernandez into the mat with a knee to the back Ivan Koloff-style for 2. Bradley applies a facelock to wear his opponent down. Hernandez elbows out but gets a forearm to the back of the neck for his troubles. Bradley sends Hernandez out to the ramp but eats a shoulder to the gut. Hernandez heads up the ramp, gets a running head start, and connects with Air Mexico. Hernandez continues the assault with clotheslines and a corner splash, followed by an overhead backbreaker for the 1…2…kickout. Bradley once again gets a thumb to the eye to stop the offense, followed by a backbreaker. Bradley sets up for the Boomstick but Guerrero grabs the leg from behind while the ref is distracted. Bradley himself is distracted long enough for Hernandez to run him over with a bodyblock for the 1…2…3.
Winner [via Pinfall]: Hernandez (3:10)
- MATCH THOUGHTS: A much better match than I thought it would be. Loved Bradley’s old-school thumb to the eye routine plus his use of the move that ended Bruno Sammartino’s first WWWF World Title reign. Chavo interfering to help his partner was interesting and although once again the feud seems to be obvious this is a better route to take than “Chavo attacks Hernandez because he’s super jealous”.
Bully Ray is backstage with The Aces & Eights. Ray gives Austin Aries credit for getting himself back into the championship picture. Wes Brisco interrupts and asks about Brooke being engaged to another man but Ray tells him that’s not club business, that’s personal business. D.O.C. asks Ray who he wants to win the triple threat match tonight. Mr. Anderson interjects and says Ray won’t care because he can beat all three of their asses. Ray then asks “what is nobody wins tonight?” and they laugh and cling beer bottles.
- THOUGHTS: They acknowledged Brooke’s real-life engagement? Interesting. I hope that doesn’t mean her real-life beau is going to get involved though. Good Aces & Eights segment as usual; I love their meetings.
-Commercial Break-
The BroMANS (Robbie E & Jessie Godderz) make their way out for the next match, accompanied by Godderz’s girlfriend Tara and a very saxophone-y theme song. Their opponents, the TNA World Tag Team Champions James Storm & Gunner make their way out second.
- THOUGHTS: The BroMANS are wearing matching tights so I guess this team is sticking. I’m fine with that…as long as we never get a segment again like last week’s. I’m sure we will though, unfortunately.
Match #3: *TNA World Tag Team Champions* James Storm & Gunner Vs. The BroMANS (Robbie E & Jessie Godderz) [w/ Tara]
The BroMANS attack Gunner from behind right the start and work him over in their corner. They whip Gunner into the ropes and connect with a double elbow to the gut then Robbie E takes him down with a clothesline for 2. Robbie E chokes Gunner on the second rope then distracts the ref, allowing Tara to continue choking their opponent. Robbie E connects with a right hand then tags out to Godderz. They whip Gunner into the corner, but Gunner fights out easily. Storm tags it in and takes it to The BroMANS. Storm takes Robbie E out with a lung blower then tags back into Gunner. They pick Godderz up and send him crotch-first into Robbie E. Storm throws Robbie E out of the ring and they battle as Godderz fights back against Gunner. Gunner attempts a sunset flip but Robbie E grabs Godderz to keep him from falling. Storm takes him out with a Last Call and Gunner drops Godderz with a backbreaker. Gunner picks Godderz up and Storm hits a running DDT for the 1…2…3.
Winners [via Pinfall]: James Storm & Gunner (3:04)
- MATCH THOUGHTS: A fast-paced but entertaining tag team match, but Storm and Gunner’s new tag team finisher was…underwhelming to say the least. Hopefully they work out something better.
A shot of The Main Event Mafia walking backstage is shown. They will make their way to the ring after the commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Jeff Hardy cuts a promo about Joseph Park backstage. Hardy says he senses a little bit of a dark side in Park due to his relation to old enemy Abyss. Hardy says he’s going to go in, get his points, and get out.
The Main Event Mafia Are Here
Sting and Kurt Angle make their way out to the Main Event Mafia theme. We see a shot of washed up comedian Louie Anderson in the crowd. Oof. Angle gets on the mic first and says the MEM has returned to destroy The Aces & Eights and make sure Bully Ray loses the World Title. Sting is on the mic next and says the previous MEM consists of former World Champions but this time around they’re going for a no-nonsense approach. Sting brings out newest member Samoa Joe, calling him a representative of change (what?). Joe gets on the mic and says once again the Mafia runs Las Vegas. Joe says for the past 12 months he has been a man of his own volition but has realized lately that there is strength in numbers. Joe says he went and got himself a crew, people who specialize in beating up cowards like The Aces & Eights. Joe guarantees that he will run roughshod in the BFG Series until he earns his shot at Bully Ray and chokes him out for the World Title.
