wrestling / TV Reports
411’s TNA IMPACT Wrestling Report 8.09.12
Championship Roll Call:
–Reminder, I do not rate matches that are under three minutes long…
-Opening video package.
-We are LIVE in Orlando!
-Sting has invited Aces & Eights to come to IMPACT and deliver their latest message in person.
-Bully Ray makes his way to the ring. HE’S ON THE #twittahmachine! Ray has Val bring him a mic and then chases her from the ring. Do you know who he is? He has his FIRE BREATHING #twittahmachine! He says that he learned from Joseph Park, he learned that if there is enough evidence, someone is guilty. He will prove that James Storm is behind Aces and Eights. He will beat Storm tonight and then win at Bound For Glory, and earn his points for the BFG Series. He says that Storm is behind Aces and Eights, he has all the facts.
James Storm makes his way out to the ring now. Storm tells him to shut the hell up, because Ray is boring the people. Ray has no facts, and he is sick and tired at people accusing him and not taking him for his word. He will tell him like he told everyone else. He has nothing to do with the attacks. He is worried about winning the BFG Series so he can win back his title. And now, now Ray has pissed off Storm. He will tell him what he will do, if two guys have an issue, you draw a line, and if the guy crosses, you kick the crap out of each other. He draws a line, and dares Ray to cross it. Ray dares him to start counting, and he does. Ray backs off and bails to the apron. Storm says the line is there, and if no one believes him, they can come out.
We hear a mysterious message from Aces and Eights. They say they have an invitation from Sting to come there tonight. The mystery man with the Black Scorpion voice says they will arrive on their time. Ray accuses Storm of being in league with them and we head to a commercial.
-We get a recap of the opening segment.
-Pope says that the BFG Series has not gone his way, but at Hardcore Justice, he has a chance at 20 points to get back into the game. If he gets to the final four, the title will belong to him.
-Mr. Anderson joins the commentary team.
Lock up, off the ropes and RVD eats a shoulder block from Magnus. Magnus then clotheslines RVD to the floor. Magnus to the floor, lays the boots to RVD and then slams him to the apron. Back in the ring and Magnus covers for 2. Magnus catches a cross body try and turns it into a suplex, and covers for 2. Rights by RVD, to the corner and a kick by RVD. Springboard dropkick by RVD connects. Rights by RVD, knee by Magnus and catches a kick, but the scissors hold by RVD gets a pinning combo for 2. Side kick by RVD, charges, but then eats a clothesline by Magnus. He covers for 2. RVD fights back with a kick, up top and frog splash connects. That is all.
OFFICIAL RESULT: RVD @ 4:00 via pin
-Bobby Roode discusses his contract signing tonight with Austin Aries. Roode says that there is language in the contract that he and his lawyers are not happy with. He may just stick the contract up Aries’ ass. Let the games begin.
-We see clips from Claire Lynch’s baby shower from last week.
Kaz and Devon to begin. Lock up and off the ropes, back spinning elbow by Devon. Tag to Garett, arm drag and then a slam to Kaz. Elbow drop and a cover gets 2. Jaw breaker by Kaz, tag to Daniels and into a hip toss by Garett. Slam and a cover for 2. Tag to Devon, slam to Daniels and then a leg drop connects. That gets 2. Tag to Garett, double hip toss to Daniels, and then an atomic drop by Garett. Kaz distracts Garett, STO by Daniels. Tag to Kaz now, works over Garett and then tags Daniels in. Back elbow and then drives Garett to the mat. He covers and gets 2. Daniels slams Garett to the corner, lays the boots to him and then the champions try to double team, Garett fights back and rolls for a tag. Devon is the old house of fire, neck breaker and then a clothesline takes the champs down. Devon covers Kaz for 2, as Daniels failed to hit Devon and then hit Kaz. SPEAR by Devon connects to Kaz. Daniels in with the title belt, Garett tossed to the floor. Spinebuster by Devon on Daniels, but Kaz is legal and nails Devon with the tag title belt, and that is all.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Kazarian and Daniels @ 4:00 via pin
-We see clips from Sting’s meeting with Brooke Hogan from last week.
-Sting says he promised to take care of Brooke as best as he can, so he says that she is not here tonight for her safety. Sting is here, and he calls out Aces and Eights.
-We get a video package for Sunday’s Hardcore Justice PPV.
-Robbie E & T are in the ring. Robbie E says that no one thinks he has a chance at winning the BFG Series. Newsflash, he has 5 points bro. And Sunday at Hardcore Justice, he will win 20 points, and then he will be on his way to Bound for Glory. He plans to put Jeff hardy through the table to do so. He won his 5 points off of Hardy, as we see a replay of his count out victory. He will list reasons why hardy is not on his level. He wears sweaters, and Hardy wears wife beaters. This draws out Hardy. Robbie E invites him to the party, and says he beat him for 5 points repeatedly. Robbie E continues to mock Hardy, and he hits the ring and tosses Robbie T to the floor. Robbie E begs off now, and Hardy fist bumps and lays out Robbie E. He goes to put him through the table and Robbie T is back in and they beat down Hardy. Robbie T picks up hardy and powerbombs him through the table. Robbie E goes insane celebrating.
-AJ is asked about the Claire situation, and AJ says he has been thinking about it. He says he doesn’t drink, so you would think that he would remember having sex with her. Anyway, he says he is jet lagged and has to focus on the match with Angle.
-Tenay and Taz hype Hardcore Justice. Samoa Joe says everyone comes out and says what they will do in the BFG Series, but he never gets the chance. Sunday, you will see him beat down AJ, Angle and Daniels. He was rather angry there.
-Claire Lynch is in the crowd, saying, “YEAH BABY” as AJ makes his way to the ring.
Lock up to begin, AJ looks to work the arm. Off the ropes and AJ tattoos Angle with a sweet dropkick. Springboard cross body by AJ hits Angle on the top of the head, looks as if that sucked. We head to a commercial @ 1:00.
We are back from a commercial @ 4:00, as Angle slams AJ to the corner. AJ fires back and then runs into an overhead belly to belly suplex. Snap mare by Angle, and he works a chinlock. AJ fights to his feet, escapes and delivers chops to Angle. To the corner, AJ sidesteps Angle, but ends up running into a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Angle covers for 2. We see Claire chanting for AJ, that’s love kids. Angle working the chinlock, AJ to his feet and escapes. Rights follow, chops, off the ropes and they clothesline each other. BOTH men are down as the referee counts. To their feet, clotheslines and a back kick by AJ. DVD into a neck breaker by AJ, and that gets a close 2. AJ to the apron, springboard, misses and a German by Angle! Angle hangs on and gets the second, still holding on and goes for and gets the third. Angle yells for AJ to get up, calling him a bitch, AJ counters the Angle slam with a PELE and covers for 2. Clash try by AJ, countered and Angle gets the Angle slam and covers for 2. STRAPS ARE DOWN! Ankle lock by Angle, AJ counters and escapes, German by AJ! Rolls, and hangs on for a second, but Angle snags the ankle and gets the ankle lock again. AJ almost gets the ropes, but then rolls out sending Angle to the corner. AJ sent to the apron, rights to Angle, Springboard superman forearm by AJ connects! Styles Clash connects, and that gets a REALLY close 2! AJ heads up top, but Angle runs up and gets the overhead belly to belly, and that gets a close 2! Angle works to his feet, and heads up top. MOONSAULT MISSES~! AJ now heads to the apron, springboard 450 EATS KNEES! Angle slam connects! 1…2…3!
OFFICIAL RESULT: Kurt Angle @ 13:00 via pin
RATING: ***¼
-AJ struggles to his feet and leaves the ring. Claire tells his he did a good job and did his best. AJ blows her off. Come on man, you have to be better than that to the mother of your child.
-We get a new video from Aces and Eights. They say that they have sent messages and have been given the dead man’s hand. The next target is close, and tonight, you will see who gets the dead man’s hand.
-Anderson goes to Storm and says his boys are really funny, discussing Aces and Eights. Anderson says every time they do something it seems to help Storm. Storm denies being involved. Anderson says if it isn’t Storm, that is fine, but if their next victim happens to be him, they will have a very different discussion.
-Austin Aries is on the phone discussing the contract that Roode is refusing. Aries says that he doesn’t deal with this stuff, and he has nothing to do with it. Tonight they will handle it like men so that there is a main event on Sunday.
Kim attacks at the bell and they spill to the floor. A short brawl, back in and Kim hits the stun gun. To the corner, and Kim catches Tessmacher and gets a gut buster, and that gets a cover for 2. Corner splash by Kim, and then stand son the chest of Tessmacher. Kim lays the boots to Tessmacher, missing the first, but then delivers European uppercuts. Off the ropes, Tessmacher back with a flying forearm. Rights to Kim follow, Kim back with the knee to the gut and then applies a body scissors. Tessmacher escapes, but Kim back with another gut buster and remains in control. Tessmacher back with rights, and a clothesline follows. Dropkick by Tessmacher connects, off the ropes and to the corner, and Tessmacher with a springboard clothesline. Running ass ram to Kim and then she basically stink faces Kim. Tessmacher then gets the facebuster deal she does for the pin. It has no name.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Miss Tessmacher @ 4:00 via pin
-And now for something fun…
-Madison Rayne makes her way out to the ring. She is here to see her boyfriend Earl, who was the ref for the match. She stares down with Tessmacher, and then gives Earl a big sloppy kiss. Yup.
-Joseph Park is backstage, and says people have been asking him about the big contract signing. It reminds him of a case he did in 2003, a shining moment. But this is the thing he tried to warn Sting about last week. This thing could be intense. He then runs off to see a client.