Angle grabs the mic and calls Joe the baddest S.O.B. he’s ever been in the ring with. Angle says Joe came to him with an idea for the 4th member of the MEM and he thought it was a good idea. Angle introduces the 4th member out to the ring and it’s Magnus. Magnus says when opportunity knocks you answer the door and hypes up the fact he’s in the lead in the BFG Series. Magnus then puts over the other three MEM members. Magnus then says it’s not about him it’s about putting an end to The Aces & Eights for good. Sting grabs the mic and challenges The Aces & Eights to a fight on July 18th, then says they will make sure there will be a winner in the main event tonight so Bully Ray has someone to defend against.
- THOUGHTS: So with Samoa Joe vowing to win the BFG Series and their newest member in the BFG Series that means there has to be some dissension at some point right? I hope so. This segment was what it was; I don’t care about the MEM and the two new additions do nothing to sway me into wanting to see where it’s headed. It’s just white noise to me.
Jeff Hardy makes his way out for the next match. His opponent gets the introduction when we come back from commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Joseph Park makes his way out after we see another shot of the BFG Series standings.
Match #4: Jeff Hardy Vs. Joseph Park in a BFG Series Match
Hardy and Park adhere to the Code of Honor before locking up. Park uses his power to back Hardy into the corner then breaks clean. Hardy grabs a side headlock and Park whips him off intot he ropes. Park knocks Hardy to the mat with a shoulderblock. Hardy grabs another side headlock and once again whips him off but Hardy ducks a clothesline and hits a kick. Hardy follows up with a corner splash and a headscissors takeover. Hardy connects with a Twist of Fate and takes the shirt off. Hardy heads to the top but misses the SWANTON when Park rolls out of the way. Park rams Hardy into the corner and connects with a forearm to the body. Park whips Hardy into the opposite corner, the velocity sending Hardy immediately to the canvas. Park picks Hardy up and stands him in the corner. Park once again whips him hard into the corner, falling down to one knee due to the speed.
Park waits for Hardy to get up and connects with a running corner splash, following up with a rear chinlock. Hardy breaks out and goes into his legdrop/dropkick combo for the 1…2…kickout. Park escapes a Twist of Fate attempt and hits a Samoan drop. Park makes his way to the corner and climbs to the middle turnbuckle to finish him off. Park gives the thumbs up and hits the CLOSING ARGUMENT for the 1…2…KICKOUT. Park can’t believe it. Park goes for another corner splash but eats an elbow and a Whisper in the Wind. Park gets up, his mouth busted open, and he sees his own blood. Park goes into Abyss Mode and poses as such. The ref walks over and Park takes him out with a BLACK HOLE SLAM. Hardy yells at Park as he checks on the ref, knocking him back into reality. Park looks around confused as another ref calls for the bell.
Winner [via DQ]: Jeff Hardy (8:05)
- MATCH THOUGHTS: I liked the ending (DQ and all) but this match felt like it was dragging way too long. Park’s matches are never great to watch and this wasn’t an exception. I would have preferred to see the other two BFG Series matches get that time.
-Commercial Break-
Ryan Howe Faces the Gut Check
Jeremy Borash introduces the three Gut Check judges who are standing in the ring (Al Snow, Bruce Prichard, and Danny Davis). Prichard gets the boos as you would expect. Borash then introduces Ryan Howe out to the ring to face the judges. Howe comes out with the guitar but doesn’t play it, while Taz calls him “Stan Hammer”. Borash asks Howe if they saw his best effort last week and Howe says absolutely frickin’ yes they did. Snow is up first and his verdict is…NO. Borash gives Howe a chance to “kick out” via a 30 second promo. Howe says he knows he’s doing something right despite only wrestling for a few short years then says he’s young and talented. Howe says he proved he can entertain the fans in a way TNA hasn’t seen. The crowd boos his every word and chant “NO!”. Davis is up next and his answer is…YES. 1 yay, 1 nay.
It’s up to the final judge, Bruce Prichard. Prichard makes it short and sweet: if it was any other competition show he might get another chance but this is “Gut Check” so he’s staying in Vegas and the answer is NO. Borash wishes Howe the best of luck and Howe shakes hands with the three judges.
- THOUGHTS: Phew. We dodged a bullet there.
Bully Ray goes to lead The Aces & Eights to the ring to watch the main event, but D.O.C. stops him to campaign for the VP spot. Mr. Anderson interrupts him and says the vote happens next week. Ray says if they spent this time trying to defeat The Main Event Mafia instead of fighting with one another then they’d accomplish something. Ray gets them back on track then leads his crew out of their meeting area.
-Commercial Break-
The Aces & Eights theme plays, bringing out TNA World Champion Bully Ray and his gang of bikers. As they make their way out we cut to a video hyping the Terrell/Kim ladder match for next week’s show as well as a Joker’s Wild Gauntlet for 25 points in the BFG Series.
Chris Sabin makes his way out for the main event first, followed by Manik and the TNA X-Division Champion Austin Aries. Bully and The Aces are in the crowd to watch the action.
Main Event: Austin Aries (c) Vs. Manik Vs. Chris Sabin for the TNA X-Division Title
Sabin immediately puts Aries into a tree of woe and Manik connects with a dropkick to the prone X-Division champion. Sabin whips Manik into the opposite corner then dropkicks Aries himself. Aries rolls to the apron as Sabin and Manik duke it out. Sabin goes for a sunset flip but only gets 2 and Aries immediately grabs Sabin but Sabin throws him back out to the floor. Manik floats over a corner splash attempt and applies the Octopus submission before turning it into a pin for the 1…2…Aries breaks it up. Aries whips Manik into the corner but runs into a back elbow. Aries crotches Manik on the top strut then eats a running kick from Sabin. Manik flips over Sabin and catches himself in between the ropes. Sabin runs after him and Manik moves, sending him out to the floor. Manik attempts to dropkick Aries from the apron but he misses and falls out to the floor. Aries climbs to the top but gets attacked by Sabin from behind. Aries reverses a corner Irish whip then hits a second-rope dropkick to the back of the head for the 1…2…kickout. Sabin fights back and gets sent to the ramp. Aries rubs Sabin’s eyes across the top rope and hits a flying forearm. Aries goes for a Brainbuster on the ramp but Sabin reverses and hits a front-facing suplex instead. Bully Ray and company make their way to the ringside area. Manik goes for a move but Knux grabs the legs. Manik goes for a slingshot splash on D.O.C. but D.O.C. catches him and power bombs him on the floor. The Main Event Mafia then make their way out to even the odds as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Manik is being carried out of the match on a stretcher as we come back from commercial, making it a one-on-one match between Sabin and Aries. Back to the action Aries connects with a Death Valley Driver on the apron to Sabin. Aries rolls back in hoping for a countout victory. Sabin rolls back in at 9.5 and Aries immediately covers for the 1…2…kickout. Aries tries two more times with the same result. Sting is on the ring steps standing around. Aries connects with a neckbreaker on Sabin for the 1…2…kickout. Sting now stalks on the apron as Aries connects with another move and pins Sabin for the 1…2…kickout. Aries jaws at Sting then slaps Sabin in the face. Sabin slaps him back and connects with rapid-fire chops in the corner followed by a series of stomps. Sabin follows up with an enziguri followed up by the basement dropkick for the 1…2…kickout.
Sabin goes for the finish but Aries escapes and backs him up in the corner, drilling him with elbows. Aries turns around and connects with a chop. Aries goes for the running dropkick but Sabin gets the boot up clocking him in the face. Sabin misses the running dropkick and gets his surgically-repaired knee draped over the middle rope. Aries rolls out and wrenches it down, then connects with a top-rope missile dropkick. Aries follows up with the running corner dropkick and goes for the BRAINBUSTER but Sabin turns it into an inside cradle for the 1…2…kickout. Aries regroups and hits the BRAINBUSTER for real this time and covers for the 1…2…KICKOUT. Aries locks in the LAST CHANCERY as the crowd chants “This is awesome!”. Sabin grabs the ropes to get the break. Aries puts Sabin into position and heads to the top. Aries misses the 450 Splash and runs into a power bomb into a pin for the 1…2…kickout. Sabin picks Aries up and connects with HAIL SABIN for the 1…2…KICKOUT.
Sabin goes for HAIL SABIN once more but Aries rolls through and rolls him up for the 1…2…kickout. Aries follows up with a rolling forearm and both men struggle to get back up. They get to their feet and trade forearm strikes and chops. Sabin kicks Aries into the corner and hits a running elbow but Aries responds with a corner dropkick. Aries seats Sabin on the top turnbuckle and goes for a move but Sabin fights him off and connects with a second-rope HAIL SABIN for the 1…2…3!
Winner and NEW X-Division Champion [via Pinfall]: Chris Sabin (16:13)
- MATCH THOUGHTS: A decent match before Manik was taken out but once it became Aries Vs. Sabin it crossed into a whole other level. An excellent matchup with a lot of drama and great action, and most of all it put over Sabin in a very huge way. I could have done without The Aces & Eights and The Main Event Mafia being at ringside taking some of the thunder but I understand why they were there. A tremendous match to end the show and it gives Sabin one hell of a boost going into the July 18th World Title match. Can he do it and become the new champ? Probably not, but a man can dream.
POST-MATCH: Chris Sabin thanks The Main Event Mafia for keeping The Aces & Eights at bay then jaws with Bully Ray as he raises the belt. Sabin grabs a mic and tells Ray he might be looking at the new World Heavyweight Champion. Ray jaws back in audibly as we cut to a re-run of COPS.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: A middling Impact made up for by a tremendous main event that helped make Chris Sabin look like a million bucks. I had my issues with the rest of the show, the matches weren’t engaging and I personally could not care any less about the Main Event Mafia, but the final 16 or so minutes? Excellent. I’m looking forward to Bully/Sabin on the 18th. Bring it on.
When not covering Impact (almost) every Thursday for 411, Jon can be found writing about pro wrestling in 140 characters or less on Twitter or on his own site Pro Wrestling Update.
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