-We see Kenny King pinning Zema Ion in last week’s tag team match, which got King a title shot. We then get a video package for Kenny King, discussing his big gamble he took coming to TNA.
-Time for the big contract signing. Sting, minus his face paint, is out to officiate the contract signing. Sting calls Roode and Aries to the ring so that they can make things official. Aries sits and chills, while Roode refuses. Sting says they need to sign the contract, and Roode says that the contract is his problem. In the contract, it says that if Roode loses on Sunday, that he doesn’t get another title shot as long as Aries is the champion. Roode says he refuses to sign, because Sting has always had issues with him. Sting has always tried to one up him, even to this day, even after Aries’ fluke victory. Roode says the games are over, and says unless the contract changes, he won’t sign and there will be no main event Sunday. Aries says enough bitching and moaning. Aries then says Roode may like some cheese with his wine. For a man that is so convinced that Aries won via fluke, Roode is very concerned about a rematch clause. Aries says he won’t give him any more reasons to bitch, and they can make a verbal agreement. Aries says when he beats Roode on Sunday, Roode will not get a rematch against him. But if Roode wins, Aries will wave his rematch clause. So this will be the last time for the title on Sunday, that is his deal. Sting asks if that is the deal, and says to shake on it. Roode shakes with Sting, as does Aries. They have a deal. Roode says in three days, the title comes home. They tease a brawl, Roode then offers to shake. He agrees and then Roode tosses water in Aries’s face. Roode bails as Sting holds Aries back.
-Bully Ray vs. James Storm is next.
-Chavo Guerrero says he is here to be the best and face the best. Gunner and Kash says that they have a PPV match, and we also see video highlights of Chavo’s debut match.
And here we go with the main event. Ray asks were Aces and Eights are, and then backs off. Back in, lock up and Ray works the arm. Storm counters, clubbing shots by Ray and then a clothesline by Storm. Big boot by Ray, and Storm crawls to a corner. Ray tosses him to the floor, and we head to a commercial @ 1:00.
We are back from a commercial @ 5:00, with Ray missing an elbow drop. Rights by Storm, but Ray slams him to the mat. Ray working a knee bar, looking for the extra submission points. Storm counters with a knee bar of his own, Ray fights and gets the ropes. Clothesline by Ray gets 2. Clubbing shots to the chest by Ray, rights to the head follow. Ray just beating Storm down here, off the ropes and MISSES the big splash. Storm to his feet, rights to Ray. Boot, face buster and then a big backdrop. Corner charge, Storm to the apron and an enziguri to Ray. Back in the ring and runs into a Uranage for 2 by Ray. Bully bomb countered, boot by Storm and then up top. Cross body connects and that gets 2. Storm back up top, but Ray crotches him. Chops by Ray, he follows Storm up, knocked off and Storm MISSES the top rope elbow drop. BULLY BOMB connects, and that gets a close 2. Ray to the second rope, MISSES the back splash! Storm up, lung blower to Ray. Storm now sets, last call superkick almost hits the ref as Ray pulled him in front. Roll up by Storm for 2. BULLY CUTTER gets the win for Ray!
OFFICIAL RESULT: Bully Ray @ 11:00 via pin
-Ray yells at Storm and asks where Aces and Eights are. Ray begs him to send for them, and we hear the guys from Aces and Eights on the video screen. They say that Bully will see a lot more of them on Sunday. Ray asks Storm if “his boys” are coming for him…
-End scene….
* James Storm – 66 points
* Samoa Joe – 54 points
* Kurt Angle – 48 points
* Mr. Anderson – 40 points
* Jeff Hardy – 35 points
* Rob Van Dam – 35 points
* Daniels – 33 points
* Bully Ray – 28 points
* Magnus – 21 points
* A.J. Styles – 16 points
* The Pope – 7 points
* Robbie E. – 5 points
* Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez vs. Gunner and Kid Kash
* Bound for Glory Series Falls Count Anywhere Match: Rob Van Dam vs. Magnus vs. Mr. Anderson vs. the Pope
* Bound for Glory Series Tables Match: Bully Ray vs. James Storm vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Robbie E
* Bound for Glory Series Ladder Match: AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe
* TNA Women’s Title Match: Brooke Tessmacher © vs. Madison Rayne
* X-Division Title Match: Zema Ion © vs. Kenny King
* TNA World Title Match: Austin Aries © vs. Bobby Roode
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TNA Conference Call With Brooke Tessmacher Discussing Her Career, Winning the Knockouts Title, Hardcore Justice, More
TNA Knockouts Champion Brooke Tessmacher was the guest on today’s TNA conference call. During the call, she discussed her time in WWE, the big differences between here careers in WWE and then TNA, her emotional title victory, working live events, progressing as a performer, her twin sister (any why she is not in wrestling) Sunday’s Hardcore Justice PPV, going to the UK for the first time and more. . You can check out the show at this link, or via the player below…